What's New in Lumion 10 - Live Webinar

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all right how's it going out there I'm Mike Brightman and today i'm i'm with lumion and we are going to take a look at Loom beyond 10 so believe it or not there has been 10 versions of lumion released we just got lumion 10 and i couldn't be more psyched about the new features so in today's webinar we're gonna go through all of the new features but I'm gonna do it in such a way where I'm gonna work through just kind of a typical workflow that I use and I'm gonna call out the new features as I go and also offer up some tips and tricks along the way so let me get myself off the screen there and yeah let's get rendering I've got my chat panel up and if if you guys out there it always helps to know if you just give me a shout on the chat panel let me know that you can hear me okay so so lumion 10 lots of improvements here let's just kind of hit some of the highlights here for just a moment we've got it's kind of a new interface happening or not a new interface but more of like a refined interface so the Start screen has been improved we can now import our models when we start a new new template we have some new layer scenarios going on we have bigger thumbnails we have the object libraries we can hide it away so there's a handful of new refinements to the interface that's nice not like a complete overhaul but just getting better and better also some of the big new features are like the fine detail nature those new trees and plants are absolutely gorgeous so I'm gonna show you how those look good in the foreground of your rendering some other big big new features will be like that high quality preview I can't tell you how how much that has changed my workflow of just being being able to click in the preview window and see what I'm gonna get so that's a super cool new feature in lumion 10 in previous versions of lumion you'd have to like render out a test shot and then check it and then render a test shot tweak it back and forth with lumion 10 you just click in the preview window and you see what you're going to get so we have some nice new real skies more new objects new displacement mapping so let's get to it we have a lot of new features to cover so we're gonna start with just hopping through and working through the workflow so let's do that nice hearing me loud and clear I like to hear that so alright so here we are inside of lumion 10 and this is our new start screen alright so you know you got your familiar things like your computer speed something you should take note of is that we do have a brand new example scene that's the villa van manon and we've got a lot of nice tutorials on that on that example model and lots of stuff you can follow along with so definitely check that one out and that is the the model we're going to work with today but this is the example one you can get in there and click around I'm gonna make my own also keep in mind that our news and learnings section while maybe this isn't completely overhauled this is just an important thing for you to be aware of this is always updating and changing so be sure to check back here and take a look at these different news and learning and online tutorials this is how you get really good at lumion alright so I'm gonna click on new now when I click on new this is a new screen so you can see that we do have our six scenarios going on here we have like our plane but then we have a forest environment we have a tropical environment we have our mountain range in our suburban environment so we have some new some new templates that actually have a bunch of vegetation already loaded in and so that's kind of a nice way to start if you just need a background just to hit go these these new environments are pretty handy for that but check out this button I'm gonna click select model and I need to navigate over to my let's see we're gonna go with presentations new and lumion ten and here's my villa van man in Sketchup model I'm gonna choose my model right here on my Start screen and that way when I click my template it's gonna load it up for me so this is kind of skipping the entire steps of live syncing or importing your model so that's that's kind of a nice new feature it's gonna dump that Villa van man skp model at zero zero zero so give that just a moment to get in there and then we're gonna orbit around and take a look perfect alright so check this out you know the Sketchup model is dumped into my plain environment looking pretty good and if I click on that model you can always see your type in dimensions and you can see that our position is at zero zero zero we're in good shape okay so while we're here at build mode I want to call out some some new some new features in build mode and so we really have like an expanded environment happening and so let's let's hop over here I'm sorry I'm getting ahead of myself let me let me deselect this and we're gonna we're gonna talk about some improved materials so the way that the workflow goes with lumion is you build your Sketchup model you build your Revit model Rhyno any of these different modeling programs you create those models and then you import into lumion and i have a very specific formula that i follow every time when i'm building building my scenes in lumion and it starts with texturing and then I move to adding objects and then I move to adding effects and that goes with my stills animations virtual tours virtual reality so what I want to talk to you about now though is the improved materials so that's like the first step your your model gets in here it doesn't look that great it looks kind of cool and we got our nice background and we have some nicer shadows maybe but we don't have nice materials so let's take a look at materials and just to kind of give a once-over on on the materials that are new in in lumion 10 we have 133 new displacement map materials now those now those I'm pretty sure those were displacement maps added to previous materials but the whatever it is the displacement map displacement slider it gives us extreme sense of three dimensionality on any of your textures we also have 34 new materials and we have a new custom materials library so let's do let's get to texturing this model and I'm gonna call out these new features okay so inside of lumion here let me just get some better sunlight happening on my on my model here and I'm gonna go to my material editor and now of course as I move my cursor around I can click on any of these different materials and let's start like with this brick here or this stone so in lumion you have the ability to either swap out textures or you know replace the textures with lumion properties so i'm gonna make this into i'm gonna go to outdoor and then choose bricks okay now if i take a look around here see these are all just those regular lumion materials but if i start clicking down the line check this out the displacement map materials have ad icon in the bottom right corner alright so as i hover around through these you can see that each one of these is a different displacement map material and i did find a pretty nice brick here at the end i like this one i'll click on that and we can kind of zoom in a little bit and get a good shot of that alright so check it out if i double click on any one of these materials I can edit it and then you can see that we have this displacement map slider alright so we can kind of push that bricks three dimensionality in and out super cool like the the you know this is much more than like adding the normal maps and all that we get so much more just complete three-dimensional