Lumion 11 New Feature Overview

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[Music] hi i'm chris from c welton design and welcome to another lumion tutorial 11 has just released lumia 11 came out today if you haven't had an opportunity to take a look at lumion's release trailer i highly recommend taking a look at that one first they always do an incredible job take a look at the big new features and how they showcase them and when you have questions this is the video to come to so this is my tour of new features where we're going to take a look at lumion 11 all of the new features major and some minor ones and i'm going to showcase them i'm going to open them up we're going to work through it i'm going to show you how they actually work how you can adjust them and some of my thoughts my opinions and um even what i can see myself doing with these effects and others that maybe you hadn't considered so with that let's go ahead and jump right into lumion and go over some of these new features [Music] so here we are in the start menu of lumion 11. every version revamps this just a little bit and this is the case here as well in lumion 11 we have a cleaner new background but good news is we do get some new stuff really some incredible new examples in fact uh realistically nine new examples although three of them are the same you know reuse models but they've been retouched up each one is focused on teaching specific aspects and i'm going to be jumping around in uh throughout this tutorial showcasing all of the new ones that come with lumion 11 and demonstrating the effects in there but also we get a couple new uh starter facts we have a beach environment now a desert environment i think this is the same suburban environment maybe it's been touched up but we have a winter environment and then a designed showcase these are really cool i love the idea of having some some more starter content that's just empty but already has a couple things populated in it we already have trees going on here you know if we have a desert project you know we're covered if you need that big tall mountain you're good to go or some winter trees so i'm not going to take a look at all of them right now but remember that lumion has given you some more example scenes and starter scenes alright so let's go ahead and jump right in okay so this is the new museum scene it's kind of a really cool urban setup that it's really a good a good building to practice your angles and effects on it's really interesting intriguing the new ortho effect and some other effects but really do some wonders on this kind of building so lumion has it kind of staged as a winter setting as well showcasing that precipitation effects and [Music] in you know lighting in that certain situation very cool what i'm actually going to talk about first though in this scene is a basic tutorial mode so if you are brand new to lumion and you don't know where anything is this might be really useful for you down now when you go out into the question mark you'll actually start a tutorial so if you want to do a tutorial about object placement it'll go through you hit start and it's going to give you all these different steps and showcase and highlight different aspects and buttons to push it's uh it's really useful i mean i'm assuming i've known lumion for a long time now so this would just kind of annoy me and if you need to get out of it you could just do this but that's where you can find interactive tutorials inside of lumion great if you're brand new to lumion or maybe you need a refresher [Music] okay so let's cover some really quick user interface updates there's nothing big here but i want to showcase some things that they have focused on in this release you know there's little things like they've moved these around a little bit that's a little different than there was in 10 there'll be some different screens that pop up that look more refreshed but for the most part there's only a few sections that have been focused on one thing is the settings tab here now has has been organized into three separate categories here [Music] and what i'm going to do is also introduce proxies this is awesome for those who have really heavy scenes or have hardware that aren't that isn't powerful enough to really move around freely lumion introduced these proxies now that are set to off right now but the idea is when you set these to on [Music] lumion will start to replace objects with little bounding boxes like this this is a really light scene so it's probably not the best example but it makes it so you're moving around much quicker so you don't have that one fps you know trying to move around your scene yeah i'm sure you've all experienced it lumion is trying to be a little more zippy this is this is really awesome i've opened some really heavy scenes and it makes it so you can navigate quite easily now i also want to throw out a bonus here i just switched this to on and it was off before so auto has the goal of replacing things whenever the frame rates from what i understand whenever the frame rate drops below 24 it'll start utilizing proxies to kind of keep a constant frame rate of at least 24 frames so it won't always be on it but it when you need it it'll jump it on to keep you at a constant frame rate so things appear really smooth without proxying everything now again when you hit the render button no matter what you have proxies set on just remember that's always going to have everything on this is just a build mode kind of speed away it also does show up in movie mode see to help things scrub quicker but you can always turn them off again if you absolutely want to see everything so great new addition i'm a heavy model user and am very happy to have an option to be able to move around my scene i i personally don't mind if the render time takes a little bit longer if it's going to take 10 hours as opposed to eight or six hours it's not a huge deal to me but it really gets frustrating when you're trying to edit things and lumion is just crawling this will help with that [Music] all right moving on to if we'll go into one of these mode here lumion has see if we go to something with sliders has added a type in value on every slider you'll see in the user interface in lumion 11. now the secret is that you could have always typed in the values by double clicking turns red you got to delete and then you can input a value but i do like that they made that even easier by just typing it in here so if you need to know a specific focal distance here you could you could just say i need it to be 65 meters or whatever you can just type it in that's everywhere not just effects so that's a great thing they tried to focus on they had a feature that was kind of semi-hidden and made it so all users can easily easily access it now another really cool effect that's come in is called high quality theater mode this is super cool so if you're in photo mode or movie mode if you hit f11 you'll go into