‘Hollywood Medium’ Tyler Henry on the afterlife, skeptics, & Michael Jackson

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I'm considerably discerning and can be rather discriminating where Mediums and Psychics are concerned, kind of like Gordon Ramsay critiquing a restaurant. This is one of the best interviews of any psychic or in this case "Medium" that I've seen. From time to time, I search out the latest and greatest popular psychics, in order to research their level of accuracy and consistency. Tyler is the latest Medium I've been researching online since he's garnered a great deal of fame in a very brief period of time. He's a fascinating young man and clearly a raging genius. That's a given. From what I could "sense" out of Larry King, the most likely reason he was so adamant about, "So what happens after death?" To the degree he was teetering on unhinging here, was tremendous fear as he clearly knew that his time was also nearing the end and I bet Tyler knew it. Larry looks unwell, exhausted, frightened and worried and so often fear coupled with anxiety on that level can drive anyone to anger. He's hurting and unresolved grief commonly becomes anger. When a psychic or a medium is dealing with anything "this personal" one can and should expect a high level of anxiety, fear, skepticism, demands and in some cases sheer panic. Larry was desperately hoping to hear something that he could resonate with; something that would comfort him and while Tyler has a very unique ability and he's exceptionally brilliant, he could not give Larry a definitive answer on the afterlife and that's because Tyler doesn't know. Tyler mentions that he came from a conservative Christian background, therefore being gay himself, he perhaps never felt that he was truly accepted by mainstream Christians, which possibly impeded him from wanting to venture down that path in order to better understand life after death and Christ's depiction of heaven and paradise and the afterlife. I'm only surmising. There is a very good chance that if Tyler wasn't gay and continued in the Faith, that he would have some clear cut answers for Larry but it might be a bone of contention for both of them. I'm a professional clairvoyant and interestingly enough a somewhat famous psychic Medium works for me and yet I absolutely do not believe for a moment that anyone is remotely capable of communicating with those who have gone from this carnal life to eternal life. I am most certain of this fact. Also, if it were at all possible, people like Tyler and myself wouldn't be consoling celebrities with tidbits of non-essential particulars ---- really, he'd be telling frantic, panic-stricken family members the name of the killer, the location of the body, who did it, why and where. Now, that should be what gives fame to the Medium and nothing less. Tyler needs to bring his "ability" to the REAL table and practice and work with the F.B.I. and save the celebrity fandango for the occasional fashionable dinner party at the Hamptons. I'm not belittling his abilities and I do believe he has great abilities but he's been wooed by Hollywood and that is where his level of maturity presents itself. While his gift is thought that of a "Medium" because he can tell a heartbroken superstar their sibling or parent is proud of them while wandering the halls of some vague interdimensional universe, he's actually a clairvoyant and he isn't communicating with anyone that died, those impressions he's picking up are most likely a type of remote viewing. He can see the past or something that has occurred, past and probably present on some level. I believe if he really practiced, he could make a far greater difference than a little banter between he and whomever the latest trend of celebrity might be. I have a thousand times greater regard for the elderly lady sitting at her kitchen table in a mobile home park, that picks up a newspaper and reads the article about the missing child, then dials police to tell them she had a vision and that vision directs police to the whereabouts of that child's remains. Then the other lady we never hear of who is able to give a detailed description of the man she never met, never saw, never knew and that man turns out to be the killer. If Tyler can tell someone grandma loved peach cobbler or the overdose was never intentional, than he needs to hone his skills, get serious here and instead of talking to the dead, he needs to start finding them. And then you will have a force to be reckoned with in him. Save the celebrity droll for Oprah. I remember the first time I ever closed my eyes and asked my guide to show me the killer. In 2015, the 28-year-old wife of "pastor" Davey Blackburn, was shot in the head during a home invasion while he was at the gym. I was so shattered by this young woman's horrific death that it was then I changed my focus from telling women whether or not their lovers would ever return to finding killers. I prayed and then I closed my eyes and to my absolute SHOCK, the face of the shooter was clear as day in my head. A few days later, three young men were apprehended and the one man who raped and shot that beautiful young woman in the head was the exact same face I saw in my mind. Gale St. John, the Medium who was the first psychic Medium to ever take the stand in a courtroom, had used her gifts in the famed Casey Anthony trial and she works for me. I'm a Christian counselor, I also work in paranormal experiences, I'm a professional clairvoyant, I was "born that way," and I own Tarotti.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OkGazelle1003 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