displacement here okay so maybe what I'll do then on this brick is just work it a little bit I'm gonna go with oh we'll head over to our weathering and you know you can dial up your weathering a bit and try some different weathering effects you know sometimes like plastic on brick can look all right to you know just to get a little bit of a scuff going on is nice maybe I'll add some foliage just just for the just for the heck of it here so we'll add our spread we'll bring our leaf size down we'll adjust our leaf type and of course I can bring my ground level if I hold shift I can make like a much more precise or sub adjustment and so that way we get just a little bit I don't know maybe that doesn't make sense on that brick but point is you can you can modify your brick alright and I'll check okay so now we've saved those changes so our displacement mapping we'll look at some more displacement map materials but before I do that let's let's hop over here and look at some more displacement mapping all right sorry let's take a look at like this bike path over here and we'll go with like click here and go with various and then we have soil so I've found that the displacement mapping really kicks in on some of these like soil and you know you can really see like the the three-dimensionality happening there let me scoot over and maybe we'll use this as a better example and go to various and soil and take a look at some of these three-dimensional soil maps like this one has footprints in it the sand is so cool and if I double click on the sand you can really see that displacement map being happening so I mean you know you can actually sculpt your sand a bit you know you can still do that like in your 3d modeling program so you can give it the the waviness but you don't have to model all those little divots the displacement mapping takes care of that for you so I found this to be really powerful new feature you know it's in my in my experience with it so far is that the while it is exceptional for brick and a lot of the other textures but the the reality that it brings the realism it brings to the different ground cover materials has been the most exciting thing in my opinion so I definitely click around and check those out you can always find your displacement mapping materials because they do have this D next to them and you know make sure you click through those sub tabs too because there's a lot of options in here just tons of options alright so we've added some displacement mapping but I want to go back and take a look at this brick that I worked on alright so like let's say I've got this brick now you know I added some weathering to it and now I want to keep it for for use later well we have this new custom materials library so I can save this to my custom materials and I'm gonna just name this MB brick like that and I'll say okay so now that material has been saved to my custom materials library so I can now access that custom materials library inside of this model or in my next project I can go and I can use these different materials so let me show you how to do that I'm gonna head over here to this other kind of stack I mean this looks like brick to me and let's make it brick alright so I'll click I'll go to my custom materials library so this is a new feature here custom materials and then here you can see I have my MB brick and I can just click to assign the exact same brick with the exact same properties I don't need to copy and paste the properties I don't need to save the material out and load the material in it's a very streamlined way of creating materials that you like and then reusing them wherever you want to all right let's see what else we have so I think we're good to go on on materials of course I don't think I can ever do any demonstration in lumion without just quickly talking about 3d grass that's just my absolute favorite thing about lumion is that 3d grass not new and lumion ten but certainly worth noting that the 3d grass and lumion is absolutely spectacular so anyways let's load up a material set I've I've already got this model all textured and kind of taken care of so I can just load a material set and that way the models gonna look the way I want it to look and we can start to add some objects and kind of move on so if you're not familiar with the material sets this is a great trick so these these buttons up here material sets if you get a lot of your kind of default textures taken care of save it as a material set because then you can just load it every single time so it basically like paths together the material name with the properties in lumion so that's a function worth exploring to save yourself some time okay so let's let's take a look now at some of the expanded environments inside of lumion 10 and when I say expanded environments I'm talking about two things we're gonna talk about real skies in build mode and we're also going to talk about the OSM height maps so let's hop into lumion again and take a look so I'll check okay here and let's see we're gonna go over to our weather tab so the environments in Lumi I mean that's that's the strength of lumion is that you have the ability to craft your environment so we have this new real skies in build mode so the the real skies were previously only available in the in the effects in the camera and animation studios and all that but now in build mode I can choose from all these different real skies so you've picked your time of day or your kind of sky scenario whether you want like a nice sunset going on look at that that's perfect real skies in build mode click on that tab again we can go to clear I usually opt for a clear day when I'm working and don't discount the night real skies we're gonna get there these aren't great for for for modeling or crafting you're seen in build mode in my opinion maybe we will switch over to those and you know when we look at the night sky renders but yeah I suppose if you're adding lighting these would be super handy so but what I was gonna say is that like I don't typically use the night skies for working on my scene but they are absolutely spectacular when you render them alright so let's pick like I'm gonna go with a cloudy day and we'll just pick kind of like a bright sunny cloudy day and then of course you adjust the direction so we have real skies in build mode all right now the other big big improvement is on our OpenStreetMap tab so this is on the landscape tab under OpenStreetMap we click the power button and turn it on so we have the ability to now import these height maps so we bring in real-world terrain right inside of loom all right so to do that I'm gonna I'm gonna click on this pick GPS coordinate and then I'm gonna type in I did find a site what is it just just north of Napa in California it was kind of a nice rolling hill and some mountains in the background so you type in your location you can do a search and then down here at the bottom while that's loading you can turn up your osm range I'll mess with that again and the real important piece of this is this button right here which says right now it says do not download height maps but we're gonna check that on and then we're gonna actually download those height maps so I'm just got to get this guy it's kind of taking a moment to refresh that map I'm gonna be patient let's see I'm gonna scoot this a little bit it's hard for me to be patient on these let's see all right we're just gonna hit start OS em download we weren't getting our preview in the map but that's okay we're gonna see now the OSM download happens and then i'm sorry i do need to download our height maps