Control Your Spectator To Find Any 4 of a Kind! Performance and Tutorial!

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[Music] okay guys so here I am today again with a really really cool card trick and I have my lovely assistant evan here with me and he's gonna help me out with this really cool card trick so let's go ahead and get it started so over here I have deck of cards which I can actually just leave the box over here and over here I have the deck just like this all the cards are completely different just like this you can see here all the cards so Evan what's gonna happen is first I need to actually hypnotize you because I'm gonna try a cool experiment so all right so I just hypnotized you so now that you're hypnotized you're actually under my control and what's going to happen is I'm gonna try and control you to pick a four of a kind out of the deck out of a shuffled deck of cards so what's gonna happen is first I'm gonna allow you to choose any card freely so for example if you're gonna pick a king I would try and control you to pick the other three kings in the shuffled deck so now we're gonna see which four of a kind we're gonna deal with here so go ahead and touch any card that you would like it honestly doesn't matter this card right here are you absolutely sure you won't change your mind No so let's go ahead and take a look at the card that you stopped me at so the three of diamonds so this means we're gonna try and find the other three threes in the deck alright so let's begin Evan this three of diamonds is gonna be like your helper card so go ahead go ahead and hold on to it face down and looking actually gonna ask you to place it place it in anywhere or anywhere you think three might be boom right there I'm gonna break it at exactly the point where you stopped at no funny moves and as you can see here the last card would have been the King like the card before it would have been the king but you stopped at this card and this card only the three of clubs one of the threes that is actually very impressive so let's give the deck a cut and Evon go ahead and touch any card let's see if you can get a second three this one right here let's see let's see if you got it um Oh Jack of Diamonds okay oh oh I know why I didn't work it's because the helper cartons face down it would actually help if the helper card was face-up so on three I want you to flip it over one two three and just like that then you can get the three two appear just like that so now Evan for this last three the three of spades go ahead and place the three of diamonds somewhere in the deck face up just like that perfect so I'd say that's around half of the deck give or take I'm not exactly sure but let's go ahead we'll take a look at exactly the place where you stopped at the three of spades that is that is crazy so Evan you just found all so you found the three of spades see and then here's the three of diamonds three of Hearts three of clubs Wow and then there's a three of diamonds so Wow we just found all four fries just like that so there is only one problem with this trick is that I was hypnotizing you and since I was hypnotizing you you actually solved three of diamonds but it was only an illusion because here it says the card is in the box and if I actually just take the box over here I can actually open it up and take out the one card inside the three of diamonds and that is basically the trick guys so now for the tutorial okay guys so this is a pretty cool trick I came up with and I just sort of like combined a bunch of cool little moves and skills that I knew how to do and I just sort of combine them all into this cool trick and I hope you guys liked the performance of it and here's the tutorial for how to do it so all you're gonna need is a normal deck of cards over here and you're gonna need a couple of things for this trick so for this check you're gonna need to pull out any four of kind that you would like I just got the four threes for no apparent reason I just thought they're good four of a kind so once you have before of a kind you're gonna want to get out if you have a blank card get out a blank card that you don't care about because you are gonna be writing on it but I know a lot of you do not have blank cards so what you can do is use a joker or a double back card or just any card that you do not really care about and you're gonna take a sharpie marker and you're gonna write on it the card is in the box alright or if you don't want to do that you can actually take a piece of like clear tape and write on the tape the card is in the box or something like that but I think it's a little bit cooler if it actually is like printed on the on the card here or I mean written on the card here um one more thing you're gonna need is a card box it's totally normal just one thing that I did was that most bicycle boxes on the back they look like this they have like a paragraph and they have this design with the ten of hearts and the back design logo right there so what I've done is I've actually just taken a random and different card and I've actually just taped it to the back of the box as you can see it has the same design it's the other one I just showed you but I taped a card on the back of it because this is actually gonna help hide a move that you do later in the trick that you'll see when I teach it to you so just take a card and tape it on the back of the box or if you already have a box that has the card design actually on the back of it then you do not need to do that step but if you only have a box that looks like this it's a very easy fix you just take a card and tape it to the back of the box just like that and once you have all those things you're ready to go so here's the setup for the trick you're gonna need to take the four threes and they can be in any order you want but just keep in mind that the