Tyler Perry And Juanita Bynum interview And Celebration Of Christmas Back In The Day!

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[Music] my next guest really need not to be introduced anybody that has been to his plays anything that they've seen that he's done where madhya is concerned you automatically know that this man is gifted from god the bible says amen we always look to be ministered to through spooky and spiritual things but the bible also tells us that laughter does good like a medicine and i'm so happy and so overwhelmed to welcome for the first time to the tbn network of the tbn family please put your hands together and help me welcome mr tyler perry hope that's right that's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tyler i don't even know where to begin but we're gonna we're gonna have a fireside chat and that's right you just heard it right here he specifically wrote a christmas play for tbn so at the top of the hour the second half of the program he even gave me a little part in the play so you're going to be tremendously blessed so call a neighbor call a friend and tell them the second half of the program my dear we're going to have christmas with madiya amen mr perry i dare not just call you tyler the first thing that i want to to um really expose the tbn network is that what god has really gifted you to do and what he has blessed you to do and all that you have accomplished i mean you you're not one that really need to come on tbn to to just kind of get your thing off the ground because everywhere you go there are packed out auditoriums oversold things people have to wait to the next night and there are always thousands of people still wanting you to stay another week no night is a half night every night is a packed out house everywhere you go but what i want to bring to somebody that's watching tonight who's going through a transition during this christmas season this has not always been like this for you no not at all i want you to talk about the times when people don't believe looking at you now um with what god has prospered you with and how he's blessed you that you will once a homeless man yeah why don't you tell us about that i i you know i there's something to be said about following god when when i was doing um in my first show was i know i've been changing i know god gave me this word so i moved from new orleans to atlanta moved in to this little apartment and saved some money and rented a theater and i thought i would see 1200 people coming to see the show it ended up being 30 people who came so i had the rent money and everything and the car payments everything tied up into that but what happened was god wow listen listen you had 30 people to come to something that you expected 1200 so then you went in a hole completely in a hole couldn't pay the rent couldn't pay the car payment couldn't pay anything and and and when you follow god and god leads you into something it was a strangest thing because i couldn't understand what was happening at the time i would i would do the play nobody would show up i'd go get another job and start all over again and i would do the play again and i'll go to my boss and i'd say you know i need this time off it's like no we can't give you any time off to go do a play so either you work or you leave the job and god said i would i remember going back to my desk y'all got to excuse me because i'm i've been yeah i've been from radio shows to oprah and i ain't been able to tell it like i feel it down in my soul so that's that's what i wanted that's what i want to tell you yeah yeah yeah so i i i went back to my desk and i sat there for a minute i think now god i know you told me to do this so you provide make the way i'm going to walk out of here i got up went out went did the show same thing happened hurricane came through 300 people in the audience couldn't pay the cash everybody's angry they're upset and i go to god and i say god what's going on couldn't hear anything from him he would not say one word to me this happened over and over and over again up until 1998 by then i had had it i told god i said i'm not doing it no more i'm not going to do another play you you you bring me out there and then you don't say a word to me so uh the house of blues the house of blues in atlanta asked me to do a play i was like no i'm not going to do it but then a few friends caught and say no you should do it so go over and i do it and they had this church they had put folk art all over this church they had turned it into the house of blues i said i'm not performing in here so i left came back the next day everything was gone wow yeah yeah this is this is this is part of the miracle i didn't know it at the time i'm still murmuring and complaining i did the show um well let me back up for just a minute we were in rehearsals for the show the heat went out in the building it was a cold night in atlanta like tonight and we uh we sat and we sat there we were rehearsing and i didn't know what was going on i didn't know if anybody was buying any tickets i didn't know any any of that and i sat in the dressing room the night of the show and i said god you know what i've had enough this i was 28 at the time and i said i can't go on living like this you i know you told me to do this i know you keep bringing me out here but i don't hear from you when i get in these situations when i can't pay the rent when i can't pay the bills when i got friends and family i'm calling them for 20 30 so that i can eat when i'm depending on the kindness of strangers to buy cookies for me to eat that's that's that's that's when you know but but i knew god was telling when god is telling you something and you know it in your spirit yes it doesn't matter what mama says what daddy says but anybody you walk into what god is telling you so what i did was i said okay i'm not doing it no more god and i heard a still small voice say to me i am god i tell you when it's over you don't tell me when it's over the tears the tears begin to roll down my face and i thought about it i said now god i i i why didn't i hear from you during that time you you bring me out here he said i had to prove you because i'm gonna bring you into some places and i'm gonna bring you around some people where i need to know that you would not be ashamed to call the name jesus so so i'm sitting there crying and he's ministering to me and i get up and he says look out the window i looked out of the window there was a line around the corner trying to get in the place in the cold it was so amazing that only god could have done it so from that point on we have been sold out everywhere we've gone it's been crowd after crowd and and i know and now i see why the proving and now i see why god had to shut up heaven and just be quiet to make sure that because i've had offers come to me they pay you millions of dollars to do this or millions of dollars to do a television show i was sitting in a room i remember i remember being in a major television network i was sitting there with them and they wanted me to do the sitcom and i'm sitting around this table with a bunch of people that probably didn't know god and and don't look like me can i just be real and they said well we're gonna we're gonna write this show for you and we're to write this and we're going to do this and i thought no no no i've got a specific way that i'm going to do this and uh well i want to say jesus right here and they told me they clearly said to me you cannot say jesus on this network wow said it to me i said if my god is not invited i ain't either so i'm leaving me but but let me but let me let me tell you let me tell you about let me tell you about following god when you put god when you put him first and you trust him in everything when you trust him through being homeless when you trust him when everybody there's something about the power of praise when you can say thank you for