World class collection hidden in plain sight | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 61 (Part 2/4)

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(upbeat music) - We're back in Midland, Texas, where we were about a year ago. This won't be your normal Barn Find Hunter episode. It was just a year ago we were in this yard in Midland, Texas, looking at this field of pretty solid cars, and I actually really fell in love with this one. And I kept on going back to that wagon, and there was somethin' solid about it. You know, having spent time buffing out this little piece of the fender, then having spent time buffing out the complete front fender, this car was talking to me. I couldn't get it out of my mind. We decided we'll just make a project car out of this. Well, let's show these people what this has turned into. (rock music) There we go. (door slam) (engine revving) We're just about to leave Midland, Texas now. It's been a wonderful adventure. Why did we choose Midland, Texas? Well, it's just because I've had a lifelong fascination with Chaparral race cars. This little town, at seven miles by seven miles, produced some of the most amazing race cars in the world. I encourage you to go on the internet and put in Chaparral race cars, built by a guy named Jim Hall. They were built in this little town, aerodynamics, ground sucker cars, amazing engines, built right in this little town around the Can-Am series back in the 60s. But now we're about to leave. We're probably at the city limits right now. So, we'll say goodbye to Midland. I don't know if we'll ever be back, but I have to say that over four years of Barn Find Hunting on this series, this is the first time we've got to live, kind of the talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk, not just walk through a guy's collection of old junk and say, "That's good, that's good." We picked a car that we said, "That car's got good bones in it." And why not make a project car out of it over the course of a year. With a lot of volunteer help and some people donating parts, and we built this car from a shell that was ready, literally, for the scrap heap, and we're driving it. We're gonna drive it probably 600 or 700 miles into Kansas, and we're gonna donate it to a good cause. And you'll be along for the ride. (banjo music) (laughs) Triple digits! We're in Lubbock, Texas, driving towards Kansas, and we passed this yard, and it's a Sunday afternoon, so it's not the easiest day to find somebody around old cars, but Mike was mowing his lawn, so we caught him at the right time, and he's got cars here that you say they're all for sale. - [Mike] Yes. - [Tom] They belong to your girlfriend. - [Mike] Uh-huh. - [Tom] And how much are they? - [Mike] $500 apiece. - $500 apiece. So keep that in mind as we look at these cars. So, you'll notice some similarities. Here's a four-door wagon, here's a four-door sedan. But, they came probably off the same assembly line. This one was sold in Morton, Texas, by McCoy Ford Sales. As we know, this one comes from Doug Burns in New Mexico. I wonder if there's any parts on here we need (laughs). - [Mike] So that's a three hundred three. - I don't know what kind of motor it's got. It doesn't have a 390 because it doesn't have an emblem on it, so we'll just work our way down to some of these cars here. So, our wagon, if you remember from episode 34, didn't look very different than that car right there, Country Sedan. That's a 55 or a 56, I guess? You know, it looks rough. That quarter panel is rough, but wagons are hard to get these days. This has still got a Y-block in it, which is probably a 252, somethin' like that. So, it's got no grill, no hood, but otherwise it looks complete. No windshield. But, this is $500. So this, let's see what the other side looks like. Yeah, I mean, this is a good starting point for a wagon project. Not very different than that wagon was a year ago. I'll repeat that again and again. (funky music) That's a Big Block Chevy 454. (funky music) I mean, so what do you do with these things? That ones, I mean, that needs body work. Too bad about this rust. I didn't think things rusted in Texas. - [Mike] Well, it kinda depends what part of Texas they come from. - All right, so here we have a Fairlane. Looks like a '64 Fairlane. It's got a 260 V8, automatic. It's a four door. So, the 260 was the predecessor to the 289. First Ford built the 