basically a full screen interface of this viewport right here and what is really cool about this it's not just like build with effects you also have the ability to get skylight preview so you can move around freely i'm in photo mode i can move around freely anywhere in your whole scene and then render with that skylight preview really cool now let's try this in video mode [Music] or movie mode in movie mode we also have this ability and we have the timeline plane right here and anytime we stop we could do a skylight preview but we if we move around and hit play it's going to go right back to where it was on the camera but it is cool that you can quickly just kind of go around decide to look this way even check it out with a skylight preview and if you just hit play it'll keep going and if you move the screen the cursor off of this bar down here it will actually eventually go away [Music] and this kind of opened the door to another possibility or our use for this that maybe lumion didn't intend but i think is actually really powerful this you could just screen capture this and get the fastest draft rendering ever out there obviously if you're running below um frame rate then uh then it won't work out super well but there's times when you need to give a really rough draft out and you just even rendering the lowest quality just might take too long i don't know this is an option to just send something out and be like here's the camera path here's what's kind of what it's going to look like without even having the render of course you could have done that before too with the viewport but it was just more cropped [Music] so that's the high quality theater view really cool new things okay so now we're in a new beach house setting here another example scene that comes with lumion 11 and let's jump into a couple new features as well to showcase in this scene coming along with the user interface a big change that lumion has implemented is in the new color selector so if we select the material most all have a certain colorization slider here and when you click on the color we had this type of interface here where we had to basically just kind of mix colors around and try to get the color we need or you could bring them in through sketchup or your modeling software or you had to find the hex code and paste it in it was kind of uh unintuitive and clunky and i've been asking for a long time for them to uh to touch this up and make this a little bit easier and they have definitely done that now so this still already looks a little bit different before we had just kind of colors and we had a value slider and the colors are at the top um now it's this interface and if you go to show more we can now input rgb or hsv and then here's hex code down here so if we hit rgb 40 40 40. i know that is apparently it's a sort of dark gray [Music] 70. so it works this way now another thing along with that too is we get some raw color palettes like these are standardized colors that you'll easily find online they're reference colors and sometimes when i'm when i'm in here and i just need to create some sort of brown or some some sort of color i'm just not very good at mixing things together to get exactly the color i want i really appreciate having these these different these different swatches i could just grab from like i'm gonna need some sort of well here brown and i get all these different browns here let's let's up the colorization so it's actually affecting it but maybe i shouldn't choose a material that's in the so much in the shade but as you can see yeah we have all these different color influences we can just grab from or say we need different violets it's just a nice little trick that lumion's added in to make life easier color is is super important in architecture and painted materials um and now we get quite a bit more options i did do a tutorial talking about how to pick colors from the screen and quickly paste them into lumion that could potentially still work by pasting into here through the hex code or using photoshop or whatever software to get an rgb code and to input it right there i still kind of wish lumion had it just like right here but they've got they got 90 of the way there um i'm happy so that's the new color picker so among the many features have come out with lubion 11 um i definitely stick orthographic projection is one of the top ones there's a lot of power in this one and although it seems kind of lame in a way just on paper you know rabbits in ortho and sketchups in ortho what's so special about that you know it is really cool being able to have that capability inside of lumion with lumion's effect lumion's library all the things that rev sketchup don't have or any of these other cad programs it's certainly something that you know could have been there much earlier but they did it and they did it right because it could have definitely done this wrong they could have done this and made it really clunky and not worked with all the effects but it is almost seamlessly done there's there's hardly anything you can't do by switching to ortho and i i'm not a developer but it seemed like a pretty tricky challenge to work with an engine that's supposed to do perspective and lighting and shadows to do ortho i don't even pretend to understand all of that but they did it really well and i have a lot of cool things i want to jump into it so it's going to be its own in-depth video but with that said we'll do a really quick overview of it so you can understand how it works as i mentioned i'm going to go a lot more in depth on this effect so i'm just going to really briefly cover how it works and kind of what things kind of look like and what you can do with it so first we'll need to go into a setting where we can add it as an effect so let's store this camera and we'll go ahead and find it under the camera effects orthographic view now nothing's changed yet but here's our interface right here enabled is still set to off we have a near clip and a far clip and a fill color so let's take a look at those will do after we enable so pretty much right away nice and smoothly we're in this orthographic view and everything actually moves around just like it normally would in perspective that's definitely something lumion massaged in here because otherwise this could be really tricky to work with and another really cool thing that they've done is they've given us these nice sliders to help control so if you want to quickly get a perfect elevation shot you can set they'll snap to like 45 degrees and 90. so let's try to get like a front elevation here move over and then change our pitch to zero [Music] kind of move this down we have an orthographic shot right here that's a perfect elevation right there except i wasn't it's cropping out a little bit so now this is where we can utilize these clip planes the near clip can help us block off anything in front of the house that we may we might not want i actually don't mind the