all right so I checked that download height maps button on I'll go with start our download and here comes my terrain all right now let's let that crank for just a moment and then you can see that like this shifts and check that out I've got all these rolling hills and mountains in the background that is absolutely fantastic and these are realistic you know these are cold from real-world data so here's a tip for you though what I don't love about this import is this kind of land use circle that happens so what I've found is I just turn off these check boxes so I turn off my water my earth and my land use and what that leaves behind my buildings and roads I think that's cool I'm okay with leaving those intact but um you know so now it's it it just has a more natural feel I think and so if I'm gonna use this feature I would turn those off but keep in mind you know you can go all the way like if you've imported your roads you can turn those off and turn off your buildings too but we're gonna leave our roads and our buildings checked on alright so now you know what I would probably do is just adjust my my model just a bit and move that up above my my lumion landscape and so now you know check that out again we'll just kind of do like a quick circle around here and you can see any rendered shot of this house is gonna have a beautiful realistic backdrop so that is the new OS m height maps inside of lumen alright that looks good so let's now you know the next step after you know we've we've textured our model we've crafted our environment and now it's time to add objects and there's a lot to talk about with objects in lumion 10 so as usual there's new objects there's always new objects and and that's exciting there's 364 new objects and we're gonna look at some of the nature objects specifically the fine detail nature so we do have 62 new fine detail nature objects and those those nature objects are just so just I don't what's the best way fine detail I mean the name says it all that it's like every leaf is shaking the texturing and the just the depth of the textures everything about them is so much more realistic so they do work really well in the foreground of your scene I'm gonna show you how that works some other improvements and new features in line with objects is that we have a paint placement tool so now we can just like paint our trees and our rocks and our logs and shrubs onto our model it makes it super easy to craft that entire context environment we also have large thumbnails and the ability to collapse the collapse the the library viewer and also there's been some subtle improvements to the layering dialog so let's get to it let me see here just checking my notes and yeah let's hop into lumion and take a look at objects in lumion 10 okay so first thing I would do here is I would probably just start by looking at the paint placement tool I mean it's just so powerful let's go to nature and I'm gonna pick a tree and I gotta be honest you know the the library in lumion I mean it's grown like at this point there's I I think the final count was 5758 objects in lumion that's pretty outstanding and you know I I mean I was already very satisfied with the nature library and just keeps growing so as far as I can tell you know we wouldn't sorry we have conifers we have broadleaf we have palm trees each one of these has several sub tabs if you're not familiar with the lumion library its expansive it is huge so look at all of these sub tabs I mean tons of trees so it seems to me that you know I'm the landscape architect but you know some a tree like this looks like something might grow in California we'll go with it all right so like you know you can just click to place a tree you know that's possible but this new you know this new I'm gonna go with a bigger size on this maybe let's see I just want to pick a bigger tree that we can really use to craft our environment here that's almond tree could work I think these Elms are more in line with what I'm looking for so we're gonna go with an elm okay so I've picked an elm tree of course you can like click to place those elm trees that's that's old news this button is new paint placement when I click on paint placement I now have this like brush that it's kind of similar to those landscape tools and I'm gonna back the density down I like to go down maybe like 2.6 and watch this you just click and drag and just dump all these trees into your model it's so easy just to like scatter those trees and then I can go and hit any race and I can kind of like thin the and just like you know get rid of some of these trees to make it look a little bit more natural and spread out so the ability to just paint all of these different trees in there makes it so easy to craft this entire environment let's do it again I'll switch back to paint select an object and as I click and drag you know I can kind of like scribble around a little bit that looks good we'll pick another one let's just kind of march down the line and I'll pick a few that I think might look good in here maybe some of these in the foreground like that and you know you can even kind of work in over here let's see keep going down the line this big leaf maple that's kind of a nice big tree like this like that alright and then when I use my eraser tool you know if I want to thin out it's only thinning the tree that I'm on alright and it doesn't matter if I if I placed that tree with you know like this I'm on this big leaf maple to XL RT now if I place those manually like one at a time I could still use the paint placement to thin them out but it's only responding to that one tree right now all right so let's just kind of zoom down in and take a look and you know really the goal here is to just get the environment to look more natural so that like when I take these shots I mean that's gonna be great with the mountains or the hills in the background lots of trees kind of blocking that horizon line and it's only until I get over here that like you know I'm kind of empty on this side but honestly I mean that's no big deal too like it's pretty easy I could just use like I'll check okay and you know maybe I was just like grab a handful of these trees and hold alt and make a copy of them let's see if I can do that I'll just try and grab a handful of these guys and oh and I want to freely move them not up and down so I'm gonna do a free move over here and see if I can just you know copy a handful of those like that so looks good you know so that I can just kind of keep working these around that's sometimes a good way if you just need to kind of do a quick cheat get some more trees in there we're in good shape all right let me see here okay and I think I did copy those once um yeah that's fine we'll leave those alone and deselects all right so we're in good shape now we've got our our trees crafted all right so now let's take a look at our fine detail nature trees these are a separate collection if I go to place and then over here on my object library we can see fine detail nature this is a new object category and you know you same deal you hover around and you know this actually uh you know if I just go and find a tree let's see I like the chestnut is a decent tree I know we always find our favorites here and all right so if I've kind of positioned this I can hold L and that's a shortcut to kind of resize it and I couldn't hold our and I can like rotate it around get the look I want and click to place it now take note that when you are placing these fine detail nature objects we do not have the option to paint place and I'll tell you why because these trees are so so detailed