everything yeah no matter what's it nobody i know it's christmas time no matter what situation you're in no matter what you're going through i've had to come through so much just to be able to sit in this seat and i thank god for it a lot of people look at it that's right a lot of people criticize it and a lot of people want a part of it but they don't want to sit in the seat that's right yes yes yes yes they're going to rain but they don't want to suffer that's the truth that's the truth and to and to be here at this point now looking at i i remember when you're going through i dare anybody i don't care what you're going through whatever it is i dare you whatever situation no matter how sad or dark you think it is for you just to say you know what god i praise you yeah i i don't understand it i don't know why it's happening but i'm going to thank you anyway wow and when all hell starts breaking loose in your life that's the time to praise god yes but yes yes because you you have just walked into something amazing you you have just that when the devil is really trying to get at you and stop you from what god has that's the time to praise him if you want to be close to him praise him that's right i'm going to let you talk cause i you let me let me tell you something [Applause] and for god to put you in the situation he said i had to prove you and then i'm going to bless you with so much so many blessings and and not just not just money he he'll do that but he'll bless you with so much that when you stand you can say i know you're offering me this but i don't need it that's it the cattle on a thousand hills belong to the lord that's right that's right that's right so before i could leave there hollywood i had my first movie deal i said no i just been through this y'all want to tell me how to do it and you won't tell me i can't use no thank you phone rings again it's like we'll let you do whatever you want to do yeah yeah you the thing that i want to commend you about the thing that i want to commend you about is that so many christians feel like they have to sell out yeah in order to cross over and i can appreciate you for allowing the lord to cross you over without selling out because i am i i went to um i had the opportunity the awesome opportunity and i didn't know at the time it was going to be as awesome as it was but i'm like a little auntie mama now i'm i'm raising my my 13 year old niece and um hi keita you know she just and um keita was like he will never go nowhere all we do is go to church you you just do you do anything with us go to church and so i was like okay so when i i heard that one of your plays was coming to town as you know when they got the tickets i said all right and i'm telling you you don't know what a press it was for me to come off the rope and preach it and then you know and i'm not jealous of any mamas in here tonight and nationwide when you have to come home from work and then change your clothes and then put your mind in the back and then you got to act like you're going to really enjoy it and so you know you you all got us tickets and we came to see the play and i have meet the browns i have never in my life but in the public place where i hit the floor three times laughing yeah yeah i mean i was at one point i think i turned around to you and said i'm gonna be sick i'm gonna really be sick i'm really good i have not laughed that hard and i don't know when and i was like this is amazing because you the bible said he that went souls is wise and something that you do that is so profound for this hour and for this era we we have to realize that when the when the times begin to change we have to begin to change with the times not change our god no no but change our method yeah yeah yeah the bible says and god will walk you into that yes he will god when i when you know people think about media they look at the laughter and all the funny and the jokes and all the other stuff but there's a line that runs all the way through it which is god and forgiveness and power and the truth because you've dealt with some delicate situations you've dealt with the molestation you've dealt with divorce you've dealt with families breaking up you know you you've dealt with mothers rejecting their children you've dealt with divorce you've dealt with death you've dealt with people marrying the wrong person and in all of your plays that i've seen you know by dvd or you know however you know came to see all of what you're talking about though it's comical it is a refreshing way because a lot of people will never go to anybody's church but they will come to your place and hear truth come on somebody yeah yeah and everybody that's going to come to jesus is not going to come to jesus through it through a tabernacle or temple because god sets up a tabernacle in the wilderness and i believe that's what your place is before anything can grow in the wilderness somebody's got to plant the seed that's right yeah the bible says some water some planted but god bring the increase that's it so in the midst of all of what you've been doing i need to ask you this where did the character of my dear come from because she is a straight man [Applause] madea is my mother my mother's gonna kill him but she's she's a cross between my mother and my my aunt i remember i got another uh on in texas i remember being in texas with david and tam you placed brown and we were on stage and my aunt she never she never buys tickets to the show she just shows up look here i'm i'm here i'm i'm his art y'all got to let me in here [Applause] so so i didn't i didn't know she was there so she comes down she comes down says hey she starts rubbing across the the front of the pit like this so that i can know that she's there during the show yeah she's she's pretty funny you know they carry their pistols they smoke they don't care but you know what i found you know and that's medea but you know what i found about about christianity is what i found out about this is we are we are living as christians but when we walk into situations we're not around a bunch of saved people that's right so so we have to be some sort of example for them that's right so i write from i don't write from a point of view of medea what i write from is the point of view of the situation right and then what happens if you got saved people and unsaved and you got all of these people coming together what happens so that's that's that's the place that i write from and that's where she comes from now now meet the bronze and this is what i want to also commend you about i guess she said i just got a whole lot of accommodations whatever but but i love you because you're not selfish no because when you you were doing the madiya plays yeah and then i remember you telling me some time ago you wanted to take a break and then the browns is dave manz and tammy tamley man and you were partaker of writing that and putting that together and really helping to to to push the browns for a season and and i think that's awesome because sometimes you know when people do things like that you know if they ain't all that then they don't want to help nobody else get anywhere and i can appreciate you for come on y'all because it's really an extension of your talent and it's it it's almost like um [Applause] the the browns is really an extended family you know of medeas and it can go on and on and on and it's like it's like awesome can you tell me how all of that came i i would hear we would be on stage and i would hear the applause every time brown will come out there'll be all this applause and all this laughter because and i realized that's like people really love this guy and he and his wife if they had not been he and tamil if they had not been the people that they are because i've worked with a lot of people out i don't want to call again i know that's horrible the same but it's not true because you you know you you i'm a