What's New in Twinmotion 2022.1 (Preview) [IT'S BIG!]

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hey and welcome to what i think are my most exciting videos to make it's all the update videos and this is twin motion 2022.1 preview it's a preview just remember that it's a preview so before we get into it because there's a lot to get into please demolish that like button because i mean why are you here i mean you like it right i hope so um that also tells me you might have learned something please do that if you learn something because that it helps me out helps me out in multiple ways so getting into it now twin motion 2022.1 preview okay there's a lot here and i'm going to constantly be referencing all the new updates like on the actual release notes and i will leave that in the description below because there's a lot so definitely make sure to look for that in the description so what what are we looking at well immediately i mean immediately there's a few things the toolbar and this is perhaps the biggest update the thing i'm most excited about and that is this grid looking icon here and you might be asking what is that well let me come over here and i'm just going to press the button i'm going to press the button and what is happening well it is essentially quote real time it is technically real time but it is rendering using ray tracing and raytracing is just an advanced way of using your graphics card to actually sample multiple light bounces based on the pixels and whatever you know that's all fine um but what we care about is we actually get some nice looking images and this is still in real time so i can move this and i it re-renders basically so i actually have it on the lowest settings for the purposes of this video and the fact that i want this thing to actually render quickly and see the result so let's actually explore the settings a bit more instead of just saying hey it's cool it's great so there this is a toggle on or off and whenever it's off you know we can see it's all real time normally but it's not the path tracing it's not the raid tracing it's not it's not what we're expecting to see based on that type of rendering so when i do enable it it immediately just starts it's going it's going to render no matter what happens whenever you stop or whenever you do any sort of command after you finish that command it's going to re-render the image now this is good and bad um not necessarily as bad as i'm saying and making it sound to be it's not that bad the only inconvenience is that it will do it every time and so if you're trying to actually work just turn it off like literally just turn it off and then maybe you decide okay well i want to see what this looks like boom really quick it's i mean that was three seconds really quick and that's particularly because i have this on low so there are three different settings and not only that we'll get this progress bar that actually will progress as it is completing the rendering once it completes it's done and i can see that it's not working anymore to get this rendering done so this is on low it's pretty quick if i put this on medium it's going to start taking some time and we see the progress bar going you know there's obviously going to be i'm going to need a lot more detail out of this image and so finally now it is done like right now and you know i don't want to have to wait for this every time i want to move now i can still move and do what i want to do but you can see it's trying to constantly render and that's great i like that it's literally real-time ray tracing renders but i don't want to do that all the time so i'll keep it on low now that's all cool but we haven't explored quite all the settings and i want to show you that before we leave path tracing because this is in my opinion the most exciting addition to 2020.2 so in the burger menu as they would say in the preferences we have actually a number of preferences to look at of course we've got the units the time step but we now have graphic hardware support and this is here's the the big thing now you have to have a video card that supports directx 12. and i believe and just off hand i believe this is all of the rtx or ray tracing cards from nvidia i'm not as familiar with amd cards when it comes to comparing as far and having the capability of doing ray tracing but using the 2000 and 3000 series of nvidia's a baseline you should be able to actually use all these new updates and particularly the path tracing because you have directx 12. so this if you have support and all that this will be checked by default and you'll be able to use path tracing cool cool that's good now finally the path racing i'm not going to go over all of these settings now because i want to do a separate path tracing video because it's there's a lot to look at and we can start to get in more detail in that video but what we're looking at here is really a more in-depth settings of course here preferences for the low medium and high presets that we were just toggling between so typically i'm never going to go to high when i'm trying to work or move around the scene it's just a mess it would take forever we already saw that at medium so i would only probably just go to low as i'm just moving around but maybe medium or high depending on the type of image i'm trying to export and the quality i want but i can see myself never going to medium just kind of going from low to high but really a quick overview these these are basically just resolutions and so we have our samples per pixel basically we're getting the light bouncing around we've got different bounce settings of course if we want the light to bounce more times and basically fill the scene more we'd probably get more ambient light from other tests we can run in the path tracing video itself but then we've got the samples per pixel basically how many times is that pixel going to be sampled and rendered and obviously the higher the number the higher resolution the better it looks all this whatever so again all this is default haven't changed it i would leave this the way it is for now until you start to get a handle of the path tracer cool then we have