Tyler Henry on coming out, striking while the iron is hot and the resilience of the human spirit.

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Tyler Henry I have to say uh firstly thank you so much I've been so excited for this conversation oh likewise I would not have missed it I love getting to talk to you and now in an official format and how are you doing I've been doing good I've been staying busy I've been on the road traversing time zones getting more bags under the eyes with jet lag uh it's been good though very productive well I was going to say you look very fresh and actually it was the first thing I said to you when the camera turned on I was like you're looking very well sir thank you we just do a bit of a lemon spritz and some pie and spring water and it just keeps one kind of just encrusted like I kind of feel like you're such a young guy but yet I get the sense from following you and just even knowing you the little bit that I do that you it feels like you've lived several lifetimes in one already that is very kind I you know I when I was little I felt like I was described as an old soul and then the older I get the younger I feel so I'm like Benjamin buttoning it I'm like reversed aging you are literally Benjamin Button which brings us nicely along to our to the first question obviously this show is all about the numbers and I'm intrigued by numbers on so many levels I think you know people oftentimes when I say to people about this podcast being about numbers they think numerology which it may or may not be but it's just about the fascination of numbers that appear in our lives and I think once you tune into it and I'm guessing that you're very in tune with numbers it can be kind of mindboggling to see these kind of um sequences of numbers that continually repeat in our lives so when it comes to your family life what is the the number that speaks to you yeah you know I would say in in regards to that three is a pretty significant number because it is my immediate family my mom my dad and myself I'm an only child get all the Christmas gifts every Christmas just how I like it um and so for that it's actually interesting one of my I think my birth number within numerology is three uh as well so there's something to be said about that number kind of repeating in an archetypal way as far as family goes and to your point I mean we can talk about this more but there's definitely something about numbers being qualitative um or rather let meate There's Something About Numbers being quantitative and kind of the nature of intuition being qualitative um and it's interesting there are definitely different ways of measuring you know the world well the first thing I think of when you tell me that your number is three in terms of your family is I think of like you know the trilogy right the Holy Trinity a three a three three leafed clover like things that come in threes are associated down Through the Ages with this kind of mystical mythical quality in many respects it's seen as looky right yes absolutely and Omen things coming in threes you know every every time we get an elderly celebrity passing everyone's looking up the and seeing all everyone past 80 and is like okay is this Betty wh's year it was oh Betty wh orip Bessie I know but you know they say it happens in threes it does well let's hope has anyone are we Jew anyone to pass at the moment I mean I hope that that would be if I could call that one we'd be in trouble so come here talk to me about growing up and being an only child and and obviously discovering I think you said you were 10 when you discovered that you something was going on yes so that was really kind of the moment that started everything I had the first premonition of my grandmother's passing and that really kind of just kicked everything off it it for me was a moment of knowingness that evolved into a series of moments of knowingness and I found that really between the ages of 10 and 13 as I was developing a sense of identity and growing into a person that kind of corresponded with an intuitive development and it seemed as if the more I developed my inner world the more I was able to kind of retain the outer world and that happened as I got older and so the first time it happens like were you not freaked out I definitely was more confused and you know if anything I wasn't frightened until people told me that I was doing something worth being afraid of um you know as a kid I would just have these experiences and they were very natural but people framed them them as Supernatural or paranormal and for me they were very normal so there was something to be said about wanting to keep things secret and having to integrate that element into my identity and kind of wear something as a badge of honor that I had been inclined to keep repressed and it was a very powerful alchemy that was made of something very very heavy I'm just thinking I'm thinking about my own life when I was that age when I was you know especially 13 14 that coming of age and personally I was you know I I didn't have an ability that I'd come to terms with I was coming to terms with my sexuality who I you know my identity as a as an individual and it was so for me it was quite traumatic is probably the wrong word but it was very very intense and it was a very difficult couple of years so I'm only imagining that coupled with the fact that you you are having these communications I don't know what way yeah like yes how do you like how do how because I struggled even just dealing with me sure whereas you were you were dealing with other stuff on top of you on top of having an ability that made you stand out for other reasons how did you cope sure you know I think I kind of checked a number of boxes being that where I was from I