Rick Rubin Shares His Secrets for Creativity

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if you want to live in a creative way which will benefit everything in your life be a better person in your family be a better uh if you're starting a new business do a better job of starting a new business it'll it's all the same you know I don't really know anything about music it's it's more a way of looking at the world and wanting it to be the best it could possibly be and doing whatever it takes to be the best it could possibly be and being true to knowing that no one else knows you know I I'm not saying I know but that everyone's idea is as valuable as mine you know we're all we're all creators from the beginning I never thought any of the things that I'm doing were possible or uh realistic and I just did things out of the love of them thinking I would have real jobs and you know like I the thing that that my passion would be my hobby and I'd have a job to support my hobby yeah and it just magically turned out different than that without me knowing it was possible the Stars line up at certain times for certain things to happen and they happen and sometimes you can make something great and it doesn't connect for whatever reason I found this out for making a lot of stuff like yeah sometimes you make two things that you think are the two best things you've ever made and one of them connects with the world one of them doesn't and it might not have anything to do with what's in the art it might have to do with oh it came out the same day as this other thing came out and that got in the way or there was a bigger story at the time where there was some other who knows who or or or it's not the um it's not in the cards for that person to have that success it's like there's so much to it that we don't understand yeah all we can do is make something good and put it out and hope for the best and that's that's all there is you we never know why things why does something work even if you make a piece of art you might and it works you may not know why it's like there are a lot of talented people who never make it because they don't have the work ethic to make it so it's not just Talent like talent's a piece yeah and and you could argue for some people the work ethic trumps the talent you know having worked with a lot of bands I see that there's often this friction where and I'm I'm sure you've seen it in uh in a writing room for comedy where people are trying to get their idea in yeah that's not a collaboration no that's a that's it that's um it's something else a real collaboration is when everyone who's there is working together towards whatever is the best thing for the whole thing yeah and whether it's your ID or someone else's idea it doesn't matter and if you're invested in the collaboration you want the best idea to win you don't want your idea to win right what makes it great is the personal yeah with all of its imperfections with all of its quirkiness that's what makes it great the you know your how you see the world that's different from how everyone else sees the world that's why you're an artist that's your purpose in sharing your work with the world and that seems to be the case with everything with literature it's definitely the case with stand-up comedy everything we experience that in stand-up comedy where there's these kind of derivative voices where they're kind of like finding what they think other people want to hear and they start saying it because they've heard other people say similar things that are now successful and even if they and even if they have some sort of a short-term success doing that it's not revolutionary it doesn't change the world it doesn't last you know it's a it can be a momentary thing but it's never the thing the it's the people who you first see and you might not like that you come to like because you don't understand them at first those are the ones that change the world those are the ones that you you know you dedicate your fandom to for life you can't second guess your own taste for what someone else is going to like won't be good right you know we're not we're not smart enough to know what someone else is going to like you know to make something well I don't really like it but I think this group of people like it it's a it's a bad way to play the game of music or art you have to do what's personal to you take it as far as you could go really push the boundaries and um people people will will resonate with it if they're supposed to resonate with it it's we really are talking about magic we're talking about conspir like the universe conspiring on our behalf if we let it and to be in this flow of catching these waves that anyone can catch if you're trying to catch it you're open to it you see it coming you you take off on every chance you get and sometimes the ride happens and it's remarkable it's remarkable how it happens and it doesn't come from it's not preconceived it's not an idea it's it's through the doing these uh these things that want to be that the Universe wants to happen now comes through us and if if we don't do it maybe someone else will do it have you ever had that experience where you have an idea for something and you don't do it and then six months later you see that someone else has done it it's not because they took your idea it's that it's time for that and you can act on it or not and if you see and the artist the best artists are the ones who have the best antenna for this material that's available it's coming through the best comedians see the best jokes they see them coming we all live in the same world the way you see it you have the best joke because you see it best and one of the reasons you can I I believe that you can see it best is because you don't believe what the structure around you assumes to be the case so much of it has to do with humor like um when it's good it makes you laugh even if it's not funny you know like the the the um the surprise nature of things when you when you hear the unexpected you laugh and it feels good it's a good feeling because what collaborating is about is we're always collaborating at all times with the universe that's that's how how it works like we're taking in information we're vibing on it in the past when someone recommends something to me it sounded like it wasn't for me it's like okay now if more than one person recommends something to me that sounds bad I always check it out because it's like the universe wants me to know about this the way it tells me is a couple of people came up and said why don't you check this out that's if we listen to what's going on around us you can overhear a conversation in a coffee shop and it is the setup for an idea that you're talking about the right way to say a particular joke that you're working on you hear a phrase It's not a phrase you commonly use you hear someone else say it my experience is when you are open and looking for these clues in the world their happening all the time and they're happening often right when you need them
Channel: Glo
Views: 1,365,978
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Id: 36L9cYkHyZM
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Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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