221, then a 260, and ultimately a 289. This is a five-bolt bellhousing, and it was the first motor available in a Cobra, believe it or not, AC Cobra. $500, complete with hubcaps. Here's a first-generation Corvair, $500. All right, so, if I had $500 in my pocket right now, which one would I buy? (classical music) Probably that Fairlane. V8, it's a four door, but it's solid. It looks complete. I'd pay $500 for that car. Well, Mike, you can go back to your lawn mowing now. I appreciate it, man. - Thank you, guys. - Thanks for being here on a Sunday. - No problem. (laughs) - We're just leaving Mike in Lubbock, Texas, who had a bunch of cars scattered around, and I have to say that some of them had more rust than I would like, however, now that I'm out of there, I'm thinking about, if those cars were on the East Coast and they were 50 and 60 years old, they'd have much more rust than that. So, $500 apiece, there's some deals over there. Don't discount that place. (banjo music) We just visited Mike on the, let's see, the east side of the highway, and as we were looping around to go back to Mikes, we saw another place on the west side of the highway, so we're going back there now. Looked like they had some Chevelles, maybe GTO, maybe a Judge. I mean, it's my imagination, but I saw an orange Pontiac back there, so I'm saying it's a Judge. So, we'll see if anybody's home. Sunday afternoon, it's tough. We'll see. (birds chirping) (talking muffled) How do you like that? So it would be great if this guy says, "You're the Barn Find Hunter, come on in!" It's worked before. (door shutting) We're driving this Ford station wagon northbound on 87 in Lubbock, and I turn over to this side and I said there's an orange GTO back there. That could be a Judge. So, make a big loop come back here. Walk in the shop. I meet a man named Rick and Rick says, "If you wanna buy any cars, get out of here, 'cause I don't sell any cars." I don't want to buy anything, I just wanna look. He said, "All right, come on back." So, Rick, thanks for not kicking me out. - Okay. - And, I look forward to seeing what you've got back here. - Okay, let's start. - [Tom] There ya go. - [Rick] Let's start with the stuff outside, I guess. - [Tom] Okay. - [Rick] This is kinda my daily driver. - [Tom] Yep, yep, too nice, too nice. So, '69? - [Rick] No, this is actually a '72. - [Tom] Oh, 72. - [Rick] Yeah, the '6-- - [Tom] Is that a parts car or is that restored? - Uh, I got that. Oh, no, no, I've got several others. So, we bought it basically because it's got a Posi rear-end, that's why we bought it. - Otherwise, it's a parts car. - [Rick] Yeah, it's a parts car. - Now, what about this Pontiac back here? - The Trans Am? - [Tom] Yep. - [Rick] Yeah, the Trans Am actually belonged to my brother who lived in Oklahoma and he was driving to El Paso, moving over there. - Really? - And he said, do you like it? I said, "Yeah." He said, "Do you want it?" And I said, "Yeah." So we made a deal and it never got to El Paso. Ended up here and here's where it's at. - [Tom] So, how long has it been sittin' here? - [Rick] Oh, probably about at least seven or eight years at least. '56 Ford Cabover. - '56, so this should have a Y-block in it. Ah, motor still in there? - Oh yeah, yeah. Tree hit it, so it was part of the deal. We got a roof and another hood to restore this. It's truck body is original as it gets. (door screeches open) - Oh man. - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] So you'd put this like a late model engine in there? - [Rick] We will, when the time comes. - [Tom] I mean, this is a cat's meow for a hot rodder. - [Rick] Oh yeah, oh yeah. That's why I got it. - Would you make a hauler out of it, like a flatbed? - That's definitely, yeah. That was the plan. That was the plan. - Wow. (door shutting) Can I open the hood? - [Rick] Sure, if you can open it. - Oh, okay. - [Rick] No, no, no, go ahead, go ahead. (hood screeching) Like I said, if you can open it. - [Tom] So, it's probably like a 272, and it's a two-barrel Holley. - [Rick] Holley, that was the coolest part about it (laughs). - [Tom] No kidding. - [Rick] Yeah, for a hot rodder, you're just like, "Oh, this is too cool!". - [Tom] So, the Y-block, the stock and exhaust manifolds had outlets up here and there was a crossover pipe between the two that equalized the cylinders. - [Rick] Exactly. - [Tom] Huh. - [Rick] Exactly. - And so, what will you do with this? - [Rick] Oh, the long run will be to put it on a different frame and use it to haul cars. - Like, get a dually frame or something? - Yeah, yeah, dually frame, low on the ground. