Tyler Henry Triggers Taye Diggs' Buried Memories of Absent Father | Hollywood Medium | E!

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foreign [Applause] Diggs uh Tyler might recognize me from the Fox television program Empire Gray's Anatomy spin-off private practice from the movie The Best Man best man too he might recognize me from my first movie I was still I got a group back he was not old enough maybe on video video is that am I not now I'm really dating myself do you need any water or anything I'm good thank you so much all right no worries and then you can uh sit right there awesome I'm nervous oh no worries okay all good I mean I'm used to it yeah when the client opened the door I had no idea who he was and he didn't introduce himself so I had no clue but I could tell that he was very open and I can feel it I've I've I'm feeling so many different things yeah this is that's what you do is crazy it definitely elicits a lot of different emotions in the sessions yeah it's normal to be sometimes a little nervous going into it right right right um can I ask you something absolutely how long have you been doing this how long have you known you've had a gift and how long have you been doing it well you know for me this all started when I was 10 years old and I basically woke up one night and had a premonition in my grandmother's death so that was really the moment that kind of changed everything then I actually started working professionally as a medium at the age of 16 but it took about six years to kind of refine what this was and turn it into something more of an ability so then do you is it like is it like you're a radio and you have different stations and you have to kind of yeah pretty much my job is really to relay what I see here and feel and in a reading it's not like the sixth sense I don't see dead people walking around right I basically just get really subtle Impressions that I have to take and kind of process and then deliver to the client I just I'm curious I'm at a crazy Crossroads in my life and I'm curious to know you know what you see sounds good so I'll give it one minute I'm just gonna scribble the way that I kind of meditate yeah and then we'll see what comes through cool and give it one sec I'm more interested in um what he what he's sees with me you know my future obviously career you know I got a divorce a couple years ago I moved in with my girl and her two kids and there's just been a lot of energy and I'm wondering where I'm going to be of use [Music] there's a lot coming in so we're going to talk about it so much of this is going to focus on family but I'm just going to kind of go all across the board okay uh let me see where it even start um they're having me talk about mom for some reason like your mother do you know of a situation where like a man died at like a really early age because they're having me highlight this person that was coming through that for me felt like they died like before they should have died it's a situation more involving personal responsibility it's not like a medical thing it's not something that happens to someone naturally so it's one of those situations where someone put themselves in a position and then something bad happened this is ridiculous foreign s kind of affected how my life went and that was like the big thing that came through on the way here was like I'm aware of how basically the lifestyle that I lived right put me in these positions that led to my death and I felt like it was important for this to be really to other people if there's people in your life that still don't have closure right how about necessarily that's his way of trying to say hey look I know that my actions led to this if I could have done it over I would have done it a different way the way that that came through was more so just to kind of let like the women know in their family primarily like okay I appreciate what you've done but I also understand that like I said I put myself in some pretty tough situations my mom will trip on that yeah there's an awareness of that so just please know it felt like directed at Mom and that was kind of like the big thing I guess that's where I came through okay when he first mentioned my dad and what he felt that I didn't think that I didn't really care just because I didn't know him do you know what I mean but then the more we talked about it and it came back to my mother [Music] that's when I knew okay wait she's this is gonna this is for her this is a message for her that will that will bring her a little bit more peace because I can't imagine what that oh man yeah I can't imagine what she went through you know raising me solo and then having the father just jet I can't believe that that I didn't think of that you know what I mean she's my mom just figured you know she's so strong and but that must have been something else for her on the way here there was a very clear acknowledgment of a feeling of regret I'm not kind of what this individual would have done differently if they were able to do it over my mother had to move away from him because of the drug use and abuse physical abuse um and that's probably the what what he uh was regretting um but that's about it yeah um I didn't know much um oh you know what oh and then I remember in high school because you know as a kid you hear all these stories about the five that you never had and you dream about meeting him one day I put him out of my mind and then in high school I started getting letters from him wow and then I got really really excited and then um uh one day I came from from high school and my mother I opened the door and my mother like saw me and gasped and I thought she was laughing but she actually was crying and she said he's he's dead he's he's I'd never seen any um emotion from my mother speaking about my father so I knew at that moment that he meant way more than than I knew to her well my mother told me my pop passed I felt let down um you know because I grew up watching him after school specials I thought I was going to have a fairy tale ending where I was going to meet my father and and we were gonna you know get to know each other and get along and then he was going to be an added extra remember the family and you know we'd go on bike rides and camping trips um and he had just started writing me so I think I got two letters I remember sitting his handwriting trying to look for all the similarities you know between him and myself so then when I heard of his passing I just you know at that time in my life it was like oh here's another thing that just didn't work out um it was like I was mourning what could have been you know what I mean but you know in my life I moved on to the next so [Music] so yeah I feel like what they went through uh gives me purpose um because I feel like I was definitely supposed to happen even though he wasn't necessarily as participatory as one would hope it's interesting sometimes people will come through I'll come through super clearly for two hours straight other times they'll just say something really specific yeah and then and I don't film yeah that's that's him you know what I mean right just just enough yeah just enough just enough well I hope that helps them it does man ah um I can ask a question absolutely I feel like I'm supposed to be I'm wondering where I'm going to be of use so the way this is coming in is there definitely having me talk about like more directing and writing because the feeling with this um I'm seeing travel around this so yeah um um yeah it's in New York see yeah and they're bringing up stories of resilience and being able to like overcome huge like huge huge huge huge issues but this is coming across as like play oriented it would be an opportunity and I like it but it's like overcoming and I don't know why they're putting it around yeah that's what the play is about yeah so it's special because it feels like this is like something the world needs to see yes and it's a message that in this time in this world right now we need more than ever so like what's the play about if you can say race and sexuality and and all of that stuff yeah and the issues surrounding them wow absolutely oh man so that you know when you asked what comes next as far as like what your purpose is or what the direction is that really is one of the big things right because the universe kind of set that in your path for you to be able to do that and to be able to make a difference with that right that's important the universe is using you right to spread that message right right and that's all that really matters it's so it's I'm so happy you said that because I haven't I'm looking at this play as as just career as opposed to being of service and you reminded me that this is a message that needs to be uh needs to be spread so that's that's thank you for that oh absolutely oh it made me happy ah you Jesus you're useful that's the goal everything he said was very easily understood and where I needed the most help I thought it was just going to be a glorified kind of show and tell and tell me you know about my third uncle and you know but this was nothing like that this was some real life some real nice stuff this is real it's the real stuff thank you so much thank you man can you keep keep doing keep doing it thank you God bless you awesome have a great rest of your day I'll see you again have a good one bye ah it fascinates me I could have kept him here all day
Channel: E! Entertainment
Views: 554,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOLLYWOOD MEDIUM, HOLLYWOOD_MEDIUM, TYLER HENRY, TYLER_HENRY, TAYE DIGGS, TAYE_DIGGS, ENTERTAINMENT, E! SHOWS, E_SHOWS, CELEBRITIES, REALITY TV, REALITY_TV, readings, celebrity readings, hollywood medium tyler henrry, tyler henry hollywood medium, medium, clairvoyant, clairvoyant medium, messages from beyond, hollywood medium readings, hollywood medium clips, hollywood medium episodes, e entertainment, hollywood medium season 3, the best man, the best man holiday, all american
Id: s7yzGIHkJBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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