Two Spirits That Block Your Financial Breakthrough

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hey guys out there in social media late this is Jennifer LeClair senior leader The Awakening House or prayer in South Florida founder of the Ignite apostolic prophetic Network and I want to talk to you today just for a few minutes about the possibility just just the possibility that there could be spirits or maybe some of you might want to call them mentalities that are blocking your financial breakthrough is it possible I submit to you that it's possible and for many of you probable and for many of you absolutely 100% true but many times we don't know what spirits may be hindering our financial breakthrough I'll give you a couple hints unbelief can obviously doubt can obviously but there's some more nefarious or a more deeply rooted spirits and mindset to in particular that I want to share with you today that can hinder your financial break so not only not only said not only hinder your financial breakthrough but absolutely keep you oppressed in the realm of your economy now I can speak from experience to this because growing up while we were in a middle-class family and I had everything that I needed there was no want there was no lack I wasn't aware of any in any case I received everything I wanted for Christmas and I received the clothing that I wanted and we had pizza went out to dinner we did all the things a middle-class suburban family would do I was not aware of growing up that money was any kind of an issue at all now when I left home at 18 I suddenly was faced with the reality that my economy was not on par with my parents economy I did not have the measure of wealth or the measure of economic status or success that they had and that's normal but what happened is I struggled I struggled financially even though I had a roommate and even though I did work I didn't like to work would quit jobs move from place to place work long enough to pay my bills and then quit and find another job when I ran out of money I was really really irresponsible so you know the the being a poor steward can hinder your economy your financial breakthrough being lazy of course can hinder your economy your financial breakthrough so there are things in the natural and things in the spirit that can hinder you now I actually whittled down to about 9 to 2 pounds when I was 18 19 because I did not have money to eat and the bible does say if you don't work you don't eat so I was a mess and I got myself together I restarted I went to college lived with my grandparents we started my life and did well made decent money went again into an era or time or a period a season in my life where I didn't have any lack I mean I wasn't rolling in money as a young person in my 20s but I had whatever I wanted if I wanted something I bought it a mint and I had no debt now fast forward to when my husband abandoned me with our two-year-old daughter I was a single mother had kuro baby I was sent to jail for a crime I didn't commit was vindicated but lost that lost every penny I had hiring the attorney to find the error of justice against me and he did but I was out of money so what happened at that point uh uh uh you know just before I received the freedom and vindication right before I had to sort of give up everything I had to to fight for my freedom I was making a lot of money and this was back in the late 90s so I was making three four thousand dollars a week easy that's a lot now it was even more than and so I lost everything I had of vindicating myself through the attorney in jail and when I got out I had nothing my car was broken down my my economy was withered away and I was actually on food stamps I was actually in LAC I was actually really I guess in the poverty area in the poverty line below the poverty line I was living in a small town in Alabama where the rent was cheap but I was I qualified you know for a financial assistance from the government will put me below the poverty line and at that point listen this is what I wanted to get to at that point I began to embrace a lack mentality I counted pennies I saved food I was so scrupulous but I did continue to so I was a Christian and I did so and I think that counterbalancing looking back that counter balanced my mentality my lack mentality my poverty mindset and helped me to escape it but I am getting ahead of myself listen the two spirits that attacked me in my time of need in my time of distress may be someone you can relate with poverty and lack poverty and lack these two spirits poverty struck me I was below the poverty line poverty absolutely struck man and have new clothes for years I don't think I had any new clothes for years or were the same old things you know my daughter had hand-me-downs or grandma would send clothes but it was a bad situation and I had to battle through that but even after I battled through the spirit of poverty even after I overcame that a attack of the spirit of product have a spirit understand but the spirit of poverty attacked my life even after I broke through I broke through from sowing I broke through from renewing my mind to Who I am in Christ and what belongs to me I broke through that poverty attacked but I maintained a lack mentality let me tell you just a ridiculous story I was a freelance writer and you know as a freelancer you have contracts and you know I had my own business and we would get contracts with contracts common contracts go and I had such a lack mentality that when the contracts would dry up or when I would lose a client or when a check wouldn't come on time when a client owed me money I would begin to cut back on everything I mean literally