trees in front of the house here but if you want to just get those all away you can use that near clip plane to cut them away it's kind of tricky in this shot and in far clip we can get rid of the mountain and even the trees right behind the house if you wanted so you gotta be careful with the clip planes i think that's the near clip doing that and then you can just control what how much you want back there and you have sort of an elevation view maybe you lift up right here [Music] and you have a perfect elevation that leads us to the last part we can change the sky out for any sort of color that we never want we could have a generic blue if we wanted to which side looks bad or just white or black so it leads to a lot of artistic options and that's just the elevation view we could also oops [Music] if you get a little it can get pretty squirrely if you're not if you're not careful with me and i set up some pretty good guidelines to help out it used to be a little worse but um you can switch back to 3d to kind of get some better views because it's easy to get a little off in that orthographic view remember you can switch it right back and forth here as well and then if you get lost you can always change these headings so let's also do a top down shot so we have a perfect sight shot right here now one thing you might have to worry about too is you might have some weird shadow things going on if for whatever reason the shadows are looking really fuzzy like like this or something you might just need to play with your shadow range that's still something that is just kind of a limitation in this ortho this shadow range button will help clear out those those shadows so they're nice and crisp like this [Music] all right i think the only other thing i want to showcase is that it can be used as well in animation in kind of a weird way so we got a keyframe here we'll have a keyframe here 10 seconds linear okay so if we add orthographic here under camera so there's this edit camera button everything else is the same so we can enable it so this is how you kind of get orthographic into camera into animation movement go to edit camera and there we have that 3d 2d toggle here so we want to start here and say we want to do here and then we just want to do like an orbit kind of shot or something so now you have kind of an orthographic orbit um i made this a little more complicated than need to be but if you do look at fixed point it'll fix that so some really intriguing type of animations and some really cool looking shots and of course if we did it um they had an example right here you could add certain stylized effects and get even a floor plan kind of look out of the same ortho so i guess i want a little more in depth than i expected but we're going to be doing a lot more in my next tutorial and some really cool scenarios and projects that i opened in this it just looks so cool in ortho [Music] okay so here is a third example here examples seem glass house so this is the actual glass house some people can mix up the farms with house with the glass house they like the glass then internationals to design but yeah so it's a very simple scene and we're going to utilize this scene to go over a couple other minor effects this is this one i i totally passed off at first when i looked at it but the more i kind of played with it i really am starting to like it the raindrops on glass effect so this if you go into pure glass on the slider you will see a new section here that says force range streaks everything is set cut it right in the middle you can go down to nothing or enhance it even more but the only way to activate it because this might confuse you is you need to have the of the precipitation effect going which you know makes sense but i actually was a little confused by it at first so let's go ahead and go into a movie section here [Music] and get right up to that glass now let's let's go from the inside out i mean what are you gonna see on a rainy day in the glass house you're gonna see a lot of these raindrops okay so let's just add a couple shots right here and then we need to hit that precipitation effect let's uh have the camera pulling a little bit more closer to the glass all right so as of right now we're not seeing much on the glass so now in the precipitation effect we're getting three new sliders that have to do with this rain streaks which is com said to completely off right now once we set it on we'll actually see range streaks we can change their size and offset and this might be a little confusing too the lumion added some polygon materials that look like raindrops on the glass but they were static this is animated so let me let me change that so we're looking just right here static camera [Music] so something important to realize is this is completely independent from precipitation phase and quantity or if it's rain or snow if it's snowing it'll still be rain it's kind of this independent little little thing that adds on to this effect and we're just seeing a moderate amount of water so if we go back into this mode here we can go back to this force raindrops and we can either increase the intensity of that or make it so even though it's raining this particular sheet of glass does not get any water on it that's boring so turn that back on boost it up turn on some fog it's just a nice rainy day looking from the outside [Music] so yeah that's the uh that's the raindrops on glass effect man there's some really cool shots you know atmospheric emotional shots you can you can capture that they did it really well and it looks really cool it's a it isn't a little a niche little thing but they they they did it well [Music] okay so here's a cool new effect we can jump into we got this fire pit right here now lumion's fire i used to teach in my university new students lumion and without without question at one point everyone's gonna put their project on fire and i thought it was super fun and cool in lumion but the fire still looks okay but it was starting to get a little bit dated in the in the quad as the quality of lumion has it has increased some of things like this are starting to look a little more dated but lumion has gone ahead and added a new type of fire called volumetric fire okay so here they are they are in the fire tab in special effects and they are after all the regular fires going on here they give us a couple interesting shapes to start off with square less than 10 square smaller square line circle ring square just kind of a random shape so there's some cool templates that they've given you it's kind of like water you can customize water and as much as you need but lumion gave us some presets just to make things to make life easier so here's a nice simple square fire we have a couple sliders here we can change it's kind of a linear light we can change its width and length we can change its height turbulence some something affects the way it looks it kind of honestly looks like water in a certain way