just kind of differed in a number of ways and in some ways it made it easier to be trer to who I was was because I was dealing with something that was so other that you know being gay on top of being a medium wasn't really that being an other it wasn't that hard to embrace otherhood in other capacities but I find that really generally whether even if someone can't relate to you know being a medium or having moments of communication I think everyone can relate to feeling like the other in one way or another be it in the workplace be it at school and so those are for me I think opportunities for resilience to be true to to who one is and uh I just always felt like I had a pretty identifiable sense of self and I think that helped uh it just kind of came naturally so what what was coming out like for you as as a a gay person well coming out as a gay uh was just for me a process of mini coming out I felt like it was kind of brusting out of the closet and kind of getting slammed back in and then busting out and they're like no it's a phase and I'm like what um so it was a lot of you know kind of having to repeat like I swear I'm gay I really don't want to have to prove it to you wa were your family were your family like receptive of it was it like a non-issue it was kind of more like no you're you know just give it some more time feel it out you've had girlfriends you know um fill it out you know and I'm like no you know we've been those paths and uh birth canals and we're good and and you know seen it done it watch the movie so I yeah I definitely felt it out and I'm a gay yeah and then it was just a it's a really long phase that's stuck now for over a decade or uh well now going on too if I'm being honest oh there you go we're looking as young as ever that Benjamin Buton is is working for you it's the goal I'm getting older next time we talk I'm just new but do you like I've heard you speak in interviews before about the fact when you give readings that it does take a lot out of you like it takes a toll I've watched in obviously your you know your Netflix show life after death you know there's a scene where you're in bed and you're like I just want to stay in bed all day I just like I'm exhausted you know do you feel is there is there a cost in every reading for you for sure I I think you know one of the biggest sacrifices that we all make is our time and uh I think that for me there's something to be said about that in the sense that not only does it reading start when I sit down with a person but starts long before and the night before and sometimes you know there are very strong Impressions and dreams or insomnia and then you know the information often sticks with me thereafter when I go and lay my head on the pillow that that night after I've done a reading I find myself still thinking about the person or thinking of you know the impact that individual had in the person's life and so I would say the cost is that but it's a cost you know worth having it's a price worth paying you know tenfold for what I'm able to achieve in that moment of connection and it makes it very much worth it was there ever a moment in your life um and again I'm I'm kind of pulling on my own experience here when I first came out as gay I was like if I'm being totally honest and it feels like such such a betrayal of who I am today to even say this but it's just being completely honest there was a moment in time where if I could have made a wish and woke up the next day and being completely straight I would have done it because it felt like the path of least resistance in terms of you know you having this amazing um ability has there was there ever a time where you struggled with it and you kind of thought you know what I I just want to give this back of course you know there I think that is one of the aspects of of having something about one that makes one unique as we all have and and there are times where even if you're the biggest juiciest Peach you're going to deal with people who just don't like peaches fundamentally and and that's just the nature of being a human being but children don't quite realize that when you're a kid you can't really integrate that understanding as well as perhaps an adult can and so there were certainly moments as I'm sure you can relate where I felt easier to be quiet than to be true to do R once and in my case you know I had people having prayer circles for my soul as 11 12y old as I got older um you know I dealt with a lot of resistance within the school setting and had to leave school early so those were all for me tests I think that in some ways tension is the price of growth and if you think of quite literally you know a seed that's planted that must go up through the soil to reach the sky there's tension bearing down on it but it it goes up anyway pursues uh its ultimate and so that for me is what challenges to our identity are opportunities theise the occasion but knowing that and and and believing that can be two different things and where do you think that resilience comes from for you you know I don't know I think I might have just had a really like maybe the past life was just really rough or something I just I've always been very jovial I I you know deal really well with with tough situations because I I generally am able to maintain a level head um if I hadn't been a medium I would have wanted to be a diplomat just because I find National relations really fascinating I find communication just so integral um and how everybody just wants to be seen and feel understood and that that's Universal that transcends language and even life in depth I I think that's something that we share in the sense of you know that I I I'm only getting to know you but you seem seem to have like me and I feel very lucky to to to