Twinmotion: Fast architectural visualization | Webinar

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>> Welcome to the Twinmotion webinar. My name is Daryl and joining us today, we have Martin from the Twinmotion team. We're going to start with a quick overview of Epic Games, Unreal Studio, and Twinmotion before handing the presentation over to Martin. Epic Games operates as two major divisions. Publishing and software. Through its publishing, Epic Games is the creator of the world's most popular game Fortnite. It has a history of other big hits. The software division of Epic games serves game developers. There's been over 500 titles created by third party studios and there are thousands of Enterprise customers using the Engine every day to tell their stories. In 2016 we set up an Enterprise team to address the specific needs of Enterprise customers. We've grown to 70 people from 20 in just the last year with a dedicated engineering and support team of 30 in Montreal and this all happened before we added the Twinmotion team. You'll find the Enterprise team in the UK, Germany, US, Korea, China, and Japan. We're literally all over the globe. Unreal Engine is a complete package with all the features you need to make unique, compelling film quality, real-time experiences, and it's free to use. With Unreal Engine, you can use the same asset to create different deliverables. Everything from still images to mixed reality. Or in the film world, everything from virtual production on set to final frames. Twinmotion is an application made for AEC professionals that can transform your BIM or CAD models into a compelling real-time experience. Twinmotion combines an intuitive icon-driven interface with the power of the Unreal Engine. You can create simple images, panoramas, standard and immersive 360 videos and self-executable BIM motion files in seconds, all from the same Twinmotion scene and with support for all of the most popular VR headsets, Twinmotion can take your BIM to VR in seconds. We've had over 7 million downloads of Unreal Engine and 200,000 registrations to the Unreal Studio Beta. And recently Twinmotion has had over a hundred thousand downloads. Visualization experts in architecture have figured out for themselves the value of Unreal Engine, Unreal Studio, and Twinmotion. A recent survey by CG Architect found that Unreal Engine was the number one real-time solution for production rendering and the number one rendering respondents were experimenting with including traditional offline renderers. We want to make it easy for existing professionals as well as those just entering the job market to skill up on real-time. Last year we launched our Online Learning Platform and it now has over 37 free online courses and new Twinmotion courses are currently in production. We also offer instructor led training classes with centers in Guilford, Los Angeles, Munich, Montreal, and Detroit. We offer learning at our events which is an opportunity to connect with the Unreal Community. Unreal Academy is our main learning event, which we hold two times a year with both hands-on courses and lecture-based talks. Next up is Martin from the Twinmotion team and he's going to give you a quick intro to the Twinmotion workflow. Cheers everybody. >> Thank you, Daryl. Hi everyone, my name is Martin Cressman. I'm a Twinmotion product specialist. I've been working on Twinmotion for around six years now and I just want to say that we are really proud to be joining the Epic Games family and the Enterprise team. Let's begin. What is Twinmotion? So Twinmotion is a 3D real-time visualization software dedicated to architecture, urban planning, landscaping. Here's a quick comparison of what you can do, what you can achieve with Twinmotion compared to another ray tracing software. But when we created Twinmotion our main goal wasn't to create a rendering software that creates render really quickly, our main goal was to create a software that is really easy to use. So, we really wanted to step away from the tons of settings that you can find in other rendering software where sometime you just tweak one value and render time double or triple. The idea behind twin motion was to create a plug and play solution. You install it and you can be productive with it straight out of the box. So, for us that means create a simple UI with big icons. So, no matter where you are in the software, you can understand, you can know what you are doing. And also, with this idea of having a simple UI, simple workflow, we have created what we call the add-ins. The add-ins create a direct link between the CAD software, so today it's for ARCHICAD and Revit, and it creates a link between those CAD software with Twinmotion. So, in just one click you can synchronize your ARCHICAD or Revit file with Twinmotion and begin to visualize it in real-time right away. We don't need any more to go through the export input workflow, which is really time consuming. Here just one click, press the export the scene Twinmotion button, it sends the data inside Twinmotion. During the synchronization we do a few things automatically. We'll see that in a moment. But in Revit and ARCHICAD there is an active library of materials, visitation characters. And during this translation, all those assets are