and then they have intensity now what you're probably wondering is what is this load button well lumion has given us the ability to customize the shape and some of the properties of the fire and this is this is really interesting it really opens the door to a lot of different [Music] a lot of different possibilities that i'm i'm curious what people come up with let's play around with some of these so this is from what i understand the way this fire works is if you load a map black will be read as no fire white will be read as the most fire gray will be somewhere in between a lot so it's a really harsh fall off but if you have solid colors they will actually tint the color of the fire so i have a couple examples we can pull from right now so i had some flags i jumped into now before we even load this we should be able to look at an image like this this flag this is the european union flag we have blue and yellow we don't have any black or white so this should just create a fire that is blue and yellow and it's not very bright let's let's play around with this a little bit all right there we go oh maybe we need to maximize it you're kind of starting to see that you're starting to see that flag effect in there it didn't affect the intensity of the fire but it's affecting the color oh there you go you can see the stars right there so let's try another one here's a gradient just a black to white so the white should be fully intense the black should have nothing so like i said it falls off pretty harshly here's white and then the to the black you're not really seeing it in height you're more seeing it in kind of density especially look at that texture that shows up on the ground it slowly diminishes we do have some little particulates of fire on that side so that's a black and white image and here's an interesting flag so we got a color value color value another color value in black so this should create green fire yellow fire nothing yellow fire blue fire yep u.s flag the white should be fully intense fire and then some blue and white so i don't even know how how well that's going to read oh there you go america fire explosions no so the white isn't white because it's become fully intensive fire and then the red and blue is is tinted oh you can see the stars oh let's try one more let's try this guy there you go green red okay so played around a little bit i i also did make this one in oops was defaulting to png i did make this one in photoshop it had a little bit of everything black nothing there's some gradient but you can barely really tell right here and then the two solid color values so you get the idea i don't know how much people will be customizing it but it is cool that lumion has left the the door open to be able to do some really custom things with this as opposed to a really closed off system but right now we just have a simple fire light right in here there's the new volumetric fire looks a lot better [Music] okay so i've taken a step out of the glass house here i'm just going to delete this ring here because we're going to jump into the new the new additional effects to the open street map which have has really surprised me i mean street map started was just kind of gray ground with some buildings that weren't really accurate to buildings that were more accurate and customizable and they added height maps and now they've added satellite imagery to the distant landscape and it is really cool so let's go ahead and jump into here so open street maps in our landscape we're gonna turn it on it's probably gonna ask us about you know hitting okay [Music] all right the check alright so we're going to click on here and pick anywhere in the world we want now i'm going to pick somewhere that has hills and mountains kind of right next to it to really showcase this sierra city california [Music] all right so there's my area right here it's actually in a valley so something to understand is this is the open street map range which means this is the range of buildings and this kind of this kind of uh stylized terrain this is how you control the scale of that then we got toggle height maps and then also satellite maps and it's kind of pre-downloading things yeah like i said a valley so let's go ahead and start this it could take a little bit longer because there's more textures and more data to grab not too long [Music] all right so there we have it [Music] we have textured mountains in the background and our open street map is right here so if our project was still somewhere along here in fact where is it oh there it is it's inside of another building um so we do have a couple toggles in open street map if we don't like this kind of grade terrain we can turn that off that is uh land use and earth so now it's just showing the satellite terrain we could even tell to turn the buildings off if we wanted to and i kind of want to right here you can't turn the satellite on and off or roads or water so now [Music] if i look in my glass house i realize i live in a nice lush canyon [Music] i'm kind of curious what the uh how this stuff all looks dude yeah look at that [Music] get this kind of shot [Music] yeah so we've just completely changed the surroundings of our building here [Music] very impressive let's try one more let's try let's try a bigger city area this is a small town with some iconic mountains in the background that we just have to have or it just doesn't work um i think i've done this many times before but i'm going to do salt lake city here i'll do that we'll do salt lake city [Music] so careful you can only grab this blue amount which is a huge amount but still not that big the bigger mountains happen to be down here by sandy so i'm actually going to try this pretend like my building's right at the edge right here and i will grab a lot of as many buildings as i can all right so we'll let that go [Music] [Music] okay so it looks like i did land right in a neighborhood and there's the mountains right in the background unfortunately i got a a crease from different dates of satellite capture but that's okay something also important to know is the resolution and density of the satellite image near near the uh site is higher than the farther stuff they blurry it out here which is what you would do and i would say that the the clarity up close it's okay we pay a lot at my company for near map so getting this for free is is not bad esri i guess i think where to get it from i think is what it said so again we can now we have a whole some cooler mountain settings in our project you know this this is really all i've wanted for a long time just i don't need high resolution terrain geometry or textures in the distance i just wanted something that looks like the iconic mountains and i've i've used several plug-ins and i've done tutorials talking about how i grabbed contacts and man lumion nailed it here because that's that's the biggest thing i needed for i sometimes i wish i could grab a little bit more and the open