be able to say this a naturally happy disposition you know and I my mom says to me and she always says it she goes as a young boy I just bed around the place happy as long as I was fed as long as there was trees for me to climb and animals for me to find like I was just happy I was just a happy boy yes what you know do yeah do you think you know and obviously as you get older and you've got I feel you've got different insights into all of this right with you with your ability do you think that that's something that people can learn and obviously it gets challenged as you get older and life gets in the way and things get thrown your way but I oftentimes think that if the world could tap into that we'd all be in such a better place there really is something to be said about P thresholds and tolerance thresholds when it comes to difficult experiences and some people seem to have an inner resilience um and others you know feel everything so much um and it's very interesting I remember when I graduated high school at the age of 16 I wanted to become a hospice nurse and in one of the classes we took uh we learned about the Pain Scale and how very often that's related to you know being a one or a 10 um or you know in anything in between and how pain was often so subjective uh it often very much tied into the amount of distress someone was in emotionally and that always fascinated me and I think clearly reflects the subjective nature of what we are able to tolerate and I think we all can do things to find an inner sense of stability um to build certain tools to self-regulate which I think is really important and cope with life through expectation management I think that that's a very integral part of being able to navigate the realm of this world H and how much do you think of our current like our personality in this life is is built on the experiences we may have had prior so interesting and such a fascinating line of inquiry because I truly don't know and I I have met people who have had Hang-Ups that they attribute to past lives where it certainly was still a problem for them and uh those are some of the most interesting cases you know and then we have feel absolutely categorically no connection to a past life um or of anything of that sort so it seems to just be a bit of a spectrum because for me I you know I'll be honest I don't feel any connection to a past life per se um but I do feel a very strong connection to the people who have come before me so in the sense of you know does that phrase I think it's my Angelo you know we're all standing on the shoulders of those who've come before us and that really resonates with me yes absolutely that's you've said it I mean that truly sums it up and the opportunity there to connect with our ancestors and those that came before us you know all of those chance encounters that had to happen in order for your creation to be possible over hundreds thousands of years you know something informed about and I really think there's a greater plan to things do you think yeah I I often wonder I'm like you know I Believe In free will and we're all on this planet with our own free will but then I also believe in destiny and then I'm like well what is the intersection between Destiny and free will do you have any insights into that or any take on that oh it's such a good conversation because I go back and forth as well especially in the realm of psychic work where we talk about predetermination and if one can even in theory one time accurately psychically predict the future well then very clearly the future is capable of communicating with the past and that's how one would be able to to it something that hasn't happened yet right and so it becomes very convoluted very confusing I think that there is something to be said on both sides of the argument and I think life may be an amalgamation of certain predetermined standards the stages that are set with um a variable of Free Will within it if that's the case then we are also kind of subject to other people's free will as well and that would take away in essence some of our Free Will so if you can kind of understand it would all all be kind of Smashing in a bunch of forces and the truth might just kind of be somewhere in the in the middle of that convolution uhhuh now you mentioned something there as well so obviously you are a medium Clairvoyant um not a psychic so what is or or are you a psychic I mean I I don't know I'm wondering what the difference is no it's and that when it comes to the subject I think you know mediumship is a psychic ability but not all psychics are mediums so it's a mind power but mediums are really more conduits for people who have passed away or disembodied intelligences guides you know so often they're called so there's a a differential there but it's all the same realm and I'm still considered the psychic even if I'm not looking into a crystal ball which hey I have before um have you yeah and it's a form of scrying it's something that that's gone back thousands of years could look at a mirror some people look at Candle Flames um there's so many just different ways of thinking and shifting one's mindset and because I know you you love um stained glass and rocks right like interesting rocks I see that on your socials yes and more of a geological nerd than any than any you know this metaphysical aspect to it but I just love natural beauty which you know in La is hard to find oh I'm I'm struggling to find that natural be beauty honey oh it's natural natural beauty I'm sorry oh oh my two P almost fell off no but um truly it's it's something truly Transcendent when you can look at something from the earth and realize you came from the same Source it's it's truly magnificent you know what that's so interesting I was on uh I had