sky domes oh we're going to get to this so sky dome resolution we now have sky domes within twin motion which again this is probably my second favorite if not tied for first when it comes to improving the quality of not only your scene but your export images and videos um this we've seen these similar settings within the probes resolution uh instead of having an actual number associated to we just see a low medium high again the medium's default not a huge deal other than that we have point clouds again something else we're going to look at there's we bet only option we have is high quality export i haven't tested this out we'll save this for another video but we are going to look at point clouds too so cool we've looked at all this make sure you have directx 12. you're going to use the path tracer and then all these settings cool something i i want to point out is um just remember is that export settings and what you get when you export is different than what you're working with in the the view in the scene here and a great example of that and i'm talking about the path racer but this applies to anything when i have i've got this on low and you can see where my grass is fading it's like you know halfway but as i move the camera we can see that i mean i actually have grass and vegetation all the way around this you know green ring and the thing i want to point out is that the path tracer is responding to what we see in the scene and what we see in the scene is not exactly what would be exported within any sort of export setting so let's i'll show you this here in the preferences we've got this is not new but grass fading i have this at medium but if i put this at far the path racer is going to go again because i have you know a new command new i've moved i've done some sort of setting update but now we can see that my grasp fades farther because i set it to far we would expect that but now the path tracer picks it up but the thing to remember is if i'm exporting with the path tracer instead of just a traditional rendering i would get the grass showing up all the way around which is what i would expect so again all of these settings as far like the grass fade this or that is going to be dependent on what you see in the in the viewport so just be aware of that and make sure if you want to see more of the grass in your exports that it's seen and that you have that setting checked okay moving on now so we we've looked at pathways and for that i'm going to turn this off so we can actually navigate our scene you can see we have a completely different like kind of quality and so that's i think there's a not only different kind of quality that we get from path tracing but just the fact that it's it looks so much better and a little more natural even in the viewport okay so we've looked at path tracing and we can see looking at this toolbar some of the icons have been updated we have the same material picker this is going to do the exact same thing that we're used to it's going to pick the material show it down here whatever that's all fine it's slightly updated but i do want to point you to this little pull out menu which is actually going to include all the normal transform options whether that's you know simply translating rotating or scaling it's gonna they're all gonna be hidden here within this i guess bin you could call it and it's nice when i hit tab it'll still change but it's just uh more visually appealing it makes a little more sense it's not this weird menu anymore so that's cool but we do have a couple of new tools or icons to look at and that includes here we've got the toggle local world axis and then we've got pivot edit this is all interesting and this is going to apply particularly whenever you're trying to place an object and get it located correctly maybe what we'll do is place a decal so i'm going to come over here and i want to actually put this on an angled surface you'll see why here in just a second but i want to put this on an angle surface we could see it yeah it fits nicely right there we don't need this menu and i'm going to take this i'm just going to blow this up a bit so we can see what we're doing so we've got this decal and now i have of course the gizmo that we're all used to using now if i move this around using the basically the center or the origin it's going to snap to the face which is nice and if i move it down to this this face here it's going to it's obviously going to snap to the face which is really good that's nice that's really really helpful but let's say i want to rotate this well i can rotate it just like that and you know it's basically stuck on that x-axis which is not good that's not what i want now the way around that would be to rotate it certainly like it's just a mess but now we don't have to deal with that at all we can come over here to these new icons and we have again toggle local world access you're basically toggling between the local and the world axis so the world axis is everything we see here we've got z straight up and we've got x and y going the other directions but when it comes to a local we have something for a particular object so this object in a sense is local and it's part of the world now what does all that mean well the local gizmo the local basically toggling this axis it can be reset from associating that to the world as in x's z is straight up and you got x and y but what we can do is change this to local and what local does is reassociates in a way the gizmo to the current location the current you know basically where this particular element is in the world and so whenever i click this toggle button you can see that not only did the gizmo move but now whenever i rotate it i can literally rotate it on this axis like on that angle which is perfect that's awesome and you can see my toggle stays because it's a toggle the translate works now now if i move this back and then i try and translate i'm just going to move it in and out of the wall that's not what we want so toggling here i can translate it nicely you can still snap the faces no problem and that's awesome okay fantastic that is really helpful and i'll be honest that's something i