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - Air suspension? - Nah, I'm not, that's too modern for me. - Okay, all right, well, we've been doing this program now for four years and we've yet to find a Judge. Now, tell me this is not a real Judge. - [Rick] It's a real Judge. - It's a real Judge. - [Rick] Yep. - [Tom] Holy crap, man. - Carousel Red, four speed, white interior. I'd heard rumors about this car being in Lubbock for many years, and nobody. You kind of hear about it, but nobody's ever seen it. Nobody has ever. And then I got a call and this guy said, the guy that owned it hired him to start it up and get it going because he and his son were supposed to build it, and so, it was right around Thanksgiving. And he said, "I'm too old, so I'm gonna tell my son. "And if he doesn't want the car, it's for sale." So the guy called me and he said the kid didn't want the car so it's yours, and I said okay. - So, it's a four speed, it was a 400? - Four, oh yeah, oh yeah. - Four hundred four-speed. - Yeah, yeah. - It looks like it was a white fender to white hood. - No, no, that's the primer. - [Tom] That's primer. So, this is original paint on here. - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] Wow. - [Rick] That why this is, I've got one that's gonna be a perfect car. This one is gonna be like, when you find it, and then the other one is gonna be the shiny one. So, you know, I just got the matching set. - So, how long have you had this? - I've probably had this one about five, six years now. - So these are, are these original decals on here? How many miles are on this? - I don't know. It's been awhile. You know, when you first get it, you really jump all over it and then you go to the next one. - [Tom] So listen, here's what the odometer says, 00002.4. Ha! - [Rick] I believe it, I believe it. (laughs) - [Tom] So, can I open the hood? - [Rick] Sure. You got, hold up, you gotta click and then when you pop it up. No, no, you gotta do it, and then just hold it down. And then when it pops up, yeah. (metal screeching) It's stuck. - Oh well, we tried. - But, I can guarantee you it's got a motor in there. - Okay, I believe it. It's a six cylinder, I know it is (laughs). - No, no, I drove it, I drove it. - Did you really? - Yeah, yeah. - [Tom] Runs well? - Oh yeah, yeah. - Well, that's a first. We should do a Hagerty appraisal on this. This is the first Judge we've found on Barn Find Hunter, so I feel pretty privileged. So, if we go to the Hagerty Evaluation Guide to tell you what this car might be worth, in number four condition, which is fair, which they say is a daily driver, this is not a daily driver, is $38,900. And this is a 400 cubic inch, 366 horse power, four-barrel Ram-Air III car. So, it's a factory four speed. So in fair condition, it's worth $38,900. In good condition, $56,000. In excellent condition, $92,000. And in Concours, $127,000 is what this car would sell for. Now, Hagerty has the average price for one of these cars across the board at $56,000. So, certainly one of the more valuable cars we've found on this series, and one of the more valuable muscle cars we've found on this series. We're lucky to have found this. And I'll just remind you, two things. Number one, Rick said this car is not for sale. And number two, Rick said this car is not for sale. All right, so we have more Craiggers here. You are a Craiggers. - Oh yeah, oh yeah. - [Tom] So this is like a Little Red Wagon. - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] Is it a V8? - [Rick] No, no, well, the Little Red Wagon was a Dodge. This is the Ford version. - I know, I know, yeah. - [Rick] I've got the Little Red Wagon at the other shop. - [Tom] Oh you have a Dodge? - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] So, this is, I think, a Falcon Econoline. Didn't they call it that? - [Rick] Um-hmm. - [Tom] Six cylinder, three hundred three, yeah. - And this is the five window. This is really cool because a friend of mine had it. I didn't even know it. And then he sold it to me and then when I went back up there I talked to this other guy, because I've got another one of these, and the guy, he knew more than I did, "Is it a five window or a three window?" And I said, "I