a phone call with one of my really great friends back in Ireland about an hour ago Jennifer and halfway through the phone call because I was in the garden here she said to me I can hear loads of birds in the background where are you and I said you know I'm in the garden and that's one of the things I love about Los Angeles is the can you can actually really connect with nature and standing out here and I'm in the heart of West Hollywood I look up into the sky and I see these beautiful birds of prey like catching those thermals and just riding around and then I look at the hummingbirds and they're doing their little love bombing dance and I'm just like it really like fills me up with so much happiness oh absolutely I know in West Hollywood there's so much nature and animal you've got bears and otters and just an AM you never know what you're gonna run into on it's it's so true yeah and there there's plenty of Peaches I know you mentioned peaches earlier on there there's all of it fruit all the fruits are in most Hollywood and vegetables um you said you you are you got to have your five a day isn't that what they say it's good for your health that can be your [Laughter] quota uh you mentioned a little earlier that you were looking at um uh nursing was it was it nursing was your career choice yeah y yeah so in terms of um the number that changed everything for you in your career what is it I forgot the answer that I had established earlier can maybe mind read it from you but uh I you know I would say around 19 was probably a pivotal age because that was really when I I first kind of established my television show you know I had brain surgery at 18 after having a rachid brain cyst I almost died um and that experience while extremely humbling was extremely timely and and really put me in a place of having to reassess as I was turning into an adult literally um you know where I wanted my future life to go and realized through that experience that time was a yes and so hold on is is the when you had the brain surgery had that any connection to your ability you know I wondered it was a congenital brain cyst so it was something I was born with but after surgery I remember when I was woken up by the the nurse who woke me up I felt as a presence around her oh my goodness sorry goodness gracious let me reans that one before my throat closes I remember when I woke up out of brain surgery I recall uh actually getting a feeling around the nurse that was waking me up uh and so I knew I still had my ability that I hadn't lost it you know from the swipe of a scalpel but it was a very real risk and something I considered as I got wheed in and so you wake up from successful brain surgery you're still the same person you were the day before but obviously in Better Health how does that change your your view on life and how you I guess set your intentions on what you wanted to achieve I think it certainly was a reminder that time is of the essence that life is fickle and fragile and that expectations can really lead to disappointment so for me it was not wanting to live in a world of expectation but to live in a world of creation um you know to try to create as much as I could before my time came to leave this realm and you know one of the interesting things about this brain cyst is that it wasn't entirely taken out it was in a very sensitive part of my brain uh near my brain stem and it was basically covering three very pivotal Parts where your brain and brain stem drain and at any moment that could rupture and I was told you know this is something you're going to live with for the rest of your life with the understanding that it could come back at any time and that understanding quite literally helped me navigate life differently knowing it could change in a blink and it's quite interesting to hear that because obviously you have a rather unique insight into life after death into what happens us when we die and so to hear you say that is really interesting for me what do you think happens when we die now it's the AG question and it's one I have so little knowledge around but from what I can determine there is something about the experience that seems to be deeply introspective across the thousands of readings that I've done they've came through and explained that in essence to convey certain understandings that they have there to me would be like trying to explain a rithmetic to a squirrel um I am simply not capable of grasping you know some of the greatest answers to the biggest questions nor do I think any of us are on some level but what is so interesting is there seems to be a reflection of a Life review process there seems to be an awareness of the ripple effect that a person's life had on others what the actions and inactions had on the greater Collective and when they come through they really recognize that they were like a droplet of water that upon transitioning become part of a large large vast ocean of Consciousness and and that realization is humbling it allows people to let things go and it come through with peace through acceptance and that's the key word acceptance It's it's interesting there I was just thinking about you know you were saying you wake up um after brain surgery and it really helps you focus focus on what you want to do in this life so you know often times grief is associated with regret like people regret the things they didn't do or they did do or they didn't say and so on I'm curious with the people or the souls or spirits that you connect with in the afterlife do you ever get a sense of regret from them you know I think if anything they have awareness awareness of what was done what could have been done differently I think of a lot of what we identify with the ego um very often related to either expectations