giver from my heart i've always have been and i try to help people and when you reach out to people and and they they throw it back at you and you get your face or something else yeah but these these two people are they've been married 16 years they are a wonderful example of what a couple should be i've worked with them for six years and i've seen nothing but god in them oh my god so it could not it could not have it could not have been done for better people it could not have happened to better people so i wanted to write something i was going to go away and take a break and do but then i thought it would be selfish because you know i've got my band and you know my mike frazier was my musical director going to hear his story yeah we're going to meet yeah there i have all of these people that have been working for me all this time faithfully wow so i didn't want to just leave them all out and say i'm going to do my things right so i wrote this show and and he took it and ran with it he wow he took it and ran with it so hard that i i i'm a little worried about my new show so i got to come up with something you ain't got to be worried because i'm telling you you my dear got it and and and it is i mean she shall forever live on she shall forever live on now i want i want to talk about too that and and i have to admit somebody give me forty dollars over there somebody got forty dollars maybe for something bring me forty dollars because you know i i walked into this establishment and i'm just gonna be honest that i didn't know it was bootleg tapes i i really didn't i'm slow [Applause] and and they were selling your tape [Laughter] i've got to thank [Applause] my sister said to me my sister said to me you you bought a boo that i said that was what she said needle where you been yeah yeah but i tell you this when i got the tape home it was all cloudy i couldn't really hear the sound and my sound was turned all the way up and i didn't even finish watching i i snatched it at the thing and said you know what i'm not going to do this to tyler perry i'm not going to be no bootlegging hustling i'm going to be honest and get this man his money for his taste because i i'm telling you and and i know that there's a lot of that going along because because they even do it to my preaching teams and i i mean i walked into people and they'd be selling them hard and i was like do you know that's me yeah in an amazing i walked i was i was in and they'd be like get this tape i said that's me that's me yeah i walked up in new york yeah with no makeup on youtube that's me with no makeup [Applause] i was walking i was walking down the street in new york and they had them all on on five dollars five dollars five dollars and they have meet the browns down there i didn't even release the video yet this is early november i said when's that one coming out he said on november 15th it'll be out the day i was going to release so it's oh my god it's a horrible horrible problem well i just i i just want to say if you if you're interested and you will be before tonight is over with you need to visit his website you need to get the media's family reunion come on name it because i'm i've seen i said i've seen them all black woman is now a movie that's february 20th that's going to be in the theaters february 25th yeah and so you need to go yeah we all need to go see diary of a man and don't let the don't let the title fool you it's a universal story it's just it is a story about a woman whose husband leaves her after 20 years of marriage she was saved she is saved right and didn't know what to do didn't know how to react or how to overcome it so it's about her journey and trying to forgive this man to move on but the twist is he goes out and gets in a car accident and the new his new wife brings him back to the old wife and says i can't take care of him now how much how much god do you have to have to take somebody in when that kind of situation happened wow yeah wow yeah well we are certainly certainly very very proud that not only i mean you started out with nothing and now you you you packing auditoriums all across this country you know with with your plays and then you've crossed over and god has opened up a door for medea to now go to the big screen and and i know you're doing all right because i saw that big old phantom outside when i ain't that a car that's the car and i just i just want to appreciate the fact that you are somebody that that got it honest that is blessing the nation blessing people and if you've never seen any of madia's plays you need to visit the website because i'm telling you it is going to bless you it is going to let you it's going to make you really really laugh and forget about forget about some of the stuff that you're going through now i want you uh tyler because i know this is like impromptu and it did you know we usually have a song here and all this but i want you to tell us how you met my my next guest how you met michael because i mean he is amazing he is absolutely we were um we were on tour and um i i would notice like when we get on the bus he just sit in the bus on the back of the bus and kind of stay to himself and um i'm not exactly sure how we met i think my musical director bought him he's now my musical director but i think the musical director brought him into the band okay and what happened was he i remember him sitting in the back of the bus one day and i'll never forget this day because he had a he had a shirt on with his family on it and uh and i i i don't know if it said in loving memory or not but i asked him about it and he told me the story and my heart immediately went out to him because you never know you never know what people are going through you never i mean you you look but but but when you've got the spirit of god in you it'll let you know that you need to say something or minister to somebody or be an encourager to them and um and that's how that's that's how we met that's that first conversation told me you know a lot of things that were going on with him you know what um we're getting ready to welcome uh michael in a minute but i just really feel like if you if you know somebody right now that's going through a moment of bereavement and and they're in a position where they can't seem to give it to god because i'm not saying that you have to forget it because you'll never forget it when my aunt and one of my cousins i mean my family is probably watching and you know we can't even hardly talk about it you know we can't hardly even call my aunt's name without somebody just break down crying and that's been over 20 years but she was shot and killed along with her son we had a double funeral and my family has never gotten over it and so you never get over it and we're not coming tonight saying to you that that you'll get over it what we're saying to you is that you need to take on the strength of the lord to come through it and amen somebody you need to understand that you're not alone and the lord hasn't forsaken you and that you have to always remember this if you don't remember anything else before this program is over there's always somebody else that's much worse off than you that's the truth you have to choose to bless the lord through it because some things that you go through only praise is going to help you to digest yeah praise is gonna be the thing that's gonna help you to get through it and you gotta learn how to magnify the lord so without any further uh delays i'd like for tbn to help me welcome this awesome man of god not a bishop no big titles but i promise you he's a young man that have found the lord and know the lord please help me to welcome to tbn brother michael frazier [Applause] [Music] i don't i don't even know where to start but i'll i'll start with this um what i want to see the browns and uh tyler introduced to me to you michael um i was standing the hallway and and so much was going on behind