on Larry King now Hollywood medium Tyler Henry for me to started when I was 10 years old baby was just like a normal night but the thing is when I woke up I had this overwhelming knowingness that my grandmother was going to die try to tell my mama this my mom's phone rang and when she picked up the phone I remember she answered it was my dad on the other end and he said hey grandma just passed how do you win all the people's trust validation putting an emphasis on validation showing them that the details are what mattered to me the facts never making a circle fit a square LaToya Jackson you didn't she put you in touch with Michael well it was fascinating when he came through he basically came forward with information that helped to describe the timeline of his passing and she actually validated that much of what I brought forward really was private plus we've been told before by psychics that this building were in is haunted by a repairman who used to take care of this facility you get anything here I see possibly on his lunch break all next on Larry King now [Music] welcome to Larry King now joining us is the famed clairvoyant medium Tyler Henry who has helped people from all walks of life find closure and comfort following the passing of their loved ones in 2016 Tyler took his gift to television doing readings for a variety of celebrities and public figures including the Kardashians Jim Parsons LaToya Jackson and many more on Hollywood medium and now a certified hit season 3 of Hollywood medium with Tyler Henry airs Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on E and you're how old 22 years old so you've been doing this show since you're 19 yeah how did they find you well you know it was weird it actually just kind of happened through word-of-mouth and one day I was invited to go to a party where I would meet the executive producer of my show and he was a man who was a businessman and a producer and he'd been interested in the idea of mediums but he was a bit of a skeptic and so when we met he mentioned that he was interested in it and I offered to give him a reading and we met the next day and I brought through a former loved one of his lover actually who had passed away and it was just a really emotional transformative experience and when he left it he understood from the mindset of a skeptic more how it worked once he had the firsthand experience and he thought that it was something that could be helpful and she pitched it to some friends and mentioned it and the rest is history exactly when did you knew you had this gift well you know I didn't call it a gift but this really started your Mole Man ability I really viewed as an ability but for me this started when I was 10 years old and I've never been a pretty conservative Christian household we didn't talk about spirits through mediums or anything along those lines and one night in April of 2006 I went to bed and it was just like a normal night but the thing is is that I woke up before midnight and when I woke up I had this overwhelming knowingness that my grandmother was going to die and I'd have a doubt about it it felt almost like a memory that wasn't mine as if I was experiencing this knowingness but I couldn't explain it and so I went into the room to try to tell my mom of this and I was upset and thinking oh my god I don't know why I just feel like grandma's gonna die we need to say goodbye so it's explaining this my mom's phone rang and when she picked up the phone I remember she answered it it was my dad on the other end Manny said hey grandma just passed was she sick she was she had Joel not hard to think in the timing was pretty specific I think the the timing and the fact that it was only seconds prior to the moments of her last living experiences was pretty key did it scare you didn't scare me I think it just validated that there was a connection between me my grandma but I didn't know what that was and my family didn't either but is a clairvoyant medium I describe a clairvoyant medium as well two things a clairvoyant is someone who receives information visually so the idea being that a clairvoyant medium receives visions symbols points of reference that are images but as a media my job is to act as a conduit between this realm and the next and to deliver impressions that I pick up on letter messages and then just been validated why is it not scientifically please I think science hasn't been open enough to it and I think also there's a lot of work to be done in the realm of mediums a big thing for me when I got into this when I was 19 years old I knew that I was gonna face a lot of criticism and a lot of people who had predetermined ideas of what a medium was and for me my goal has really been to kind of redefine that by putting an emphasis on validation on specific information there's no way a person could know and those are the types of experiences that leave a person knowing so you have to do it in a kind of a show business manner go you vote his people's homes right they take in a car or something you don't know who you're going to see correct but have you ever said to a university or someone else dr. Ryan died of course at Duke he was studying this have you ever subjected yourself to professional examination I've never been asked but I would be very open to it and we're through the absolutely Gary Schwartz the University of Tucson actually did a whole series of experiments called the afterlife experiments and he wrote a book about it and took some of the world's most notable mediums and was able to have some pretty interesting results so I think there's work to be made on both sides both the