top three whichever three it is this is going to be the card that is going to be used as the helper card and is also going to peer inside of the box at the end of the trick so in this case let's just use the three of hearts as the helper card so that's the card I'm gonna put on top of the other threes so that's going to be the top card right over here and this card the card in the box that is actually gonna go second-to-last face up just like this so you're gonna leave it face-up and it's gonna go second-to-last and now you're ready to go in the box there's nothing inside of the box except for the card on the back and then you put the cards inside of the box close it up and you're actually ready to go so you go to your spectator and you have the box here you can show it off open it up and take out all the cards just be sure not to flash this facedown card which is second to last and once you take the cards out of the box you're gonna want to close up the box don't really make attention to it but just sort of close up the box and set it aside for now because you are gonna be making sure you flip it over so that the card design or the car that you taped is actually facing up just like this so just set it off to the side facing up just like this so now what you can do is you can like block push over some cards to hide over this facedown card but you can show here that you have a normal deck and also don't go all the way to the top showing the four threes but you want to go just in the middle showing all the shuffle cards just like this so now what your going to be doing is you're gonna be telling the spectator you're actually going to hypnotize them so this part is all acting I'm gonna snap your fingers in their face or do whatever you want wave your hand you're gonna act like they're hypnotized and they're gonna act like they're hypnotized to okay and they're gonna play along with it it's gonna be really cool so what's gonna happen is you're going to explain to the spectator that you're gonna try and control them to pick a four of a kind out of a shuffled deck now what you're gonna do is you're gonna ask them to pick a card first to help designate which four of a kind we're gonna use for the trick so what you're gonna be doing now is a force to force the top three over here the three of Hearts so what's gonna happen is you're gonna spread through the deck just like this and you're actually going to have them touch any card in the deck so let's say they go ahead and touch this card over here so now what you're gonna do is you're gonna they can touch any card but what you're gonna do is you're gonna spin it out and kind of gesture saying okay you could have touched any card and you're gonna do a move called a push off pinky break where you push out the top card pull it back and catch a pinkie breaks value so it's sort of separated from the deck now so you're gonna do this as you're gesturing so you're gonna push off the card catch a pinkie break that was obviously exaggerated but it looks something like that take the card place it on top holding this break and you're gonna perform a double lift you're gonna flip over two cards at once so this King of Diamonds is actually the card that they chose but you're going to flip over two cards at once showing they picked a three of Hearts so now once you force of three you're gonna push the double back over and you're gonna do a move called the KN move which looks something like this and it's basically how to get rid of a double lift so basically you're just ditching this card on top of the deck as you flip over your hand just like this and flick the card with your thumb so what you're doing is you're gonna flip it over your fingers here I'm gonna clamp down the card you're gonna leave the top card on the deck like this and you're just gonna peel out the three of Hearts and you're gonna flick it with your thumb and then you can kind of drop it on the table and basically what you've done is you've flipped over the card right beneath it and place it on top of the deck so look something like this something like that and that's the K and move just like that all right so now once you've done that you're basically just free to show off the three of Hearts and you're actually gonna be handing it to them so when you hand it them you're gonna hand it to them facedown just make sure the card is face down when you hand it to them because it's gonna matter for the next part of the trick that you do after this part once you hand it to them remember you have a random card on top which is actually the card that they picked when you spread the cards out you left it here on top and you just want to lose it in the middle of the deck so you're just going to lift up half the cards and slip jog that card in the middle of the deck just like that all right so now you're left with the other threes on top of the deck which is exactly what you want so now once the spectator is holding their helper card the three of Hearts you're gonna tell them all right so we're gonna use the three of Hearts here to try and find the other three threes okay so what you're gonna do is you're gonna hold the deck just like this and you're gonna riffle down the corner and you're just gonna ask them to place the three of Hearts and face down wherever they would like so they can go ahead and place it anywhere just like that and you're actually gonna break the cards exactly where they place the three of Hearts so you're going to give them back the three of Hearts just so that they can hold onto it right so remember the KM move how we clamped down on that top card we're basically going to actually do a sort of a thing like that again so you're gonna show that the card that they could have chosen before was the Jack of Diamonds but they stopped at this card the three of clubs so what I've just done is I've actually