the scenes you know we were taking pictures and people were laughing and talking and one when somebody whispered in my ear and tyler said have you met him and i said no he introduced me to and he leaned over and said this young man lost his whole family at one time and i was i was zoned because i was looking at a person that had the most kind and pleasant spirit about him i was looking at a person that was just blanketed with the spirit of peace and at that moment you were somebody that i needed to know and i felt like the tbn family needed to be introduced to you so michael welcome welcome welcome why don't you begin he is the music director for uh tyler perry's plays why don't you begin by telling us the incident of your story uh first of all i would just like to thank god for being here all right i appreciate you i i thank god for giving me this opportunity i know many people uh don't get opportunities like this so i uplift the name of god for that and i don't take it for granted uh may 5th 1995 me and my family we were on our way to get something to eat uh every weekend we would i was very close to my mom and dad and every weekend we would go out to eat and uh this particular weekend it was a friday and uh we were on our way to get something to eat and cross the bridge it was raining outside and uh we drove into a flooded bridge didn't know it was at night and the water stalled the car and before we could get out the car was flipped over into a creek and it drowned everybody in the car except for myself my mom was in the car my dad was in the car my two-year-old daughter was in the car my daughter's mother was in the car and my nephew and i came out without a scratch and at the time uh i i remember the the car hitting the bottom of the creek and i remember saying to myself my life is over uh and i said but at least i'm with my mom i'm i'm with my dad i'm gonna die with my family what a way to go we're all to go to together and some kind of way i got out of the car and i remember being rushed down the stream it was just it was like niagara falls it was i had never seen anything like it and some kind of way i got out of the car and i was able to catch on to a tree and i held onto that tree for about 45 minutes to an hour before rescue units could get to me and i remember when i got off the tree i fell to my knees and all i could tell them was go find my family i don't know where my mom my two-year-old baby go find her and about 20 minutes later they came back and they said nothing we can do the water is too high we can't look for him right now we have other calls to go on and i told the people that was in the neighborhood i said take me home and i got on the phone and i called family members we went back out and when we got there they started finding bodies and uh everybody passed except for myself but god is still god no matter what and i can i can honestly say i from that day i i up until this point i haven't always said god was god i didn't always want to hear about god i knew god but that was i remember i walked myself into the emergency room that night with a pastor friend of mine and i remember looking at him crying holding his hand and i said what am i going to do and he said mike all i can tell you is god will be there for you and at the time that wasn't what i needed to hear yes and i i i didn't understand thank you and months later i thought about committing suicide i couldn't sleep i would take sleeping pills to sleep and i was basically sleeping my life away and a couple of years later bishop jakes moved to dallas and i began playing at his church and he preached a sermon called forever the victim i don't think so my god and the last night of that message he called me out and he prayed for me and he told me he said god your your your instrument your your gift was a setup to get you in the church and he said you have something to live for and after that i started thinking i said you know maybe i am here for a reason and i said you know how can i help people and i prayed and god said i want you to go and tell my people if i pull you out of your situation my god i can pull him out of anything [Music] [Applause] i can honestly say that i've seen him in in situations where people have there was a lady in texas who lost her atlanta actually in atlanta she lost her family and um well she was driving through texas though all the time she was driving through texas she lost her family and i and he was right there to counsel her through it to help you know when you when you've gone through something like that and you come out with a testimony just to let somebody else know that you can make it yes is that is that is god yes that is god god will use people to help other people get through when when when you were dealing with that what what was that like because i wanna i want i wanna go back to something if you can try to explain what was it like when you got to the point of realizing that everybody was gone at one time it i i'm looking at you and i can only imagine in my mind that that can be compared to what jesus felt like when his father had to turn his back on him for you feel completely forsaken what what what was that like and how long did it take you to come out of that pit remember this and and i'ma i'll come back to this but his strength is made perfect in our weakness now little did i know that i didn't know that at the time well when i we we buried we funeralized my mom dad and uh nephew on a saturday i woke up sunday morning which was mother's day flew to arkansas and funeralized my little girl and her mom and so i'm i'm walking in and at my mom's and funeral and um they land before me three uh coffins and my mom and dad is you know sitting there you know lying there in front of me and i i think i was numb i i wasn't crying i didn't know why i wasn't crying but little did i know people they was watching me and you have to be careful because you never know when people are watching you and after that after the funeral a young lady came to me and she said she said mike you don't know who i am she said but i came to your mom's name wake until a funeral she said my plans was to pay my respects to them and i was going to go home and i was going to kill myself she said but i watched you and she said after that i turned my life over to god and i'm still here and at the time of going through and and losing everybody i was i was devastated i was lonely i was hurt it i was just it was like i was it was like it was a twilight zone i said where what what is going on i said god i know they say you won't put any more on me than i can bear but what what what is going you had this had to be a mistake how do somebody lose your mom dad and daughter i lost my present family and my future family wow and i didn't know what i was going to do my family uh that was living my some of my relatives they they came to me and said could you have saved somebody and i said wow and and i some of them i don't even hear from some i do turn their back but but it's okay and and and i said god you know some of my friends walked away wow and there was a time that i my phone stopped ringing now during the time of the accident everybody was around but after i buried my mom and dad the phone call stopped the business stopped and i found myself at my home by myself and i prayed and i said god i'm i i don't understand and i said what's going on he said to be elevated you got to be separated jesus yeah i i started smiling when he said that because i realized where god was about to take me i can't take everybody with me and i don't want to take everybody with me because when you get on a certain level people start tripping that's right and i don't want fake people around me my god and so god let me know i'm removing these people because where i'm about to take you you can't take them with you they're not gonna understand and that was people you know used to come into