IS IT WORTH THE WATCH?! | The Appeal of One Piece REACTION |

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YouTube what's good we're back opinions aren't fact my name is Jack that's RSS Lane that's W and that's sco how you guys doing what up doing great man doing great we're finally back guys just like we said in the last video uh we did opening 26 now we're doing the pill of One Piece where to start you saw me and sco do it but now we've got our boy wall and RSS Lane and I know they are EC static and over the moon to see the pillow over the moon is crazy over the moon y'all over the moon no I'm under the sun I'm under the sun man you need some sun yes I'm not that look how my brother light look how they treat the light skin look at that man so they're excited to see it um they uh RSS Lane is going to be joining us on episode 2 and then W is going to be joining us on EP after episode 11 or after episode 14 excuse me so if you want to go ahead and see everything early want to see everything right now all the episodes go ahead and join the p you're going to be several episodes ahead and with that being said let's go ahead and get into this video guys let's get it it's a good one this video is just pretty much telling you like why you should watch one certain ominous Shadow they upgr their ship look at that you see as a YouTuber I'm generally known for four things this my long videos my love of Shonen my utterly Flawless spelling and my absolutely perfect pronunciation of the Japan language and the problem with those for two is that at some points it means that I need to do a video on the series one piece which is fine I like one piece quite a lot in fact I like one piece but the issue comes from how so is currently residing at its 833r chapter and the Staggering breath of its world I want to say I did the same thing when we watched it last time seven years ago seven years is crazy what's up watch how many episodes a thousand something there's a thousand something bro so yeah don't worry about it you6 characters I know because I counted and it took a long time so how does one talk about such a massive series like one piece well the answer that I've come to at least the same way that one whale hey you got somebody smoking a cigarette you now piece by piece man's wearing a thong one piece it oh [ __ ] no that's not good and so what we want to do here today is that rather than go straight into a full-blown why you should watch SL read which don't worry we will get to is to first put out a shorter video cover I consider some of the broader struct there's no way he should come back from that which will then free us up and allow us to take a much deeper dive into the character and you still got a skull though right so with this in mind my friends please sit back relax and consider this an entree with the main core still to come and let's discuss the appeal of One Piece where to start I first encountered one piece in 2006 on the UK television version of tunami and me at the time throw back Infamous they need to bring that back become well known over and excessive amounts of censorship and even despite these factors I really came to enjoy the adventures of Nami Zoro and of course Luffy the series had a unique playfulness to it that made it stand out from other more stoic series I'd seen up until this point like bleach and Dragon Ball Z and even in the show's more dramatic moments there was always a tremendous amount of fun to be had of course as I watched the imaginative pirate Adventure on my parents old TV what I was completely unaware of was what a world shattering phenomenon I was actually dealing with that Revelation would only strike me several years later when on a trip to Japan it became obvious what a massive Deal One Piece actually was around every corner in every shop seemed to light of straw hat pirate merchandise Luffy and his R crew were everywhere on everything one piece piece bat salts even entire one piece bred sh it was incredible to see thought was a simple show about Pirates dominate the mass consciousness of a single country the closest thing I could liken it to was The Simpsons Mania of early '90s America this was of course before I started looking into things like Global sales figures and weekly shown in rankings and if I had I would have known things like the fact that one piece has sold over 400 million units worldwide making it the third biggest selling comic in existence com beating out Spiderman um so this was recorded seven years ago up to like now I think it's number one oh man leaving only Batman and supermane it and even then in 2016 Batman sold 1 m859 956 units and Superman sold 828,000 still wouldn't even come close to the 12 million in sales that sold that same year and where things really start to get crazy that if these Trends were to continue and one piece were to run for another decade it would nearly certainly surpass Batman in going to run for another decade from this point and if it were to run for another two decades which for oda's sake I hope doesn't happen it would surpass even Superman becoming the biggest selling comic in existence now I'm not saying I think this will happen but it's a hell of a thing to consider and so how has a series about like we got to watch and minds of so many people it's literally just like he say about to hit two put it simply the primary appeal of one piece is the simple premise and yes that is also the core concept of countless other shown in series but nothing really captures the same sense of scale and exploration as the world of pirates our hero on this Voyage is the energetic young pirate Monkey D Luffy Luffy is a simple character with a simple goal to find the mysterious treasure only known as one piece and in doing so become king of the Pirates this was Luffy's primary motivator from chapter 1 and remains so