Two-Man Chainsaw - Carburetor & Muffler [Restoration]

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I put some pieces back on for cleaning reasons Threadlocker on these screws I should clean the outside first so that the inside does not get dirty This piece is the primer pump Surprisingly clean Carburetor cleaner There are no replacement parts for this carburetor This piece contains the ball valve This is a very odd design Mild corrosion I think I will have to make a new one Extremely clear coat The brazing material will not melt High-carbon steel sparks wood is not level second deeper pass with coolant Nylon-infused nitrile rubber sheet Hmmmm... Gas-resistant glue to seal any holes I painted this fully assembled, just like when they made it I do not have gasket paper that thin... Thread locker Pocket hole joinery I forgot the brass filter
Channel: Hand Tool Rescue
Views: 768,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restoration, chainsaw, mcculloch, paint, chain, bar, two-man, large, giant, big, rusty, before and after, rescue, tool, tool restoration, diy, make, saw, wood, lumber, lumberjack, arborist, asmr, rust, 1950s, vintage, antique, tree, carburetor
Id: ZjkIl6R3EEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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