Tyler Henry Brings Worst Day of Howie Mandel's Life to Light | Hollywood Medium | E!

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foreign [Music] I'm Howie Mandel or as I refer to myself as television's Howie Mandel where you going everybody just cleaning up you know who's coming he doesn't know where he's going I'm very excited I'm very excited and everybody just hit he may not know me but if he does you might know me from Deal or No Deal I'm on America's Got Talent I'm on his show on E this is it's just a premonition I'm having how's it going how are you Hi how are you you know me Tyler it's great to meet you I was kicking myself every moment up until today I was trying to find ways to get out of it to find ways to cancel it because it's scary this is a mental roller coaster I'm about to ride this is a very scary thing yes the cases cases oh I used to love that show you did I did it's coming back oh it is it is you didn't know I didn't didn't see that coming wow come on back here we're gonna be sitting here I'm going to be sitting here I totally believe in the afterlife but I'm skeptical of people like Tyler you know I don't go to psychics I don't go I don't get my I don't even open up fortune cookies I don't know why I said yes to this except that I'm a big fan of yours oh thank you but I'm really nervous no worries right now I'm open but I'm only open until five all right well we'll get started I'll basically start scribbling it might take me about 30 seconds to start seeing feeling whatever I'm strapped in and ready for this ride fabulous um sometimes clients will bring objects and other times they won't so right do you have any objects today um [Music] okay yeah do you yeah okay um typically I'll hold on to them throughout the duration of the reading all right is it is it close by yeah it could be yeah if we want to have someone grab it or if you want to grab it you can yeah let's start without it and then okay okay yeah yeah we'll see what happens see what happens foreign they keep putting an emphasis on Dad's side of family like multiple sisters and not just two but like three let me highlight that like I have to bring up that and give me one sec I'm gonna specifically kind of tune in on Dad's side [Music] dad's out of family for some reason that individual is having me talk about my ability to breathe and I ah I figure out what this is can I give you some answers if something is ringing true you can certainly validate it definitely [Music] uh okay I will valid it sure this is amazing because my father passed in 1989 so it's like 28 years ago 29 years ago of lung cancer it's probably the most um life-changing besides becoming a father losing a father are the two most pivotal um happenings in my life that kind of make me who I am my father was one of four children wow Three Sisters one so Three Sisters two are still alive one is past and is on the other side but he is the one boy in a home of sisters is there any Jewish Family on your dad's side of family is there any non-jewish family oh my God on Dad's side though yes okay everybody's everybody's here so stupid it's juice like I've talked about the Judaism connection someone making a decision to like let go of more the religious side of things the way this comes through is there's some aspect that's coming in on that side of like it's all good it's okay we don't want there to be any guilt around this if people have left the faith if they're not practicing there's something with this where it's like it's okay that we let this go in some capacity can you relate to that in any way on that set of family you are so right on like perfect okay it's like let this go let this go let this go I'll tell you something my connection to my father was beyond father-son love was the time we got to spend one-on-one time was in Judaism in the high holidays we would walk to Temple and we would you know even when I was a little guy we'd count we'd guess how many steps it was the temple so when he passed away every time I go to Temple that's my connection still to my father right and this particular year the um the finales of America's Got Talent ended up on the highest Jewish holiday this is the first year I'm not able to celebrate and I have tremendous guilt and I can't thank you enough for kind of relinquishing that guilt or I'll thank my dad tell Dad thanks he hears you okay and I didn't tell you this but I'm I'm wearing my dad's glasses that he passed in WoW so you when you walked in and you said father father these are these are not my glasses these are my father's glasses I haven't even wiped them or what like everything on here it's from him 30 years ago and I've not taken it out of a case until today and I put them on and I'm looking through them and I have this is I can't see anything right well hello hi wow that's really cool these are the glasses he wore for the last few years of his life and these are the glasses he wore into the hospital when he passed away well they're Timeless they look fabulous thank you thanks thank you Dad had good taste oh man and then in relation to Dad um symbology turn this up it's definitely something that happened in the past I'm just kind of confused well now I'm getting nervous again one sec they're kind of having me talk about a rush and I don't know what this is it feels like there's a rush that keeps coming through um it's in a religious context but he would be bringing