in chapter 834 and this keeps Luffy's Journey along the a concept in most other Shonen series Our Heroes will go on several different large Adventures throughout the course of its run and these are what make up the arcs but in one piece's case it's always the same Journey along the same path to the point that you can actually chart Luffy's route out on a physical map and the sub arcs come from the various different Islands or land masses the crew encounters along the way this works well as it makes the core story of One Piece very easy to understand while also allowing for a massive amount of variety in the series subar some can be very simple like the bar arch in which the straw hats visit a famous sailing restaurant in order to recruit a sh complicated like the dress Rosa Arc in which the crew must untangle a web of political Intrigue and face down a vicious and tyrannical false King and because of how the AR Str literal massive quantities of Ocean between them there's no real limit to the kind of stories one piece can tell they start off fairly villain of the weak esque with most enemies being rival pirate captains but as we move on we see the straw hats embroiled in government conspiracies abducted by Massive haunted ghost ships springing jail breaks and even being at the center of large scale Global conflicts and throughout the entire Adventure there's this real genuine sense of time and progress when Luffy sets out on his journey from fushia Village he has little more to his name than a wooden dinghy and his straw hat and now 20 years later he's an Infamous pirate look at yeah that's what I was thinking of the straw hat Pirates of whom include a master Samurai a technologically cybor hold on hold on Lan you heard that right what was the used just so y'all know Lane be hating on Zoro for some reason y'all see in the reactions he be hating on Zoro I don't know why he he didn't say who the master Samurai that's all I'm going say Okay straw Pirates of whom include a master Samurai a technologically advanced paneless Cyborg and even an undead violinist with a awful amazing sense of humor one of the core joys of one piece is watching Luffy slowly ascend as each new battle propels Clos inreasing hisy worldwide it's not ever a story you could accus of moving quickly but it is always moving and I think it's only when you look back that you see how far what pause it real quick what what were you about to say I already know what he's about to say look at the right look at the right yeah yeah I knew you was talking about that's you for Halloween actually come of course the success of an adventure series is largely dependent on the world the adventure takes place in and this is another area where the series shines one piece's world to put it simply is the largest most intricately detailed and well thought out of any of the long running showen series which may not be obvious from the offbeat cartoonish designs of el you consider a long run series likeon world of layers with its own government economy cultural and race bides with many Shen [ __ ] yeah never mind all of whom have own and motivations well crew are often at the center or in large scale Global inci the world also progresses entirely separate to them major plot incidents completely separate from the straw hats are common and when they do occur they reverberate throughout the world on such a scale that it drastically affects the lives of every character in it such as porticus daes Showdown with Blackbeard that resulted in the Great summit War it always feels like there's a larger picture in one piece and depending on the global political climate of the time Luffy and the straw hats allies and enemies can switch from Arc to Arc giving the world this intriguing D he homies right there worldes on a grand scale but what may be even more impressive is the characters that OD has filled it with what at first can seem like a cartoonish gag character can through od's storytelling become a portrait of Life at its cruestv and this information is often delivered through weighty flashback stories in which taken the key moments of and while a badly used flashback can utterly kill the momentum of a series OD uses them in such a way to give his characters weight grounding and motivation that otherwise just wouldn't be possible like seriously you see this dumb looking idiot in a diaper this is Senor pink and this guy has a backstory that is absolutely heartbreaking and upon hearing it it completely changes everything about how you see Star di moving swiftly along no wait wait no note I know some of you out there don't believe me so we're going to Pro do this started out his life as a member of the brutal Don keyote crime family where his days were frequently filled with criminal activity and brutal violence until one day in the pouring rain he met a woman who he immediately fell in love with they got married had a child and for a while at least everything was perfect except that pink was still involved in the Don keyote family which he hid from his wife for fear that she might leave him one day he's called away on a secret mission and disappears for an entire week and Upon returning discovers that the day he left his precious son had passed away and now his wife Furious and heartbroken demands an explanation and he tells her everything at which point she demands he stay away from her rushes from the home in the pouring rain before getting into an accident that leaves her in a vegetative state pink devastated by the events visits her every day in hospital until one day on a whim puts on a b reminiscent of their son in an attempt to entertain her and miraculously she cracks a small delicate smile and so for the sake of seeing his wife smile he continues to dress more and more elaborately even enduring the ridicule of everyone on years later his wife