Two Brothers Reunite For The First Time! - Pickler & Ben

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like many people who are adopted our next guest grew up not knowing anything about his biological roots just a few months ago he took a 23andme DNA test and made discovery that has changed his life forever please welcome Ben Ben so you were born in Korean you grew up in the u.s. correct correct I was adopted on four months old it was a she grown up because there weren't many kids like me growing up I had one other friend and life parents made sure I got to hang out with and be in it with another Korean adoptee yeah but other than that it was always you were kind of like by yourself now did you know you didn't know anything about your biological family I did not I got a age and education level and that was it that's it that's it I gave you Wow what age did you get that kind of itch to be like I really want to I want to know about my history I want to know where you were curious yeah after my I came back from Iraq 2010 thank you for your start when I came back from overseas in 2010 actually logged on the Facebook and then I found the people like taking all these ancestry 23andme all these other ones like that's a great idea yeah I'll do that and I never did until I was like someone somebody coupon code coupon code right no well I was like a deal yeah I give it I want I get to save money so I took it and it said you know be six to eight months right yeah so I was at the gym one day starting up start off on the treadmill and I'd check my email so I got the treadmill I'm just like congratulations we got your test results no clicked open uh-huh what did you discover I said you have to close relatives that's like okay and I scroll through and the first one said possible half-brother I just looked at it what I do call my mom so come on mom she's like you know just stay calm you know a little dig more into this and do some research and that's what I did it was there was really no words to describe because growing up yeah I had some other adoptive friends mm-hmm but I didn't actually have a brother and you reached out to him I did I did of course I tempted tucked his name on Facebook like other yeah searchers would do uh-huh and nothing came up so I had a friend he's good finding names and people haha stalker I want to go that far as I'd say yeah very Internet inclined specialties yeah and she's like give me 24 hours scary yeah okay what you do for 24 hours well actually was on 12 hours she goes I got three results oh my god Wow there's there's a nation fella he's got a LinkedIn page so I got his email like his phone number his all's information it's like that kind of looks like yeah and then six hours later is like I'm an email sky so I typed in is like hey my name's Ben just recently took a DNA test and apparently I have a half-brother out there with your same name did you take a DNA testing time recently on this is kind of weird question to ask from a stranger but if you if you did please let me know send and then woke up and there's replies yes I did never met never met before I slept him once and I think I said wow so that's what I like with longer hair because I had had this for about ten years of a military guy you know yes well Ben has spoken to his half-brother Jeff but they've never met face to face until now Finn are you ready I'm ready Jeff come on out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what's going on in your heads right now it's just wow yeah yeah it's amazing to meet face to face it's yeah yeah we're saying the same things right now yeah it was funny because you guys first met you look thi you stood up and you know you were both like the same bounce yeah so I get in sync it's it's like the weirdest blind date ever yeah right and related so yeah exactly now Jeff you grew up always wanting to know about your biological family as well yeah so I was just always curious about you know where I came from and in my background and then my parents had always sort of stressed like the importance was just sort of knowing my culture so yeah when I was when I was young they sent my sister and I who is also adopted from Korea to Korean school on Saturdays so it's like every Saturday we'd go go for it's like half a day and sort of learn more about about Korea and just like Korean culture what are your parents think about all this they're very supportive they're excited when I when I called him and told him they're they just want to know everything yeah well both Ben and Jess parents are here meat art and Melinda and skip and Sheryl hi guys so tell us what does this experience been like for you guys [Applause] exciting little overwhelming at times we're really happy for being I'm glad this happened so yeah we just tried to support him always and the same goes for this situation as well gonna give him all the love and support we've had just parents and we feel the same way we've always stressed the importance of family and and their Korean heritage you know it's just a happy day for us I really believe that knowing more about your roots makes you a more complete person and so it's about who you are not what you are it's great kind of been a roller coaster ride especially when we saw the first pictures we couldn't get over the similarities of the way they look there was no question that they were related to one another your brothers yeah [Applause]
Channel: Pickler and Ben
Views: 256,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kellie Pickler, Ben Aaron, Nashville, Daytime TV, Talk Show, Pickler & Ben, Country Music, Funny, Television, DIY, Home Decor, Cooking, korean brothers, adopted, adoption stories, korean adoption agency, inspring stores, 23andme, ancestry dna, dna links brothers, half brothers reunited, dna story, adoption story, adoption, brothers adopted, korean, asian adoption story, korea, brothers reunited
Id: eFcZp2tktbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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