didn't even know that i needed uh but we have it now which is great and so one one other thing we want to look at here is when we expand this menu is this pivot edit and when we expand the menu we can see there's a reset and a center pivot okay over here here we go i don't really want to place another decal let's put an object here and it doesn't matter the object but maybe we will place a chair this chair is beautiful we'll place it right there so whenever i click on this we can see that there's there's my gizmo it's at the bottom there and when i i can move it around translate you know this is all fine and the exact same work would work here if i put this on an angled surface and i i actually used the the local versus world it would all work the same whether it's a flat decal or a piece of furniture it doesn't matter okay but something else here we have is we have this pivot edit so we actually have pivot edit which is one icon then we've got center and then reset pivot so i'm going to just click on this pivot edit and we can see that we get little bubbles that show up here at the end and we have the same gizmo that we're familiar with but i can move this around and whenever i move this around the chair or the furniture whatever it is anything it will not move because i'm moving i'm editing the pivot point and so if i move this over here and then i toggle this to be off i'm not i'm basically i'm done pivot editing i can turn this off and then my pivot is now there it's stuck to the object and it's it's there so i love this so much and i don't love it so much for this application like a chair but i do love this for lights specifically lights from revit and light sources and all that if you remember previous videos of trying to get that thing located we can reset this pivot for these lights and so they're not on the ground they're actually where the light source is coming from that's that's fantastic so besides that what do i do now well i can i can decide you know expanding this menu to center the pivot and the best from what i can tell and this might change if we have multiple objects or if there's multiple objects within one true element i guess you could say this center or reset would actually appear to be different so right now the center and actually resetting it is just going to put it at the center and that's fine that's not a big deal i mean that's just something to know it's basically the center is probably going to be the reset point but that could be completely wrong you know if if for some reason your object comes in and this the pivot point's there just by default then you might want to actually center it but if you actually reset it it might move back you know it's that's something to be aware of uh based on the current location and where you want it to be and everything so maybe what we want to do um obviously this is we can really any object can do this which is great and that's really cool we can do that with any object it doesn't have to be just chairs or furniture decal whatever it could be absolutely anything but something i did want to do is come back to these decals and again it doesn't matter which one we're going to use this one is perfectly fine so if we using this decal something i wanted to show is that you know we can toggle the local the world so if i go ahead and place this here i can see that my it's set right now to world because this is you can see that it's facing the gizmo is facing straight up but i can also just have the set to local and we can see it's actually it's coming right off we can see it's responding to the angle that it's set to which is really cool so it can be set that way by default just based on this toggle on or off and see so putting it there i'm already on my local and i can just move it around there move it to another axis boom easy i like this it's very simple uh yet not something i really knew that i wanted okay now the fun part another fun part so finally let's look at skydome skydome's awesome stuff that the quality you're about to see so when we expand the library we can see we have a new icon it's skydome cool we can also find skydomes if we come over here to our settings and then lighting and there is skydome here at the left a brand new completely new tool and everything cool so let's click on skydome and already we have a lot to choose from which i'm excited about we've got morning and afternoon and not only within morning afternoon we have clear cloudy and overcast then we've got noon and we've got the same clear cloudy overcast low sun same deal so we've got tons to choose from you're basically going to find whatever you need if the sun is up the only thing i can say right off the bat is that i don't see night which obviously the lighting would have to change significantly and respond pretty significantly if we chose a knight skydome that's beside the point right now we don't need to go into that so let's go ahead and just choose a noon and then maybe it's cloudy all of these sky domes look at this there's so many and this is just yeah the previews are great because you can see the full sky and not only can you see the full sky but you can see it basically through glass and responding to a mirror and then a solid like 100 rough object how it's responding so you can you literally get to see everything that you want to as far as objects responding to the sky it's really cool it's smart and easy to use i like this okay so let's say we we like these well we have to download these just like we do other objects from quicksilver whatever not a huge deal once you're signed in not a huge deal again it's free just do this it's going to be associated to this project and you're good to go so while that downloads we can come over here and we can turn sky domes on that's the first thing we need to do we turn it on and it's going to load and this is like a one-time load once it loads and because it's a static thing which is cool okay so like we've loaded one in cool but there's it looks decent looks pretty good you know the clouds obviously everything looks better but the main thing is that like everything looks like it's more related to the sky because that's