this just some side character he said random side and so one of the silliest [ __ ] must have legitimate we'll get to it it's like episode and justifying an actual grounded tangible character what really gets me here is that this is one tiny inconsequential character in one piece's world and yet still Oda manages to imbue him with a sense of depth and grounding many writers fail to give even their main protagonists and that's to say nothing of the amazing job od's done in establishing the main major heroes and villains of one piece's story having so many characters with such fleshed out histories and motivation is the primary factor that makes one pieces worlds feel so vivid and alive and makes each individual character feel like a true story in their own right the last thing I'd like to talk about with one piece is also one of its least tangible elements and that is the creativity and Imagination that's gone into it there's always a sense that when reading one piece Oda himself is enjoying the world and characters more it can be seen in the new and creative ways seeming inhabitants and the camarad that takes place between the straw hats and even in the ever evolving unique structure of OD story seems like an author not striving to hit a deadline but an artist creating a world and story distinctly of his own Vision this is something we're going to dig a lot deeper into in a future video but for now just trust me simply no one writes a story like air Oda so with all that in mind where should you start well the obvious answer is page one chapter one the manga is for the most part a fantastic read but I understand people's reluctance to get into it given its insane length and the anime comes with many of its own issues too such as a weak production run and masses of filler but if you're curious to know if one piece really is for you or not or even if you just want to dip your toe in allow me to present a different option and that is the fantastic one piece Movie 6 Baron omatsuri and the secret Islands directed by mam Hoda of the Digimon movie the girl who left through time and the movie encapsulates in a digestible 90 minutes everything that makes one piece as a series so much fun on top of having some absolutely gorgeous aren Canon or something and one of the darkest and hardest right turns I've seen in any film for a while it requires basically no prior knowledge to enjoy and I think even if you have zero interest in one seeing one of Japan's most talented directors put his own unique spin on the world of pirates is absolutely worth checking out guys that's going to do it for my intro into one piece and there is still a ton more we need talk about the characters their themes od's unique visual aesthetic and what cursed fruit he ate in order to actually be able to constantly produce a manga of such quality fullblown m m mang manga has given you a foothold with which to get started and also as some of you are aware I recently started a patreon so if you enjoy thisel no for real shout out uh I think it's straw hat is his name he must have changed no he must have changed unless that's the other person well whoever this is shout out to them original link to the video will be in the description but um yeah that's the pill of One Piece guys what you think and you know going going back and watching this it's actually made me happy because I was starting to get that that um I don't know if you guys remember him in the beginning he said like it starts off as like part of the type of behavior and that's the type of vibe I always get I'm like hm is it really just going to be like a new pirate every episode like are we just going to go through and battle Like Pirates but like now that he's saying like as it gets in further there's going to actually be like more of a connected story that last over like an actual Arc that last a couple episodes instead of just like oh today's this is the pirate we're facing or two episodes of the same part like Pokemon yeah like that type of vibe which you know is cool I guess but it's not really what I was expecting um and so I'm glad going back and watching this again it's like okay it's actually nice better yeah because if y'all don't know like on patreon we're like right at the point where uh we're at usp's island or what I don't know what that Island's I think it's called syrup island or I don't know but you know what I'm talking about syrup Village or something we're right at that point so that's what Jack's talking about cuz as of right now we saw buggy we saw uh the dude with the glasses and the claws like it's just so many like different like villains and it's like ah but yeah I see what you're saying yeah so it definitely gets better but yeah that's the pill of one piece we have the breathtaking world of one piece what kind of shows us like the world but we'll get into that next time but thank y'all so much if you made it this far actually Jack you get us out of here man yes if you've made it this far please don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're brand new drop a comment we really appreciate it and again like I said if you want to watch the episodes now and you don't want to wait you want to watch everything join the patreon with that being said we'll see you next video peace
Channel: Opinions Aren't Facts
Views: 17,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OAF, Opinions Aren't Facts, Scoot, Samurye Jack, Rsslane, the appeal of one piece reaction, one piece reaction, one piece episode 1 reaction, one piece openings reaction, one piece opening 26 reaction, first time watching one piece, one piece group reaction, one piece new episode, the appeal of one piece: where to start reaction, the appeal of one piece: where to start
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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