Twin Telepathy Slime Challenge Ryan and Daddy!

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I think like Ryan what would Ryan do you know why I chose this because this is Ryan's favorite color gosh three two three metallic yeah it looks super cool when it's mixed you you chose the wrong one right I channel into your inner Ryan welcome to Ryan's World [Music] hi guys Davey and Daddy are gonna try to do the twin telepathic slime challenge yeah it's been five years since we did a challenge last time let's see if we can do better this time first step is to choose your glue so we have the clear glue the glow-in-the-dark glue in the normal school you guys ready all right think super hard to my twin telepathy come on you sure all right put it in and we'll check look at that all of it oh yeah squeeze it up squeeze up all right you guys ready to show your glue to see you guys can twins have a captain correctly all right go two one go what oh the clear one yeah come on glow in the dark that's the coolest one behind the scene it actually does glow in the dark trash can too oh my gosh whoa that's so cool round number two we have color changing glue yellow to Red another color changing blue purple to Pink and a metallic blue all right guys so far you guys have zero point on the twin telepathy challenge okay so think very very hard come on communicate your skills what would the Ryan do what would the Ryan do point out which one you're gonna pick I think it's this one all right make your selection and put it in yes and I have a reasoning for this I think I know which one daddy picks I think he breaks this one I'm choosing for you Ryan this is because I know you like this oh my gosh you don't know maybe you guys get the same if I if I choose what I want to pick it's this one is that the one I did [Music] all right we're gonna put it in gosh you know why I chose this because this is Ryan's favorite color oh my gosh maybe you're still right daddy you don't know maybe Ryan's just tricking you maybe you're still right now all right guys I put in the glue you want to show each other now all right three two one you chose the metallic yeah it looks super cool when it's mixed all right so Ryan that's Ryan I chose purple one because this is the Ryan's favorite color ah you you chose the wrong one right in Orion and if it's purple so zero points for you guys again after five years we juked it apart round three now we're choosing particles for our slime this one has a bunch of little fruits this one has blue and this one is red okay guys remember our channel channel your telepathy let's see what Ryan would think Channel come on [Music] this okay put it in definitely let's see if Ryan knows me okay very very cool does he know his father it's a lot of pressure Ryan are you guys ready to share okay three two one yeah nice one points for the Ryan and daddy teams yeah whoa It's a lot all righty daddy that's got one point next challenge whoa so now we have some yellow particles we have some purple ninja star sprinkles or adding Stars let me have these little marbles with different colors Little Beach all right come on candle your inner you know Daddy and and Son um I think I'm gonna pick this is that allowed I didn't say anything all right put in the particles why three two one it doesn't even make a sound I don't even see the slime all right before we continue we're gonna just a little mix oh it looks so cool I like it Ryan looks like a Galaxy yeah oh mine looks cool so far let me see yours mine kind of looks like a Galaxy that's all the planets or alien eggs Daddy's supposed to Glow so we're gonna see later if it glows [Music] oh for the next round we have to choose between the butter slime activator or the fluffy slime activator fake car you guys only have one point so far I think so far it should be a simple yeah 50 chance right only two choices so easy put it in and then we will see I actually never used this before yeah me too it looks like toothpaste yeah yeah [Music] oh whoa ready I'm sure this all right guys both ready yep all right show each other three two one go oh yeah nice two points for the Ryan and daddy too all right I love that kickster they're gonna be a little milky white I think Ryan's winning so far in come alien eggs yeah a lot of them eggs last challenge Cherry scented activator we got some crunchy activator and we got some glow-in-the-dark activators can I use scratch it smell it oh my gosh I fully smell it you smell it all right guys put it down think like each other [Music] all right got it deceived okay this one for sure 100 accuracy I sent the message to you yeah I have a hundred dollars on this okay I bet like five oh [Music] [Music] yeah that's for something I can't tell you anything but I'm kind of smell are you guys almost ready all right show your results to see if we get another Point yes military offensive [Music] I I mine's already growing in the dark yeah maybe you wanted more glow in the dark all right guys no point oh okay let's stir and agitate agitate agitate let's make some slime agitate agitate oh it doesn't smell very good yeah because you didn't choose what I chose yeah you could have got this Ryan I know you jelly [Music] slime's gonna feel as here's my Sunrise oh man I wish I had the orders that looks actually cool and the fixture both of horses actually glow in the dark yeah for the mine is this [Music] all right you guys want to see it actually glows in the dark yeah okay let's go now we're gonna see how it goes with both of them together yeah okay ready all right three two one two [Music] look at that wow it's totally glowing different color oh I like the little beach you can actually see it yeah wow that looks super cool oh look I jumping rope oh my gosh oh my gosh it's so stressed out whoa whoa whoa at least I got a jump rope time for the Ultimate slime merge you ready three two one oh this is super slippery I know it's a super gooey does it works fold a better one so that they can see the better ones don't eat it though you cannot eat now it's a burrito slime burrito and make it long there you go slime sushi roll s twist it oh my gosh oh my gosh it looks like an alien oh my God oh that's kind of cool look at this cross section wow inside is pink and outside the floor yeah it looks like a tissue paper yeah all right let's see if you can combine it come on guys use all your strengths oh yeah look look mixed up oh it looks kind of cool yeah whoa that's cool how does it feel good good well no it's perfect I didn't like my texture but after combining it with Ryan it's perfect oh I was thinking what you would pick and I wanted to complete it that's true without it to yours you know what I'll give you guys one extra point for making it look really cool together okay once it combined do you guys have a total of how many points Four Points all right thank you for watching our fun twin telepathy challenge Daddy and Ryan edition if you like this video give us a big thumbs up bye
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 2,884,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, twin telepathy, twin telepathy challenge, twin telepathy slime challenge, slime challenge, Twin Telepathy challenge video, challenge, fun challenge, slime, slime for kids, Kaji Family
Id: vYhep6u9bGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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