Two Reform UK candidates ditched after accusations of racism and religious hate

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how old is this it's 1913 it's a it's a French car it was made for export to England Hugo Miller splits his time between Florida and ham he restores old cars until an hour before we went to air tonight he was a candidate for reform in this safe home county conservative seat his views are easy to find online but until today they hadn't cost him a shot at being an EMP this is your Facebook profile because mostly cat videos mostly a lot of cat videos but also we have a picture here of a van with the NW written on it yeah to m word and a stolen track a photograph of that that was in Miami and why did you take the photograph cuz it's funny can you see it's got funny it's got car caricatures of Zulus there and everything you don't think a lot of people would find that really really quite offensive well people in Miami didn't find it offensive did they it's a joke everybody is terrified to open their mouth now I'm glad you brought that up I mean that's not offensive it's funny Miller's public posts are a Litany of offensive comments he disparages the experience of slaves in America and claims Muslims are pouring into Britain unchecked and breeding like rabbits one of the most offensive a description on a video about black people that is so racist and dehumanizing we can't broadcast it but a warning his response to us Compares black people to animals what about this this language here what did you what did you mean by this yeah absolutely look at them leaping over the card I made the comparison between them and the and the the baboons at winds the safari park or long did you not say that that is an incredibly offensive thing for someone who's standing for public office to I found their behavior incredibly offensive these These are people jumping all over police cars we will be standing in 630 seats across the whole of England Scotland and Wales reform the brexit party reheated wants to pose a threat nationally to other parties today is the deadline for it to fill every every seat and more than a 100 candidates have been dropped or swapped since the beginning of the year I just um put my name forward did a zoom interview um I say I've known Nigel for 30 Years anyway and um got approved got on the list we go reform as of this week with Nigel farage as its leader is polling just two points behind the conservatives in terms of actual seats yugov predicts they could win one and at best four but their grip on the C campaign narrative lies in the 60 they could help labor win from the Tories by splitting the vote but who is the party standing behind farage and how has it been assembled Andrea Whitehead who once stood as a reformed counselor until today was standing to be an MP in leads did you get a phone call saying come and stand as a candidate yeah pretty much it would just well not come and stand as a candidate you are the candidate I only apply to be a counselor Andrew is posts have drawn heat but she stands by her views Ed office will ring me in say can he take that purse down it's like no I'm not taking it down that's what I believe our British values and and way of life and everything has been going on for centuries and centuries and all of a sudden now we've got another culture coming in and it's not you know we don't want sh a l she may be in leads but the mayor of London is a particular hate figure she's posted offensive images of sadik KH and said comments calling him an undercover Jihadi were true something she denies not necessarily I've never thought that I've never thought his uh his undercovered jihadis no I've never seen that anywhere no I don't like the way you've made me out to be a racist you've been trying to make me say the Muslim word and I'm not going to say it I mean if I put that on my on my thing i' I'd be sacked and I am not racist in any way shape or form tonight reform told us they'd withdrawn support for both candidates Richard Ty the party's chairman said in April the party published candidates early so the media and other organizations could help vet them but despite these two candidates views being easily available online even publicized by hope not hate until tonight they were still running as reform candidates the party did not address any of our questions about their processes Amilia Jen well the green party meanwhile has confirmed that four of its candidates are no longer running after reports that they made or liked anti-semitic comments or tried to justify the October 7th Hamas attack being anti-semitic isn't acceptable and will never be tolerated in the green party the deputy leader Zach palansky told times radio today that anti-Semitism would never be tolerated in the green party but he said a distinction must be made between legitimate criticism of the Israeli government and anti-semitism
Channel: Channel 4 News
Views: 35,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Channel 4 News, UK general election, UK election 2024, general election 2024, UK politics, UK government, UK news, political news, political parties, Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems, Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer, Ed Davey, Nigel Farage, Reform UK, Richard Tice, Farage, Clacton, Channel 4
Id: usV9RhxZhVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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