in we don't want to dump a ton of these into our model because they do slow down render times a little bit you know that's kind of our disclaimer but I haven't seen a big impact on performance as long as you're not just like dumping a forest of these fine detail nature objects you're gonna be just fine use them in the foreground and it will really dial up the realism of your landscape and your landscape context let me add some more I'm just gonna click through here take a look at some of the other ones here's like sweet chestnut we'll kind of use this over here maybe that'll go like in the side yard and what else do we have some of these like ghost gum that's kind of neat a different shrub Wilkin thing and we'll put one over on this side too and let me just get soom in on that one like look at these like each is like flickering and I mean the amount of animation and detail and movement is pretty spectacular alright so we've got a couple of those in there and let me see what else we can do I'm gonna go back to place and just work through this again and I think we do have the option with a couple shrubs and yeah here's like some fine detail plants so these are real nice too again using these in the foreground of your scene like this and so I'll just place just a couple of those right here like that looks good and what else do we have in the shrub region plants it's kind of a cool grass yeah so lots of options be sure to dig around in that fine detail nature library and place those in the foreground of your scene don't fill the whole background of your scene with fine detail nature objects that that would slow you down so we want to be moving fast and honestly you wouldn't even get the benefit of it you know I mean probably the first instinct is to like just use the fine detail nature because they're better but if the trees way way back off in the distance I mean you're not gonna see it anyway so just use the standard nature objects which already look spectacular okay so you may have noticed that my thumbnails are pretty nice there I've got like these nice the thumbnails and the ability to hide let's talk about that first the thumbnails are in your settings use large thumbnails that's on all right so we're good if we're off you know these are the kind of old thumbnails that we used to have so and you know some people like that and that's okay go for it if that's your thing I do like the new thumbnails so I'm gonna turn those on that's in your settings all right so now we have these large thumbnails and a new feature of the object library is the ability to hide so that way you can kind of get that library out of your way for a moment and then it's easy just to click on that thumbnail and get it back so just some kind of workflow tweaks on how to make it easier to kind of get to get to the object that you like alright let's see and then um you know one other object that's kind of cool it's it's new in lumion ten is a landscape cutter now you can see here we have like a pool in the backyard and I'm just gonna you know I'm I'm not really experiencing the problem that this this fixes so I'm gonna make the problem I'm gonna use the height tool and I'm gonna raise my my ground here just a bit and let's see if I can just get like my terrain to come up here there it goes alright so let me undo that that was a bit much and there we go alright so see how the grass is showing up in the bottom of the pool well that just happens because lumion z-- landscape you know it's it's like coming up the models kind of buried in there so check out this new tool that fixes this so I can go to my objects under utilities and I can choose cut alright and now you can even see what it's doing it's like eliminating the lumion landscape so whenever you have like a pool or a basement you can just place this in here and I can stretch it and see it just gets rid of the grass in the pool so that that's kind of a nice fix there you know there's some workarounds previously on how you could like you know paint the landscape and push the landscape down they were workarounds this is like a tool that directly addresses that issue so that's pretty cool that's a new feature in lumion 10 and you can have to landscape cutters at the same time alright so let's see one last comment about our object library is if I go over to place mode and let's see let's just go to like our car collection this is super cool I can go to the search window and I can type in new so I'm just gonna type new into the search panel and this shows me what's new in this collection so I can tell you that you know making tutorials and kind of you know always like what is new I just want to know the latest and greatest so like you know this is the easiest way to find out what's new in bloom what are the new objects just type new into the into the object library and so for any of these different objects like if I go to outdoor and click search and then type new will get a different collection so these are all new models in lumion 10 pretty cool all right let's um let's place some cars though I'm gonna go out here and let's see let's go something more modest I think something like that you know whenever you're placing these objects I think it's always a good reminder to to remember the keyboard shortcuts the keyboard shortcuts are showing up and the the bottom right corner of your screen place on terrain random size not so much for cars and height either but like rotate and color our killers so rotate I can just hold our and then I can tap see and it will toggle through different colors I mean that's super handy and I mean oftentimes I just kind of like make all my cars either black or grey or white anyway but the ability does tap see and get a random color without having to think too hard about it it's pretty nice I've got my landscape kind of goofing up here I'm gonna fix that right there all right okay so that's um that's kind of everything though I want to talk just a bit about our new layers all right so that's another improvement in lumion 10 is our layers up here you can see that it's just become a little bit easier to manage these layers and know exactly what's going on with your layers so like when I select an object I now can like choose its layer here you know sign it to a different layer and then you know that layer visibility is controlled up here also we have this ability to automatically hide the layer button so you know maybe you just want your layers to always be on like if you're actually working with your layers you know extensively adding objects and moving between layers I think it's a good idea to let your layers be beyond and and then your current active layer in my opinion is is a lot clearer you know it's just you pick a layer to be on and you know it wasn't like before I understood it and I got used to it but I think that anyone coming in the door is gonna find that our layering system has been improved drastically in lumion ten all right okay so you know we're getting somewhere we've got some of these new features going on we've we're moving we're moving fast getting our scene populated but that's what lumion is all about is the ability to get something out the door right away like in an hour that's that's what I love about lumion so let's get over into our effects and start pushing something that that we can actually print and deliver to a client so in women 10 we do have some new effects there's the real skies at night there's aurora borealis and then there's photo matching and AI artist style so all of those are pretty cool new effects I'm gonna show you where they all are and we'll demonstrate