I would call Comcast and cut off the cable literally I would I would you know lead leftovers for a week where I would normally you know after a couple days throw in the garbage and I had this lack mentality as if I was not going to have enough as if I was going to slip back into poverty mode and that mentality plagued me until I saw it until I saw it until I was able to see it and so I want to just share with you for a few minutes today in that context about poverty and lack and part of the problem with poverty is both spiritual and natural Marie a couple of scriptures people who live in poverty listen people who have a live in poverty or have a scarcity or a lack mindset they don't have a whole lot of influence at all the whole influence and how can we win the world for Jesus if we don't have influence how can we convince the lost that they should come into the kingdom of God and trust God as their provider if we are not receiving our provision if we are wearing holy socks and buy holy I don't mean hol why honey I mean holes in your socks holes in your clothes your hair is overgrown because you can't afford to get it cut how can we win the loss to a God who provides a God of more than enough a God of Jehovah Jireh when we ourselves are clearly walking in poverty and in lack of symmetry we can't we don't have influence that we need to have now I'm not saying that a poor person can't preach the gospel when the loss I'm talking on a macro level not a micro level okay people look at you as a living epistle they look at you as a witness of God the fruit of the Spirit is greater than any amount of money in the world but it remains that when we are when we're not demonstrating and manifesting that God could be our provider then people you know in the world who have that mindset of gimme-gimme-gimme you know I want what's mine you know they're not as interested in the fruit quite honestly many times as they are in the wealth and the provision in you know the other part of the gospel Jesus came in as he preached the gospel listen and he provided natural needs and spiritual needs he fed the 5,000 then he fed the 3,000 you know he was always dealing with the social justice side the economical side this is why listen this is why Jesus had a treasurer because he needed money to not not just for his own needs but to deal with the needs of society who knows all the things he did with the money he said I don't have anywhere to lay my head we know he wasn't spending money extravagantly on the Jets and on condos and all these things let me read the scripture to show you this there's a number of them here's one Ecclesiastes 9 and 17 the Bible says wisdom is better than strength listen yet a poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard so see now this is not just my opinion this is not my opinion that if you have a poverty spirit or a lack mentality if you're walking in less than the fullness of your inheritance to the point that people see you don't have enough the Christian slights are turned off the Christian drives a beater car the Christian who I work with you know brings their lunch and it's not a whole lot the Christian in know we want to demonstrate the riches of glory in Christ Jesus you know Philippians 4:13 says my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory or his glorious riches in Christ Jesus so there's no lack in Jesus there is no latch in the kingdom there is no lack in heaven and so we have to break through this lack mentality because it does listen it does hurt our witness with some people will be balanced in this poverty comes from any reasons poverty and lack it's oppressive it can tempt you to sin and there's all kinds of reasons why poverty attacks there are open doors there are a ways to close the doors there are mentalities when you do into our mind and I've got so much here and I'm going to be sharing in depth on this on Friday night in South Florida at the awakening House of Prayer now if you're not in South Florida you can watch this entire presentation because I'm going deep on a hop dot TV listen I can pray for you for Supernatural debt cancellation all day long you listen listen I want you to really get this you can see your sphere debt supernaturally canceled I've had mine supernaturally cancer listen I was in poverty I told you I was under the poverty line I was struggling with lack mentality but today I'm debt free I'm five properties 23 acres of land I have no debt in my ministry no debt has any hold over me so how did I get from this place of poverty and lack to this place of abundance and debt freedom this listen it's part of my testimony but listen I can pray for you and God can cancel your debts but guess what if you don't learn how to push back an attack from the poverty spirit if you don't learn how to get this lack mentality out of your life you will go right back into debt because you won't be able to receive we receive by faith from God's economy faith is the economy of the kingdom so we pulled out what when you from heaven by faith right we buy it by showing by giving by praying ok so there's things we do but if if you don't do these things we don't learn what the open doors are how to shut them if you don't learn how to renew your mind specifically if you learn how to pray appropriately I can pray for your supernatural that cancellation all day long guess what you gonna right back into debt because as soon as you have a need instead of pulling it down from heaven instead of renewing your mind to God as your provider you're gonna put it right back on your credit card and you're gonna pay you know much a pair of jeans cost that you buy on your credit card if there