automatically replaced by Twinmotion, physically correct materials, 3D animated trees and animated people also. And then from Twinmotion, it's also just one click away to switch to virtual reality. So, with Twinmotion, we want it to also bring virtual reality more accessible to every architect. Now let's see that in action. Here on my left, as you can see here, I have my Revit file and, on the right, I have Twinmotion. If I want to visualize this file in Twinmotion, I would just click on the See in Twinmotion button. It will start a direct link. I actually have the project already set up. So here we just open the context where I've imported already a background around this small building. So, it started the synchronization and here we go. I already have my project and I can start to navigate in it in real-time. As I was talking, just during the introduction, if you look at my project here on the background, I have two trees. During the import, during the synchronization with Twinmotion, those trees have been automatically replaced by Twinmotion 3D animated trees. And we do also the same thing for the cars over here or for the two peoples that you can see on the balcony over here, those two people here has been automatically replaced by Twinmotion 3D animated characters. So, on the background of this project, as I told you, I've already imported a background, this background here has been created with 3DS Max. Let's actually switch full screen as we don't need Revit anymore for now. This context here has been created with 3DS Max, I have imported this context in my Twinmotion project, it was just a .FBX but Twinmotion can also support different file formats for example, here, if I click on the import tab, here, you can see all the different files that Twinmotion supports at the import, so FBX, sketchup, OBJ, C4D, this one being the most optimized. And then we have also all these one on the second line here. So, after importing my content, I just place a few objects like the vehicles here and now I've synchronized my file from Revit directly into my context. First thing that I can do is for example, start to change the light; play with the time of day. So here we can just visualize the project during different lighting conditions. If I come to the Natural section Localization, here, I can also precisely geo-localize my project with just an open street map that we'll load eventually. Well what you can do is also come to the Localization tab and here change just the orientation of the North. So, as you can see here, we already have a couple of trees inside our project but we can add more of them. So, we'll open up Twinmotion Library, enter the Vegetation and Landscape folder, Trees. And here we just start to drag a few trees in my projects. Maybe I can also select those ones that are a bit bigger. I can also do multi-selections. So, for example, if I select this Black Gum and this Hook Thorn at each time I will click in the viewport, Twinmotion will randomly select one object from my selection and it will add it to my project and because it's in the Tree folder, it will take a random rotation and a random scale so we won’t see any repetition. Finally, another way to add some vegetation is using the Vegetation tool. So, you come to the Nature dock, Vegetation, here, we'll select my grass and I will just start to paint my grass on my terrain. Those materials here are a bit bright so maybe it's time to change those. I will come back to my Library, enter the Material folder. Here we have different type of material created and dedicated to architecture. You start with the Glass. So, if I want to change this material, it's just a basic drag and drop from the Library to my viewport. As you can see when you mouse over our material there is the small ball and there is a bigger preview on the right. So now I just change, for example, this material on my walls here. Switch to a wood paneling, you can just drag and drop multiple material until I found one that suits my project. Here, we can maybe change the scale. I'll just change the reflection. Same thing on my roof here. I will just come to the Metal folder and just maybe drag some Alucobond panels like here. As you can see here, all those materials are pretty detailed. They are physically correct. It means they are PBR materials. Next thing I want to show you is actually another project. So, I just come here on my Open recent file and just switch to the Norway demo scene. This project, the Norway project is just a big house in Norway. It's in the forest, it's just to show you, the terrain and the whole ecosystem that we have inside the software. So yeah, just open up this new project over here. First thing I want to show you is the terrain. So here we have a terrain created directly inside Twinmotion. You can find those terrain in the Vegetation and Landscape folder, Landscape. You can start with a flat terrain or with a terrain already modeled, the rocky grassland. And then when you click on the terrain you will have some different tools to customize this terrain. So, it starts with the Sculpt tool. Here we can just raise the geometry; with the raise option. We can just quickly create some elevation around your project. Then we also of course have the Dig tool to dig some holes, or we even have