Weight of Your Words, - "The Law of Confession" Series

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers there is a law of confession every time you can predict what's gonna happen every time now what has happened we've not made the connection between what we say and what we get in this life or what we have now you can speak life or you can speak what that we think our words are just sound we think our words are just noise they're not that spirit your spirit is a bag that holds words and whatever words are in there when you come under attack that's what comes out so demons are waiting on your mouth they are perched waiting on your conversation their job is to get you to loose your tongue and to get you to say something that God didn't say so every belief in me that God was not the author of he's got plans to rid it out if you can fix your confession in line with the Word of God all your needs will be met the law of the physical or natural laws gravity it's so far the thought are governed by a more powerful spiritual law when God spoke this universe it's staying right there where God spoken because his word is there making it stay right where he said it you got it let's go to John chapter 6 please John chapter 6 verse 63 it is the spirit that what quickeneth the flesh what profit is nothing the words that I speak unto you they are what spirit keep going and they are what life now what we've thought is that words are just noise sound wrong that's what you hear with your natural ears but words are spirit that's why when people speak certain words to you they can go down into the belly and that's why they they don't deceit they they live and you keep hearing them words because the words when you speak them you give life to now you can speak life or you can speak what death but they're not just noise so what we've thought is words were just not well I'm dying to go I said what don't say that what angle heard nothing see because you think is just noise but their spirit and they're going out to do things now I got you with me so far here now way do we get to James you gonna really see this to go pop out to you but I want to work you over and here first let's go let's go to Joe chapter 38 now I'm just it's just a couple of things and I just want to lay this foundation real good in you job chapter 38 job chapter 38 lord have mercy look at verse 33 knoweth now this is God talk of the job now knoweth thou the ordinances of heaven can now set the dominion thereof in the earth now wait a minute I want to translate it for you in the Living Bible do you know the laws of the universe and how the heavens influence the earth do you know the law do you know spiritual law and how spiritual law affects natural laws do you know and a lot of times we puttin it on God you know God's my problem God's not your problem he said death and life are in the power your time are you following what I'm saying and and look what it says come on take about songs chapter 141 some chapter 141 look at verse 3 set a watch o Lord before my one mouth keep going and keep the door of my lips my goodness he called your lips a door mom this is an Old Testament request God is not go keep your lips what God is gonna do is he's gonna show you how to keep your lips now he did things in them for the Old Testament because they weren't redeemed but in the New Testament that's going away you will have to keep your mouth one more place let's go to Psalms chapter 39 please Psalm chapter 39 verse 1 I said I will take heed to my ways that I sin not with my tongue I will keep my mouth what with a bridle keep going while the wicked is where before me so who is the wicked you think Satan no demons so demons are waiting on your mouth that they are perched waiting on your conversation because death and life the demon snow is not in the power of God it's not in the power of Satan they know it's in your power and let me tell you folks they come and they tried to distract you they tried to to give you a situation where you would speak the rule thing come on come on over to proverbs chapter 30 real quick they try to give you and paint a picture just as bad as they can paint it because their job is to get you to loose your tongue and to get you to say something that God didn't say and what you will do is you will have to bridle them lip so yours come on that tongue look what it says in proverbs chapter 30 if you have a separates the Lord look at verse 32 if thou has done foolishly in lifting up thy self or if thou has thought what evil what are you gonna do to your mouth you go put a gag on your mouth because they either become the shoot of thought in your mind and get you respeaker and God is not gonna keep it you won't have to keep it he said Paul Paul teaches in Ephesians chapter 4 let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth but that which is good to the edifying that it may give grace to the heroes God want you to speak words that will build up things now let's go to Joe real quick and let's go to Joe come on up we go get your mouth in order let's go to job chapter 6 please how many you know Jobe had a battle with the devil and the devil was trying to wipe Joe out and he got into jobs life and you know people say where the Lord was testing Joe all that kind of foolishness and then he what he was doing at all the Bible said job said the thing that I feared most has come upon me fear was something that came into Joel's life that started a sequence of activity but I want to show you something because look what it says in Joel chapter 6 and verse 23 oh deliver me from the enemy's hand this is a job talking now to God or redeem me from the hand of the who mighty verse 24 teach me and I will do what hold my tongue keep going and cause me to understand where I have jokes mouth got him in trouble now why am I telling you that