a handful of them the other thing about the effects that I think is the it seems so so I don't want to say it's insignificant but it's like such a small tweak the high quality preview the ability to do that I'm sure it took a lot to make happen but it's such a small thing that I now use over and over and over again and I'm going to show you how high-quality preview is going to drastically expedite your workflow of getting to the result that you want much quicker so let's take a look alright so inside of lumion I'm gonna hop back over into my photo studio and of course you know whenever I'm doing exterior shots I always double click on that focal length and type like 35 and then you know it's just a higher focal length kind of flattens out that elevation I think it makes it look a little bit better let's get some of our our Hills in there into this shot so maybe something like that is cool and I'll just set up a handful of shots here like this and you know again I want to get some of those like rolling hills going on in the background since we did import those and maybe we can do like a close-up shot with the our fine detail nature you know so that's really what I'm getting at is like keep those those fine detailed nature plants in the foreground okay so check this out the easy button this I forget when Stiles came out it was like maybe two versions ago three versions ago but styles are truly the easy button you click on a custom style you choose say for instance realistic and now I'm going to click in my preview window and check it out it automatically updates and it gives me a much better idea of how this this is gonna look in a final render so see what see what I mean when I orbit around and then when I let go and click it's gonna render a preview so that's the new high quality preview and you get a much better idea I mean you can like zoom in on things you know like get real up close and then say like alright let's let's render that one and you start to really understand like how the skylight effect and exposure and some of these effects that used to like be a little mysterious you know they would kind of like come into play after you render not in the real time preview it makes it much easier to understand those so I'm gonna hop back to this view and we're gonna go to our real skies and change our heading like that and so now you know we get our nice clean preview and let's just render a shot just to see what this is all about I'm gonna kick this out at 1920 by 1080 I'm gonna send it to my desktop and my temp folder and I'm gonna call this image 1 will just overwrite the one I've got in there so lumens ability you know it's just so fast so easy to make these renderings happen you can see the ability to get something out the door in seconds that that was not possible just a couple years ago or it's not possible in a lot of other programs let me open that folder and I'll hit enter and that's gonna open that image and I mean that's a pretty nice rendering for very little effort and very little time alright so remember this is the easy button you just click on a style and adjust the real sky and hit render so that's the easy button but maybe we'll spend a little bit more time on the next one and let's check out this view and maybe it will like you know click through and actually craft some of the some of the using some of the new effects and all right so let's set up a night scene all right so now for the night scene I I do want to kind of reposition my camera just a little bit you know if we're gonna use these real skies at night I'm gonna do another camera over here and I want to just be able to like look up at the sky of it and maybe I'll like back this focal length down a bit you know get something a little more dramatic where we're catching like a lot of that sky all right so that's pretty cool all right so here's here's our new real skies at night so I'm just gonna add that effect and we'll go to sky and go to real skies all right so now we can click on the thumbnail here to select a different real sky of course I forget there's like 50 real skies some some amount but a lot of options here like that and we get to night now these night real skies I'm just gonna give you a heads up they it looks really cool right now but it looks so much better when it renders and even on the preview you know like even when you're previewing these they still don't do it justice so let's just take a look real quick and render this it should render super fast if I just render out I'm just over right image 1 and I just want to see that real sky at night and get an idea of like how fine that detail is so I mean even the preview is not giving us a you know a perfect version of that real sky at night so keep in mind yes it's it's really awesome but it gets even better once you render all right so here's the problem I don't have any lights in here I don't know I need to get you know the focus is not the sky while I do love this image and I love these new real skies at night the focus should be on my project and on my architecture so we need to add some lights now lighting can be tricky but late I've found that there's kind of a quick cheat all right so it seems to me that in lumion there's always like you know a couple different ways to do things so you can do like you know the the super fast way that just gets you a result like immediately or you know if you have some more time and and you want to spend some time thinking about and polishing you can do that so we're gonna go with kind of this lighting cheat that I've been using a little bit lately and I'll show you what that's all about it's using Omni lights and just a couple spots and we're gonna get some some nice light cast on this project and I think it's gonna look really good for our real skies at night so let's do that I'm gonna hop back into build mode and get this thing taken care of all right so we'll go to build mode and in build mode I'm not gonna use my real skies right now I just want to bring down the Sun because I'm gonna place some lights and I want to be able to see where I'm placing them so if I just kind of go to this dusk I'll be in good shape all right so the first thing I want to do is gonna get inside the house and we're gonna place some Omni lights all over the house now I'll go to place I'll choose lights from my category and then I'm gonna hold H this is another one of those shortcuts where I can lift it up oh sorry I want an omni light so we're gonna go with an omni light here okay I'll hold H and you can adjust the height of that Omni light all right so as I move it around you can kind of see that it starts to glow now on the lights are a special kind of light they don't cache shadows they just push light so this is just going to kind of brighten up our our room here so I'm just gonna go through the rooms and drop in a handful of omni lights and I really don't have to be too careful as long as they're like you know not right on a wall it should give a nice you know cast like a nice even light so then I'll just kind of go upstairs and then drop a few more omni lights here and I can just fly right through the wall and maybe a few more in here like that and like that and I forget where I'm at in this house I think yeah we got one more bedroom to do all rights like that and then I'll just click click and click alright so let's go outside let's go take a look at what we've created so now you can you know maybe at this point it would be a good idea to go back into our environment our our weather let's try our real sky you know so let's go to real skies at night and and pick that one and see