street map buildings and everything are still just kind of okay but that's not lumion's fault that's just how the street map works so we can turn back turn everything back on there wasn't very many buildings here but yeah so that's open street map that one blew me away because i'm just like okay more open street map now this this is great this is really this is really great for i mean if you live in a flat land i guess it's not that exciting but i have projects in san francisco la and all these other areas with mountains that you need that you can't do it without it so lumion has that all-inclusive added inside now okay so this is the urban development scene this is a really beautiful one they use this in the lumion 9 trailer at least a similar a similar setting with this building this is a great urban environment for practicing you know having people walking in cars going they're showcasing several new lumion cars in here too so in this setup i'm going to talk about the new metallic car effect now this seems kind of interesting but it really it's it really actually does quite a bit to lumion's default cars i remember before i was telling lumion we could really use some better looking cars before they weren't that great and they bought some really nice quality cars they they really did um i still wouldn't if i have a rendering and there's a car right in front of the camera i have i have some like hero cars or cars that are really high poly 3ds max ones i would still put right next to the camera they're like the equivalent of a fine detail nature trees but for cars because the lumion cars the evermotion ones they're good but i don't know i think something with their paints just made them not look as realistic but the new metallic slider on the car paint actually does quite a quite a bit to help so this is the new slider metallic paint this is before after let's take this aston martin like car here before after and you know honestly it's not a binary thing too um there's a lot of play right at the end here where you can get not quite fully metallic but you can get some some boosted reflectivityness reflectivity this uh ref you get some boosted reflectivity is what and that's what kind of can really help out the only thing to watch out for is on white cars whites will turn kind of a silver grayish color i mean not a huge deal that's that's what would happen but just something to keep in mind they really do um they really do make a big difference when you hit the render button they look a little better than lumion cars now so that's that's always great i mean i like having my own high quality cars but i don't have time to place them all in there and they all get heavy so anything lumion does to boo to beef up their own [Music] their own uh library of cars is very much very much welcome so it let's do a quick little shot right here too we got some light ground and everything that's a little intense but yeah they look good it makes that a little bit of difference okay so while we're in this scene i'm going to talk about the new fine detail shadows that come from spotlights in lumion 11. so let's go ahead and go inside so i noticed there's this really cool 3d 3d mesh going on right here that's definitely something really limiting to lumion's default uh to lumion's default spotlights and you will see let's go ahead and set up a couple of these just go along the wall i'll pull them out a little bit from the wall like that so you see it's creating shadows but it's very low resolution and very limited those shadows are what make everything kind of happen on interior so the fact that it's not able to really capture all that was definitely a big weakness now i'll show you what the new fine detail shadows will do to these [Music] little details now so let's go into a photo mode and i have this scene kind of set up let's go ahead and get kind of close in the shadow it's the same toggle it's the same effect we had before they just added functionality to it so i'm going to turn it off and it's going to give me a better preview it starts to capture them here and then we got nothing right here when there were totally be shadows so now when we toggle it on now we're capturing all of those types of shadows all of that detail is being captured now but it's also limited to what you're actually seeing on the screen but yeah big jump big jump in quality at no cost really this this is one of my favorite features that came to lumion amazing amazing results at very little price skylight's amazing but it comes at a price this this is one of those things that's just done really well so that is the fine detail shadows for spotlights and while we're on the topic of spotlights here and i have them on the wall one of the newest features in lumion 11 2 is the ability to add and load custom ies profile lights for those who have a lot of experience rendering most people know what these are they're custom light shapes for specific uh you know they're set up by they can be set up by engineers or just uh people selling you know the light fixture explaining the shape of everything kind of fun if you hold alt over this you can actually see the the uh the profile here the shape that it's spitting out or that's that's a weird verb but the shape that it's producing and this is kind of from the side profile so we can load ies profile lights and if you don't already have a whole library of these from past renderers or current renderers i just quickly went online and found this website thank you derek jensen and he gave a whole zip file for free and let's go ahead and test some of these out so go to load ies ice profiles so let's try this um maybe i should actually do this on a let's go ahead and select all oh now it's its own thing [Music] okay let's actually go outside and take a look at these on like a wall because that little mesh was not helping us see [Music] all right so there's our shape going on right there that's exactly what's showing right there let's go ahead and load a couple of these see it's changed it's showing some more intensity over here [Music] there's a bollard oh look at that so it's not it's it's hollow like kind of in the center and going all around like a bollard wood do i have any bollards in this scene oh yeah they're probably not lit up bollards but let's try it well look at that [Music] is that because it's actually blocking it yeah it's because it's blocking it but still you can see the effect it's doing not just in the side view but from this profile [Music] let's go ahead get that back [Music] i'll just try a couple other ones but you guys get the idea this opens up a world of possibilities if you're really looking for that exact type of of light detail parallel beam trapezoid x diffuse jellyfish whoa so define spot so you're now now we are no longer limited to whatever lumion has given given us by out of the box like these guys they were always sufficient for me but this is this is great for those who have that