all we've had books on positive thinking and we said as a man thinketh in his heart so is he but I want you to see something here positive thinking alone in gold Olivia it ain't gonna deliver you why cause have authority thank God for the positive thinking but that's cuz that's bringing you a little wave zone but positive thinking just has you to think positive while the boats going down you drowned keep positive think about it [Music] [Applause] positive thinking alone will not deliver you it will not change your circumstances it will change you is what you say out of your mouth now here is Jesus man named Jay iris was walking with him he was here walking together D iris had gotten Jesus here's what Jay iris said come to my house my daughter's almost dead and I want you to lay your hands on her cuz if you lay your hands on her she gonna be healed you lay your hands on her she's gonna be here so now what happens is Jay iris is walking with Jesus he said come to the house if you lay your hands on my daughter she gonna be healed now she's close to death Jesus eyes walking with him so she comes and she stops Jesus because she's touching to him of his garment and when she touched to him of his garment he stops then she then testified now when I have tested testimonies in here some nights I don't let him hold a mic do you know why cuz they seem to go on and now I'm I'm thinking about Jr's I Darris come on you know this woman bids are testifying yeah and I the bible says she told him all the truth so yet not understand J IRAs now his thinking about his daughter almost dead would he left the house but he made a confession that if you lay your hands on her she'll be healed man Avadh went with him now watch this then what Jesus telling the woman daughter thy faith has made you whole go in peace behold it I play all right now that was that here come the runners from Jay Iris's house don't trouble amassed any longer your daughter is dead what did Jesus do don't say none see there is something called a vocabulary of silence [Music] after you have made your confession shut your mouth now this woman yet did Jesus goes to her house Oh Jay a versus house pardon me and gets to the house and they in their two molting toe molt means they're crying and weeping and wailing because the daughter was 12 years old and normally what they do is get into funerals at the lord game and now the Lord has taken away plucked up like a little flower that's a lie you know that's a lock Jesus raised up if you hit the Lord did God killed and wanted the dead why would Jesus raise your honor who you got to get all that crazy foreign stinking thinking out of your mind and out of your mouth all right now watch what he said then he walked in the door open the door and this is what he said your daughter is not dead she's just asleep now what did that do he wasn't trying to impress these people he was activating spiritual law now I'm saying when you going through something the devil will send people your way to change your mouth watch this or in some cases don't let you say nothing now you're gonna have to confess something at some point some people think they're just quiet everything will work out alright honey you gotta say something at some point and that enemy will try to come and make things look bad and make you what we call and hold in his church takedown he'll try to make you back up on your confession or neutralize that rascal I remember when we were confessing I'm confessing this mall I'm telling you we're waiting on the money the money hadn't come the joy is calling me a pastor where is the money I said well you know I believe I receive belief you receive what is that we need the money the developers want the money that's a man so now going to the barbershop just to get a haircut don't come I could get some peace I went down to the barbershop one of them cutting hair revving I heard you y'all gonna buy that mall up there and start weekend at the other other barbers and so forth I'll say yeah now at that time I needed to say wait a minute I already got it man look in the gear baƱo yeah but I start backing up now I got a good fell I start backing up cuz I cards are considering whether they would understand it come on you your y'all ain't doing me right see I can't consider whether some heathen [Applause] Bible said God bitch Street [Applause] I got to say what God said in the face of death I got to say she shall live [Applause] work ain't trying to impress them I'm trying to put spiritual law into motion [Applause] death and life are in the power of your tongue what am I doing with this series I want to make it so that your words have value [Music] that every word that you speak you gonna measure that against the Word of God now you got to get around like precious faith and get yourself together cuz it's always easy to say it up in here how do you have a king I'm I'm dead yeah but wait till you go out there and the devil put some pressure on you come on now and and put and put professionals in your environment come to my folk with degrees on top of degrees you will have to be willing to see yourself in the future [Applause] I'm telling all of us now now the reason why that hadn't happened one is because we haven't had the word in our heart because you can't kind of come some come out of your mouth that ain't in your heart when the pressure comes up so we got to first put it in your heart come on now but then give you such confidence in the value or the weight of your words till you know if you say it it's gonna come to pass verse chapter Psalm chapter 38 and verse 2 I will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for the habit for thy loving-kindness and for thy truth for thou has magnified thy what a word come on above all thy name this is talking about Jesus you know what he did he magnified his word