what we're getting alright so again build mode is not gonna be the best representation but it gives me an idea that now the inside of my house is glowing so we've got some success there all right so now the next thing I'm gonna do and I'm gonna turn off that real sky for just a moment get back to this mode I want to throw some spotlights now spotlights are different they can cache shadows so I'm just gonna drop like I don't know maybe 4 or 5 or you know 3 or 4 spotlights around the outside I'm gonna point them at the house and what I want to do is push the light across the trees to throw some cool shadows onto the house so I'll go to objects and go to place and again I'm gonna go to my spotlights and you know I I wish III don't know that it matters I mean I usually just grab a random spread I don't really have a favorite I tend to gravitate towards the softer spreads that don't have like kind of the hard lines but I don't know if I don't want to say it doesn't matter but for what I'm doing usually everything looks pretty good alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just hold H and you know I can kind of lower this down and I'm gonna cheat a little bit you know this isn't gonna be like absolute realistic lighting I'm just I just want to get a light like roughly you know what we'll do like one here and one here and then I'm gonna put one you know maybe I'll put one like over here like that and then I'm gonna scoot around the house over here and let's add a few more of these spotlights like we'll do like one here here and here all right now check this out I have all my spotlights place but of course they're not aimed in the right direction so we're gonna use a few shortcuts to select all of our lights and then we're gonna point them all up the house all right so right now if I click if I hit the M key that gets me back to like my select tool the last light that I placed is already selected so I can use the select all identical objects command and that just grabs all those lights that I just placed and then check this out I think this this one this this feature gets overlooked sometimes target lights I click there and then watch what happens when I click on the house all the lights point where I clicked and you know what I can change my mind I can click again I can click over here you know you can kind of mess with it until you get the look that you want and get these guys all pointing you know maybe like pointing more towards the back of the house and you know of course you can like adjust these lights after you're done but I I think we're good there I'm gonna hit OK and we're gonna see what we get of course you know lumion is so fast you can always make changes but right now I think that that's kind of cool that's mission accomplished we got a few of these lights and shadows you know pointed the house there another tip is to just warm them up a little bit you know if you go all the way red it gets it gets kind of crazy but if you make the light more orange than pure white that's kind of a better look it seems I'll hit deselect I'm gonna select one of my omni's and then click select all identical again I'm gonna like just warm those up a bit and we'll see oftentimes I leave the brightness alone we'll see what it gets us but I can tell you that if you start this game of like dialing your nominees way up to 10,000 and then your spotlights to 5,000 and then you've got a you got to knock it back down with your exposure it becomes this battle of the sliders and I found that if you just kind of leave them alone everything looks pretty good tweak it with effects and be subtle with your adjustments you know so if you're gonna go from 500 maybe go to a thousand Max and on the other spotlights these guys you know these are sets like 300 by default I don't know don't take them over 500 you know try a hundred you know see what it's like if you go lower and add a few more lights so that's a tip on lighting is just kind of stick with the defaults all right so we're in good shape now we've got our our lighting added so let's head back here to our night scene and check that out all right so we've got only our real skies effect added so let's let's work through and let's add some more effects you know I like my night scene but we only have real skies so we'll click add effects and another new feature is this show all I think these are the maybe these are like the the critical ones that you absolutely should use versus like show all is everything right so anyway I'm just going to work through these kind of as I always do and the order did change a little bit we have a little bit more organization happening so son I'm good whether I'm good all the weather I do usually add precipitation and then I knock down the quantity size and fog and that way you know see how the street now is what I think that just looks cool I like it's not just the street it's the sidewalks and everything and you can adjust the phase you know if it's like overkill maybe just a little bit is a good good look okay so that's precipitation sky we've already talked about real skies and real skies at night but we also have this aurora borealis effect all right click on that and check this out I'm just gonna go nuts all right like tons of brightness and that's like true aurora borealis right and it's super cool the way that it works and we'll look at like you know animating this in our animation studio alright so while this effect is super cool and I like it a lot I think it's it's it's not necessarily realistic I mean you know this house in Napa is not gonna have the Northern Lights happening but I can tell you that like if you bring this brightness let me let me mess with my color shift if I bring the color shift over it gets more pink than green and if I bring the brightness down and just make it subtle you know you get a better you get you know kind of a nice dreamy look happening you know it's just a little bit of magic happening to your night sky and I think that that's a way to use this effect and just give a little bit you know a lot of these effects it's like with cooking you know you don't get a handful of salt you just give a - you know a little bit of each effect and you're gonna get the look that you're going for so we'll just go with a dash of aurora borealis you know keeping our our brightness down our color shift off the green and we're good there alright so we've got our roar borealis in there and let's keep working through here objects nothing nothing real new here camera I always add a two-point perspective that that gets my gets my verticals kind of shored up with my frame and then I like let's see I like lens flare I'm always adding lens flare you know you can it just makes the whole thing kind of a softer image and I won't go too nuts on that and we'll go with another effect animation we don't need outlines I'm gonna we let's try it you know outlines whenever I do that i down the transparency and then bring our outline density down a touch for this specific image I I'm gonna leave my outlines out of this that is pretty cool it's got a nice look I'm gonna leave them alone we can make that decision later alright so more effects let's see we're good there this AI artists styles we'll look at that in just a moment let's finish up our night scene and then of course these are like the most important ones alright so reflection gotta have reflections and speed ray is just critical I mean you're gonna get much better reflections down here just by turning on you know your your speed ray reflections you can kind of see that happening where like we actually get the car and then