scientific realm and the medium room I think science needs to be more open-minded and mediums need to really convey what they do more in a public sense I've talked to other mediums Peter hurkos being the most famous I guess famous famous and he didn't like what he had right he didn't like that he could sit someone with someone having dinner and know things about them he wished he didn't have it do you like having it I've grown to accept it that it's something I can't change and I like what I've been able to do with it I like you've seen people's responses and the healing and the comfort and the awareness but there is a difficulty with it inherently that comes with it as a human being and I have to lay my head on the pillow every single night and my job never really ends and so with that comes kind of an always to go a little nuts right it can be very overwhelming and I have to kind of be able to separate myself and the information that comes through to me and it's very easy I think to get lost as in your identity when you're constantly picking up for constantly involved in other people's lives your parents that good my parents have been incredibly supportive but it has taken some time you know I obviously told my mom of the initial premonition that I had and she was the first person to know but it took six years for me to tell my dad and that was because he was very conservative and what ended up happening was I graduated high school early and I wanted to become a hospice nurse so I went to college and I wanted to do this but I also was doing readings on the side and to be able to do them more my mom said that I needed to get permission from my dad so I had to have that conversation with him and explain it he didn't even know what a medium was so you still get premonitions not as much anymore in the way that I did I think that really that was a very unique situation because of my grandmother's death because it was her and I feel like that might have been why it was such a unique thing but there are times where when I go to readings I'll get feelings but even before I get there that tend to apply what happens when people die well it's a good question that's funny I don't even have the answer to no you can communicate with them show us where they are and what happened when they died what do they tell you I it's equivalent of human laughter they come through and they think we are silly to try to understand something beyond our capability of reasoning and understanding in fact they liken it to if we were to take a cockroach we had a cockroach right here we had this cockroach and I had to explain arithmetic to that cockroach that cockroach would not have the means of understanding arithmetic right we as human beings with our brain and our limited perception understanding of things I think are not able to understand the magnitude of the universe I think anyone who sits across from someone and says I have an answer I have an answer to the universe I have an answer to what happens I don't think there is an answer for human beings I think we are so limited in our perceptions but if someone's communicating sho with you it's logical as a curious individual to ask when you die yeah what happened can't you told me that because it's not a physical place because we use points of reference to little physicality they get through impressions in the same way that a deaf person uses sign language to communicate when they no longer have the ability to hear if they use symbolism as a means of connecting and relaying information what I have found have been over a thousand readings they do acknowledge something about the other side they do acknowledge certain things about where they're at things they have acknowledged are an awareness of the lessons that their lives had the lessons that they learned in their life the ripple effect that their actions had on others they come through with a very keen understanding of a lot more than they did in life from a more enlightened perspective that means everyone's out there Hitler and Lincoln and Stalin they're all out there I believe Austin and Jefferson soar absolutely in some capacity I can only imagine what they'd have to say about nowadays but evil people are there too sure you see a heaven or hell I don't I don't see heaven I don't see pearly gates I don't see fire do you read me right now yeah you know nothing in that regard I've been able to really set up my processes where my scribble and I go through these things that really allow me to turn on and then when I'm not doing those processes I can I turn off next Hollywood medium Tyler Henry talks about some of his most memorable celebrity readings and who he'd like to sit down with next we'll be right back on this edition of Larry King now the backward Tyler Henry is season 3 of Hollywood medium with Tyler Henry it airs Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on e we've been told before by psychics that this building were in is haunted by a repairman who used to take care of this facility you get any feeling here I he must be on his lunch break you ever wonder why you have this yes I do and I truly don't know I really don't know how do you win all the people's trust validation putting it up to some validation showing them that the details are what mattered to me the facts never making a circle fit of square that's what shows the integrity of footing what do you do when you're wrong I try to keep in mind that it could apply in a different respects my inner reading I tried to really aim for about 80% of the information to make sense to the person sitting in front of me there is sometimes a portion