my life and they said i just don't understand you you ain't been through what i don't been through so you're not gonna understand me wow and so i i began traveling with tyler and and uh i remember that conversation that we had on the bus uh he he told me he said i'm going to try to keep you out on the road and and keep you uh going as much as possible and and here i am now i wrote a book uh how did this yeah and and and i see that i see that you recently wrote this book so that so that tells me that the lord had taken you to a certain level that you weren't trying to to really um take advantage of your circumstance right right you know and and use it as a time of manipulation just to sell something but for for it to be you know years past and i believe that you probably and i don't want to just sit here and act like i'm speaking for you but until you've survived it not just survived burying your parents right not just survive bearing your daughter and your nephew and your fiance but when you've survived it in your spirit and your spirit has come through it then it becomes the power of a testament exactly that's what i believe this it is it is that's what i believe when you when you begin to write this did you ever have any moments where it was difficult to finish writing it or because i started reading it and you know i was just a blubbering mess and i and i was so tired that i was like i just can't just keep crying like this but in the midst of me shedding tears about it yet i can just sense such the strength of the lord through every page and it is a tool that i would highly recommend anybody that's watching tonight that's ever lost anybody ever felt like i don't think i can survive the storm here's a person and we were upstairs kind of chuckling about your title and i said this ain't no storm this is a a ruler cane or something this right here you know i said it's the wrong title survivor the ruler tornado came this this this is bigger than a storm but but the title doesn't even do it justice because see you seeing you sit here tonight says to me that christ lives it says to me that he was born and anybody [Applause] anybody that tries to convince me that christ was not born i will call them a liar because now you have made christ being born you have authenticated the fact that christianity is a reality and not a fantasy because there is no way that you can sit here with the peace of god on you and go through what you have been through that's right and survive it and still wearing a smile and live to tell it and let me tell you something the smile that you see on my face is not fake i i'm and one thing that i can tell people uh about uh the story i'm i'm not bitter about what i went through i i thank god for going through because it's a testimony and and i can stand here and tell you i have a testimony you know why because i've been tested i was that was a test and it was a test of my faith and and and now when trials and tribulations come out don't trip and say watch my god watch him and he he might not come he might not come when you want him i used to hear my grandmother saying and it's i thank god for my grandparents and my mom and dad they i come from a christian home wow and so i used to hear my grandmother say you know son he will he might not come when you want him but he's right on time i've lived that i've lived that and and i thank god and i take no credit because i mike my field mic i wanted to take myself out and that's why i named it surviving the storm finding life after death because i had to allow my flesh to die and i had to find god and i and he brought me through this last last quick point and last quick question um because i just i just picked up somebody in the spirit that's watching i picked up that person that still haven't gotten over the guilt of feeling like maybe there was maybe there was something that i could have done carrying that guilt give that person some hope about that god doesn't make any mistakes god is god and he has everything under control no matter what you're going through it's not your fault that's it it's it's it's not your fault it happened and it was so happens it happened for a reason and i'm here i'm here like like like you said earlier i'm i'm not a bishop i'm i'm i'm not a big name person but because god heard your cry he had you to come to new york to meet me and look that i know i would end up here and so i'm here to tell you if god brought me through i was feeling guilty i thought it was something that i could have done but god do not make any mistakes it's not your fault and you have been left here for a reason my god and it's to minister to someone else that have gone through death yeah and i have a website surviving the storm and and go to my website i was just getting ready to i was just getting ready to tell people you need to get this book if you're watching tonight you need to go to his website and what a website www.survivingthestore.com and you need to pick up this book i have not been afforded the opportunity to listen to this cd but anybody that's been through the kind of storm you've been through i know that this was written under the anointing and you need to go to his website just second night the second after after my mom's accident god gave me that song hold on wow yes wow yes if you watching tonight that is the word of the lord to you tonight is to hold on and tam is coming in a few minutes a matter of fact she can come right now because i want you to know without a shadow of a doubt you're looking at people tonight let me just say this as she come you're looking at people tonight myself tyler perry mike frazier who we can be depressed too and we can think about all the things that we've been through and all the people that we've lost and all the people that have turned their backs on us and we can choose this time and this season to murmur and complain but the bible said i would bless the lord at all times that's right for his praises shall continually be in my mouth i will make my boast in the lord i will offer up to him a sacrifice of praise and what is a sacrifice to praise my sacrifice of praise says this in spite of what i'm going through i'm going to keep on bringing my praise to the lord yes because when i praise him yes when i praise him in the midst of what i'm going through what i am saying to the lord is that i trust your decision yeah yeah oh y'all the bible said listen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] against mr prosper it'll be formed but it will not prosper because i know that when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the almighty god yes will lift up a standard against him i want you to know tonight from all of us sitting here to you that are sitting out there everything is going to be all right yes it may not look like it right now but the darkest hour is just before day before tim comes to sing this song i want to remind you that the bible said when paul and silas was locked up in prison at midnight yes they did they begin to pray and sing praises to god because they knew that the morning was coming yeah right so while you're sitting there i want you to shake yourself and i want you to tell the devil tonight i want you to tell him that what he tried didn't work and that all things work together for the good to them that love the lord and to those that are called according to his purpose [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] will you get the door i'm getting in there miss vanderholt [Music] oh hello here reverend henderson how you doing willie may good for good to see you too come on in how are you oh i'm just fine are you sure about that because you know it's been a while since i've seen you at church oh well you know i've been real busy around here and i don't get sundays off no more you know hmm well we're just gonna have to tell lily and sam about that oh well just going and have a seat thank