imposed on ourselves or the way things should be um a lot of that kind of gets stripped when we transition we no longer need those necessary defense mechanisms that we have in this realm and so I think there is a reckoning you know I think when people hurt people uh they get a full understanding upon transitioning of the ripple effect of their actions not coming from a place of punishment but from coming from a place of self-awareness and the expansion of understanding and self assessment uh and that really seems to give people Clarity um but regret seems to be more human so interesting because I was brought up in Ireland Catholic uh we're not particularly religious religious family um and I remember one of the kind of core tenants of it was that God will always forgive you right repent your sins and God will always forgive you and I remember when I was coming out and I'm like well apparently I'm an Abomination I'm a sin because I'm homosexual but I'm like if God's going to forgive me well then what are you guys talking about like and what's there to forgive I'm a good person I'm living my life with with good intentions I'm you know I'm I'm a good person and so when you think about that and then so that that's one thing and then I remember listening to an interview I think Oprah Winfrey did with some guy who survived the plane crash and it was this this thing of he wasn't meant to get on the plane but he got on it and he didn't listen to that intuition whatever was telling him not to get onest and I remember he says as the plane was like on fire and it was it was crashing and thankfully for him he was up near the front he turned around and he said he was non-believer non-spiritual non-religious he turned around and looked into the cabin before he exited and he said he saw what he could only describe as lights coming out of the people who were who were still strapped into the plane but he described the lights as some were brighter than others right and and so he now lives his life he doesn't understand it but he said I now live my life I want to be one of the brighter lights when my time comes which brings me to my question though and again you might have the answer to this I'm just curious are there better lights or Souls than others like is you know I I I I don't I don't know it confuses me it's a great philosophical question right I mean you have people who do horrible things on a large scale and then you have people who do great things on a large scale as well and then certainly how can both of those be the same fundamentally and then that's kind of the age I I do think if anything the soul is a bit like a canvas and our decisions are ultimately you know what we choose to paint what picture we choose to wear on our personhood what uh you know portrait do we choose uh to show off to the world for people to look at and take something from um you know we all are given some degree of choice and when we talk about the subject of God you know there there are huge philosophical questions around that um you know the problem of evil is something that is worth looking into it's literally within philosoph philosophy the concept of how can a God who is loving create and permit evil to occur uh those two don't also seem to contradict right so it's something that even goes above our pay grade as human beings it's so interesting isn't it I mean we could talk about it for hours are you afraid of dying I still look both ways when I cross the street but when it happens you know it'll happen and I and I recognize full well you know it is kind of uh beyond my control so I suppose I just kind of feel like one is in an eternal present and that present for me is is priority and I don't really get lost in in the future or Focus much on the past even well that's kind that's that's um you know that's something we all need to practice isn't it it's like being present in the moment yeah and it's a fine line right you want to be able to be introspective and you know plan for next week but you also I think most people don't have problems with that I think most people over introspect and over plan it's really about being able to be present I think can can really radically change your way most of are good do you have um any kind of practices that you do on a daily or weekly basis that helps you kind of maintain that and helps you maintain your sense of self because I'm assuming you're constantly being barraged by Spirits trying to connect to it you totally uh in in some ways or another yeah I I would say like you know doing things that cultivate identity are really important things that get one into a flow State a flow state is really just defined as in tosm this idea that we can do things we time seems to pass as if it does not exist and you can think of dancers singers interviewing sometimes and sure feels that way where you look you're like oh my God the interview is over already we have to do those things that get us into those states where we are aware of our spiritual Eternal nature that really transcends time and things that get us in in our Flow State really get us literally in the flow I love it there's there's no better feeling than when you feel inflow in life absolutely fluidity is so important to have and just generally I find rigidity is kind of the enemy I mean that's something that I work on myself because I'm I'm a Capricorn not huge in the horoscopes but I oh that's why I'm getting a lot of this a lot of what you're saying I can relate to in the sense of I don't have your ability but I just your your outlook on life yes well I love it we're both honoring Hing capricious capricious so tell them what's your date of birth January 13th what about you oh my God I getting chilled I'm the 12th oh no our Cy the same oh my God our periods