didn't even see." It was in the car, I bought it. - [Tom] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Rick] And then when I went over and I talked to Joe, and I said, "Joe, yours is a five window!" and he said, "What does that mean?" And I said, "That's the rarest." So we gotta renegotiate. He said, "No, no. It's a done deal." And he was a man of his word. I didn't worry about Joe. Now, that one over there, the red one. - [Tom] The Camaro? - [Rick] Yeah, now that one is a real '70 Z28. - [Tom] A '70 Z28, so did '70s have a 302 or a 350? - [Rick] 350, '69 was a 302. - [Tom] Yeah, okay. - [Rick] But that's a real Z. - [Tom] Is it really? - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] The world loves '69 and '70 Camaros. - [Rick] Oh yeah. - Yeah, wow. All right, so then over here we got Mustang number one. And what's, again, stylized wheels, you're unbelievable. - [Rick] Well actually we're gonna take those wheels off 'cause I've got the Charger. Magnum 500s need to be on a Charger, so we're taking those off and puttin' them on the Charger. - Same bolt pattern. - [Rick] Exactly. - [Tom] All right, so this building looks pretty appetizing here. Is there anything in there? - (laughs) Yeah, you're not gonna believe this one. Nobody believes it. - Really? - Come on in. - [Tom] So you don't give tours here very often, I bet. - [Rick] Oh no, I run everybody off. I run everybody off. - Wow, geez. And this thing's been sitting here for how long? - [Rick] Oh, it's been sittin' here for a while. 'Cause I've got another one. We're working on the other one right now. - [Tom] Oh man, this thing looks solid as a rock. - [Rick] Oh it is. - [Tom] Geez, very nice. - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] So is this gonna be hot rod or restored? - No, '57s you don't hot rod. Convertibles you don't. This is gonna go back more or less to original. Probably have mag wheels and stuff, but it's got the little 283. We got a 283 in there. The problem is I got ahead of myself. I got so excited about this one, I did the firewall, started putting all the chrome and everything, and it was like I was doing it the wrong way, and I said no, no, I'm gettin' ahead of myself, I'm gonna end up with a piece of junk. So I stopped and I said when I get serious about it I'll pull this one back out and start working on it. - [Tom] So it's a 283, and it looks like it has a standard transmission on it, a 303. 283s, they're such a good motor. - [Rick] Oh yeah, and this is, you can tell the motor because of where you put the oil and all that stuff, we didn't even bother about checking to make sure-- - Is this the hood scoop? - No (laughs). - It's custom, it ain't that custom. It's not that custom. - [Tom] That's sweet, so you painted over-- - [Rick] I know, I know, and I still got to do a lot of body work in the back and I thought no. I just got too excited, you know. - [Tom] So how long have you owned this? - Oh, I've owned this one for about 20-25 years. I can't ever finish anything because as soon as I get started up on something somebody will call me and a new car will pop up and it's just like. - I have a rule, I don't start another car until I finish one. - Oh, I've never finished anything. (laughs) Too many cars show up. But, I've got enough that I feel at this point in time I kinda feel like it's time for other people to get some. So, I'm not a hoarder. I've got my '57 convertible. Somebody else can get the next one, it's fine with me. I got no problem with it. - [Tom] I just walked by this Oldsmobile. I mean, I assumed it was some kind of Cutlass Supreme or something. - Correct. - But then there was these four little digits that struck out at me here. And those digits are 442. - [Rick] That's a true 442. - [Tom] Tell me about this car. - It's a '72. I actually got a call the guy had a '71, an orange one with a white top, and so I went to go look at that one and he actually had two of them. And he knew the orange one because he said he knew a guy from high school when they bought it for. So, he knew about the car all the way through. He bought that one to restore with his son. His son didn't want to restore it, so he said, "And I can't wait for my grandson." So, he was gonna sell the orange one and this one was facing one way when we went in the door in the barn, the 442 with the wing was the other way, so he said, "What do you think about it?" And I said, "Oh