kind of the point of the sky domes the sky and and the sun are now related along with the lighting it's kind of all together like you would expect so within skydome let's go to more and maybe we want to change this to our noon cloudy well i just i'll just drag that in and it's going to update it and once it updates it we can start going through some of these settings really quickly i'm not going to go through them all because i will create a separate review for sky dome because there there's a decent amount to it but immediately we can see that there's an intensity which it's going to be similar to exposure but it's the intensity of the sky to itself so this is nearly loaded there we go it's like look at this this looks so nice and it's fairly cloudy it's a nice cloudy day there's the sun so the coolest part of sky domes is that it we can match the sun by default just by clicking match sun when i uncheck that we can see that my lighting gets all weirded up because i've got a sun up here and my sun from my sky dome is somewhere else and i don't know where it is but we basically want to match the sun and so let's just see what happens when we move the time of day well in fact nothing because it's a sky dome it's static it's stuck so that's one disadvantage another thing we can do is rotate it which is great if you didn't need to adjust your your shadows or anything like that or make sure you're hitting the right time of day getting the sun in the right location all that skydome affects lighting which you kind of want to by default because the sky dome is kind of the light it's the sun it's all associated and then we've got smog you know all that again there's tons of different things here and then finally when we go back into the settings or the preferences looking at the sky dome resolution this is just it's what we're used to seeing with the probes you've got a view port and an export option i i like to keep probably the viewport lower but the export i'm probably always going to put that at high just like the pros resolution i'm probably always going to max out at 10 24. i just want the highest quality when i export so cool easy stuff looks really nice and i'd say that this along with the patch racing dramatically increases everything that you might want to do as far as producing renderings it's just beautiful stuff and so when we go back to lighting there's my sky dome i can simply turn that on and off with the toggle easily right there i like it and when we come back to our settings we see our we have a brand new button as well which this again this is all associated to the path racer we've got the path tracer here i can turn it on here or i can turn it on down there but whenever i turn it on there's tons of settings and again i'm not going to go through all of these settings in this video because we'd lose our minds it'd be way too long but there's a lot here and not only are there just like quality settings that we can adjust between low medium high but all of these so let's let's turn this off before we get like too overwhelmed and finally let's take a look at point cloud so if you're not familiar with point clouds they use it's basically light radar lidar and people use lasers to scan areas and it could be any object it could be like a person it could be a building generally in architecture we see that a lot for gaining the existing conditions or as built conditions of a space so you can literally model and measure based on what's existing and that's really helpful so what i've done i've downloaded just a sample parking lot like it's nothing fantastic it's not it's not mine i just found it and so it's going to be just like any other import we're going to come over to import i'm going to click import and now we have geometry delete direct link landscape like we've always had but now we have point cloud which is cool it's just another thing that we can import we've got different file types here but i've just got this parking lot and again this is not my parking lot i don't know but i'm going to click import it's going to take a second to import and we will actually get to interact with the point cloud and so what i can see happening is that i'll have my point cloud for an existing portion of the project and then i'll have my design my architecture however that is responding to what's existing and i will be able to work with them both together view them both together within twin motion and we can go from there so just by default it throws it all the way the bottom and i'm going to click click the parking lot and also press f and it's going to take me there and you know it's a long ways away i don't know how this model icon i don't know how all of this was set up but it was set up way over here that's fine not a big deal so when we get here we can see that the quality isn't that great and i'm not saying that it was it is great i'm not saying that yours would look just as good i don't know i really don't know um we can start to get an idea of some of the places they were standing uh we could see that you know the ground here looks pretty good but whenever you get behind this bush we've lost the data base because the laser did not get to the other side so this looks kind of absurd mainly because the quality is pretty bad but you can see some of their survey points here there's literally a laser right there people cars like it picks up everything but i'm going to zoom in on some of these trees and we can see that what we're actually working with so they're just a bunch of squares and i don't know you can look at this and see well this is kind of stupid this looks ridiculous well i will say the quality here is very low it's not that great but you can start to see how this can be useful whenever we're comparing and and using existing versus new and then finally look at the settings we can change this point size basically we can increase this or not i don't this doesn't do a whole lot for me like this doesn't actually improve the quality it just makes it more blocky um we can have it cast shadows or not we can change these to circles i not a huge deal but the cool thing i guess this is cool i don't know i might