Long-lost brothers who found each other at same college speak out: 'I was in disbelief'

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our incredible reunion what if you knew you had a long-lost siblings set out to find them and then discovered they live just 15 minutes away well that happened to two young men who were separated more than 20 years ago they have reunited not just as brothers but also his classmates we are going to speak to those brothers in just a moment live but first take a look at their journey Puran Graham was just three months old when he was adopted by Tim and Sarah Graham but as the years passed Kieran beginning to wonder about his biological family eventually his adoptive mother buying him an ancestry DNA kit as an early Christmas gift through DNA testing here and learned he had a likely brother a 29 year old named Vincent Gant the two connecting via Facebook Kirin writing this is going to sound so wild but I think you're my brother Vincent replying oMG yes you are my brother Kieran learning that his birth mother put him up for adoption at three months in hopes of providing him a better life the pair and their families meeting the long-lost brothers discovering that some things really are genetic they attend the same University have the same major and minor and are even fans at the same football team the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday Kieran tweeting watching the Falcons game with my biological brother for the first time every little thing is cool and look who we have here Vincent and Kieran good morning thanks for being here in your reaction finding out that your long-lost brother just 15 minutes away I was super surprised I was amazed I didn't know what to think at first I just had so many emotions running through my head I was just super excited to finally get to see what you looked like talked to you on Facebook and everything I know that you could visit at any time as you all were so close and Vincent I can't imagine your reaction when you get this this message on Facebook saying hey I think he might be my brother oh yeah I was in disbelief and it was a very surreal moment and it took a while for me to set in and you know as the conversation progressed it finally hit me this is really my brother it was amazing that it's such a beautiful thing just about now this point in your life that made you want to find your biological family so I'd always been interested in getting to know them you know growing up my parents are always very open with you know my adoption everything and so a few weeks ago my mother my adopted mom she bought me a DNA test kit from ancestry and last Tuesday I got the results and you know was just looking through and I saw I recognized his name and I looked him up on Facebook and there he was and I was just like wow finally after you know 20 years of you know thinking about it there he was yes when you when you saw each other was there recognition and DNA love yes absolutely for sure yeah yeah I was like looking at a mirror when we first met Vincent you were nearly nine right when hiren was born you do have memories of him as a baby almost certainly obviously my vivid memory and seeing a baby smile for the first time and what's his smile my brother and you know you know more memories that I have was you know helping my mom take care of him because she was a single parent at the time and then we have much support so I remember you know making bottles and helping my mom change the diapers and you know playing with him a lot so it was a great experience and so when you all first met again because you obviously had met at one point you don't remember you do Vincent what was your initial reaction was it just was there any awkwardness was there just love was there a connection you know like I saw him walking up to me and he he called my name and we just aired at each other for like ten or fifteen seconds like this is real and then you know we approached each other and gave each other a hug and just like probably shed a few tears you know walked inside to local place and just talked for a few hours it was just it was amazing yeah what's what's also amazing is that you both are is at Kennesaw State yes both at the same college and I mean I'm I hail from Georgia there are a lot of universities you could go to the fact that you guys are both at the same college you have the same major and the same minor yeah what are you majoring in minoring and that's pretty much political science and Legal Studies so Wow and when did you guys figure out you had all of these similarities probably our first conversation we were talking about everything talking about life and that came up you know obviously so we were just like wow we're the same person I mean who's crazy yeah and you both like the Atlanta Falcons yes please tell me you're gonna root for the Georgia Bulldogs they'll come in the Rose Bowl right yeah I'm definitely a Georgia we Georgia people have to stick together I'd like to hear that we need everyone rooting for us so what's next for you two just you know getting to know each other more you know talking about life you know experiencing things that we haven't got a chance to experience for the last 20 years oh yeah just creating a stronger bond and you know you know taking this relationship to the next level or let it blossom to something bigger you know our families have become huge because of this now yes and so you know last week you know we kind of been inseparable I probably seen them nearly every day ah and it's just so great you're so close and there's just more people to love what an incredible Christmas gift thank you so much thank you we wish you the very best well hey there GMA fans Robin Roberts here thanks for checking out our YouTube channel lots of great stuff here so go on click the subscribe button right over right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day anytime we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on GMA
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 2,086,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Long-lost, brothers, reunion, college, Kieron, Graham, Vincent, Ghant, live, interview
Id: yko2ZyL5yyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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