Tyler Henry Connects Anne Heche To Her Brother In An "Intense" FULL READING | Hollywood Medium | E!

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we for stars I'm not here say good here we're going to give them um pay attention to what I'm talking about oh wow no pay to what he's talking about I'm an H you are in my home and I'm so happy to have you here and blessed that I get to meet Tyler all good energy all good things friendship and a lot of money friendship and a lot of [Music] money hello how's it going I'm Tyler I'm Ann oh wonderful to meet you Ann thank you for having me what a pleasure to have you here Tyler doesn't recognize anybody I know so I'm not expecting any any favors I'm not expecting him to look at me and go oh my God please come on in I think you have a lot fans in this house oh my gosh when Ann opened the door I had no idea who she was but I could feel that there was a deep need for a reading the second I meet a person I get an immediate first impression just like everybody else but mine is often intuitive when it comes to the client I usually get a feeling of what they're about the second I meet them these are um my very very dear friends all they wanted to do was meet you they're being very calm mother would probably recognize me from I don't know Six Days Seven Nights or Donnie Brasco or Wag the Dog those were my kind of earlier days recently I've been on the brave for NBC and most recently Chicago PD come on in and sit down I'm probably over the scale of believe I'm probably I'm probably top F welcome welcome thank you so you know I believe I'm so lucky that you're here I hear you're in demand thank you oh one or two people but yes one or two 200,000 that's all exactly but have you seen the show before of course oh good so you're kind of familiar with the process and you get how it works yes I'll basically just communicate what I see hear and feel my job is really to tune into specific information my goal is just to deliver everything that comes through everything that I feel I you know I like to get validation but I think it's important to just kind of get it out and then I'll ask you what makes sense and if that can can be placed so let's see what happens so I'm just going to scribble and as you know I'll start sweating so a good sign me too so let's see okay okay okay woo all righty so I'm just going to try to bring through everything that's coming [Music] [Music] in okay uh connected to the family do you know of any R names like any significant R names that would be male that come to mine like Richard or [Music] Robert Richard is a grandfather's name I believe okay would that be your grandfather MH gotcha your mom's father my mom's father Yes Mr Richards awesome so feel like I have to acknowledge Him by okay so for some reason um as I'm connecting to this guy he is having me talk about his family lineage and this is kind of interesting often times when they transition they acknowledge that they realize certain things about their families or they see certain things in hindsight and when he coming through for some reason he's having me EMP emphasize I'm sing my symbol for bipolar disorder this is being acknowledged repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly um I feel like I have to talk about like bipolar connection and family lineage or a family connection to this in some way okay and he's bringing forward basically a sense of resolution around this when they do that that's usually their way of saying we're sorry we're sorry how this impacted people it's his way of bringing forward some form of accountability on the family end of the bipolar thing and how that may have not been dealt with in the way that it should have but he's kind of putting that in his department so that comes through do you understand that in relation to him yes gotcha there are very powerful mental illnesses right called but now we can say they're bipolar that infected the family and the uh lack of understanding of what that was so that it couldn't be helped and therefore passed down with secrecy you know I think in in previous generations there was a sense of Shame and people didn't talk about about mental health and now we live in an era where we can yes and it's so important and you know when these people come through they have this Freedom they don't have those shame they don't have the the stigma they just reflect back on their Human Experience and understand how their actions affected others it's very helpful to me it's huge so please know that Richard takes accountability for this and acknowledges and understands how that affected people thank you and we all have those you know should have could have would us but when they come through they understand it's helpful to me to know that good that's awesome okay I have this situation where I have this younger person that passed away this feels like in contemporar like a sibling but the situation the way that I would describe this is this feels like a premature passing or like I basically don't get to live a full life it feels too early and it's not one of those situations where everything about this would have been expected so you know sometimes people will get diagnosed with like cancer in their 50s or whatever and and we kind of expect a decline there the if I had to be honest noise comes through it kind of feels like I don't feel like we have that element of preparation there's a reference to receiving the news but from a over a state line and they keep having me talk about the situation where someone receives news over a state line either someone is not in the state at the time and we have to rush back yes it's like quick book a ticket or quick hop of the car and get across my mother had to cross the state line to get back gotcha so okay it's my brother Nathan gotcha okay it was a car accident he died when he was 18 um around his passing do you know he's bringing up a housing s like a living situation there's something residential that's coming through but