are going to be the same for the next six month oh that's brilliant I love that yeah because I was I was GNA say there was something you said earlier on or one of your I was gonna say God that's very Capricorn and I almost didn't want to go there but yeah we're both Capricorn that's so interesting absolutely that is meant to be is isn't it oh my God I love it okay oh my god well then this next question is going to be so interesting no ready when it comes to love what's your number my number uh 21 and that's you know when I started my my long-term relationship that I've now been in for a hundred years and and looking to get married here very soon so I'm very excited about that are you getting married I am yeah it's gonna happen at some point in the next 24 months I'm just working out the logistics oh I did not know congratulations that's obviously lovely Clint yes lovely Clint can you imagine if it was like no it's not Clint it's someone else it's a woman can you imagine just just completely the dead pen hold on I actually I stranger listen who are you telling yes stranger things have happened um I actually you've reminded me now I heard a beautiful song that yourself and Clint um I'm not sure who wrote it but you recorded this beautiful song did Clint write us you know we wrote it together and he has a little bit of a better more Angelic voice I've got the lower octaves lower Realms covered but uh together yeah we wrote the song about grief it's called together again and uh it was just kind of one of those channeled works you know it just kind of comes out of you you know I listened to it earlier on this week and it brought me to tears the first even the first 20 seconds I don't know what it was about it there's something about it the the melody the tone the just there's quite an intensity to it and I'm very susceptible to to music it's um you know it's when I'm I think I go to my most kind of relaxed vulnerable state almost um and instantly it can trigger me in but this was beautiful it's a beautiful reaction um yeah it was really beautiful so you and Clint okay thank you I really appreciate it means everything because feeling is where it's at right and whether it's tears it's all a release it's all about being able to just go with the FL let it Let It Be Free yeah I know I used to you know for a long time I struggled to cry really for a long time to I'm sorry what do you attribute that to you know I think and I've done you know I've I've I've spoken a lot about this and I've really confronted it head on and my I attribute it to a defense mechanism that I developed when I was coming to terms with who I am as as a as a gay person um I got quite bullied in school and I literally it's it's like I describe it like an ex-man I can feel my emotions rising and I can just stop it right there it's like I build a wall and I can stop it and it's really it's been really interesting to explore because I don't want to live like that because I was always I remember as a you know as a kid just again very very in flow you know that's the only way I can describe it very light and enjoyable and just kind of in tune with who I was and my group of girlfriends who are still my best friends to this day we we all met when we were like 13 14 um through my ex-girlfriend actually um and there's like the six or seven in the group and I remember they only said it to me years later when we were 15 16 17 whenever I would be in a conversation with them I apparently would place my hand on their stomach and I I had no idea I ever did this right and I remember someone said it they were like oh we used to always breed in when we were talking to you because we didn't want you feeling or whatever I was like oh my God I was totally unaware of that but I so so anyway I've dealt with that now and I'm much more my my emotions and crying and all of that is much more I'm much more in Chee with myself it took a long time yes it you know they say when it comes to love it's less about finding it and more about removing the blocks that prevent you from feeling it and it's so true with just empathy for oneself we're so inclined to feel compassion for a friend but not lend ourselves that same honor that same kind of just due diligence basic respect for ourselves but it takes time I think the amydala has to grow got to get that full you know frontal lobe has to devel up before we can kind of fully integrate some of those understandings do you know it's I'm just reminded now while we're talking I was in mikinos a in Santorini a couple of years ago and I think it was probably the most surreal Soul experience I ever had and I've never shared this publicly but I was in this bar and I remember I'd gone into this bar and we' gone in earlier on the day and I had just noticed this tall blonde lady behind the bar paid no attention and went and sat where I was sitting at in the Terrace and there was like a group of us so people were buying drinks and I didn't have to go to the bar for at least an hour and a half so when it was my turn to go to the bar she came up and said hi how uh how can I help you and I said oh you know um no she said hi welcome and I said oh thank you I said I've actually been here for uh a couple of hours she goes oh yes I know I spotted you when you came in right and I was like oh okay well great this place is great anyway we get talking and I said she was this American lady and she'd been living in Santorini for 10 years and I said how did you end up in Santorini you know so long she told me the story of um she'd come there met her husband fell in love they've had kids and he' passed away and that was their bar so she still has the bar and I was like Wow and I was so drawn on to her her stomach right and she was wearing this little t-shirt and it was like