the orange, forget about the orange. "I'm already thinking about taking both of them." And so he said, "Okay, I'll make you a deal." So I ended up with both of them, an orange one and this blue one. - So, is that a his and hers shifter? It is, okay. Ha, geez. Now, is this still a solid car. I mean, to be with the windshield out and stuff, it looks like-- - No, in Texas, I mean nowadays, all this stuff can be redone. I mean, when we were doing the media blast, you got to get a good guy that knows how to weld and stuff, but all the body panels are available now. You know, when I started, you had to buy a Cutlass and cut all the stuff out to put it. Now you can order everything. - So you've had this for how long? - I've probably had this one about eight or nine years. - So is that like a 400 in here? Let's see if I can open this hood. I tried the other one over there again, I couldn't do it. - [Rick] Well, that's the Judge. We don't want anybody opening that hood anyway. That's original as it gets. - [Tom] Boy, look at that. Air cleaner is on there and everything. - [Rick] Yeah, yeah. - [Tom] So, it's probably a 400, wow. - [Rick] Yeah, the other one was the one I was interested, this one it's just cool to have two of 'em. - So, you say you've got more stuff in that building. - [Rick] Yeah, come on in. - All right. Oh, another '57. - That's the one, that's really my big time project right now. Let me turn on the light. - So you got a big block in here, 427? - [Rick] A 454. - [Tom] 454, wow. What kind of front end is that? Is that like Speedway Motors? - [Rick] No, no, no, no, no. Oh yeah, this is original. (laughs) This is an original deal. - Man, old school. - We used to take them off the Econolines and put 'em on there. - Oh yeah, this is old school, man. - [Rick] Yeah, that's how we do it. - [Tom] What else have we got here? - This is an original '69 Z28 Camaro. - Oh. - This is the real deal. - So what is that a DZ code? - Yeah. - So this is a restoration? - Uh yeah, kinda. It's one of my son's always liked Camaros, and so, I'm going to. I've actually got a '69 Camaro convertible that I've done. And that one, I got through with it. It's a black, except instead of white stripes I put gold stripes 'cause I just liked it better. And so I want him to have that one, but I want to build him a Z28. - So what's going on here? - This is a '33 Ford. - [Tom] So is that Mopar engine? - [Rick] Yeah, yeah. - [Tom] It's like a 440 or something? - (laughs) Yeah, nobody knows about it. - Well, I'm looking at the distributor and it can't be GM and it can't be Ford because it's not at an angle (laughs). - [Rick] That's exactly what it is. - [Tom] Wow. - [Rick] And so, it's a fast little car. - [Tom] It's a torqueflite in there? - [Rick] Yeah, it's a fast little car. - I bet it is. - We had a lot of fun in it. This is a '29 Shay. It's actually, uh, Ford made these fiberglass. It's kind of a reproduction. - [Tom] I know, it had a Pinto motor in it. - Yeah. - So, these cars that you could bought through a Ford dealership and they had new car warranties. If you bought this, it basically had a Pinto drive train in it and Ford would warranty these cars. That's interesting. - [Rick] This is what I love to do. - [Tom] Is that right, geez. All right, here's your last chance to take us to the big building. Here's your last chance. It'll never come around again. - Well, you wouldn't be able to get into the building at my house 'cause I've got so much stuff in there. But the building at my house that where the good, good stuff is. - I mean, it's up to you. - You already ruined my afternoon. - We already ruined your day. - There goes my gas that I was gonna be-- - All right, is it a deal. - Yeah, we'll go over there. - All right (laughs). Now, this is where I'm wrong, see. I said you can't find cars on Sundays, but this is the second this afternoon, on a Sunday afternoon, that we found guys at commercial establishments. Now we're going to his house to see some more cars he's got. So we're at part two of Rick's wonderful excellent car adventure. Oh, this is pretty darn good. - Yeah, I thought for your kind of deal. See, that was a parts car I bought. - I mean, that's a restoration project right there. - Oh yeah, yeah. It's a complete car, no motor, transmission, but other than that everything's there. And the trunk was full of parts. Brand new stuff. - This was original, it's got a