Leaving D-Day events early was a 'mistake' says Prime Minister

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just remember the ones that are under the ground I give everything for you it was a mistake not to stay longer it brings memories back at us you know it's a trouble I apologize for that a moment of History 80 years in the making a political blunder that could shape the next four weeks of this election princes presidents and prime ministers gathered to commemorate eight decades since the D-Day stand ings yesterday but one man was noticeable by his absence earlier in the day Richie sunak paid his respects and represented his Nation by afternoon though the German Chancellor and presidents of France and the United States and standing with them not Mr sunak but the prime minister of yesterday year Lord Cameron the foreign secretary standing in for Mr sunak who left the spot where so many sacrificed so much during World War II to take part in a media interview on reflection that was a mistake and I apologize I think it's important though given the enormity of the sacrifice made that we don't politicize this the focus should rightly be on the veterans who gave so much I had the honor and privilege of speaking to many of them and their families hearing their stories expressing my gratitude personally to them an intervention by Fate this morning veterans we in Stonehouse gler Shear a pre-booked location for one of today's conservative campaign visits to a school for five minutes richy sunk was asked about his decision yesterday for five minutes the same answer was repeated and blamed the itinery itinerary itinerary itinerary for this set of events was set weeks ago before the start of the general election campaign this was an error of judgment that may well follow him and the conservatives as a whole for the rest of this election what's your favorite ice cream flavor um pink pink is that is that strawberry yeah yeah privately in the party outrage and despair publicly the defense well one that recognizes the fa undoubtedly uh veterans will feel pretty raw over this and I I don't dispute that and I I totally understand and you know personally it's it's it's a bit crushing yes but uh it is what it is and it's happened and he's apologized and he's made a mistake and it is not reflective of his wider work on Veterans for some veterans though the events of the last day are just unfathomable he should have stayed I do honestly think that that was very disrespectful of him what he says and what he does are two different things talking about bringing back national service you can't be pro- armed forces and then on a big commemoration like that just walk out early in Old theot known as the home of the British army an almost unified View among most voters it's pretty poor really disrespectful it's bad form isn't it I think that's quite disgusting to be honest OB do something else came up and he had to leave you know it's justifiable on my part all right he he did his bit one man who did not leave early the man who wants the current prime minister's job I actually found yesterday very emotional just before the first ceremony I just went down towards the beach and contemplated what it must have been like for 17 or 18 year-old young man or woman to run up that beach under gunfire not a similar race to your son well exactly my thought um my boy will be 16 this year and they was these were 17 18 year olds I found that really humbling actually I was very pleased to say thank you the Prime Minister will have to answer his choices for me there was only one choice which was to be there paying my respects and my tribute to them and of course their colleagues who didn't return political leaders from other parties have called rishy sunak actions indefensible and der elction of Duty the problem for the Prime Minister it's a view shared by many in his own party too it is hard to overestimate the depth of Despair within the conservative party this evening the level of anger is only matched by the genuine hurt that some feel the Prime Minister could commit that could commit an act of self-sabotage like this some tell me it's already been brought up on the doorstep and the point they make is that moments of real cut through like that don't happen very often you've got to think back to 20 0 when Gordon Brown was caught on a microphone calling a woman bigoted but the point they make is that when that happened it was a mistake that happened in the moment this what has unfolded was signed off and premeditated by the Prime Minister that they say is unforgivable Paul what's going on with Labor's Manifesto yeah effectively that's been signed off uh tonight we I understand that the only people who really think of the was Union unite they said they got some concessions on the EHS and still but they couldn't find a compromise on workers rights and protections for oil and gas now ordinarily divisions between labor and unions going into election would be a Hot Topic going into tonight's debate that would be seized upon however given everything that's happened in the last 24 hours that is going to pale into insignificance thanks Paul
Channel: Channel 4 News
Views: 25,936
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Keywords: General election, general election 2024, election 24, politics, rishi sunak, sunak, starmer, keir starmer, veteran, veterans, dday, dday80, world war two, anniversary, conservatives, labour, war veterans, normandy, normandy commemoration, election, election campaign, channel 4, channel 4 news, news, uk news, uk, c4news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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