you are they around oh yes hold on just one second mr and miss vanderholt you have a visitor reverend how are you hi lily how are you so good to see you thank you merry christmas and to you hey sam merry christmas god bless you please have a seat what brings you by this afternoon well i got a call from tbn they said they're doing a christmas special and they wanted to know if one of our members would host a dinner with some winners of a christmas contest it'll go all around the world i immediately thought of the vanderhurst family well really reverend i mean but why us i appreciate your humility but uh the fact is that you all have been the backbone of our church for several years now so what do you think well honey really our family our little christmas dinner broadcast all over the world yes if you agree to it yes i think it's wonderful great so you accept absolutely we're so excited we're going to be on television now tell us who are the contest winners they said it was a mr brown from what i understand uh he's already invited his family and i gather that they're uh underprivileged interesting i hope they're nice oh i'm sure they are i mean the winner has to be a christian right oh yes of course uh but they can invite anyone that they want to i'm sure they'll be lovely people i'm sure yes uh it'll just show that no matter where we come from what our background or social status is that we can all come together and celebrate christ's birth at christmas listen i just noticed the time i've got to run but i'll be around to check on things oh thank you so much for doing this appreciate you all love y'all god bless oh by the way are your daughters going to get a chance to come home for the holidays yes as a matter of fact they should be here any moment wonderful i look forward to seeing them thank you again reverend for considering us thank you very much goodbye goodbye oh contest winners i hope they aren't ghetto now what's that supposed to mean i just don't want to be embarrassed less fortunate come on sam we all know what that means and they don't go jumping to any conclusions okay i just don't want to be embarrassed that's all you just heard the reverend he said it would be nice to have them and what what if they're not exactly what it's going to look like with the church is that not nice people listen maybe we should be trying to set examples one thing out of line it's going to be all right honey not now and i need to talk to you about this dinner oh okay and willie may yes my bathroom wasn't clean this morning and the dresses in my closet were not in proper order i'm sorry man yes you are it's so hard to get good help around here these days i'd better go and check on dinner because i'm sure she'll mess that up too willie may are you feeling all right i'll be fine i know what you're gonna say and i am sorry for the way that she treats you you know your mother wouldn't stand for this i know that before she died she treated me real nice and i'm not gonna let her mistreat me i've been working for this family for years and i was never talked to like i am sorry willie may but she has to learn yes she does now i'm not want to get in your business i'm not want to get in your business but she needs to watch who she's talking to she needs to walk i may be the lowest person in this house but i got a mention in heaven and i can talk to god [Music] willie may i i'm going to talk to her okay thank you all right well maybe i should talk to her now then yes i can get a prayer through i'll share praying to her how all her hell be liable to come out ahead don't mess with me [Applause] i'm coming i'll be right there oh well hello there well hello how you doing y'all must be our guest god [Applause] [Applause] dancing [Applause] look look brown they got a maid they got a mate how you doing i'm doing chicken right now well listen here let me take your purse no baby you can't take this purse i got my piece up in here oh you talking about your bible my bible no the bible say uh peace be still so i keeps me a piece of steel in my purse they can't in case in case anything jump off i can you know break out the piece and everything get quiet rock baby i'm sorry my name is cora oh baby that's okay this is my mother and my father mr brown okay how you doing god we good we good we ain't married this is my baby daddy something smell good up in here y'all cooking christmas dinner yes no i ain't no rich people know how to cook oh well you know what yes they don't that's why they hired you huh oh yes well miss vanderbilt she had to go get her hair fixed and her husband he'll be here soon said it was black you know vanda hurts on the funeral home see him on tv say when you die call me what is that oh this is their daughter trina she's meditating right now oh she on medication oh okay yeah i have to get sedated sometimes too yeah well this table looks lovely lovely did you do this yes i did thank you so much but you know i'm still working on her well that's easy i can help you with that oh relax the inferior decorations you got is that how you pray well it's not prayer actually i call it communicating with the god the god what is he god oh no it's only one god and i praise him every day i know god so you all must be the contest winner brown won the contest he just asked me to come with him he said he was going to a mansion so i wanted to see it oh yeah yeah i want to see one here on earth yeah you ain't gonna make it to him inhale you will lift up your eye hopefully i won't have to look at all them colors when i'm there well it's really nice to meet you good to meet you my name is and who are these people oh hello [Applause] my name is madir and that's brown he won the contest you look lovely yes if we gonna be on tv yes oh i can't wait i'm lilly and this is my youngest daughter hi i'm here yeah that's that's my daughter carla yeah yeah what you're saying i mean starchy got that brown stop it bro yes indeed so this your house huh this is lovely yes could you get me an ashtray please i need to smurf oh no no no there's no smoking in the house i'm sorry oh i can't smoke well i want you to be in the house alone you know we we came early the camera's gonna do here for another hour so yeah we like to be on time i'm on time there's something to be said about being fashionably late yeah you know i know about fashion look at look at this that's why you're sitting there looking like a box of government cheese i like that shirt though that's the color jane's hair that's pretty yeah it's wonderful to meet you all it's nice to meet you mr brother hi my name is melanie this is my old guy nice to meet you hello i don't shake people's hands how you doing honey you look lovely people don't wash their hand either well would anybody like coffee yeah i like mine black i like decapitated coffee willie mae one coffee please oh my gosh ain't y'all christian y'all don't know that women ain't supposed to make no coffee oh the bible say hebrews well go ahead and make the coffee well i ain't making no coffee so i understand that you're poor and unfortunate who should talk to no no what my daughter means that we thought this contest was for the less fortunate oh she don't know brown entered this contest you don't know me i'm not po i i get to check every month okay okay i can go to the mailbox faithfully and get my check i'm not pope brown might be pokemon i got just as much as you got that don't do that don't do that don't do that what you said you doubted you died you don't know me honey yeah i would set it off up here you don't know you better ask about i turned tv in into tnt you better ask somebody can i get you some cake or something yeah give me some cake man i'm gonna give it down to me hannah man you want the cake eat the cake gonna make it i made the cake that's what you said to do with my mind your mother is something else i mean your wife my wife the devil is alive no no you have to