column shift. - [Rick] Oh yeah, yeah. (country music) - All right, '57 two are hardtops. So, they made one like this that was a Mark Donohue edition. - [Rick] That is a Mark Donohue edition. - Is it really? - Yeah. (country music) - A Cushman, okay, with mag wheels, of course. - Of course. If it doesn't have mag wheels, then it doesn't belong on my property. - So, of course, there's mag wheels on here. - [Rick] Of course. - So, here we have a '57 Nomad. So, is this the first, no, we found a couple Nomads in North Carolina. So, this is a '57, looks like it was painted copper more recently. But, I'd say it was originally like a turquoise. - [Rick] Turquoise. - Okay, so '55 convertibles, this is the second one we've seen today. - [Rick] Yeah. - One was at your shop and this one. - [Rick] I think this is one that the guy called me and said, "Do you want a '55 instead of a '57?" And I said, "I guess." So he brought it over and we made a deal on it. - So a '57 Vette. I think this is a '58. - [Rick] Yeah. - This is dual headlights. Yeah, okay, this is a '58. - That's the rarest car I've got right there. - The white one. Don't tell me what it is. Well, it's a Charger. - [Rick] No. - [Tom] No? It's got an oracle in the front. - [Rick] Look at the front fenders. Look at what's on top of the front fenders. - [Tom] It's a Superbird? - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] You got the wing for it? - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] The original aluminum wing? - [Rick] Yeah, I got it. - [Tom] Wow. Hi, horsies. - [Rick] A guy had it. He took it to a paint and body guy and it lasted there forever and then the guy's wife called him and said, "Come pick up your car" 'cause he went out of business. He went over there, they had stolen the motor and transmission out of it, and they stole the hood. - [Tom] Was it 440? - It took me forever. That car, nobody has ever figured out what it was. That's why I took the wing off. Nobody's ever stopped and said, "Is that a real Superbird?" Never. See, and that one is a 1970 Boss. - That's a Boss car? - [Rick] Yeah. - [Tom] No kidding. - [Rick] Yeah, it's a real Boss. - [Tom] So, it's a '33-'34 Coupe? - [Rick] Yep. Actually, I bought this one before I bought the red one, and then about three weeks later I bought the red one. - [Tom] So, you've got a three window and a five window? - [Rick] Correct. - [Tom] That's a rare car. Three window, holy mackerel. - Yeah, it is. - Well this is pretty cool. Is there anything in here worth seeing? - Yeah. - Okay Well, if we're asked nicely, we'll go inside. (laughs) - [Rick] You're gonna stumble over stuff. - Oh, I like those kind of garages. - [Rick] No, you don't understand. I've got people that are collectors and they're like, "I've never seen something like this." And I say, "I know." And I'm the guy that owns it. - [Tom] All right, we gotta go now, boys. Holy mackerel, geez. - Cobra kit car. - Cobra kit car. - Oh, you gotta get the motorcycle. Easy Rider. - Not the real one, is it? - No, no, no, no, no. I've seen the real one, but no. - I just wanna soak all this in for a few minutes. - This is my Chopper. - So you got a chop pickup truck back there with (mumbles). - Yeah. And there's another one back over there. - [Tom] Boy. - And, see the blue cover right there? - Yeah. - '37 Willys metal car. - [Tom] Not a coupe? - [Rick] A coupe. - Man, a metal Willys, holy crap. So, is that a Firebird Lamborghini over there? - [Rick] Yeah, it's a Fiero. - [Tom] Oh yeah, yeah, that's right, Fiero, yeah. - [Rick] Yeah, in the (mumbles). That's my Corvette, and then that's my Porsche 357 covered up. It's got the big white tires. That's my '55 Gasser that I was building. Right next to it is another '55. That was a race car. The wheel wells have been cut out and stuff. - [Tom] I bet you know where everything is in here. - [Rick] Yeah, and I know where I got it and I know when I got it. - So, that chopped truck, is that like a '56? - [Rick] It's the only Ford truck I like, the '56. It's chopped, it's got electric windows, electric doors. Back tires about 22 inches wide. - [Tom] What motor? - 350, it's actually got a Ford. It's actually got a Ford. - [Tom] Holy Mackerel. - The Willys is there. Right behind it there's a Barracuda. There's a Challenger back there. There's a '64 Impala. There's a '60 Impala. Then there's a chopped '49 Merc in back. - [Tom] I see that. - And then