in which 20% is for someone else within their family or connected to them so if someone says oh that doesn't make sense I'll say we'll keep that in mind because it could apply to your mother or your father it always about dead people it comes from the deceased it comes from the departed but information can come through about people's personal lives things they're doing things that they did the day before the reading there's been a lot of instances where information will come through about what someone was doing privately even the day before we met doesn't it drive you nuts it is overwhelming it's required me to be able to refine this and to share it or else I feel like I would get overwhelmed for me if I don't do a reading information kind of starts stacking it builds up and I have to be able to blow off this steam so people pay you for this privately they sure do sure do you make money from this do you make money from this yes absolutely you've read a lot of people who surprised you the most what you do Latoya Jackson you didn't she put you in touch with Michael that's that was something I think I put her in touch with Michael because it was pretty one of your loans well it was fascinating when he came through he basically came forward with information that helped describe the timeline of his passing and I didn't know this but apparently it was a mystery as far as what exactly happened to Michael before he passed and LaToya was curious about getting some answers so I did my best I communicated what I felt and she actually validated that much of what I brought forward really was private there were some details that were public that were brought forward and then details that only the family knew that were brought forward and with all that information put together it helped her really understand the last days of his life that's reading if all these spirits are out there they're in spirit form they're not in human form so how do you connect to him when you don't get crossed up and connect to someone else it's all out there right right so that's millions and millions of people absolutely how do you do with Tyler that's the thing it's really more focusing on the living person sitting in front of me or even if I do an event where there's 2,000 people and I go through an audience that's even even more of you know a magnitude of people so I really have to focus on the living person sitting in front of me and focus on what I feel is around them and I feel like the person is what brings the connection if you're going out and do it in audiences why can't you do it right here on me now well for me I have a process that I go about doing when even when I do live shows where I scribble and I have a notebook and a pen and it takes about two to three hours in which I go through an entire audience and share messages so just what comes into your mind that you scribble so scribbling is really a very important part of my process and it's something that started in my teen years when I was on the phone with a friend and was actually just doodling as he do when you're on the phone and I found anytime I would put the pen to paper I would just start having a hard time concentrating on what I was saying instead was focusing on my friend do you know are the mediums other mediums yes there are some that I have been able to meet have been very helpful John Edward yes and two mediums meet do you go crazy talking to each other I feel like we really relate to one another because there's so few that really do it in the way that and great we do when we return what's Tyler Henry like when he's not channeling the dead we're learning a little game of if you only knew stay with us back with Tyler Henry innocence you are on television now three years do people know you on the street that they do sometimes it's a lot of you like Fame oh I appreciate the platform that it is where do you go with this Hollywood medium brand I want to be able to bring it all across the world and be able to help people I do group events for people in rural areas and I want to keep it up how do you help them giving them the validation that their loved ones are around that they're connected to them that there's something more you make them feel good absolutely I'm married to a Mormon the Mormons believe that entire families are bonded together after they die right do you find that to be true that mothers and fathers are together I definitely find that we reunite with people on some level I even am afraid to call them people because terminology becomes difficult I believe we our consciousnesses that continue on I do believe we have the ability to reunite with certain consciousnesses when we transition however when we die I don't think we're forced to hang out with our mother-in-law by the way if you have this yeah don't you often see tragedies yes absolutely people who may have been killed yeah people who could tell you who killed them mm-hmm you could help law lawyer you could help lord absolutely do you it's a big question I've had a lot of outreach from people who've lost family there's times where I'll do a reading and I'll get pulled into a missing persons situation but information isn't like the sixth sense I don't see dead people walking around to say this is my name this is my social security number this is humor derd me it really doesn't work that why is that funny yeah because it's such a misconception it's such a silly idea that people have that what I do is so different than what I actually do and so I think even people's skepticism is misinformed sometimes because what I claim to do when I sit with a person is to relay what I see