Tyler Henry Connects JoAnna Garcia Swisher to Murdered Family Friends | Hollywood Medium | E!

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foreign [Music] God you're a hugger come on in my name is Joanna Garcia Swisher and I probably would most well known for my show um called Reba but I don't know that Tyler will recognize me I'm so excited oh I'm happy to be here thank you for having me oh are you kidding me I've been waiting for this moment forever I'm all in I'm a Believer our families experienced a lot of loss in the last few years and so it obviously is very emotional and just really wanting that positive connection so basically I've kind of learned that oftentimes when people connect will have messages not only for us but for other family members so that can sometimes happen my husband's here awesome and my best girlfriends oh great yeah awesome anticipation's killing me so people could come through for them and so family is kind of an interesting term because when people get married yeah the that person's family will also come through for the person they married into um so that's always possible and yeah basically the way that'll do this they'll hold into an object okay see we bring through I always say an object to me usually helps the connection and makes us stronger but for me anybody can come through a contract I brought a lot for you right I love it how much time do you have I have I have all afternoon so we can be here for a while let's see what they are okay I'm like how many hands do you have I love it wow that is unique um my goodness I told you I've been waiting a really long time to meet you oh wow we're just gonna like [Laughter] um not all at the same time do you want me to give them to you one by one we'll get one okay is there anything that you're drawn to this one okay I'm drawn to this I think I'm not surprised so I'm gonna connect so let me see where we go I'll just kind of Channel all of what comes through so let me figure out where we're at I have this man that's coming through who's basically apologizing about the circumstances of his death and this involved not just him and there's an acknowledgment of this being considered not natural this way that I would convert this and this is someone who acknowledged they lived like a pretty good duration of life but happened to die through non-natural means yes so it's like if a 60 or 70 year old dies abruptly or you know someone who basically got past middle age dies of something not natural she knows exactly that's kind of the impression that comes through does that make sense yes [Music] he's having me bring up um this woman coming through he was like they're coming through together so let me figure out what this is so there's a strong emphasis between these two this man and this woman and they come through as a single unit usually it means that like these two people would have been so close in life that their relationship and the way that they would come through would be like one person this is gonna and the question has been are they together are they together are they together and he's I'm sorry it's okay yeah I just am I having like an out-of-body experience I feel like I just can't believe you I understand it's a lot to take in but I want you to know that they're both coming through totally at ease and completely calm and at peace and that's people's priorities so please know that okay so what was his name and what was her name Hector and Debbie nice they were very close family friends their son is like my brother well that's the thing family is family yeah that's what we make it Q is too it's two people how old were they when they passed they were both one was in their 70s one was in their 50s they're placing themselves away from from other family they're not around people that we're close to at the time of passing almost the feeling is like they were alone your situation it's like really quickly do you know who they were giving money to because this is so weird I just hit you they would have been either loaning or giving to some extent like money and the feeling is like this person just keeps taking and taking and taking and they do not know when to stop taking this money yeah and I feel like there is just not a sense of full resolve with this person but it had to have been for so much more than just uh it's like money it's more than that they're just bringing up this very toxic person this person was very manipulative as well and knew exactly what to say and how to say it to get these things and what's frustrating in this way too is it's not like they were even giving like a ton of money in one setting it's almost like here's a little bit here's a little bit more he was on the pair also but this is an individual that they're directly really blaming for he ultimately you know was stealing from them and they were they were murdered um in their home so it's hard to understand why someone would be could be capable of doing something like that so it just felt like wow wow yeah makes sense well I think when they came through they really emphasized that they would have never seen murders being an option I and it's like it just didn't have to happen that way it didn't have to happen that way that's for sure there's a feeling of frustration with this person even on the other side and that is not typically the case they don't typically bring that forward and I don't have to forgive him right no because they really don't want to okay that's something that we can all obtain in our own time and for ourselves you don't you really don't they're passing of very close family friends of ours that was really tragic it's not always poetic and Noble and so I'm grateful that I could just leave my feelings about that I'm at peace with it I could just leave it where they are um to know that they're together is enough for me just know that they have this sun figure that they're watching over and they're they're just they love him more than anything know that um it's coming through really strongly that's really that's that makes so much I mean it was their world it's like they're everything that's awesome dude that's so awesome I'm like sweating I love him very much this is her bracelets and oh it's sweet oh my gosh they are together they come through you know loving you so much and and so happy when they come across they are they're definitely together and you always say that that's my old that was all I really wanted to know there were dear close friends of the family known them my whole life and um met a very tragic end and they went together and I think for me you know not wanting to even go into too much detail but just to know that they're together and they're in that way at peace brings me a lot of great it brings me great comfort you know our families are sort of kind of come together and become family real family for each other you know family is kind of what we make it to some extent these people come through very loving of it's sort of they still connect to you that's wonderful well thank you so yes thank you oh my gosh oh you want to meet my husband I would love it okay all right come on it okay [Music] by far not like the most amazing thing ever and this is great to meet you oh my god I've listened to all that and I'm thinking like Hector which is like Joe's pretty much brother was one of my best friends to get a little more closure to know like hey man they're still around me I think that's like I'm so glad that's why I think just all the things that's going on here today has just been so awesome if Joe starts crying and I start crying it's like I feel like what a gift to be able to share that with people is so awesome I keep doing this so thankful and I'm so glad that such a treat thanks for having us yeah um Tyler said something about when people pass over it's not necessarily Like My Mother My maternal grandmother our friends are our family and you've got a lot of people in your village so it's really nice to to know that the village continues and there's peace on the other side amazing it was amazing totally exciting this is one of the few readings that I've done where someone's actually came through and acknowledged still processing their own feelings towards a living person usually they come to you with complete acceptance and lots of love but they're murderer they still have feelings for when it comes to frustration and that's something that's kind of interesting it's not something Spirits usually emphasize [Music]
Channel: E! Entertainment
Views: 709,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOLLYWOOD MEDIUM, E! SHOWS, E_SHOWS, HOLLYWOOD_MEDIUM, TYLER HENRY, TYLER_HENRY, REALITY TV, REALITY_TV, REALITY, TV, NETFLIX, Hollywood Medium, hollywood, shows, reality shows, tv shows, television series, reality, tv, reality tv, netflix, Netflix, netflix shows, tyler henry, Tyler Henry, Eentertainment, e entertainment, E!, JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Murdered Family Friends, Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry, Sweet Magnolias, tyler, Netflix Shows, Reality TV shows, show
Id: zbb2sWTMyfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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