Magnifying The World's Brightest Flashlight (200,000 Lumens)

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this is the new world's brightest flashlight and we're going to be seeing what happens when we magnify this flashlight to make a death ray who hold it's on fire this is the iment ms32 it puts out a whopping 2 100,000 lumens the previous world record was this flashlight also from imalent the ms18 that put out 100,000 lumens so they've doubled the amount of LEDs in here so let's take this outside and see how bright it is then we'll see if we can make it even brighter by magnifying it 3 2 1 holy cow wow that is crazy look how far away it lights up those trees over there all down there [Music] it literally just lights up the whole Mountain it's like daytime out here okay this is my car's headlights now I'm going to turn on the flashlight above it so you can see a comparison you literally can barely see the headlights oh look cow that is crazy that's how bright it is okay it's only 11:50 p.m. it's about to be morning for the town okay everyone time to wake up it's crazy wherever I shine it it looks really dusty I thought I had kicked up a lot of dust so I went to a different spot but it looks like that everywhere so it's so bright that it just lights up any little thing that's in the air now let's see what happens if we try to magnify the Flash flight by putting a lens on it I have here a three diopter lens in order to film this with how black the flashlight is the lights are actually on in my room right now but you can barely see anything but when I turn on the flashlight then you can see everything so I've turned the iso really low and really fast shutter speed before we continue just like the laws of thermodynamics are Universal so is the fact that scammers will try to use your personal information to harm you that's why I use delete me and thanks to delete me for sponsoring this video data broker SC power the internet for information about you and compose a profile about you they sell this profile to other companies that use it however they want delete me removes 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fire holy cow let's see if it can burn paper even without the lens ow so it's making it a little bit hotter than it normally would mainly because it's capturing This little light on the side that can escape so this definitely is an optimized to get light down to a tiny laser-like point but how small of a point could we get if we wanted to how hot could we actually make something using this flashlight well there's a rule that comes from the second law of Thermodynamics called the conservation of eand do and it says that it's impossible to squish light down smaller than the source of that light unless you lose some of that light for example I have one LED here you can see how small it is so could I use a lens to focus this light even smaller than the size of this led according to conservation of aandu the answer is no let's see if that's the case if I put the lens right on the LED so that I'm not losing any light you can see that no matter how I move the lens I can't make a spot of light that's smaller than the LED itself so that's actually an image of the LED so even if I get as small as I can and then stick another lens here it's still not going to ever be smaller than the LED that's just right on the surface of the flashlight here if I want to make it smaller then I have to move the lens far from the light so I lose some of the light so let's move this far back now when I do that then I can make the light smaller so now this point of light is smaller than the LED on the flashlight but I've lost all of this light around it so if I lose light I can make a small point so if I lose light I can make the point smaller than the original Source light which means that ultimately that point could never be hotter than the point on the flashlight cuz I lost all this light the consequence of this limitation is that you can never magnify any source of light to make something hotter than the source of light itself but what does this mean for an LED so if we apply this to our flashlight then that means that we should be able to get something up to the same temperature as the LEDs inside of this Flash flashlight but what temperature are the LEDs well that's actually a hard question to answer the reason is because temperature can only be defined when something is in thermal equilibrium meaning that if I thermally isolated it it would come to a stable temperature and since in an LED we're using Quantum effects to make electrons fall into holes that are producing light it isn't at thermal equilibrium so there really is no defined temperature but you can still Define the energy of the light since the LED light puts out white light very similar to the spectrum of the sun then that means we could expect that the maximum theoretical temperature we could get to is about the temperature of the Sun around 6,000 Kelvin but because of another pesky little thermodynamic rule called the conservation of Eton do that says that you can't squish light without losing some of the light you'll never actually be able to reach those temperatures the more I try to concentrate the light the more light I have to lose to do that so in reality the highest temperature you can get is not from magnifying it with a lens but it's from putting it right on top of the flashlight so why don't I just put the flashlight right up to a mirror and keep everything reflected right to my thermal couple what temperature can we achieve I'm going to try this first with my 32,000 Lumen flashlight in case anything goes wrong uh-oh oh no I burned out the LEDs now let's hear all of the ways that you guys can think of to heat something up hotter than its source but when coming up with these theories I should remind you of this quote from Arthur Edington the British astrophysicist he said if someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations then so much the worse for Maxwell's equations if it's found to be contradicted by observation well these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes but if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope there's nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation and thanks for watching another episode of the action lab and we'll see you next time
Channel: The Action Lab
Views: 191,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brightest flashlight, the action lab, MS32, Imalent MS32, World's Brightest FLashlight
Id: yrefqqirklY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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