up a service or a memorial or something in the ways it's coming through but they're joking around about this because it's something kind of like it's a series of unfortunate events that happen at this funeral or at this service and so like they're joking like I don't know if like I know what it is funniness around this and poking fun it felt like there was a rush in the way this came through but after and they keep bringing this up and they're having me talk about the timing oh my gosh but it didn't go the way it was planned the worst day of my life to date beyond the passing of my father was the burial of my father and in the Jewish religion you go back to the house and you have a service right and you sit Shiva and you know who I am I'm a germaphobe and there was a series of events my parents I'll tell you a couple of them the first one was some guy came and sat and he goes like people just come in right it's a flurry of people that come in the first guy comes in and he goes are you the son and I said yes and he goes I just want to tell you I was a friend of your father and he was a wonderful man I said Thank you and uh he said without him he inspired me to go on and do whatever I did and I said well thank you very much I remember this vividly and he said whenever he's saying it just uplifted the whole room and I go when he's saying my father never sang he goes yeah I saw him sing in Acapulco so my father's never been to Acapulco and he never sang in Acapulco and then he said to me is this the the Goldstein funeral no he was at the wrong funeral so he left and that was kind of funny but it was in the midst of the saddest day and then the next thing that happened in the same day another guy comes right who is a friend of my father somebody that I did know and he was like tearing and I was tearing and and he goes this is such a terrible thing but I just wanted to say and right in the middle of a sentence she rushes he goes I gotta go and he runs and he runs out and as he runs out I think that he drops a candy or something and I said oh you dropped and he just kept running right and so I picked up the candy to try to get him but he had gone right and but it wasn't a candy and he had a stomach disorder and I picked up and and I thought it was a candy and I went oh my God and I screamed like a little yes there was it was poop right and and my mom screamed and we're screaming and she takes me into the bathroom and she scalds my you know I won't shake hands and now I have poop of a mourner on my hand and she's pouring like alcohol and I'm screaming and the people in the living room are just going oh this family is just in such pain for this loss they have no idea that we're both just screaming because there's poop on my hand but that the worst day of my life it was laugh after laugh after ridiculous laugh and there's these are not stories that I have shared publicly right now I have right oh my gosh well please know I mean I think the essence behind that was that he was okay with things being funny it really is and he always used to say it happens and it did are there any questions that you might have um or on behalf of any other family related to Dad's passing that are unresolved or anything we haven't touched on I don't and I feel really comfortable with the fact that they we are all still present it's much more than this I love him and he made me feel great my whole life and I am who I am because of him and thank you I'm glad that message came here my dad was the epitome of who I aspire to be I always remember laughter when I think of him now you know he was just a kid he passed away at 63. his father passed away at 63 and he was 33. my father passed away at 63 and I was 33. and next year I am 63 and my daughter is 33. so goodbye [Laughter] that makes me feel so good because you never you do what you do and you don't know until hindsight whether you're doing the right thing you have fascinated me you have uh and and you have gone beyond how good I believed you were in watching the show you're amazing oh you're very sweet um I am very sweet I love it how did you know that it's a gift to work on everything and on that note I've got one more question yeah do you want to play ping pong it's like a party at Howie's house I love it have you played ping pong uh once before just once in your life once in my life how old are you uh 22. you're just a baby all right just good yeah it's like yeah yeah you don't have to make the Boop sound okay you don't have to the ball makes it and hit it right over so it could bounce one time on your side and then you hit it so ask me ask me ask me if you're playing good say am I playing well am I playing well medium yeah see what I did oh okay
Channel: E! Entertainment
Views: 1,884,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood Medium, AMERICA'S GOT TALENT, AMERICAS_GOT_TALENT, CELEBRITIES, E! SHOWS, E_SHOWS, ENTERTAINMENT, REALITY TV, REALITY_TV, TV, TYLER HENRY, TYLER_HENRY, Tyler Henry, future, clarity, career, work, life, accurately, predicts, journey, Medium, clairvoyant, supernatural, paranormal, spirits, spiritual, readings, celebrity readings, afterlife, beyond the grave, howie mandel, howie mandel hollywood medium, judaism, lung cancer, late father, past guilt, guilt, america's got talent, deal or no deal
Id: ocSj5E7AvKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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