peeled off this card onto this packet just like this secretly but I flipped my wrists over at the same time just like this so it looks something like this as an exposed view just like this as I showed the Jack of Diamonds and then here I've actually peeled off the three of clubs just like that so that's a really really cool hidden force so right where they said stop you're gonna clamp your fingers down and just hold the card down as you just rotate this packet up and you're gonna flip both your wrists over as you tap so you could have picked the Jack of Diamonds right before but you stopped exactly at this point peel it off and actually just drop this pack on top because that will make sure the other threes are right there and now they have picked the three of clubs just like that so now you're probably wondering why is this the card is in the Box card suck in the West and not just on the bottom well this card is actually here to cover that card when you do this move when you show the bottom of card because this card is actually covering that facedown card because you wouldn't want it to look like this and you would see a facedown card here that would that would look very suspicious so you wouldn't want this card to cover it up then you drop it down so now you have the other threes so now you're gonna do this move to actually lose the bottom card in the middle of the deck now if you know any other methods than what I'm about to teach you that's fine go ahead and use them so all of this is after they pick the first three so after they find the first three you're gonna get a break underneath the bottom card you're going to swing cut over half of the cards just like so and you're actually going to be as your swing cutting it you're actually gonna grab the card with your pinky just like this and you're gonna get a pinky break underneath the card so that when you swing cut the cards you can ride that card right along with it drop the pack in your right hand on the table and drop this on top so you've actually just lost that card in the middle of the deck and now the card is in the Box card is actually on the bottom so the next part of the trick is pretty cool it's actually just a shake change so I'll teach you guys how to do that right now so you're gonna spread through the cards and have them touch any card so they can touch any card and this is not the force that I just taught you this is just any card flip it over and it's going to be not a three obviously unless they choose a top card but you tell them to pick a card in the middle so don't worry that won't happen they pick a random card and you're gonna get a pinky break underneath the top card which is actually a three three of diamonds in this case so you're gonna get a pinky break as you're talking you're gonna place the card on hop and make sure the helper card that they have is face down that's very important that's face down because you're gonna explain oh it went wrong because the helper card was face down it would actually help if the helper card was face up this is sort of like misdirection for them because you're gonna say on three I want you to flip over the three of Hearts so you're gonna say one two three they're gonna flip over the three of Hearts but what you're doing is the shake change which looks something like that what you're doing is you're holding this double here you you have a three and the random card back-to-back you're gonna hold on to the corners just like this basically the corners with the pips on them so the corners with the letters or the numbers your index finger is going to contact the long edge here and you're basically going to be shaking your hand back and forth and your index finger is going to pull the card towards you and then push it down to flip it 180 degrees just like that and you're gonna do this as you're shaking your hand and you're basically gonna flip over the card just like this but you have to really shake it and flip it over kind of fast like that like that speed and you have to do it as you kind of accent on the mmm so you have to kind of shake it and then boom just like that and it will kind of change and do it as I flip over the three and that will look really really magical so once you've done the shake change you have a double right here so you're gonna place the double here just on top of the deck place the three down so it's normal and remember how a slip jog that top card that random card in the middle do that exact same thing again cuz this is a random card and you want to get it lost in the middle so just lose that card in the middle of the deck and you'll be fine so now for this next part you're gonna take their helper card the three of Hearts and you're gonna ask them to place it in face up any where they would like and say roughly around half of the deck so let's just say they place it in right here and make sure it's face up because that's gonna matter so now they place it and face up and basically you're gonna want to get the card from their perspective to your perspective just like this so and you can do that in a natural way by saying okay you're gonna hold the deck with your thumb and index finger or just fingers right there thumb and index finger should be fine right on the center I'm you're gonna use your index finger here to pivot it and a natural move for this would be I'd say that's around half of the deck wouldn't you think so you're gonna do that as your saying that and now the card is right there so now you can actually push down and up to catch a pinkie break just like this and now what you're gonna do is called a turnover pass now I have taught a Herman passed before on this channel and I will leave a link right up here so you can watch that if you do not know how to do a Herman pass but I'll do a quick little overview on the turnover pass so what's gonna happen is your