need um so you know that i think that's a new sample but you see how different and specialized that kind of setup is look at that so very cool that is the new ies profiles that you can load into your lights as long as well as the fine detail shadows okay so really quick on this scene i might as well talk about a couple more library options that have come in for lumia 11. go ahead and just wipe out all the cars in this scene and start looking at what new cars we have going so if you did not know this before a great new feature lumia has added is they like to hide their new their new content and it's really hard to know which one's new which one's old but if you put in the new the tag new we're gonna have only the new vehicles or new objects that come out in 11. so i'll just go ahead and line them kinda up it'll be a car show on the street [Music] and yep somebody's a very very obviously specific real cars [Music] my co-worker drives that car right there that's pretty cool they added and we got some more like utility vans instead of just sports cars and stuff and let's go ahead and grab all of those and make them metallic bam looks awesome [Music] there you go look at those awesome cars [Music] so okay so we might as well look at some other content too let's go ahead and get some less harsh shadows if we go into people same deal type in new [Music] so you have some cyclists people sitting down it's the same character they've molded into different i'm not gonna i'm gonna put up a rendering of of kind of all of the of the new people put together i'm not gonna sit here and place them all got a different type of dog but you know it's more of the same these are these are great great quality but there is something worth mentioning as well that there is a new category in the people animals for static 3d people this is like what you would get if you just bought axyz models and just couldn't animate them to get them into lumion you just get them kind of like this so it's it's kind of nice to have just some alternatives i still pretty worry i thought that was she had a mask it's like wow how did lumion know it's just a wallet so um i'm still worried about frozen people it's probably because i do mostly animations but for stills they're great or at a distance that's a new category and um you know there's there are not much else calling out they're just the quality you would expect coming into lumion they've gotten really pretty decently good at this don't put them right for the camera but they look pretty good near it [Music] um same deal here type in new yeah i'll make bigger thumbnails so more evermotion products i i'm i am a big fan that's 12 pages of this of new objects and content really good looking stuff you're you're never you're never running out of of content with lumpy on well i mean we got everything now and what else can we need yeah so yeah again i'm just gonna roll some some footage of all of the content instead of trying to place them all look at that little outlets just just little things that just can add a little bit of realism you usually have to bring this stuff in from sketchup and it's it's just it's just an extra step [Music] i'm gonna i feel like i'm really making art here okay um i'm not sure if there's any new outdoor of course there is so more more kind of content here here we go [Music] perfect i like it so oh look at that lights [Music] if only you can make them light up anyways that's uh like always there's just more more content a comment for lumion uh type in new to find them all i used to create a specific uh set that would make your file have them as your favorites but with this new nude with the ability to search new that's made that kind of obsolete but go ahead and go and add to favorites so you can also easily grab them from right here [Music] okay so this brings us to the animated phasing effect this is a awesome new effect that i really want to dive into and so i'm going to create a separate tutorial really going in depth and showcasing a lot more of the guts of this effect it's something that lumion has developed very well they've listened to us i worked with them refining this effect and everything i asked for they they did they really put it together they really listened to the feedback and i'm super impressed with what has come out of it it is it is so awesome we're going to do a really quick overview in this video though i'm not going to completely blank it out but i'm just kind of selflessly uh but just keep an eye out for another tutorial because we're going to really dive into this one okay so here we are in the winery example scene this is a really cool scene it's got these vineyards out here it's got some beautiful atmospheric shots that are built in with it and it is also an example scene for the phasing effect which we're gonna hit next now as i mentioned i'm gonna do a much more in-depth tutorial to really jump into the facing effect and do some really complex cool things with it but let's take a look at what's built into this scene already so with the phasing effect we're able to grab multiple selections and control the way they come in with options there's a lot of pieces each piece was brought into lumion so it could be animated separately so he comes these really intriguing cool wasted dynamically introduce the architecture [Music] building the whole structure coming together and then we have just a different direction for setting up the phasing these are great examples i'll do a really quick example right now let's go ahead and just i'm going to work on these groups of trees right here so only in animation mode obviously i'm gonna go over to here i don't wanna select too much at once um actually those are uh let's just go ahead and do our own objects right now [Music] okay so i'm just gonna place a couple of real basic trees in a line it doesn't have to be trees it could be anything pretty much anything is animatable at this point let's give ourselves some time and then we're gonna go to effects and it's in the animation tab animated phasing so we need to go into edit to get anything done in this effect and this opens up this really cool user interface that's that's been very well polished and developed [Music] so we start here we have our timeline i set it to 15.36 seconds so it's set to auto so this is our entire animation clip we could change that and manually input what we needed but we're going to keep it to auto right now so this number one is the first group of animations now we can go and name it whatever we want up here but first we need to populate or assign objects to this group so once we go into this we get a new user interface where we can select by categories and we can also change stagger center which we'll talk about a little bit so i'm going to click consecutively all six of these trees now there's a stagger and order of selection if i click this it's going to remember that selection that i just did next thing is we have a start and an end