IS THIS THE EASIEST CARD TRICK?!?! Oil And Water Card Trick Performance/Tutorial

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[Music] alright guys so first days trick I only need to use six cards so I can show you what they are we have one two three red cards followed by one two three black cards alright so here's what's gonna happen we're gonna take the red cards over here and the black cards over here now the red cards actually represent water and the black cards represent oil now what's gonna happen is we're gonna start by mixing the cards together so the red cards and the black cards are getting mixed together just like this and we're mixing together the oil and the water now you know what happens in real life when you mix oil and water together they separate right well just like oil and water we're just interlacing the cards right but now the black cards are on one side and the red cards are on the other side they have separated from each other now that's pretty amazing right so we're gonna try this again but we'll try adding some more colors or some more cards I guess so we have now and so three free cards for each we now have one two three four red cards on the one side and then one two three four black cards on the other side so red cards and black cards check this out we'll do the same thing again watch red black red black red black all the way through until the very end you guys can see the cards getting interlaced just like oil and water let me just see if it oh yeah it already happened the cards already separated into red and black that is absolutely insane and at this point everything is examinable by the spectator you end completely clean and yeah so that is the trick guys and stick around for the tutorial alright guys so here's the tutorial for the trick that you just saw so honestly I have no idea if I came up with this by myself or not but I will say that I was just playing around with the effect one day and I was like wait this is a really easy way to do it and I tried researching like I tried my best to look up all the versions of oil and water I couldn't find anything that was like this simple and I see so many people just using so much unnecessary sleight of hand or maybe they use extra cards or something but this is a completely impromptu way that is like so much easier than all of the versions you've ever seen before and it literally has the exact same result as every single effect of oil and water that you've ever seen okay I'm not gonna claim this to be my original effect I just happened to come across it as I was playing with the effect so I'm gonna teach it to you guys because I think it's so much easier than all the versions of oil and water that you've ever seen before this is like so much easier all you're gonna need first is just a normal deck of cards and all you do is you have the spectator touch any three red cards okay does not matter what they are they can touch any three red cards and then you're gonna have them touch any three black cards so they can be face cards they can be number cards it doesn't matter usually what happens in a normal oil and water trick is that you're using like duplicates or extra cards or just a lot of sleight of hand but here you're only doing like one slide of hand move in the entire trick and you don't need to switch out the cards or hide any extra cards or anything like that you don't need to do that so this is all you're gonna need to get out to do the trick and I like to start out with the red cards on top and then the black cards on the bottom so the red cards would be here the black cards would be on the bottom so this is how we're gonna start out you're going to lift your hand up to the spectators eyes that are looking at you like this and you're just gonna show each card one at a time you're just gonna peel them off like this with your thumb and show the cards and you're just gonna spread them all out like this showing three Reds and three blacks now here's the one sleight-of-hand move that you're going to do it's basically it looks something like this what you just did is you've actually swapped the two cards that are in the middle so you've actually swapped the third and the fourth card here one of them is red one of them is black and you've actually secretly swapped them as you bring your hands down it secretly puts the opposite color on top of each pile so this is how you're going to achieve this sleight of hand right here so you're going to peel the cards off like this what's gonna happen is you're gonna hold the cards in this fan but your thumb is going to contact third card okay so that your thumb is gonna go from here to here on the third card and your fingers are going to contact the fourth card so I can feel my fingers right there or on that fourth card those are my fingers wiggling that card and at this point all I'm going to do as I lower my hands right as the cards enter the spectators I line that is the point at which my hands will just pull apart and those cards are just going to get automatically swapped onto the piles it's very simple all you do is just pull your hands apart and there you go that's really all you have to do once you do that you're gonna place the cards down on the table the red cards here and the black cards here this is very important all you have to do now is start by mixing the cards with the red cards first so it's very very important or else this won't work so do with the red cards first so just start interlacing the red in the black one little tip is you do not want to show the cards yet you don't want to show red black because right there that's actually a red card so don't show those quite yet so you're just gonna go red black but now at this point you can't show these so you can go red black but not you can't show these anymore because this is gonna be a black and a black so just go red black so just don't show those last two so at this point you're gonna square up the cards and you're done snap your fingers and like real magic you flip over the cards and you do no sleight of hand and the cards are automatically separated how easy is that that is literally the easiest version of oil and water I've ever seen I've never seen anyone do this so like I'm really confused how come anyone has never come up with this before this is crazy so at this point what you're gonna do now is you're going to take another red card place it down and then you're gonna take another black card and place it down so at this point you're gonna do the same thing again I just like to put the red cards on top of the black cards and you're gonna do essentially the exact same a sleight-of-hand move that you just did before so you're gonna show the cards to the spectator like this one at a time and you're just gonna fan them out like this but this time you're gonna be doing the same thing where you switch the cards but instead of the third and the fourth card is gonna be the fourth card and the fifth card because that is the last red card and the first black card so those are the two cards that you need to switch so just gonna place your thumb on the fourth card and you're fingers on that first black card on the fifth card all you're gonna do is when you bring your hands down right when the cards reach the spectators eyeline that's when you pull your hands apart and you just set the cards down on the table and now you've secretly swapped one card on the bottom and on the top of each pile so now at this point you do the exact same thing you're just gonna take a card from the red pile you can show this one but you can't show this one so at this point I would probably just not show those cards yet so I would go red black and then show these two middle ones red black show those ones and show these ones red black and then don't show these ones red and black and that's really all it is and then you snap your fingers the coolest part would be to spread out and show that they're all normal but you actually do have some cards that are still mixed but this is how you get rid of it so you snap your fingers you're gonna basically look at the cards to check if it's ready yet so you're gonna look at the cards and just check if it's ready and you're gonna do the exact same swapping move that you do but this times gonna be face-up so gonna place your thumb on the three of clubs and your fingers on that six of Hearts right there and what you're gonna do is as you bring your hands down to show a spectator boom right there that's all you do you just swap those cards like this and you do this just quickly and just put them down like this and that's really all it is and now the colors are completely separated and that is gonna be the end of the trick right there so that's pretty much the entire trick guys I really hope you guys enjoyed it I cannot believe I've never seen an oil and water this easy before and I'm sure that if you guys are ever gonna perform this effect this is going to be the version that you use because it's so easy like how could you not use this version it's so simple and so fooling to the spectator so I would really really recommend trying this one out and just let me know how it goes in the comments below so I will catch you guys later for the next video so see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: A Million Card Tricks
Views: 221,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a million card tricks mismag822, hester23bearsch, kaantricks, jay sankey, david blaine, mat franco, beginner, intermediate, advanced, sleight of hand, cardistry, mentalism, deck, decks, card tricks, easy card tricks, best card tricks, amazing, awesome, cool, super, best, simple, deceptive, chris ramsay, magic, magician, teach, teacher, learn, therussiangenius, 52kards, how to disturb reality, easy sleight of hand, impossible, oil and water, easy oil and water
Id: LsPap-P06jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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