if we add reflection planes you know that's where we get like perfect reflections now I told not to add so many reflection planes but I've got a super high-end computer and it renders so fast anyway that I tend to just like if I see the glass I just go for it and add the reflection planes I think it's fine but if you don't have enough reflection planes to kind of get all the glass in your one view I would just rely on speed right it seems to be good enough anyway you know free especially for glass alright and let's see what else do we have shadows this is gonna be critical for this image alright so let's go with like soft shadows so you know and again I like I've gotten so used to it now where I'm like what lay claim it why does it look that great and then the high quality preview updates and now I'm getting my shadows but check this out all right so I'm gonna scoot in and take a look at this alright and then we get click and there's my my preview perfect I'm gonna turn on soft shadows and let's see we get our update like that and then we can do fine detail shadows and this one might be a little bit tough to demonstrate for a night scene but like fine detail shadows I always turn those on as well we're in good shape alright looking good like that alright so as far as effects we've got our shadows reflections sky light is always on and then hyper light is always on and I tend to just turn it up I've heard other opinions of just kind of keeping it down here but I just doubt it up alright let's let's render this night scene I mean this is getting to be pretty spectacular so I'm gonna hit render photos or render that photo and well I'll just overwrite that one and let's let that one cook for just a moment and again like 12 seconds it takes to render a night scene and I got to tell you that previous to lumion I wouldn't even mess with I wouldn't mess with water and I wouldn't mess with night scenes they were so difficult to get him to look right and like this lighting sheet that I showed you just dropping some omni's inside the house and then throw a few random spot lights you know projecting on the outside I think it's a pretty nice look I mean if if you just throw that on there just to get it out the door and then spend your time polishing you know if you need that image but if you want to communicate the design at night I think that's pretty strong what we've got here let me open that folder hit enter and there's our final image 1920 by 1080 with more focus on the on the architecture but the night sky is really poppin and we we dialed down that aurora borealis effect and and maybe even too much you know maybe I would just give it a little bit more magic in there you know get that photo real dream effect like yeah it's not complete reality it's just better than reality alright so I'll hit OK and let's see let's go back over here to this let's see like a daytime view is what I'm looking for and I'm just gonna choose like kind of a backed-up view and I'm gonna go with a realistic style I'm gonna go to my real skies adjust my heading and this time I'm gonna add the new AI artist styles effect alright so I can go ahead and that's on artistic to AI artist styles and now this is a brand new effect and it's using artificial intelligence you click on the thumbnail so yeah you can see that it's it's added here I can click on a thumbnail and I can choose to represent my design in the style of one of these classic artists so for instance like a Monet you know I click here and then let's hit render now a tip on the AI artist style is that when you are rendering it's always best to render at 4k all right so I'm gonna render this one out and say okay and let's let that cook so I think that the idea behind rendering at 4k is that the AI artist style it just behaves better when there's more pixels so also keep in mind that when you are rendering this you're gonna have to go through and render out the you know render out the base image so you get two outputs you know you get this realistic style that I already chose and then we're gonna hop in to the AI artist style and render that out as well so this might take just a moment and I probably could have chosen a easier style but we're closed or closed you know I'll take a moment while this is cooking to say you know the lumion ten the the big idea there is is like breathing life into your design crafting that environment giving you all the tools you need to build the context so you can really see that with the real skies with the the nature objects the OSM height maps you know the ability to craft this world and then put your model into it that's really what lumion is getting at and I think they've they've nailed it on on version 10 so we'll just hang tight for just a moment more and so this is our loom Ian's I forget we call this art our neural network springing into action to kind of interpret interpret our design into the style of Monet there we go pretty cool all right so I mean that's it's pretty wild you know the the capabilities of artificial intelligence to you know recognize of course I don't fully understand what's going on there but like the ability to recognize the style of an image the style of an artist and apply it and I think that what's the the most exciting part of this feature is that artificial intelligence AI has been addressed so this is super cool but who knows what's coming that's what I'm excited about see what what happens next so anyways we can open our folder and hit go and then there's our image and just kind of a cool representation of the project alright so there we go let's say ok and I just love these real skies at night that's where it's at alright so one other new effect I wanted to comment on is our photo matching effect all right and that is under camera and you click photo matching now photo matching I'm gonna hit edit on the effect and we're not gonna actually go through the demonstration because there's some great examples and tutorials the idea is that you can reverse engineer your photograph and calculate your camera position focal length and whatever it takes to match that view inside of lumion you can now do and there's all kinds of really slick tools to get you to that point faster but check this out up here we have our examples and our tutorials and on the examples and tutorials we have all these different photo matching exam I'm sorry all these six at the top but more importantly we have three tutorials QuickStart beginner and in depth so just take take your time watch the tutorials and learn you can either kind of use lumion to do the cropping and image editing almost inside of lumion or your your your photo match exports out a mask as well so it makes it really easy to hop into Photoshop and then just you know crop out the image and and rid of the pieces of your photograph that you don't want and kind of blend them with your model all right cool so we're good there we're not going to use that photo match right now I'll just get rid of that all right so that kind of Shores up our effects and then I've got one more new feature I want to show you maybe be five more minutes here and and we'll wrap things up and take some questions in the chat panel so what we're gonna do is is take a look at improved camera control within our animation studio so in the past you used to just like you'd set a point set a point and then lumion would kind of you know animate between those two points but it always like 'yes it would it would like accelerate and then decelerate at the end now we have the ability to do the linear easing like a just a nice consistent speed to the camera let me show