Roshani reunites with mother 28 years after she was forced to give her up | 60 Minutes Australia
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Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 7,534,530
Rating: 4.8507652 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Charles Wooley, Tara Brown, Liam, Bartlett, Allison Langdon, Tom Steinfort, Roshani, Sri Lanka, mother, reunited, X Factor, Roshani Priddis, the voice, searches, inspiration, amazing stories, inspiring people, lion, separated, family, mother daughter, australia idol, adoption, adopted, australia, relationship, finding, found, searching, ancestry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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Roshani Priddis was born into unimaginable poverty in Sri Lanka. When she was six weeks old her mother made the heartbreaking decision to give her up in order to save her life. Roshani came to Australia, to the Priddis family in Tamworth, NSW. They gave her a new life and all of their love. She grew up in a comfortable home and went to good schools. Roshani even lived her dream of becoming a singer - on Australian Idol and last year’s The X Factor, when she shot to No. 1 on iTunes. But here in the lucky country something has always been missing and 28 years after leaving Sri Lanka, Roshani is embarking on a search to find her long lost mother. Allison Langdon joined her for this incredible journey full of emotional twists and heartbreaking turns.
I know this is going to get downvoted I have to say it. Roshani was just another baby for the biological mom. I refuse to believe in the concept that your "birth mother/father" is superior to your adoptive mom/dad due to the fact that she gave birth to you. She had so many other kids too. This vid is basically showcasing poor decisions made by the birth mother and the consequences of her choice (putting her daughter up for adoption). Imagine the hundred's of thousands of kids born into Roshani's circumstances, they're still poor and suffering. Humans have to stop having babies if they can't take care of them. This shit infuriates me.
Lion 2 in the making?