above his name let me tell you what that means that means that if he ever speaks something he surrenders to it he is under the authority of whatever he spoke that you won't ever get him to change if he promised you something he completely gives himself to it are you following what I'm saying here now what am I saying we gonna take this and build inside of you and understanding of confession there are four major confessions that predominantly in a New Testament will go through those next time and we'll show you where yours are yours come into a place where you're confessing God's promise you're confessing God's Word concerning your own life and your own deliverance or your own prosperity or your inheritance and when you start confessing that that word is called in a Greek homologue EO and homologue homo means the same and logia has to do with a word or has to do with what you say so now we're going to say what God says now we're not gonna care how it looks come on now because see we're not looking for paths we go cut a path well you got what I'm saying we gonna cut a path all right I say that's with me Father in the name of Jesus I cancel every negative word that I've spoken every word that I've released that's been against your will and your plan for my life and the lives of others I ask you to forgive me for I cancel it now in the name of Jesus now Lord from this day give me understanding give me conviction from the Holy Ghost when I go crosswise to the Word of God help me give me the grace to say what you said in every situation help me be bold help me to be strong you said whoever the Sun sets free it's free indeed now from this day forward my words are not only gonna make me free but I speak those words over they shall be free indeed I thank you for it from this day forward I shall win and never lose I shall be on top [Applause] not the tail thank you lord Jesus name now my wife said to me I said something and my wife said to me now I was something with crosswise the Word of God it wasn't word of God because I was mad see see that gonna happen old bill okay all right I'm being transparent now so what happened I I said something and she said to me she said to me well sweetheart if that's what you want I agree with you I'll step back on Sat women well well well now you go use my stuff Oh me check it out you need somebody around you that's going to call you to task when you speak something God didn't say you don't need somebody to say what is that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] while I trusted you were blessed by this powerful teaching it's called the law of confession now today's message is part of a three-disc series here's a very important point to remember whatever's in your heart is gonna eventually come out of your mouth especially when the pressures on you know remember the three Hebrews when they were in the fiery furnace and they said hey the God that we serve will he will deliver us notice the pressure and once that pressure is on you whatever is in your heart comes right out of your mouth so what do you want to do make sure you put the right thing in your heart praise God because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak and what you confess you will eventually possess praise the Lord well the announcer is going to give you important information on how you can order this powerful set of teachings on the law of confession now I'll be right back there is a law of confession every time you can predict what's going to happen every time now what has happened we've not made the connection between what we say and what we get in this life or what we have now you can speak life or you can speak what that we think our words are just sound we think that words are just noise they're not that spirit your spirit is a bag that holds words and whatever words are in there when you come under attack that's what comes out so demons are waiting on your mouth they are perched waiting on your conversation their job is to get you to loose your tongue and to get you to say something that God didn't say so every belief in me that God was not the author of he's got plans to rid it out if you can fix your confession in line with the Word of God all your needs will be met value the power that is released through your words in pastor Winston's barrier-breaking three-disc series the law of confession to order on CD or dvd by bank card at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or online at billwinston.org govern your entire life when you make the connection between what you say and what you have in the law of confession proverbs 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue now this is a most profound scripture because what are you saying here is that we need to value our words we need to make sure that the words we speak are the things we want in our lives and I tell you go back in Scripture and you'll see when this woman's son had died she went to find a prophet and and he said it's as well with you it's as well with your husband is it well with your child she said all is well now the child would a graveyard dead but see that's the way she turned death into life she spoke life over her situation the same thing goes for you I don't care how it looks speak God's Word praise God visit bill wins until next time we love you and keep walking fighting the mission of bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world this broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of bill Winston ministries partners and friends the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 297,893
Rating: 4.8065896 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, DrBillWinston, Faith, Confession, WORD, Lord, BW 441-3B
Id: Wrvu7JjM9XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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