Two And a Half Men - Where's the dead guy?

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so where's the DECA Jake show a little respect where's the dead guy sir Chapel now keep it down I think I can smell it I think it's the responsibility of we the living to carry on to live life to the fullest embrace it kiss it on the mouth if you will excuse me Charlie I talk to you for me sure Heather this is my brother Alan he lives with me at my beach house in Malibu I'm sorry for your loss thank you Alan came to live with me at my Malibu beach house when he lost his wife it's a healing house my wife isn't really dead because you healed at my Malibu beach house and when you think about it Harry isn't really dead either he lives right here in all of us thank you let go it's good to let go Charlie excuse me a moment Jake are you my name it's okay okay I almost put my pants whoa what do you think Oh No how do you die you just got old his heart stopped huh his watch is stuck i yep why didn't you to watch anyway sorry he's gonna be late for anything okay there are other people waiting to pay their respects when we go find grandma I don't care what anybody says I always thought you were a good guy Thanks let's go at clemmy's let's go how's he look dead cool surprise by the way I want to take a shot of your wife but that's just a guy thing nothing personal okay I'll take that as he is
Channel: reee1976
Views: 2,354,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Two, And, A, Half, Men, s02e21
Id: FC2qX9vBdGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2010
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