the Flatten tool that allows you to flatten different area around your project. As you can see here on the edges, depending on the inclination of the geometry, different materials automatically apply. If I come back in my breadcrumb over here and enter the Paint option, I can also manually paint different materials on my project. So, for example, here I will select my Grass 04 and I will just paint my grass on my terrain. Same thing as I did before. Now if I want to add some grass to my terrain, I will come back to my Vegetation tool, select my Grass, maybe I can change the diameter and I can just paint my grass on my terrain like that, Now in Twinmotion, everything that you can see on the screen from the grass to the trees to the different materials, everything you add to an ecosystem. Again, I will come back in my breadcrumb here and now enter the Weather option. Here we have two sliders. The first one is controlling the cloud coverage. So, if I start to drag this slider here more clouds will appear. The second slider here is controlling the season. So, we start in the summer. That's if I start to drag this slider here. All my trees will switch to autumn. In autumn, as you can see here, leaves start to fall from the trees, leaves actually turn yellow from red and if I keep moving this slider, we quickly switch in winter. In winter some trees completely lost their leaves while some others, their leaves get overlayed by snow. All the materials also get overlayed by snow depending on the inclination of the geometry. So, as you see there won't be any snow underneath the different objects and here, even the river completely froze. Now if I come back to my first slider and start to drag again, this one more cloud again will appear and at some point, it will snow because we are in winter of course. That means that if I switch back from winter to autumn, temperature will get warmer and the snow will automatically turn into rain. And this rain affects automatically all the material of the project. There is nothing to do for that. It's completely automatic. So now maybe it's time to create a media, to create our first image. So, I just find a good point of view to my project like that. And now I will come to the Media section and I will start with an image. To create a new image, it's very simple. You have the big plus button, Create image, this will create a new point of view in the scene. I can of course just change the position of the camera and adjust my point of view. Here with the Time option, I can just change the time of day and visualize my project during different lighting condition. I will stick with something just in the beginning of the afternoon like that. Now each image there is some advanced option and we click on the More over here and here I have access to all the different options for this specific image. So, it starts with the Camera settings. Here I can start to correct the vertical of my project with the Perspective correction option. I can change the focal of my camera. So actually, let me just move back my camera a bit so we can see the whole project, the whole house and, and again, I will refresh my point of view to keep the changes. Going back here on there is the Output size. By default, Twinmotion export on a 2K resolution. But you can go up to 8K with this option. And if you do click on the More, you can also manually go up to 8K and you can actually manually type anything you want from a square ratio to a really widescreen. Next thing we have are the Localization, the Weather, the Lighting that you can customize for each individual images. We can also use some depth of fields so you can add some blur to your image, something like that. So, we can just play with that a bit. And then at the end we have the different Visual effects. It starts with the Color gradient for example, here we have different color gradient that you can apply to your project. Once you find one that suits your needs, you can also play with it. You can change the contrast of it. You can change the saturation if you want. After the Color gradient, there is some Filters that are a bit more artistic like 8-Bit, Blueprints. There is the Line, the black line outline, there is this Hatching that looks a bit like sketches. So, we have different type of filters like that. And finally, we are also the Clay render. The Clay render puts an overlay on all the material of your project. You can change the color of this overlay so you can switch to this gray material like that. For example, we can change the translucency of this clay render and you can also select what is affected by this clay render. So, for example, here, I can disable the clay render on the glass and on the water. So here I can still see all my reflection on my water and I can still see through my project. I can even disable the clay render on the vegetation if I want to. Let's actually disable this clay render for now. I will come back here, the point of view is fine. So maybe it's time to actually export an image. To export an image in Twinmotion, I will just come to this icon here. It's the Export icon. I will come to the Image section and select just the Image 05 we just created together. I'll click on Start export, send this to my desktop. By default, Twinmotion exports on a 2K