Childish Gambino - How To Find Yourself

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that's the thing we're fighting for what i'm fighting for right now and not just i'm not doing this in music this is not about rap i'm an artist this is about life i'm trying to be real because the internet isn't real there's so much [ __ ] that happens online and people perceive it and it's packaged is real but nothing's real anymore i think most people are afraid they're afraid to do like i'm not saying everybody's an artist or creative but everybody has something that they they find joy in figuring it out or like they find joy in the way they do it but people gotta eat you know it's scary to do that so you it's harder to distinguish like really what makes you you like you try and do that online you know with like pictures and like what you your facebook and stuff like that but it's really hard to distinguish really like when you're trying to get a job it's like why why are you special and it's like and you're trying so hard to like show that you're special for something you really don't even really want to do but you have to eat life is just like learning about how to let go about stuff because like you really can't enjoy things with what they are while you're in it like as soon as you're in high school once you're like oh i get high school you're out of high school you're like once you're like in your 20s you're like oh i get it i know you're done it's all about the experience we're all alone in the end so it's good wow it's that's the way it has to be really yeah i think so like but that's okay you're alone in the beginning too and that's the thing is like we live in a time right now where it's not okay to say the truth and then learn you were wrong later i get a lot of flack from people just feel like oh like you like it's like some of your lyrics are like misogynistic and stuff like that and i'm like yeah like i think like with rap like like with rap people always feel like that's exactly how you feel all the time yeah it's just like no like sometimes girls like sometimes people like are racist and they're not racist people like they're just like they sometimes you are racist like i'm racist sometimes like it's okay like as long as you know that like that's not the way you're supposed to feel all the time it's like i don't want to be the black dude you want me to be like i want to be me all the time like yes if somebody tests me if i gotta get in a fight i'm still a [ __ ] from atlanta i will test you back like i don't give a [ __ ] but at the end of the day it's like come on dog like i just want to live i feel like i'm clear i write my i write best in the morning i wrote 3005 in the morning really good all the good songs i feel like all the songs where i'm like i don't even come up with that we're just like probably like remnants from dreams or something why do you think is it because because you told me that you because you're closer to not being like i don't know like not feeling the pressure of everything i feel like i feel like when you first wake up like you're still close to like who you really are i don't think it's good unless it's fun like i think people always say like oh you go from job to job or like you do a bunch of stuff but i was i'm just following the fun whatever feels good and feels like an interesting thing at the time i'm gonna go with that because that's the only thing we have at the end like our aesthetics like everything else is being shut shuffled off like the internet you can buy an aesthetic if you want so the more personal something is the more specific it is it becomes realer it'll feel more real and more honest and it's more interesting i think to people now people always like is that you or not i'm like it came from me so it's definitely personal it's a very personal album um but you know everybody has a character who they are i mean who you are online is not really who you are it's like you're you're three-dimensional everybody is but i think people are slowly realizing how much they can do as one person now like you can do a bunch more like the internet has made that possible so yeah i believe that are you a fan of the net actually of the internet yeah yeah it's my favorite place i don't think there's a lot of people in my position like they gave me a show like they wouldn't give a rapper show they wouldn't give asap a show like they like i like i i don't want to be a rapper i think the rap like when when kanye talks about like the glass ceiling being there i'm like i can't do anything because they see me as a rapper like that's my that's my super powers that people don't see it was supposed to have a show on hbo mm-hmm who kanye remember they were showing hbo but did it happen freedom is something that like it's so great when you feel it like i felt it i feel it on stage like when i'm on stage like i really do like that's why i can dance and no one can tell me like you look crazy because i'm like i don't care i'm so i don't even hardly remember when i'm on stage most of the time because it's like freedom and like once you get a taste of it i'll be understanding i'll be like i get why white people do what they do i like that like i like being that free like i want to be me all the time like yes if somebody tests me if i gotta get in a fight i'm still a [ __ ] from atlanta i will test you back like i don't give a [ __ ] but at the end of the day it's like come on dog like i just wanna live like i don't wanna i don't want people to see me as damon dash damon dash is amazing that dude is exceptional but people are like scary black dude even though he's he's like one of the best business dudes ever kanye jay-z like all this stuff no he's but he's scary but he scares people and that's the thing is like he's not like he can't because like jay-z is like so like smooth and he can talk even though people are scared but he's still like um cultured and cool and he gives off that even though they're both very like they can vote they're both exceptional but i don't want people to see me that way i don't want i i need to like i have to stay down that's why that's why most rappers have a crew so they don't have to deal with that that's what i want i want people i want real in person like those like it's the it's the real like is that what the name of those guys are yeah yeah like it's the real like i'm like cool with them but then they talk [ __ ] about me online and i'm just like dog like i didn't even want to do that and if you know i don't like the interviews like you know i don't don't test me like don't push me don't don't do why are you doing that because they feel like comfortable because i get it i'm wearing a grandma sweater but i'm still a black male i still have to wear this grandma's sweater when i go see my grandma in the bronx who lives in a shitty neighborhood who my cousin just got stabbed in the neck and shot twice hustling around there and like i gotta go see him that's the thing i'm still me everywhere i just want to live my life i want to take my family to kauai all the time and live easy but those are things like people feel like oh this is real if you do that it's like no most real is people trying to just do things better that's most of real like me i just i'm trying to do better i don't feel like a lot of people do that anymore people and people like a lot of stuff is hype happy everything yeah because if you're suicidal and you post your true thoughts on facebook or twitter people like yeah kill yourself yeah yeah you feel like that's a that's a place where you're vulnerable and charlemagne would be number one with that i wouldn't do that here's why i like you a lot because you're honest you're honest unless it messes up messes up your money like really like and like i really respect no you gotta know how to play the game you gotta know how to play the game like you say you say what's on your mind and like i'm like i don't i'm not worried about what people think i mean like it affects me i'm like definitely self-conscious i'm probably the most self-conscious person i know definitely the most self-conscious like quote rapper even though i don't i'm not a rapper but i i'm just gonna be honest from that one i'm tired of it [Music] you
Channel: Art Support
Views: 437,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: childish gambino, donald glover, Art Support, childish gambino motivation, Childish Gambino inspiration, childish gambino interview, childish gambino being real, Childish Gambino - Advice on How to To Stay True To Yourself, Childish Gambino - Advice on How to To Find Yourself
Id: 9m9mjldA1Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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