excuse my mother she's a little hospital yes well i'm sorry i was just under the impression that this contest was for christians oh well mr brown thought it'd be very nice for her to meet a nice christian family yeah yeah she's not saying you know oh i can tell see his comments like that that keep her out of the church i beg your pardon mom just just leave it alone let's not start this what do you mean you need a bad god's pardon it's people like you in the church with your nose all up in the air that run the center i'm sorry but you don't know anything about me no i don't but i know a spirit when i see it [Applause] hey you just got cut you don't mess up my daughter my daughter this this is gonna be a disaster well let's just try to make the best of it mom i'm so sorry that jeffrey couldn't make it i know he works down there at that county hospital he's used to handling people like this it would have been so nice to see you two on television we're getting a divorce what i found jeffrey with another woman we're separated and we're getting a divorce oh melanie don't overreact what do you say he's just being a man and what's that supposed to mean sometimes we women have to hold our tongues in order to keep our lives this is the christian advice that you have for me this is real life melanie in louisville [Applause] i'm dealing with this kind of pain and this is what you have to say and i am not overreacting lower your voice i'm not lowering my voice you never want to listen to the real problems that we're having jeffrey and i are divorcing mom that's right she never wants to deal with the real issues as long as it looks good on the outside melanie you're right believe in him shut up blog but stop it youtube now you listen i know i'm not the best mother in the world but i do my best and you two are not going to ruin this christmas dinner for me for you you don't get it why is everything always about you you know we have needs too just like daddy has needs maybe if you weren't ignoring his needs he wouldn't have that affair two years ago dare you talk to me like that and i would have trained the channel i'm sorry i'm sorry i know you two just hate me i'll just do it my mom we don't hate you we want you to be there for us for once and deal with our real life issues i think it's the time [Applause] what is wrong with that woman how many parents just parents they just regular folks when we stop wanting our parents to be perfect we will be a better situation i'm telling she just all she's doing is what she know to do you can't blame her for it honey i i didn't mean to make that upset you didn't mean to get slapped either did [Music] for that this must be your lovely wife no no you don't know what what's wrong with you katrina excuse me where's your mother she just slapped and went upstairs you might want to go see how to make sure she's upstairs i think you should talk to her she's really what happened this time she'll tell you all about it listen uh make yourselves at home all right please make ourselves yes can i talk to you over here for a minute your father was telling me that uh you found a new religion yeah as a matter of fact i have why would you do that why not i mean what has jesus done for me anyway besides my mother says she has jesus if jesus makes somebody act like that then i don't want it listen your mother is not god now i know that she may not have set the best example for you over the years but you have to understand that she didn't die for you christ died for you and it's his example that you need to pattern your life after so many people are losing out on god because they're watching other people the spotless lamb of god he was perfect trust him out of the flower that starlight is fresh yeah i'm sorry i shouldn't i'm just i'm going through so much and i'm only making it worse i should have never said anything to my mother she understand that no you did the right thing you sometimes got to talk to people tell them what's on your mind don't sit there holding stuff in you feel better after you say something if they get upset it's all right at least it's all for you that's right but how can i expect to help her if i can't even fix my marriage what happened to your marriage your home cheating y'all going through the vote that will happen i'm gonna tell you what to do yes i got a reference uh recipe but sweet potato pie what is the pie going to do for my marriage get you a good good insurance policy make sure you do the beneficiary every three hours and then we'll talk you'll i tell you what you need to do get you a piece of paper on one side of the paper you write down all the bad things he's done to you then on the other side you write down all the good things he's done for you yes now if the bad outweigh the good there's no need to hold it on but if the good outweighs the bad you forgive your husband and you two need to go to god and ask god to fix that situation but how can i go to god when i feel like this sweetheart you know sometimes we have to fight you you have to press because we serve a god that can fix anything i mean no i mean sometimes you do feel like giving up this is my cousin this is everybody this is my partner um orlando florida i mean something like that i'm sorry but yeah um how you doing well they told that this is what they told us now i'm gonna ask you you tell me okay this is what they told her okay they said that y'all want to film the dinner and film us eating okay yes that's what that that's what i came here for that's what i signed on put the camera on me i'm finna eat let's go let's pray okay why don't we bless the dinner yeah well we want let's play at the table we wanted to ask a few questions after the prayer because we really need to um know what you guys really feel about christmas okay okay when nikki told me i only got 10 minutes so i'll tell you about chris okay okay uh medea why don't you pray let me pray cause i pray from five languages no no no no no let's let her pray afraid um thank you um i pledge allegiance oh i'm sorry you don't pray much do you yeah i pray i pray every time i get pulled over i say lord don't let them find that ticket i pray when i'm trying to write a check at the super walmart too i prayed in uh maybe i better pray heavenly father we thank you right now we bless this food nursery to our bodies we ask god that you would bless the gift called family yes thank you god we give you honor and glory on this christmas day amen amen amen yeah let's see let's see listen before we eat why don't we just say thanks can you just say thanks and quote the scripture okay well i'm thankful for family i'm thankful for having a family that is patient enough to teach me the real meaning of christmas which is jesus christ for unto us a son is born yeah yeah she's so proper i am i am thankful to god for for forgiving me and if he can forgive me then i too should be able to forgive others and on the third day he rose well i am thankful for the love that i feel around this table and even though my wife and i have had some problems in the past i'm thankful that our love was strong enough to get us through it and jesus wept yeah he cried he was praying and i'm thankful thankful for the opportunity to repent and to forgive i just want you to know that i'm going to do the best that i can to whom much is given much is required and i thank god for life yeah well he died that we might have life and that more abundance yeah that's what it is just shows you that you never know what somebody's going through that ain't that true yeah i don't know what i was gonna say amazing i wrote it praise god i'm just glad to be in the number you always got the session when i will do good evil is always [Applause] why are y'all looking at me it's your turn it's i'm thankful to god that this dinner is almost over so i can go and get to me a drink that ain't no scripture the bible say drinking all of it no well she's right