Tyler Henry Reveals Ryan Lochte Won Olympics With Grandpa's Help | Hollywood Medium | E!

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I already have so many people trying to connect that I'm actually feeling a little overwhelmed going into this reading oh my gosh thank you for having me yes of course it's so funny I totally recognize you I'm Ryan Lochte and Tyler may know me as an Olympic swimmer I've been to four Olympics and I've won 12 Olympic medals well thank you for having me today thank you for coming yes it's awesome meeting news really interesting but in the back I have Kayla my beautiful fiance I'm kind of skeptical about the whole thing my fiance she loves Tyler like watches this show all the time I'm always sitting in the bed and be like I don't think that's real but she's like no it is like we get in arguments about it I'm like no he's telling the truth like he this is amazing so I'm really excited for him to do my reading and hopefully see if if I'm a Believer do your thing all right perfect random um what I will say this is kind of interesting there there will be an opportunity for you and I'm referencing to partner fiance and there's a reference to a book but I see her writing this so this is kind of interesting yes I've been telling her for so long to like like she wants to write a book like she has so much and she's been wanting to write a book just about like her life and like her write her story and like wow that's awesome absolutely so please know it's funny because one of those books actually she's going to write multiple but one of them will actually kind of be like a relationship tie-in um and I love that but that really is going to be her thing so she's also on an amazing track yes I love that my heart just like bursts I'm like yes like this is so perfect for her and like that's what she needed she needed someone to give her a push other than me and now she has it and like I'm excited to see what she does now before I got here today I had this man that was really insistent to try to come through and when he connected he not only had messages for the client but he seemed to be wanting to come through for multiple people it was an older man when he passed away he acknowledged a feeling of basically being in essence when he showed me a symbol of glue that usually means like they're the glue that kept things together or they're an essential figure within a family that people kind of revolve around there's a lot popping in but I feel like I'm really going to connect on Mom's side of family pretty heavily this is a very masculine kind of a guy but he's referencing to the women in the family he's having me refer to what looks like I'm picking like three females yes and he's having me bring them up he's very protective of these three women and the feeling that comes across as being very connected to them like and there's a very very close connection um who would those three women be my grandpa and grandma they had three um three girls right and it was my mom my Aunt Maggie and my aunt Daniel he's around these three girls the feeling is like I'm still with them I'm still with them and there's a lot of love there this is kind of strange because when he transitions there isn't a feeling of necessarily being shocked but there is a feeling of when I actually die I don't necessarily feel like everybody is able to have a sense of closure with my passing now when someone's progressively dying of cancer and we all go to the bedside and all that that's a little bit of a different story the way that this is coming through is I still feel like there's some living individuals and particularly when referencing to these three girls where I don't feel like I have a full opportunity to maybe say everything I wish I could have said or done everything I wish I could have done when he's having me acknowledge your mother there's a feeling of again a feeling of a lack of closure there's an acknowledgment of a geographical distance yeah and there's a reference of being separated or split for whatever reason this is being put in the context of when he actually would have physically passed away we're Upstate New York so we were like half the state away the message that seems to be coming through on the mom's side and the reason why I can't drop it is because there seems to be a concern when it comes to like the lack of closure with that relationship the feeling that comes across is like it still feels fresh it still feels like unresolved yeah but he does acknowledge being very connected to her and trying to just have her like I don't know why he's acknowledging Moving On Moving On Moving on you think there's an issue and he feels like just because there might not have been able to be the physical goodbye there's a feeling of like there still needs to be closure around this because this wouldn't have changed the outcome on my mom's side my grandpa his name is Tomas um when he passed away he passed it away at an early age for me right rather like I was I think eight or nine his death was like like unexpected really right no one was there yeah my mom wasn't there right um so I think maybe she felt bad like she didn't get to say goodbye absolutely because it was so unexpected like we had no idea like it just happened for sure well I think it's good to tell her that he's still around her and yeah you know that he has closure with his passing I'm like took everything kind of with a great assault because I mean I was skeptical I didn't know what to expect um I wanted to be able to believe them but then when my grandma came in I was like this is so crazy how like that's like my question how how are you doing this um he's bringing through another man that he is viewing from his perspective as being lateral to him but the feeling that's coming across is he's acknowledging other side of family so there's a reference basically to this other something like a grandfather figure and the way this comes across I don't know why that is but for