so a start is how it'll animate end into the scene and an end is if you wanted to animate out most of the time i'm mainly just animating in but it is cool that there's an option so the next tab down here is the different type of effects you see there no effect which i'm not sure why it's there it just means nothing we have pop in skydrop ground rise or implode and then the next ones we have the start time so this is just the same thing is moving it right in here say i want to start at six seconds now it's moved to six seconds in here this is just an interactive toggle there now duration is how long the effect will take place this is just when it'll start now ease in will control the type of animation and the stag green will control whether everything comes in at once or together so right now by default it is pop in which pop in means it's going to be a scale from zero to the size you set it up in lumion kind of a cool effect and let's go ahead and set stagger so what stagger will do is we'll do if you have it all the way it'll do one at a time exactly how i selected it i can have an invert so it goes the opposite way i could also go back into here and uncheck this [Music] and it's just kind of going the way it wants now now i'm going to turn that back on really quick and play with some other options so if i turn the stagger slightly off we'll have at least a couple ones coming on at once [Music] it leaves a nice smooth animation in between them ease in if i turn it off they're just gonna kind of just pop in if i hit ease in they kind of more snap kind of a boomerang effect it's just a style wise [Music] so the other thing that we could look at is how it's gonna animate in so that was pop in scale basically scale from zero up now we have sky drop this is just like the sky drop we had before it's gonna come from the sky we also have a move distance which if we go that up here that means it's coming from even further away or we can get it really close and it's just just pop it in and there's also a tab for invisible for start so you can actually have them all sitting there right waiting to go you're starting to see how many how many options we can start having and we're only in a couple of these effects we have ground rise which is the opposite of skydrop [Music] all the same kind of selection in controls here we have implode which implode it's pretty cool it'll it'll kind of fan them out and you can change how far away they fan them out or if they're invisible before they start if they're not invisible for their start that you can see them sitting there in a different location all right so we'll do one last little thing here [Music] and i'll probably leave it to the more advanced animation and really get more into this you get the idea the real basic concept of it i'm going to add another phasing group and this one i'm going to add all these kind of trees back here [Music] i'm not going to worry about selection order and right now they're just with no stagger they just all come at the same time i do like a half stagger you'll start to see some come in or full stagger change the duration so they're coming slower [Music] i could also do skydrop you get the idea now i can independently edit these groups i didn't title them correctly but i can give them whatever unique name i need and keep things organized well that and that's kind of the idea that's how we built that's how the winery animations were built in here the trickiest part is you had to import all of these objects individually and then animate them so if you need to break your sketchup model or whatever model you have into so many smaller pieces to bring them in and animate it it is a lot of work and um that's that's a tricky that's a tricky thing to balance look at uh look at all these pieces coming in here all the bottles [Music] are individual bottles that were brought in as models so that's the effort it takes to break to have everything animate in individually like that otherwise you're going to have a whole chunk of a house animate and it doesn't work that way it does work really well if you happen to have a lot of interior lumion objects or something like trees or or people or cars or furniture because then you can just grab a bunch of them and have them all animate independently otherwise you just have to stack them all that's the big problem of it but i'm gonna leave it at that it's a really really fun and powerful effect that requires definitely some forethought and thinking and planning but it re it results in some pretty incredible effects and and dynamic presentations so that's the phasing effect [Music] all right so i covered a lot of other content like people in objects and cars but i figured we can talk a little bit about fine detail nature here again it's the same idea you search for new and you will get all of the new type of objects now this time i can just give you a hint there's a lot of different types of ferns and some smaller bush yeah let's turn these smaller smaller plants like this that have come along and again i wouldn't be too i wouldn't be too worried about these guys i feel like you can probably add a decent amount of these guys without choking your computer it's the trees that are really rough and we and we got a decent amount of them now i'm not going to sit here and place them all look at them but i will play this b-roll of all of them together the quality is is on par from what it was before which is a very high bar so these all of these trees are super great just be careful with your use of them like always [Music] now i'm gonna move on to a little miscellaneous feature here too that has gotten me a little excited all right so i'm going to select all instances of this of these vines or they these kind of want to be grape vines this is kind of a proxy substitution but one thing that lumion has added in 11 is you go to randomized size this might be too many things to try once okay now [Music] we get a bar showing what percentage difference so if you remember from previous versions you could do a randomized size and then you had like 10 20 and 30 i think and then they just added randomized size and lost that and yeah i missed it so they've brought it back and give you more control over the kind of variations in size for your plants so you're not trying to make them all look the same minor little feature in there really cool another thing i might as well cover while i'm right here is we got a couple more real skies and once i pick this out we'll showcase some pre-rendered shots of them all but i'll show you kind of where they are so before we only had polygon skies so if you see another sky that's not polygon that's a new one so these guys are all new and some of them are some are really impressive so we got quite a few more evening shots a couple more morning shots well quite a bit more overcast shots [Music] actually no new sunset shots it's fine one more clear and i think these are all the same nights as before [Music] so here's a shot with all the different ones definitely worth playing around with i love all the options we already have i'm glad they have more another super tiny little thing i forgot to to mention is when you go to place nature there's now a weeds category so we got a couple more ever motion air motion objects in the form of weeds [Music] hey little fellow is good this is kind of funny we can add weed sword projects so it's a good pack we got [Music] something else we got is the the wind effect has been changed now it's not just a big fat slider now we have wind speed we have wind direction and we even have foliage wind not only there but we do also have it in build mode [Music] you have wind speed and wind direction so in build mode you can watch the trees get blown away so that's that's fun i really like the wind that's always been a big aspect of lumion is this kind of living environment now you can even edit in it especially these fine detail nature [Music] shots all right so this might look familiar this is like a solid which was featured in the lumion 10 release trailer so now we have access to that beautiful scene actually done by someone a friend of mine marco so these have some beautiful great views [Music] and what we're going to talk about is new materials in lumion 11. this is tricky because they're all scattered throughout several new areas and there isn't a new search bar in here but i can give you a hint on where several of them are so if you search in soils and you happen to find some new ones with the d displacements these are pretty much all new stuff at the very end at the higher numbers with displacement are new materials this has been some great new uh carpets let's take a look at some of these carpets [Music] with displacement it's pretty cool [Music] so displacement map you can get more it actually looks pretty decently for a carpet [Music] i definitely know that there there's definitely some new evermotion bricks maybe we should try this on the wall these might be some but oops i just made the floor of that or whatever let's make this serious a new one it's not polygon it's the new ever motion ones here we go so some pretty cool new materials they came in different types of brick there's some cool slate walls and they look better and there we go in the sun [Music] anyways again i'll show some b-roll of um the different materials um they're just kind of scattered everywhere so it's tricky to just kind of run through but they're they're spread out all throughout in here little bits of everything ever motion or d most likely their new materials but you get the idea they're they're continuously adding better more improved textures to the library [Music] um time for some more miscellaneous updates this is super awesome i'm pretty sure you could not do this before but now you can just move keyframes around i i don't think you could do that before so little tiny thing that could save a lot of headaches in a pinch the ability to update things like that [Music] maybe it was just this we could move things around we couldn't do this before you know big deal but these little things can can cause quite some frustrations in the right moment look at that beautiful brick ground [Music] well i think i'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel now on effects i don't want to take too much time on a lot of this but there is one last little thing that i i remember mentioned the uh pertaining to materials lumion let's see this is moderately shiny lumion has revamped the glossiness value now you get a much wider gamut in glossiness ranges will you see it i i think you will but most people care maybe not but it's a it was a little thing that they they added in and if done right usually before one there really wasn't much going on like there wasn't anything going on here before and now you get some more some more play in the lower ends when working with substance and other things i noticed that lumion cuts off really early they seem to fix that all right that is that about it for all of the materials um material i have to cover so that is plenty of new effects uh a lot of them now i'm gonna name off a couple things i'm not really even going to show it says there is improved grass lighting now this is one of those things that i tried to kind of see i would have to have lumion 10 open right next to it but they improve the way the grass reacts to the sun i'll take their word for it and [Music] let's see let's try a daytime shot but they said it it's just one of those minor fixes to help get more realism i'm going to fix the water not too long ago even though i thought the water was just fine but just that little extra effect in there um they did add live sinks for bricks cad i'm not a user of bricks cat but they're continually pushing more of that also they've enabled the ability to do stylized effects inside of the panorama the 360 panoramas previously did not allow very artistic effects they're very limited on what they can do but now we could do some more stylized approaches to 360 images i know a lot of people use these i actually haven't used these in a bit not not because i don't like them i just haven't had the request but i can see the value in them and be able to now have 360 spheres with some more stylized effects so that's all the minor things i can really think of this is a lumion 11 so all right so that concludes the tour features that i wanted to showcase from lumion 11. i hope they helped you out under help you understand and see what these these new effects and new features are how they work so i hope seeing in action and hearing my my thoughts and comments during it was something to help you understand and your big decision whether or not you're going to jump into lumion into lumion 11. um please feel free to leave any comments for questions i'd love to answer any questions you have on there i promise i'll answer any questions i see in the comments i really appreciate you your time and watching this watching these features hopefully you're able to jump to specific features you needed that's a long video all right keep an eye out for my future tutorials until next time bye [Music] you
Channel: CWeltonDesign
Views: 27,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lumion, SketchUp, CweltonDesign, Rendering, V-Ray, Unreal engine, Architecture, Autodesk, Substance, Adobe, Chris Welton, Architectural Visualization, walkthough, details, in-depth, intermediate, advanced, unity, twinmotion, features, overview, free, tutorial, explained, Lumion 11, DX12, Direct X, Ray-tracing, Ray, tracing, phasing, parallel, ortho, content, Lumion 12, tour, release, what's new, effects, fire, RAL, IES, shadows, rain streaks, metallic, trees, people, LiveSync, Blender, OSM, Satellite, textures, poliigon
Id: HIPyIkPq3Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 39sec (4719 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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