resolution, but you can go up to 8K. As you saw it just took me a couple of seconds to generate this image on a 2K resolution. Going back to Twinmotion, one other media that you can create with Twinmotion is what we call the BIMmotion. Actually, when you are in Twinmotion, when you enter this BIMmotion, you will create a starting point. And a BIMmotion is actually a .exe file, a standalone viewer of the project that doesn't require Twinmotion. It's a digital model that you can send to whoever you want. You just double click on the EXE file, it will start the project at the starting point you have defined here and it will launch actually the project in this full screen mode like that. In this full screen mode, here you still have a few options. In this full screen mode, here it's result of all the editing tools that you have inside Twinmotion. It has a simple UI but it contains still a few options. If I open up the bottom here at the end of my screen and we can here change, for example, the time of day, we can change also the months to visualize different lighting conditions during the whole year. You can also call the different media you have set up and visualize them. And it's really basically the final model that you can send to your client so he can immerse himself into his product. Also, if you have a VR headset plugged in your computer, you just want to click to switch to virtual reality. And in virtual reality, you will have the same kind of option. You will be about to change the time, change the weather, the season. You even have the option to change material directly immersed inside your own project in VR. Let's keep this full screen mode and enter my projects. First thing that I want to do here, you just change a bit the time of day so we can have some light coming inside the project. So, we have been talking about quite a few features now, but I didn't explain a bit how the interface of Twinmotion works. So, let's go over that now. So Twinmotion UI consists of three major panel. The first one on the left is the Library. It is native of Twinmotion and it contain more than 2000 items and materials. So, as I show you before I start with the materials. So here we have, I don't remember it. We have hundreds and hundreds of materials directly inside Twinmotion created and dedicated to architecture. If you want to change your material you just have easy drag and drop from the Library to the viewport. As simple as that. All the material, as simple as that, I'm still on the materials, so as you can see, there is plenty of different type of material from concrete to wood, stones, brick, roof covering, grids. We have everything that you can need for an architectural project. After all the materials, we have Vegetation, it starts with Landscape. After that, we have the trees, we have plenty of different type of trees from leafy to palm to some mountain trees, some spruce, et cetera. Then we have Bushes, plenty of different ones as well. We have some Grass and Flowers. We have some Rocks. The Misc section contains the hedges, the dead leaves, dead branches, some ivy as well. After all the vegetation we have Furnitures. It starts with Home. In home is divided by room; Livingroom, Kitchen. In Livingroom, it's divided by types, so Chairs, Electronics, Plants. If I enter Chairs here, I will have all the living room chairs. But if I come at the top of my library, I can also use the Search bar. Here, I can just type chair and I can visualize just all my chairs like that. After the interior there is the exterior furniture with all the Benches, Bollards, Planters, the Signs for the roads. Then we have Primitives just to block out around your project if you need to, there is some Decals mostly for road marking like you can see here some zebra, some line making, some parking spots, we have also some graffiti, some asphalt damage stains just to give more realities to the different type of roads you can create. Then we have some Particle system like the one you can see on the background, also on the fireplaces as you can see here. After the Furniture, we have the Lights. Light, we have four different type of light. It starts with an Omnidirectional light. Here we have different type of option, changing the Reflection, changing the Color of the light, changing the Intensity or the Radius. We have spotlights, neon lights. We have also the IES lights. So, when you add an IES light to your project, let me just change a few things like that. You can, in the More, this option here, you can load your custom IES profile. So, you can create your custom IES light directly inside a Twinmotion. After all the lights we have Characters and Vehicles, we'll see that in a film project which is better suited to show you those options. Here I can show you also the Volume, it starts with the Section volume. The section volume allows you to cut through part of the project like I'm doing here. So, we are just cut to this corner of my project. I can just scale that to cut through my wall project if I want to. Just to, for example, see through different floors of your project, you can just cut through a different geometry. You can change the Color of the cut, you can change the Thickness of this cut, you can even Invert the selection, so here, I can just show what