he's referencing this to mom um where was she living at the time at the time of his uh passing we were living in an apartment in uh Ocean City New [Music] Jersey cuz the way this is being communicated is I'm seeing people like more than one and then I'm sly sharing a space so we were homeless and we were taken into another family's house and lived uh with them for a year oh your mom whoa whoa whoa whoa okay man your mother um it's just kind of like this feeling of like wanting to protect wanting to protect he brother comes through and just like I want to protect both myself and other people but he acknowledges this uh Dynamic of mom and a feeling of not wanting to endure that so I don't know not wanting to what not wanting to endure that it keeps coming through just most of that connect [Music] yes gotcha gotcha um I'm trying to connect with this though for some reason he's showing me a bridge he's putting this in relation to the passing and this just keeps coming through and I don't know why feels like a bridge between like one city to another city and it just keeps coming through mhm yes I'm not sure why but I'm like going using the bridge to go from one city to the next his death is the reason I moved from New Jersey to Chicago gotcha gotcha gotcha I do believe that it was the universe that something extraordinary needed to happen to get me out of what would certainly be my death if I continued to live with my mother in that space he felt kind of like things he keeps sh me not fair not fair um it just it didn't feel like he had a fair shot at life yeah I felt like from his perspective from the GetGo that the cards were dealt for him were just not fair yeah not fair and he gets that and the amount of love that comes through for you is intense I hope my makeup artist used waterproof mascara me too what's going on it's going to drip my face Gregory K you touch up hello my God you look great hello did you you want to do tou can we get some smoking mirrors in here please what's going on I love we're dissipating no I don't need to take a break it was a beautiful unfolding and release absolutely Beau it's all good sorry I'm going to I'm going to just go off camera first I'd like to just go off camera okay and this is good you okay oh Lord I mean a lot it it is a GI could it be more specific dude not everybody has a team of people that like swarm in after I've connected with my brother I've only waited for 49 years no big deal no big deal you know it's all good it's a good good moment to take a breather Jesus awesome all right okay my I mean I could not be more grateful thank you for the of course absolutely and for the well good I'm glad we were take a take a minute and yeah thank you good yeah just want you to know like I'm feeling a lot in this comes through like he acknowledges total peace and is free of all the emotions and the the difficulty okay there so that's big okay yeah I think when he comes through he feels like he's your guardian angel and he understands and kind of has facilitated all these understandings that these families have came to about their mental health how their mental health affected people um but he brings up your mom and there's just this disconnect and and Grandpa and the bipolar and mental health and he gets it and he's proud of you for being able to he's show me coming out of the closet not literally um but he's proud that you've been able to talk about these things and discuss these things because you're doing it for him too and he appreciates that so you've done right by him so thank you of [Music] course awesome we just give it a minute all right I really don't I I I want you to know the importance of the impact you're making in people's lives by being able to tell your story and be honest with it and to be able to share some of these painful experiences people are going to watch this and relate to it and be helped by it and I think if there's any way you can honor your brother and his family members is to share your story and keep sharing it and include them they don't come across with any shame or anything they're they're proud that you've been able to have that strength and to do that out thank you that's a message there are a lot of people that um I could have uh heard from yeah and [Music] um and the clarity with which you've um given me this gift is oh super meanful good you know it takes some time obviously readings aren't aure for grief but yeah it's not grief it's what's interesting is that it's it's more from me um I mean the word that's coming up is is celebration [Music] yeah they're okay absolutely I think I'm finished yeah I think I'm good you good yeah I'm good thank you I can't be more grateful of course absolutely I'm going to go take a moment this reading was intense and an had a lot of messages to have to really process and listen to because of how heavy this reading was but I was surprised as she was reacting that she called this a celebration of these people who' passed away as intense as it was I think it was necessary for her to have this experience she didn't view it as a grief expression it was an expression of celebration of these people's lives and I'm always here if you need anything all right we're all here for you too know it's so sweet thank you have a good one guys bye awesome all right bye love him
Channel: E! Entertainment
Views: 96,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood Medium, ANNE HECHE, ANNE_HECHE, E! SHOWS, ENTERTAINMENT, REALITY TV, REALITY_TV, TYLER HENRY, TYLER_HENRY, HOLLYWOOD MEDIUM, grandpa, unexpected message, reading, medium, reading from the other side, spirits, tarot, celebrity reading, full reading, anne heche, tyler henry, tyler henry reading anne heche, tyler henry anne heche, anne heche interview, chicago pd, chicago pd anne heche, tyler henry hollywood medium, hollywood medium anne heche, hollywood medium full reading
Id: 9VxB8CkxTOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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