a logo in the center of her Center of her stomach and I said oh and I just put my hand on it and I said I don't it sounds weird to say but like I I feel he's still really here with you because the conversation had gone in a weird way and she said oh my God thank you so much she said this is his T-shirt that she was wearing I was like oh my God right yeah so we then continued the conversation for like an hour and a half the bark clothed I could not get away from this lady in the best way I went home to the hotel and Tyler I cried for three hours but it was tears of joy it was euphoric it was like I had a moment where I said if just like if if it's if it's over now this is fine I'm very happy it was the most bizarre thing that sounds like they clearly whoever they were perhaps her husband was aware of that kind of synchronous meeting of the minds in that space and in that time and I think there really is something about meaningful coincidences that people need to give more credit you know your inclination to put your hand on her belly uh to point out that that specific region I think was not accidental there was a reason we were kind of used as a conduit to relay a message of knowingness that he was still there yeah it really it really stuck with me that that experience from a few years ago um anyway I kind of feel like we we we touched on this next one it's about like age not you know it's nothing but a number H what's the age that that is significant for you what number you know a zero I remember not that I remember being in the embryo but I wish I I'm sure it was warm and probably very relaxing didn't have to work no Live Events was just chilling and then popped out about you know three months early and looked back and said I'm never going in one of those ever again did you were you goingn early I was about approximately yes and uh just came out like a little bean bag just popped out of there like a chicken nugget undercooked oh yeah that's quite early isn't it that's quite premature yeah they had to like do the cesarian I was like a tumor baby they just kind of like extracted me no no I I know you kind of say it jokingly but do you have a memory of being in the womb oh no no yeah if I did I think I'd be even more on the Kinsey scale okay I was like you know I mean you you you can communicate with people who've passed on so I mean I I don't know I'm not taking anything for granted anything's free game I could start levitating you could start levitating we'd see anything could happen around here I'm all up for it oh do you know something I was going to ask you in terms of your relationship do you guys ever consider yourselves or see yourselves having children you know uh no only because we are both so nocturnal that having to get up for school would drive me crazy and I could barely get through it the first time let alone having relive all that and then having to go to PTA meetings wanting to punch other parents um and also if I have a baby then I no longer am the baby so who's gonna change my diaper so it's just unacceptable we can't have it and um I'm just GNA live yeah without I I yeah no no kids no kids I love it I love it well that's listen at Leisa you're very definite on that front yes yes concrete very concrete I sense that from you there's no ambiguity there and and in terms of your your own personal life journey is there a number that you wish you could forget you no it's a number I wish I could forget I really think every number is head value no matter what it's worth sometimes it could be you know it could be the number of an X it could be yeah oh she's what 32 when I was 19 that might be the number we forget uh yeah there you go is there a number that you check regularly uh you know what I I find myself noticing sevens a lot I just kind of see them it's not like it's like a lucky I mean everyone's lucky number seven okay but like I don't know I just see him I'm like oh hey look it's a seven I well you know I've identified some uh seven as my number um and I always had an affinity with seven when I was growing up seriously when I I always I was like oh yeah seven looky number looking number but then when I look back on my life my life has gone in cycles of seven every seven years something very key has happened to me absolutely oh yes even it's so fascinating in those increments um yeah we just having this conversation even within astrology like when you hit around 27 or 28 that you kind of enter into a whole other phase of your life even in other some kind of Norwegian cultures they kind of separate life into four Parts like the Four Seasons and it kind of goes in those categor so it's very interesting have you ever been to Ireland I never have you have to take me oh my God yes just take you to Ireland let just a l and run we can run away to Ireland I'd be just in I'd be intrigued um to see how you get on I mean I'm sure Ireland would love you but it's obviously it's a you know it's a very very kind of historic and ancient land with with lots of very old history yes I would love in person someday we'll discuss the fa folk we'll we'll talk about them all you know a very fascinating history there there is isn't there um oh do you how how much do you believe that life is about timing I think timing truly is everything you know there's something to be said about striking while the iron is hot I love that phrase it's such a good visual and it's so true you know and and really uh taking opportunity when it presents itself I think oftentimes in people I know uh self-doubt has really been the biggest cause of stagnant so acting even if you don't fully believe in your ability to follow through you know don't let yourself get in your own way that would be my biggest encouragement people strike while they're that's really