hear and feel and that's it and it's not like I see dead people walking around and I'm gonna sit down and know who murdered them but there are times when details will come through that actually do relay information around someone's death sometimes what happened to them and sometimes even details that came through about names of people that were around a person when they died so it's absolutely feasible that it could be applied in that way police called on Peter hurkos when the Boston Strangler was loosed to find out and he went down the street and he went into a building and this guy had the pictures of all the people that the Boston Strangler had killed right it wasn't the Boston Strangler but he communicated with something right don't police call you we've got this guy who's missing or this guy is acute to try to communicate you could help sure not yet but I'm open to it my lines are open and I'm here if they're interested I think you could do it on a fraud base I mean you think you could hood wing people because they want so much to talk to Grandma I think my validation speaks for itself and I think my reading speaks for themselves I tell people straight up anybody can tell you your loved one loves you but it's the details that come through around that connection that validate the members would you tell them if their loved one hated them she's never had an uncle who said I still hate my nephew never happened come on oh yeah where the dead are not alive so they are not human they are not like us in the way that what they can communicate through you so why can't they tell you they could tell you I love my son so I can't they tell you I hate him they don't see the point in hate but they could do the point of love sure so they know love but they don't know hate I know both they just know what matters you got to explain that to me they're able to communicate from their perspective and understanding of to them from where they're at what really mattered in their lives what we need to focus on as people they don't see a purpose in hate they come through and certainly will acknowledge this happened this had this repercussion but it's never came through in a way where anyone came through a spiteful we play a little game of if you only knew Tyler what was your funniest fan encounter who have to think on this one there's been quite a few actually a woman handed me a sock of her husband's once in a supermarket and she was like can you get anything all this I'm like hey why do you have your husband's sock and B is he deceased or just like no he's alive but do you get anything and I'm like I'm sorry so have a reading that frightened you probably not reading you'd like to do again Boy George Boy George would be fascinating to do he came in and admitted that he wasn't the most open I was able to make some connections to a friend of his who had passed and after the experience he looked back at it and realized that you know he was kind of defensive he had a guard up and he even said he'd like to do it again so guilty pleasure guilty pleasure popcorn best piece of advice you ever got know your truth and use it biggest risk ever took I think there's an inherent element of risk anytime I do a reading biggest misconception about the life of a medium biggest misconception about a life of a medium would be that it's like the sixth sense and that we see dead people walking around did you see the movie I did see the movie would you like it I did like they did it surprise you it did surprise me me too something we don't know about you I paint quite a painter I think dead people not dead I like living things more maybe the best place to do a reading Oh best place someone's home it's intimate something you long believed to be true and then realized wasn't Santa Claus but that was probably two like a seven time period you'd like to travel back to 1950s they'd good good style someone from history you'd like to read Edgar Allan Poe Tyler Henry in ten years hopefully helping spread awareness of what I do hopefully continue to validate what I do and helping people and want to get married and have family I love that absolutely in our final moments Hollywood medium Tyler Henry will answer your questions from social media that's next on this edition of Larry King now the back wa taala henry i understanding your program they put you in a card take you to supper each house you don't know where you're going that's correct so if you go into George Clooney's house and it's George Clooney you know a lot about George correct yes so yeah heads up you have a I mean if I were communicating with this career it would be different because that's what I know about George Clooney but the thing I love about this is that there's so much is so intimate and personal that comes through about these celebrities things they've never talked about in interviews things that can't be researched googled and they know because they're the first to Google themselves so I found that yeah it's really the personal details that comes through even if it's a recognizable face some social media questions lb cutie on Twitter do you ever have days where you can't turn it off is there ever a silent time and if not does that worry or bother you there's actually days where I feel less connected so I have like my baseline where I normal have like my normal like no I feel normal today there's actually some days where I feel like I'm kind of fuzzy or not as connected in which case I'll actually take the day off so it's quite the opposite flossy show on Facebook you seem to have rightly predicted the unfortunate relationship issues that Khloe Kardashian recession