index finger is gonna curl under you're gonna take the bottom half holding the break you're gonna take the bottom half holding the three you're going to flip it over and you're gonna take this half over here and also flip it over at the same time just like this and it's basically gonna do that really fast and it's gonna make it look like this card that they just placed is right next to the three but what you've just done is actually cut the cards the three is right here on top the three of Hearts so basically this card is the card in the Box card and since it was on the bottom and since this card was on the top they kind of meet in the middle since you cut the cards if you think of cutting the cars is like a circular motion they'll kind of just meet in the middle just like that so let's just go through that again so I can show you what it looks like at full speed I'm not really gonna do an entire tutorial on the turn overpass but you can look up tutorials for it on YouTube there are many out there so go ahead get a pinky break and this is what it would look like at full speed just like that so it just kind of looks like you're flipping over the deck and just kind of do it on the offbeat when you're talking spread through the deck until you reach the facedown card and the three and this is gonna look like this is the three of Hearts and the three of spades which it landed impossibly next to so now you'll see that the three of Hearts the helper card is right here facedown on the bottom so don't spread all the way to it obviously because you want to hide that card but once you have it you're actually gonna get a pinky break underneath it and then you're gonna get a thumb break just like this what you're gonna do make sure these cards are kind of back on the table I didn't do this very naturally in the performance but I'll show you a much more a better looking way right now in the tutorial so what you're gonna do is you're gonna secretly drop off this three of Hearts on top of the box just like this and it's gonna look something like that and you're gonna be distracting the spectator you're just gonna place your hand here on the box just casually and you're gonna hold this thumb break you're just gonna place it on the Box casually as you say alright let's dump let's double check we have all of them three of clubs three of diamonds three of hearts arias spades it's gonna be sliding forward each three across the table like this and that'll just give you a misdirection so you can just casually place your hand on top of the box and now you're just gonna lift up your hand as you slide forward the three of spades you're just gonna lift your hand up and quickly spread through the deck and now all their attention will be here and this box looks exactly like you did five seconds ago but look you've actually just placed the three of hearts on top of it but since you have this facedown card it completely blends in and you cannot tell the difference at all now you can show the deck is completely normal actually and you're almost done with the trick so now you have to say now remember I was hypnotizing you this entire time so there is only one problem with this trick and that is that there was no three of Hearts this entire time and they'll be able to see here it says the card is in the box so now you're gonna point to this card and say the card is in the box and you're gonna grab the box just like this thumb on the long edge middle finger and other middle finger ring finger and pinky finger on the other long edge index finger on the center of the cart right here that's very important if you don't have it there it might kind of go all loose like this so if you want to push down just push down really hard so that the card stays aligned with the box just quickly pick it up and flip it over and you're just gonna hold the box like this but your wrist is gonna be flipped over obviously and you're going to open up the flap just like this your thumb is gonna go right here inside of the empty box and your fingers are gonna go right here on the bottom of the box and what's gonna happen is you're gonna just be pulling your hand out and you're basically just gonna be taking the card out from the bottom but if you kind of close this flap down it just looks like you're taking the card out of the box and then quickly just set the Box down and now you can show that the three parts was impossibly inside of the box the entire time and that should just make absolutely no sense the spectator and now everything is pretty much examinable I mean even if you do have the card on the box I mean it is just a random card so I mean it doesn't really matter honestly but I mean everything else is examined but like the deck is completely examinable there's no other like threes or anything all of these cards are also normal just like this every single one and all this is normal so that's basically the trick guys so I really hope you guys like that cool trick I came up with I spend a lot of time trying to perfect it and hopefully it paid off so hopefully you guys like that and I'm gonna see you guys for my next video bye [Music]
Channel: A Million Card Tricks
Views: 271,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: control, your, spectator, spectators, to, find, any, 4 of a kind, four, performance, and, tutorial, a million card tricks, mismag822, card, tricks, trick, cards, sleight, of, hand, secrets, magic, magician, teach, teacher, learn, beginner, intermediate, advanced, easy, medium, hard, simple, amazing, cool, super, best, mentalism, cardistry, color, change, revealed, hester23bearsch, cardshuffler99, kaantricks, therussiangenius, chris, ramsay, david, blaine, illusion, hypnotize, how, mat, franco, jay, sankey, impromptu
Id: -RFN4El5G-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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