Two Card Monte: Shocking Card Trick Revealed!

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[Music] okay guys so today I'm joined again by my lovely assistant oven and we're going to show you this really cool trick so Evan I'm going to use the two black aces for this trick the ace of spades in the ace of clubs so do you want to use clogs or space it really doesn't matter clubs okay then you hold on to that to hold onto its face down in your hand just like this pinching with your fingers and I will now take the ace of spades and also place it in your hand right under base of clubs so ace of clubs on top keep track of the cart okay keep track of your card okay where is it which one is it that one are you absolutely sure because this whole entire trick it's about fooling you but oh wait no you're actually right it is it is on top okay so now watch hold it hold it really tight look if I if I told you I put it on the top and then I went like this and I put it on the bottom would you it would you be impressed if your face is positive on the bottom now right but I don't really want to impress you I want to amaze you flip over your hand the two red kings that's the trick and now for the tutorial alright guys so this card trick is pretty easy all you're going to need our two black aces and two red kings you can use any two of a kind you want but I like to read Kings so I'll use them for the explanation so the setup for the trick is you're going to take one red King put it face up on top the other red Kings face down right on top of it just like that and then the two black aces on top say stones like that so you have two black aces on the top a red Kings face down and then a red Kings face up just like this so now you start off the trick by showing two Black Aces just like this in the performance I did this thing where I went like that but not as good so all that is is I have a break under the two cards I going to flip over both of them but I'm going to keep my hand on it as I flip it over like this and then I'm going to push off the card push off the card and then I'm just going to kind of like a rotate rotate my hand with the card just like this so what that should look like is like this it's a pretty cool to car production to show you how to black aces now they can choose whichever if they want they would most likely choose spades so let's just say that shows spades and what you're going to doing is while you're asking them to pick a black ace you're going to riffle down the top two cards to catch a break just like this under the two cards or you can do a pinkie count if you're that good I can't do that so all I do is I riffle downs and I reject to get my pinkie break and when they choose the ace of spades if they choose ASA spades let's say they do so you're going to pick up the other ace they didn't name and place it on top of the deck you're going to ask them to hold onto their card face down pinch it like this in their hand well you're going to do you're going to flip over three cards you're do a triple lift with these three cards because you have a break right here under the two kings face to face you're going to put the ACE on face up and you're going to flip over three cards and what you're going to do now is you're going to take off the top card but you're not going to peel it off like that we're going to do is a risk kill where you lift up the top card just like this you're just going to lift it up like that and you're going to bring instead of taking the card away you're going to take the deck away first by moving your wrist down just like this by tilting your wrist down set the deck down just like this or you can just kind of drop it to your side would be easier like a street magic performance so risk killed the decks just like this and just hold this to your side just like that hold the deck like this so you don't flash this King what you're going to do is you say okay we'll take the other cards well put it under your card so they're thinking of the ace of spades and just ask them to remember where their card is so for example dayss spaces right here on top so all you're going to do is to switch around the cars a couple times ask them to keep track of the ace of spades the other card is already the red king so all you have to do is just make them keep track of the ASIS of the ace of spades just like this so and then also just end up with the card on top after you're done switching so end up with the card on top and ask them where's their cards they're going to say the top one you're going to take the top one just like this and what you're going to be doing is while you have the deck turn like this you're going to be pushing off the top card and catching a pinkie breaks just like this with your wrist turn over like this so it looks something like that with your turned over now I have a pinky break right under the card so I push off lift up with my middle finger get my pinky in there just like that do that all while my wrist is turned over then I say okay so you think this is your card all you're going to do don't flip the car over yet you're going to take the card just place it right here on the top of the deck face down like this so that when you flip it over it'll show this ace and then what you have now is a break right under the king and the ACE face up then you're going to do a double lift flipping over both of the cards take the top card place it on the top and now you've just switched out the cards for the red Kings so now they're holding this card in their hand and you're going to go like this you're going to say alright imagine if I took your card like this I put it on the top but then I went like this and I switched it to the bottom would you be impressed if your ace of spades is on the bottom that would say yeah that would be pretty cool and then you say I don't want to impress you I want to amaze you then you ask them to flip over their hand when they see the two red kings they will for sure freak out they will not know how you switched out those black aces for the red kings and then if they want to examine the deck they could I mean they would just find the black aces on top so I mean if you want to cover it or something you could either like you could palm off the Aces like this and take them away put them in your pocket secretly or you can just cut the deck and like if I want to examine the deck they'd be like they're not on top and not on the bottom it would be like somewhere in the middle here but they would take a while to find them yeah so that was the trick it's really cool like street performance trick you can just walk up and do this to somebody it's a really cool way to interact with someone with a deck of cards it's really easy really fun so I recommend performing this to everyone you know so hopefully you guys like that trick I'm probably going to do a little bit more advanced stuff next video because I know I've been doing a lot of simple stuff recently so hopefully you guys like this trick and I'll be back with a new video coming soon so see you guys for that fine [Music]
Channel: A Million Card Tricks
Views: 479,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two, card, monte, shocking, trick, revealed, a million card tricks, david, blaine, mat, franco, cards, tricks, mismag822, hester23bearsch, how, to, disturb, reality, jay, sankey, therussiangenius, the, best, simplest, simple, amazing, easy, medium, hard, beginner, intermediate, advanced, performance, and, tutorial, magic, magician, teach, teacher, learn, incredible, scary, mentalism, mind, read, reading, double, lift, cardistry, sleight, of, hand, awesome, epic, dope, street, live, close, up
Id: Zeb557smQAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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