is inside my cutting volume. After the Section volume, there is the Water volume. If you have a swimming pool, there is some sound that you may see on the background. So here I have a couple of songs around my project; with some birds, with some water flowing in the project. And finally, the last volume is the Reflection Probe. Basically, the Reflection Probe creates some nice reflection around your project. It will create actually a 360 image from this point in the space and it will apply this 360 texture to all the geometry within the radius. Basically, create a nice reflection as you can see here. Finally, after the Volume, we have what we call the User library. The User library allows you to create your own material, to import your own object and save them directly in your User library to have access to those objects for every future project. So, let's actually create a new material together. I will switch here to the material single, to the full list of materials that is applied inside my project. To create a new material, I will click on this plus button here. Just apply this material directly to my ground over here. I will start to load a texture. So here I have wood parquet texture on that looks pretty nice but right now it just a diffuse texture with no reflection. So, we'll come back here and turn my Reflection option and here we'll load a roughness map. I can also play with this roughness map to just give a bit more reflection- to give my material a bit more reflection. And we can also, if I want to, we can just load a normal map. I know there is one in this folder as well. So here I'm just loading my normal map and applying my normal map to my project, to my material. So my material starts to look nice. Now if I want to save this material to my User library, I will just click on this three-dot button and actually let me rename it. Parquet01 for example, and I will just click here and click on Add to user library. This will save this material in my library and I will have access to this material for every future project. Now if I open up my Library, I scroll to the bottom. Here, I have my materials and here actually I have plenty of different custom objects that I've created that I've imported myself and just saved them here for every future project. Here you can create your own hierarchy. For example, here I've created my own materials folder where I've created different types of materials like my wood here. And here it's the same as the Library. If you want to apply different material, just drag and drop from the Library to your project. This is the Library. It's the first main panel, of Twinmotion interface. The single most important panel is the one at the bottom of the screen. It's what we call the Dock. It's basically here that you will find all the options, the tools, and the settings. So, for example, here, my parquet is still selected so the reflection regarding the specific material. As you saw this before, I can change the Reflection of my material, change the Color, change the Scale of my parquet. But if I switch to another option, for example, if I switch to the Lighting option, of course I will have different type of option here. I can change the Sun power, the Ambient lighting, I can change the White Balance of my project. So yeah, as I said here, you will find most of the tools and the options. Finally, the other most important panel is the one on the right. It's what we call the Scenegraph, the Scene Organizer. It's basically here that you will find all the options, the tools, and the settings. It's basically a layer system similar to Photoshop where you can turn objects on and off. So here I just switch on and off my FBX, my house that I've imported inside my product. For the last part of the presentation, I'm again going to switch to another project which is located downtown Chicago, just to show you a bit more of the animation and the people that we have inside Twinmotion. So, I've been looking at two different projects, one mid-sized project, one in the nature, and now I'm just going to switch to a more human project. Just crossing the bridge over here, as you can see, we are just near the Chicago Tribune. As I told you here in this project, what I want to show you is how we created all those animations that is running all around the projects. And to show you that I will actually start to remove all the existing animation that is currently in the projects. For that, I will open the Scenegraph. I have two ways to add that. I can manually select my path, my animated path, but I will use my filter here to just show only the path. Here we select all my vehicle paths and we just delete them all at once. Now that's done. I can show you how we can create animation inside Twinmotion. Let's actually start with the Library again. Vehicles. Here, we start with the Cars. If I want to add the car to my project, just same thing as anything. Just basic drag and drop from the Library to the viewport. Once the car is here, I can change the color as simple as that. Once I choose the color, I can just drag a couple of these cars on the side of my road for example. But if I want to animate those vehicles actually it's different tool. You can find this tool in the Urban section, Paths, and here we are four different