recently had have you spoken to Khloe since then and would you give her another reading if asked I have not spoken to Khloe and yes I would at Park Slope on Twitter how do you get rid of an annoying or angering spirit yeah great question some people do feel like they have spiritual activity in their homes I personally have not really experienced that to be the case maybe one out of a thousand cases actually has legitimate activity I think prayer intention whatever makes person feels good is a good way to kind of help mentally put their mind at peace but I really don't have experience with earthbound spirits or ghosts or anything no one in the afterlife is unhappy I wouldn't say happiness or our realm of emotion is even an accurate way to gauge more it is a non-physical it's just a non-physical experience that has Sarah God I believe there's a source what does that mean something created us but that's all I know there do they tell you about something they you acknowledge an understanding of vast interconnection and the closest thing that I've been able to come to an understanding God is this interconnection of all things and all what have been a chill what happens to children who die children do come through in some capacity but again I don't think we're limited to our incarnation in life and I think our consciousness does continue to evolve in some capacity Christopher Creed on Facebook have you ever spoken to someone in the afterlife who didn't want to speak to you who told you to go away there are some situations where some people that come through are not as willing to come through either because they don't see the purpose in it they may not have a message for their loved one or I might just be having an off day Laura okay on Facebook would you ever read Larry King on your show yes absolutely maybe season four okay you'll come to my house in season four I would love it well welcome you Nancy Sands on Facebook can you read other mediums or is that impossible yeah absolutely it's definitely possible it's impossible not in touch it is possible absolutely I just don't tend to read mediums Morgan shave on Facebook do you ever get sick of being called a medium wherever you go you ever want to ditch the label never for me it's my life it's my calling and it's the one thing that allows me to help people Danette Merrill voglio on Facebook how often do you read yourself very rarely because I pretty much can't say a big part of my process is not having bias and so I have to really be present I have to kind of put this that put to the side my own thoughts feelings and emotions and so for ourselves we're inherently biased and it's hard to read ourselves Paula Williams on Facebook can you read pets yes pets do have an energy they do have a consciousness I believe it does continue on so wait a minute so you got a live dog sure you sit with the dog yep who communicates through you so you good question there it would have its own form of energy around it in some capacity absolutely so a dead dog sure absolutely I think the bonds what is a Sadie issue dogs don't speak sure but it's not speaking I mean none of these people are coming through much again like the sixth sense thing they're not coming through talking it's all through in essence of feeling what I found interesting and actually season two I did a reading a woman handed me a man's bowtie I was holding on to it I got the name Frank Frank Frank ended up being her dog Frankie's bowtie that she used to put on the dog I didn't hear barking but I also didn't get a whole bunch of additional information it was more just a feeling of love a feeling of companionship it came through in that way more as a feeling in not necessarily in Irbil let's break it down the spirits do not talk to you not in a in yes correct nah they don't talk to you yes how can you tell the living person right what they're thinking they used my body basically think of my body like a canvas and they paint the picture and they do that through very subtle changes in my body so I might be sitting with a person and I'll close my eyes I'll scribble and I might get a physical sensation that corresponds with how someone died for example so I might get a feeling of like sadness and then get a chest pain and if I get that I am able to think okay getting sadness getting chest pain this person probably dealt with some sadness while having some chest pain and when I put the two and two together and then I noticed any changes in my body by inner reading hundreds of images and feelings can come through so I would gather you don't fear death I want to live for as long as I can I don't fear death I don't want I don't love dying the idea of dying I don't want to be that when it happens yeah yes exactly thank you a big thanks to my guest Tyler Henry Hollywood medium with Tyler Henry airs Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on E and those you can find me on Twitter at Kings things and I'll be in the fourth year see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Larry King
Views: 808,547
Rating: 4.7721562 out of 5
Keywords: tyler henry, michael jackson, hollywood medium tyler henry, tyler henry michael jackson, tyler henry hollywood medium, hollywood medium, hollywood medium with tyler henry, tyler henry the hollywood medium, medium, laura lynne jackson, tyler henry interview, tyler henry live reading, keeping up with the kardashians, psychic medium michael henry, psychic, man on the street, afterlife, psychic michael henry, other side, michael henry
Id: x-tSZiu5qoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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