want to try and find a better looking one but i'll save that for like the actual point cloud video in the future but we can actually walk on it like it's literally a surface so i can put this on pedestrian mode and i can walk around uh you know basically this is just serving to give us and like show us the scale of a space which is interesting obviously be aware if i walk over here i'll follow my death but you know this isn't bad for something you know brand new it's a new feature we can look at these point clouds in here before we have to be looking at this in revit and like comparing it with in revit which is what exactly what i would do because i need to model things in revit and get things like worked out and and matching dimensionally but i can bring that in here too but that's fine we will save this for another video but that is point clouds and of course if we look at our preferences again all the way at the bottom we can choose high quality export if we want not that i necessarily need to but it's there if you want to do that on top of that we've got lots of new assets which is always nice like you you'll scroll through and see some more new ones uh we've got of course new quixlex assets which are really nice so the high quality models that you can always get into new furniture all of this like it's all it's it's fine it's it's kind of what we'd expect to see with the new release more assets you kind of get that with any program and it's nice to see we do have in the exports we have panorama set which is really nice because maybe you wanted to create five i think it's five up to like a hundred that you could put into a panoramic set you could so you could have any number up to 100 in a panorama set and all this is going to allow is that we have multiple exports that fall into one set and so whenever you you actually have those within the cloud i can then send an entire set as opposed to like single panoramas to a client or other designers in the cloud so very nice and the way the cloud will work now is that i'll just end up copying a link and they can view it that way you can share it that way i think there's an optional password if you want things like that and finally i'm not going to show this update because there's quite a lot more that goes into it but with the edition of 2020.2 we one new feature which i think this this might turn out to be one of the most underrated i don't know how much i'll utilize this but it is within the direct link so first of all when it comes to importing all of the settings between the direct link and i believe like view into emotion all of those basically data smith and just direct link out of revit all of those settings are going to be the same so you're not going to have to work between one or the other depending on which type of importer you're using but besides that with data smith now if you're using data datasmith i'd recommend you do that because it's i think the quality is so much better and the ease of it and the actual extra functionality is nice but besides that we actually are going to get a csv file or you know excel or spreadsheet whatever that is or can be associated to your model and that is uh basically revit to emotion kind of working together and this is basically to be a report of all of the objects that you have in the entire model along with their associated materials and the nice thing is that if you decide well i want every single one of these objects to be this material you can update that in the csv or in the excel file and then whenever you're direct linking into twin motion you can have that file associated to it and i'll leave the link to all this in the description below because there's a lot to it but the main thing we can see here is if we go to file that the new really the new thing here to look at is we have export all libraries okay well if we do that and i come over here to i just i'll call this test we'll download this and i will open this file and it's a ridiculous file i mean you can see this um it's showing all my materials and like ids associated with to them um all of these objects but the thing is that all these objects do have like actual two motion materials to them so what i can do is i if i decide well you know i want all of these tiles to have this material i can update this csv file and then i can actually load that in with my model so again i'm gonna save this for another video there's a lot to it but basically it's going to allow you to better manage what objects receive which materials not only like just for your viewing purposes but for like actually setting them you can like set it prior to going into a motion and then kind of back and forth between revenue to emotion uh updating that csv file as you need to based on the elements that come out of revit so really cool stuff this is a long video i do apologize for the link and then we for every like little new feature that we're probably going to have a separate video for because there's a lot more that we can look at in greater detail which is what i like to do that's what we do on this channel we don't just glaze over everything and that's kind of what this video is so i apologize for the glazing but in future videos we are going to look at these in greater detail because i think that's really important so if you're new here maybe consider demolishing that like button if you learned something definitely demolish that like button it tells me that you might have learned something or that you might just like the video so welcome if you're new and that'll do it for this one we will see you in the next twin motion video there's going to be a lot more clearly there's a lot to look at so thank you very much for spending your time here hopefully you learned something and i will see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Architecture Vanguard
Views: 6,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twinmotion, twinmotion 2022.1, twinmotion 2022, twinmotion 2022.1 preview, twinmotion what is new, new in twinmotion, new features is twinmotion
Id: oa86i0_n2Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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