whatever reason they seem to be making a connection for whatever reason I think we have a wonderful feeling is like bringing in the other to kind of help communicate I don't know what this is um they're having me reference to coaching and then having me showing me swimming he's having me bring up a reference um to a metal which isn't shocking I know who you are um but I feel like I'm the referencing to like what looks like a lap but this is coming through in a weird kind of symbolic honorary kind of a way he's showing me a vision and basically the feeling is is I'm thinking out loud like I'm connecting to him before I'm about ready to do this and the feeling is like he's having me acknowledged I was here I was here I was here but there's a feeling of like before we take a dive before we go and do a lap there's a weird feeling in the way this comes across of just one instance it's not like every time what I feel like you could have had a grandfather like try to come through to you as you were swimming and ended up coming across in a bit of a strange way but it might have been like a Monumental event like a big you know time frame into feeling is like though I'm not here physically I'm with you and I'm thinking about you before you do this and he comes through and acknowledges being so proud of you for you being able to take the steps and do this and handle this but he knows that he was thought of and the feeling is like I'm with you as you do this does that make sense wow yeah um 2008 Olympics it was in Beijing and my whole entire like why I wanted to become an Olympian was to get an individual gold medal at the Olympics and not only doing that but break a world record at the same time wow I mean I set my Standard Time um so that was my goal that was my dream and I remember jumping into that pool and I remember like peeking over to see where my competition was and I was neck and neck with two other swimmers the current world record holder and another person from Japan and so and we popped up and I was just we were swimming backstroke and I just remembered looking up in the ceiling and being like if you're up there talking to my grandpa um help me out and for some the last you can see in the video like the last like five to ten meters I got this burst of energy uh something happened where I like I was like dead even and I just went like that and I touched the wall I looked up and I saw Ryan Lochte gold medal like world record wow and I was like holy crap I was like I look back I went like this there's a bunch of pictures and I was like I went like this and I was like this one's for you oh that's amazing um so his name was uh Russell right uh Russell Lochte and just he was like my best friend and I was always hanging around him so when he passed like it was like my best friend leaving me and I didn't really get to say goodbye or anything like that and he passed away when I was about I want to say 13 or 14 years old and I don't know I just want to say like thank you I think the biggest takeaway from this is your grandpa was there for you yeah in that moment and he was the one that helped get you there and and that really is profound you know his impact in your life he was there for a pretty short period but his impact yeah I think changed her life and the feeling that comes through is that everything that you've done is not only a great accomplishment for yourself but he views your accomplishments as his and you've honored him and made him feel so happy by doing these things on his behalf so you should feel really proud of yourself my grandpa he loved me to death he was my best friend growing up and when he passed I wasn't able to say goodbye and so now that I had that kind of closure and I know that like no matter what he's he's passed away but he's still up there like still like watching over me on a daily basis like that means everything I won't lie I was a little skeptical of course before you know now I'm just like there's no way you could have known that right so me and my fiance like we watch TV all the time and we watched the show and we watch you and I'm always the one being like I don't know about this like he he already knows them and everything I'm really skeptical and then she's hitting me she's like no you're not no he's doing it right he's amazing but now after this I'm just like my mind is blown you could definitely say I'm a Believer oh that's for sure wow oh yeah thank you I really appreciate oh my gosh anytime my mind is still blown I'm still in shock like I was skeptical before and now I'm not like he's the real deal I was like oh my god I didn't even know about the whole Olympics thing yeah I never told anyone about it yeah but you were getting all emotional so I know you definitely it was just insane and like you never told anyone about like your book I know no but the thing is I've been like sitting here thinking like for this whole past month I was just like I need that someone to tell me like what to do because I feel so lost with my all the passions I want to pursue and so him saying like she really needs to do it like when he said that I was like oh my God like she's gonna be amazed yeah but you feel like do you feel better now I feel ten times better you feel like clear-headed we're gonna be okay babe all right
Channel: E! Entertainment
Views: 516,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOLLYWOOD MEDIUM, TYLER HENRY, TYLER_HENRY, HOLLYWOOD_MEDIUM, E! SHOWS, E_SHOWS, ENTERTAINMENT, CELEBRITIES, ryan lochte, olympic swimmer, olympic champion, swimmer, olympian, fan, spirits, energy, energies, objects, medium, channel energy, grandpa, grandfather, trust, fan base, entertaining, relationship, book, future, psychic, career, fiance, messages, connection, connecting, masculine, protective, tyler henry hollywood medium, transition, other side, death, ghosts, spooky, halloween, paranormal
Id: pUGb9EQuk-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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