you what I mean so first off I'm going to copy these effects I'm gonna hit edit and copy the effects and that way when I hop over into my animation studio I'm gonna take a new clip and I'll add a point here and I'm gonna add another camera point over here like that and then I'll click play all right so now this is going to be my camera path and you can see that like right now it speeds up and then it slows down and so it's kind of like you know this ramp up and then ramp down and that's represented here by these ease in smooth and our was ease out smooth so if I want to get a different effect I can just do a linear ease so ease in linear and ease out linear and now my camera is just giving a nice consistent speed from point to point so that's super super handy for just advanced animations III just I was really happy with that I used to kind of work around it by adding extra camera points and it's just a nice feature now to have that nice clean linear ease and check it out slower is always better you can double click on your let me pause this for a moment you can double click on the length and then back this up and maybe say like 8 and see where that gets us alright so quick play so that's kind of a nice easy pace you know if you start speeding through your projects you can make everyone sick right so that looks good alright I'll check ok now remember I copied my effects I'll hit the Edit menu here and go to paste effects that's gonna drop all that night sky let's see [Music] see real skies oh there it goes sorry it was just taking a moment to kind of get its update but yeah we're good and so this real-time preview this is happening inside of the animation studio as well and let's preview it let's hit play I mean even the preview is pretty nice like you can see that the real sky gets kind of knocked down in quality just a touch but it's gonna look spectacular when we render this alright now here's the thing though is that aurora borealis effect is really cool when it's animated so let me show you just a quick tip on keyframes how to animate and keep in mind like yeah this is for a world borealis but this is for any effect that he's that has keyframes alright so we're gonna head over to our aurora borealis effect and I'm gonna just slide my timeline back to the beginning and we're gonna go with our time offset all right so I want the time offset to kind of start at the beginning and I need to add a keyframe so there's a keyframe now I'm gonna slide this guy scrub it all the way to the end and then I'm gonna go to my time offset I'm gonna add another keyframe and then I'm gonna move my time offset to the end I also want to bring up my brightness a bit and let's get our color shift kind of going I just want to make it very like clear that this effect is happening alright so I'll hit play and check this out now you've got like the animated or or borealis happening I mean that's super cool so that's the the process for adding in some animation because you know if we hadn't added those keyframes and kind of animated that effect it would just be like static aurora borealis and that's the whole magic of its kind of like you know just twinkling and all that so you know maybe I would back that down if it was like for a final render and all that but I think that's pretty cool for this project here we'll leave that one alone all right so yeah I appreciate you guys coming to the webinar today I'm Mike Brightman and lumion 10 is available now it's been available for just over a week and get in there give it a shot get the you know get the demo version and click some buttons you know if you're thinking about upgrading I mean it's like a no-brainer if you don't upgrade now you're gonna have to upgrade later because you know that there's gonna be something else coming down the line that you're gonna want and you have to double up on your upgrades so I find just stick with the the release cycles get these new features you know the the real the high quality previews killer the the fine detail nature objects are absolutely spectacular all these new features together just makes lumion 10 that much better so very psyched about this release appreciate you guys tuning in and I'm gonna hop over the chat panel and see what kind of questions we got I think some of the lumion crew is answering those but I'll take a look now and see if I can demo a few for a few minutes and see what's going on thank you alright so what do we have let's see and let's see I'll say scroll to the top here and take a moment yeah so George there's this will definitely be recorded and yeah I think that it shows up on the the channel shortly after we finish so Danny asking a good question about what are the computer settings and what are the computer requirements for lumion now I can whenever I talk about computer specs I always say you'll never sit in front of a computer while you're waiting for it's a think things through and say you know like while you're rendering and and chugging along and some big project you're never going to look at your computer and say I'm so glad I saved five hundred bucks on this machine just spend the money go nuts on the specs and then you'll be set for you know a couple years so right now this particular machine has an RT X xx atti and that is definitely on the higher end and I haven't checked those in a while but you could see you know what's what's the latest and greatest but I can tell you that if you spend at least like spend 500 bucks on your graphics card that's a that's like a good standard you should be able to get really good performance with $500 on the graphics card and yeah just you know push the specs go nuts on I mean of course I don't know what the minimum specs are because I don't even care what the minimum specs are I want to go so far past the minimum specs you know I want like 64 gigs of ram I want as much onboard ram on my graphics card as I can and the processor you know you want to have a good processor but that's in my from what I've read and understood the processors not the critical piece of this thing it's it's all about that graphics card when it comes to lumion so we do have some tutorials at lumion comm on picking machines so that would be a good place to look that up let's see and I'm a scroll to the bottom let's see do we have any as far as new materials there's there's no ability to to search that that new feature in the new materials but in the marketing on the marketing page I think they call out the new materials there let's see the questions are fantastic sometimes yeah I alright I think I'm just going to call it there let's see yeah I'd say you know what we'll work on the chat here some of these I'm not exactly sure how to answer to be honest with you and I think it's just a safe play it's a color code here and so anyway thank you guys very much for tuning in and I'll see you guys in the next tutorial you
Channel: Lumion
Views: 35,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Architecture Visuzalization, Program, software, lumion, architecture, architectural, architect, architects, architectural rendering, 3d rendering, 3d, render, renders, render lovers, design, interior design, exterior design, residential design, residential architecture, archilovers, architecture lovers, 3d modeling, sketchup, revit, archicad, 3ds max, vectorworks, rhino 3d, lumion 10, landscape, landscape design, landscape architecture, heightmaps, openstreetmaps, elevation
Id: DEDd78IxfI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 39sec (4179 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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