interesting because I imagine a lot of people seek your help when they're in those periods of obviously grief but also self-doubt yes Lial periods periods of transition be it inward or outward so whether someone's you know starting college or grieving the death of a loved one people find themselves kind of looking for objective uh you know sources of guidance and can find subjective meaning I think through readings I went in a rabbit hole not so long ago probably about six months ago of watching these near-death experience videos on YouTube oh yes and I found them fascinating and there was one gentleman in particular I just thought how he communicated the whole sequence of events really resonated and he was this young man he was out in a lake he found himself at the bottom of the lake and he describes his his experience how you know do you have any thoughts on that because obviously you're dealing with people who have already passed um typically yes Dr Raymond Moody wrote extensively about near death experiences and actually pointed the phrase nde and he for the listeners I think is a really great resource for that subject because he noted the cultural parallels across all cultures unrelated to one another so often reported an overwhelming sense of Peace a feeling of looking over one's body often times describing either a light or a tunnel or a passage something that generally symbolized a transition state so think even sometimes a bridge um people have seen and so it's heavily symbolic but these kind of commonalities seem to speak to some wider experience that we all will go through in some way and one thinks you know hey maybe just as we leave the birth canal you know we enter into another Canal of sorts but perhaps quite literally and do you think do you think um like reincarnation is a is that something that you believe in yeah I mean I think if you are dealing with an eternal soul and a Consciousness that is eternal you're going to have iterations within that Consciousness chapters almost like in an endless book um and so therefore would have you know different lives or chapters are you would you describe yourself as an easy person to live with I think I'm very easygoing I you know I I would date me personally I feel [Laughter] like I I'm I I am pretty pretty uh mellow I am I I like to just work hard and be on time and yes because I'm I'm I'm I'm trying to get into that place where I'm like how do you detach from such a you know what you do is is is very highly emotional and you know you're you're you're going into a different state right that's my understanding of it when you're connecting so when you're on your downtime like how do you switch off and how do you like mellow out and just be be Tyler I would say having nonprofessional applications of intuition so creativity being one of the biggest I think we are all here to create in some form or another and to through the process of living be more of ourselves and so for me when I'm not working I cultivate other kind of creative habits of make stained glass windows Clint and I make music which you so kindly mentioned um and those are all Outlets that require one to kind of know when to start and where to stop and that is a very intuitive feeling based process that when applied in that way can be rejuvenating and do you do any do you have any other um like do you do meditate do you do yoga do you do therapy like I'm just wondering how you take care of you no I I definely need more therapy that's for sure but as far as meditation yoga goes they say charity starts at home my family knows well that's it that's right I you know I find it more of a lifestyle of just trying to take those moments when they present themselves to have little glimmers of stability to be able to appreciate a sunset to never lose sight of the air you know in the morning when it's crisp um and and to never trivialize that MH it's nice to a body that works isn't it like to get up every morning and get out of get out of bed and go oh I'm alive it's another day I think what I will miss most about this body when I'm gone some days is the aspect of touch there's something so beautiful that we take for granted of our hands and to be able to feel you know a warm blanket or or a cold drink um there's just something about it that it's very tangible um speaking of what's your guilty pleasure guilty pleasure I didn't even have an answer Larry King asked me that once and I said popcorn so I can't give you much of a better answer than that fair enough popcorn is whatever whatever floats your boat last question what is what is your mission in life you help people but what's your ultimate purpose you know my ultimate purpose I hope is remembered as just someone who tried to connect people to be able to contribute to a conversation to help facilitate topics that people generally don't want to talk about and and if people can do that and live more mindfully as a result of those conversations than I have done my job and that transcends belief I love that well Tyler it's been an absolute Joy on every level thank you so much for your time you're a busy man so I I appreciate it and uh it's been a fascinating conversation for me and I know my audience are going to absolutely love us likewise and we will be in touch soon I can't wait to do this again
Channel: Darren Kennedy
Views: 53,050
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Keywords: darren kennedy, mens style, interview, style, grooming, skincare, mens fashion, mens outfit, mens style guide, mens outfit inspo, mens fashion inspo, mens wardobe, mens wardrobe essentials, skin care men, dry skin, combat dry skin, skin care products
Id: tSGdUSbApds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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