types of paths. Let's start with the Vehicle path. Here, I have a Pen tool that will allow me just to basically create a spline. It just creates a spline in the middle of my road. Once I release my tool, vehicles automatically start to drive along the path. And same thing as I told you before at the bottom of the screen, I have different options. My path here is selected, Vehicle path. And here we can start, for example, just to change the Lane count, I just switched to three lanes. As you can see here, three lanes are running on my road. I can even change the Speed or the Density of the vehicles. So now just to quickly populate the other side of my road, I will just- here I have the selection gizmo of this path, I will just press shift and duplicate this path on the other side of my road. Vehicles will start to spawn. We just click on Reverse to make them drive in the other direction and then we just change those small points here to make sure that the path is well aligned on my road. Last point over here, here we go. So now everyone is running on the road except for those guys that are running a bit on the sidewalk. So, as you can see, it just takes me like one minute to create this whole animation, which could be really time consuming in other software like 3DS Max. Where you could require quite a huge skill to create all those animation, especially that here we have all the wheels spinning. We have some people that are actually in the cars turning the wheels. So, this is how you create an animation with the path. Now, let's switch to the Characters. So, I'll come on this area here. If you want to add some characters to the project, I will open back the Library enter the Characters folder. Start with the Human. And if I want to drag a character, same thing as anything. Just a basic drag and drop from the Library to the viewport. If I drag this character multiple times, the color of the clothes will change. It's the first option here. It's random. So hopefully we won't see any repetition if you are using the same character multiple times. Then the second option will change the pose. So maybe this character is in idle state, maybe he's sitting, maybe he's lying, maybe he's even dancing. And even after you choose a pose, you have a list of animations. So maybe he's doing this dance or maybe he's doing the Gangnam style dance. I can populate, I can drag and drop characters one at a time like this. But looking at the size of this project, it could be time consuming. This is why we also have some groups. So, for example, if I select this group of three people at each time, I will click into viewport, Twinmotion will randomize the three characters that are added to the project. So again, hopefully, you won't see any repetition and you can really quickly bring more life to your project. And finally, the third way to add some characters is the same as the car, using a path. So here, same thing. I will use my Pen just to create a spline. As you can see here, there is already a couple of splines on my project. So here I'm just creating this quick spline here and again once I release my tool, characters will start walking on the path. And here I have a few options like changing the Width of the path, changing the Density of people on it. Because there is quite a large amount of characters, sometime it takes you take a few seconds to load all the people. So finally, one of the last media that I didn't talk about is, actually there is two media that you can export out of Twinmotion again. We already talked Image and BIMmotion. We also have the Panorama. The Panorama is just a basic 360 image of your project. And the last media that I want to show is Video. How to create a video in Twinmotion. It's as simple as creating an image. You just click on the Create clip. This will create a new clip with a first key frame. This is the starting point of the video. Then you simply need to move the camera inside of viewport. You click on the plus; it will create a second key frame and Twinmotion automatically creates the animation between the first key frame and the second one. There is nothing to do from it. It's completely automatic. And here in just two clicks, I've created this quick video. I can change the time of the video. By default, it's ten seconds, but I can change to whatever I want. And of course, again, at any moment, we can visualize the project during daylight like here, but you can also switch to the night. When you switch to the night, the lights of the vehicle automatically light up. Same as my light post, and same as the lights on all the buildings on my context. And same as my moon over here. So, I think that's it for this quick introduction to Twinmotion. Thanks again everyone for being here today. >> Wow, that was amazing. Martin, thank you so much for sharing with us the Twinmotion workflow and to all the viewers, thanks for taking the time to check it out. Cheers everybody.
Channel: Twinmotion
Views: 55,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software for architects, architectural software, 3D software, visualization software, realtime visualization, new 3D software, 3D software architect, software render real
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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