matthew chapter 26 and verse 27 i think sister bynum might be a little out of context but it just goes to show us that no matter what we're going through in our families or in our lives that it's always important to put christ in the center of christmas what you want to say well i just wanted to say i'm so glad to be here with this lovely family i don't know them i just came and they seem to be such a wonderful family and you ought to be blessed to be invited to you wasn't here a few minutes ago you don't know what goes on behind closed doors what well they seem to have pulled it all together and they did it behind the veil behind the vehicle and you know what they did no more sheets they put them down [Applause] listen we got a christmas song we want to do okay i'm gonna start it no no no oh come on [Music] come [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] come on everybody [Music] oh i just wanted to do this because i mean i was sent here to interview mr brown mr brown um you are a person that loved to praise the lord oh yes and you love to shout i like to shout and they mess with me i'll be shattered [Applause] let you get your praise [Applause] [Applause] mr brown now you come from a line of the uh the browns my dad shouted with jesus my great great great great great great great great great great great granddaddy shouting with the lord and paul now when before you got saved you was you was you was a professional dancer you said you talked who how did that that's my past you don't want to tell my past i used to be a script no i mean not not that i used to talk michael jackson prince show me show you how yeah what what you talk michael jackson [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's the old you put your legs [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] all over television land let me tell you something christmas is a time of joy it's a time for us to laugh and enjoy our families amen so many times so many times we forget we get so busy so busy doing the work of things of the church that we forget about our families forget that family is important we forget that our families is a gift and this is a time whatever you do you need to make time for your family there's nothing like family some of you are sitting there saying you know what i haven't seen this with a long time i haven't seen that one in a long time but i want to let you know something when you get to the point that you become so spiritual that you can't reach out and touch your own family amen somebody when i said earlier today that the bible said he that wanted souls is wise when you look at all of what's going on this is an opportunity you need to take this opportunity to do something that you haven't done before to reach out and get the hand of somebody that you haven't reached out to in a long time because it'll be too late after a while we always look back and say you know what if i had a few more days with this one if i had a few more days with that one that's right then i wish i could have but i don't ever want to get to the point where i wish i could have family and they're not there anymore like mike frazier family is an awesome thing and though it was comical some very real subjects was dealt with tonight sometimes some of us think we're so all that that we can't reach out and touch somebody else if you're fortunate this year you need to get out take your family out and find some homeless people find a soup kitchen find somebody that you can feed find somebody that you can invite to your home and tell them you know what we're gonna move over this year because there's enough room for you it's about the love of jesus come on somebody it's not just about how much we can serve each other and how many presents we can buy for each other but it's about knowing that when this holiday pass i have exemplified who jesus christ really is if i'm not able to show the love of christ then you know what i'm denying that power thereof if i can't reach out and get somebody said to me the other day well how was it that you're with this person that you went i'm secure in the god that's in my life and the bible says it's time for us to go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come you will never be able to reach a center man inside of four walls you'll never be able to reach a center man just just being a religious person but you got to go to where they are you got to find yourself going to places and asking god to lead you and guide you because this year i'm determined to take my christmas outside of the four walls i'm determined to touch somebody's life who never would have thought that anybody would have ever touched their life before you sitting there on the couch you need to make a christmas list of somebody in your church somebody in your neighborhood that you know that it's not as fortunate as you are and you need to learn how to reach out and bless somebody else the bible said it's more blessed to give than to receive this is a time of giving it's a season for giving and not just giving presents but giving up yourself oh you didn't hear me giving up yourself there's some single mothers that are struggling right now you need to give up yourself there's some people that are going through in the hospital you need to give up yourself there are some people that are going through emotionally and mentally you have the power of the lord to reach out and show them what christmas is really all about we put this little skit together just for you for you to understand this one thing and that is you can make a choice to be depressed you can make a choice to sit and say i don't have enough money to buy everything i thought i was going to buy for the kids i don't have enough money to get them the kind of tennis shoes that they want but for citizen for once and for all you need to help your children to know that christmas is not about them you don't need to go in some kind of depression trying to make sure that you give them everything that they want you're a mother year round you're a father year round amen somebody amen somebody you need to take them and go listen some of us are going through all kinds of changes trying to figure out how you gonna buy this and how you gonna buy that when your children got toys that they still have been playing with they got boxes of stuff amen somebody and it is a trick of the enemy to begin to depress the believer thinking that we have to keep up with the joneses and thinking that the season is about what the secular world said the season is about but if we can buy presents but cannot show love we have not exemptified that christ lives i wish i had somebody to say amen right there if we can buy diamonds and we can buy necklaces that we can buy jewelry but we can't say sorry that we have not exemplified what christ is all about if we cannot ask people to forgive us for the hurt and the offense that we've caused in their life that we have forgotten what christmas is all about this year i made up in my mind and i don't know about you but christmas is going to be about christ christmas is going to be about the love of christ yes it is yes it is yes it is from all of us here at tbn to all of you that are sitting there we want to wish you a merry christmas we want to help you to understand that it can be as merry as you allow the lord to make it you don't have to go through another depressed year this doesn't have to be an anniversary that you sit in mourning complain but this can be a time
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 372,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Gospel Videos, Gospel, Gospel Music, Christ, Jesus, God, HolyGhost, Praise, Praise God, Praise The Lord, Awesome, Praise Break, Dance
Id: aW1D_6Trv_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 37sec (4717 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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