are fifty dollars you end up paying three hundred seventy-five dollars for those jeans by the time you pay them off with your credit card if you do sue the installments come on now really I can think of a lot better thing to do with rindercella dollars so the fastest way to wealth is not to be in debt and there is no lack in God's kingdom laziness proverbs 10:4 he who becomes poor deals with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent makes rich why am i wealthy why am i a millionaire why part of reasons cuz I worked so hard my hand is diligent I wasn't working hard when I was in poverty when I was in laughs so we have to understand there are things there are issues that open us up to these spirits that stymie hinder stall and thwart our financial breakthrough not even our financial breakthrough sometimes but our very existence finding jillee our economy can be turned upside down but here's the good news the Bible says that God owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills you might be single I don't mean no cattle I'm not near no Hills you know what it's a metaphor he owns everything he created everything the silver is not only his he created it the gold is not only his he created it and he created you in His image and if God is not lacking neither should you be if his kingdom is not suffering an economic downturn neither shall you be and so we have to really really get serious about eradicating poverty from our life and having a really really strong understanding of money because Jesus talked about money in the Bible more than anything else and I've learned these concepts I hope one day actually to write a book about it not that there are not others but I you know everybody has a new different or unusually more powerful depending on who you like to follow the way you receive information everybody has a different take on it but there's so much here and I want to pray for you right now in just a moment to to overcome this spirit but I want to I want to equip you and I don't have time to go into this hour-and-a-half teaching right now because of the other obligations I have but I wanted to just make you aware that there are spirits there are mentalities that are hindering your financial breakthrough and making your life miserable and your economy does not have to suffer because the world's economy is suffering you know there was a light in Goshen when the plagues hit Israel there was a place in in when the plagues hit egypt rather there was a place in egypt where there was a light there was provision they didn't suffer they didn't lack it as a matter of fact when the Israelites left Egypt they took the spoils with them earrings necklaces gold and silver you are not meant to live in poverty Jesus became poor so you can become rich but that doesn't mean that Jesus was poor in the natural it means he lived below his his when he deserved so that you could have more than you deserve amen God wants you to be prosperous oh you prosperity preacher no I'm not a prosperity preacher bless God but I'm sure not a poverty preacher the South Florida Drive down it's going to be worth it our freedom explosion freedom and deliverance from the spirit of poverty and the lack mentality if you can't come to South Florida I wish you could but if you can't please please please go register to Washington a hop dot TV I've got stories I've got revelation and I've got a breakthrough anointing I'm not in debt I'm not in lack when I pray for you if you'll receive the anointing and do the work so I say do the work if you'll do the work if you'll do the meditations if you'll do the prayer if you'll do the sowing you can be just like me and better amen god is good listen let me pray for you I am going to Israel tiny URL com / Israel with Jennifer please please please go get registered registration ending soon it's going to be a prophetic prayer journey through the Holy Land pray where David Slade walk where Jesus walked listen we're going for it you want to get your free book on releasing the angels of abundant harvest this would be a good time it's right in line with this message you're going to want to go to tiny URL comm slash angel book free tiny URL column slash angel book free go there get involved there's lots of free prophetic webinars apostolic prophetic webinars coming up on my channel you're going to want to go register at Jennifer LeClair School of the Apostles starts Friday night school the spirit TV listen if you want to show into this go to Jennifer LeClair org slash gift I gotta go I got places to be things to do prayers to lift up demons to slay let me pray for you first father the name of Jesus I thank you for the anointing that breaks the yoke of poverty I ask you Father the name of Jesus to show us where these poverty spirits and these Lac mentalities entered what is the route how did we take on these things how did we allow it how did we invite it in the name of Jesus help us Lord to see what you want us to see so we can walk and the financial prosperity that you have provided for us in the spirit we'll pull it down by faith in Jesus name Amen and amen I'll see you in South Florida Saturday night a hug TV god bless you see there
Channel: Jennifer LeClaire Ministries
Views: 148,583
Rating: 4.8380523 out of 5
Keywords: spirit of poverty, spirit of lack, lack attack, financial breakthrough, jennifer leclaire,, church in south florida, south florida church, supernatural debt cancellation, financial attack, get out of debt, poverty spirit, lack mentality, prophetic church, apostolic church
Id: cqmz1okE16U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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