there's a '70 Charger RT. - [Tom] What's that convertible back there? - [Rick] Uh, which one? - [Tom] Behind the antique car. Behind that old sedan. Corvair or something? - [Rick] No, no, no, I don't have any Corvairs. - [Tom] Mustang? - Oh yeah, it's a '65 Mustang convertible. Yeah, I built that one for my son when he was in high school. And the Merc, you can kinda seen the Merc. - Yep, yep. - And then there's a '60 Impala that I've got back there. Two door. - And this right here, is this your Velle convertible? - No, if I really, really came down to it, this is probably my favorite car of all the cars I own. This is done and I haven't driven it. - [Tom] Oh, black with gold '69 Camaro convertible. Very nice. - [Rick] How the heck did you get all this mess, I don't know. - Yeah. Well Rick, thank you, man. - It was an interesting Sunday. - Thanks for allowing us to come in your door and explain what we do, because you woulda just kicked us the Hell out, so. - Oh, I did, but you didn't go, but-- (laughs) But, you don't get this much stuff unless you're persistent, so I know exactly what you mean. - That's amazing. - Yeah, and a lot of this people will, other people's junk is somebody's treasure. - I just want to tell viewers, okay, Rick looks like a regular guy. He lives in a regular house. You can't see any of this from the road, but 100 feet in you're in a Heaven of muscle car parts here. It's just amazing. Who would imagine this building. I mean, I see donkeys, I thought this was donkeys in here. But we have horses in here, it's horse power. So listen man, thanks. What a blast. - Okay, next time you're around there will probably be more stuff. Come on by, you're welcome. - Thank you. - Just don't ask if anything's for sale. - I didn't. - You didn't. - I won't. - Nope. (garage door screeching) Now, when my grandkids were little, they'd come over here, "Grandpa, you got a lotta junk." Now that they're older, "Grandpa, you got a lotta cool stuff." (country music) (car engine revving) - This is our 27th state that we've found an old car in. We don't find many of these. See, one leads to another. Oh, it's got a four speed in it. Oh, look at this. Holy mackerel. You have any compound and a rag. No, I'm only kidding. (laughs)
Channel: Hagerty
Views: 720,745
Rating: 4.8587065 out of 5
Keywords: Hagerty, Classic Car, Classic Cars, Hagerty Drivers Club, barn find, hunter, tom cotter, mcpherson, wagon, midland, texas, hidden, treasure, amazing, pontiac, GTO, Judge, 442, olds, oldsmobile, 4-speed, gasser, drag car, '57, convertible, mustang, camaro, cab over, COE, roat trip, thunderbird, hot rod, rat rod, '62, ford, galaxie, panel van, chevy, big block, 454, 289, roadkill, motor trend, finnegan's garage, FSM
Id: N4OnuvJg9gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
Reddit Comments

"I'm not a hoarder" sure buddy sure

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Whitworth 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

The guy that had a Judge sitting on his property.. rotting away. That's infuriating.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/J_I_S_B 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man what a waste. All that will sit and rott possibly to beyond a salvageable state..

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Raceworx 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

looks like I've got a new show to binge

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/stratomaster82 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't know much about cars but some of them would look amazing in a good condition and I'd drive one. Too bad they are rusting away in a hoarders backyard.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ImaginaryCarl 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's sad really, the goal is to keep those classics alive, guaranteed these will end up in a legal dispute when he's gone. What he should do right now is open up a business, he has the cars to restore, finish them all with a team and make some money and make some people happy. The problem is that he wants to be the guy with the restored, beautiful car. He wants to own a museum to show off his cars- that wont happen unless he sacrifices some.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Deezle530 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
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