What's in the BOX Holiday Christmas Surprise Edition!!!

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hi guys happy holidays we're going to do what's in the box challenge holiday edition obviously i'm gonna win we'll see okay i can totally tell this is ryan so i'm good to go right is this ryan i'm gonna go first whoa it feels like there's a lot of it like it's really small but there's a lot of it can you guess this it's snow snow okay ryan gets a snow my turn i'm gonna guess mine first what is this here oh it's like the chopsticks see i can totally pick a food oh but it has a wrapper and oh it's like a like a cane like for you know old people is it candy cane maybe one two three candy cane you're right ryan feels good okay so ryan got it right and i got it right so that means we each have one point let it snow let us know more let it snow even more yeah i have snowball fight okay ryan one two three oh wow [Music] oh i think i took something off oh no oh there's like a button on here hmm i think it's a gingerbread man what really yeah okay well i'm gonna guess mine here it's squishy squishy mine here what is this what is going on here wait is this a christmas hat what could it be i don't know wait is it a giant marshmallow [Music] oh is this does this count as a marshmallow well there's a marshmallow in it oh i guess not maybe this is like a s'mores oh so i didn't get it wrong i took off the eye oh it is a gingerbread man is it wrong if we break him up maybe should we do it is it wrong if we eat him i know ryan he's headless i'm sorry gingerbread man but next round now we're gonna do round two you go first okay whoa this feels liquidy and i can like put wish it around any guesses hmm frosting are you sure frosty yeah okay all right i'm gonna go next let's see here whoa why is it so spiky what is this like this pointy i know what is it it's a cleaning brush because yeah yeah right because people use these these little spiky things to like clean around cleaning brush you ready yeah one two three oh it's a christmas tree [Music] we're gonna wash hands before we continue the next round now it's my turn yeah well this feels squishy i think it is slime oh are you sure slime i can stretch it very long okay so i'm gonna guess mine oh definitely squishy all right and it feels fluffy like a stuffed animal it has legs it does i know what this is what is it it's a dog didn't you say it was christmas themed wait it's a christmas dog right maybe one two three whoa i got slime oh so ryan got it right i thought it was a dog but it's rudolph it's lima's legs okay we're gonna stretch it out see how long it goes before it breaks you ready one two all three all right he's doing good this is like a whole foot okay this is two can we do it to three can we beat this what's in the box it's gonna break guys come on ryan we got this yes [Music] so so far i only got one right i have one point and ryan how many points did you have i have ten [Music] so you go first okay i'm gonna see what this one is okay oh there's a bunch of stuff in here oh that could be anything yeah uh i don't know what this is any guesses it might be a rock wait but rock is not christmas christmas rocks uh coal a coal okay my turn oh what is this why is it so hairy and there's a glasses what what is hairy with glasses give me a hand it's it's white it's me and it goes on somebody that comes around every year my grandpa okay i think i know what it is it feels like a beard santa's beard [Music] so let's pull it out we're gonna both see if we're right okay one two three it's cold i was right it is santa mommy i think this coal was for you do i look and sound like santa nope no okay next round and you can go first okay i'm gonna do this [Music] all right so ryan gets a wreath what about me here oh i don't have a string okay i guess it's a wire [Music] am i right well we'll find out one two three [Music] oh it is a wire but it's christmas lights i got it wrong again oh and ryan you got it right yeah good job ryan got all of his rights so ryan won the what's in the box holiday edition and i lost bye guys thank you for watching our what's in that box challenge i this really cool mickey mouse shop here and i'm building this little truck that has um a little slide so you can be on it and it also has wings why does it work well that's so cool ryan what what's that sound mommy i don't know where to go what is going on what's that noise mommy it's right here why is there a door there hello you can't open it hello hello anybody home what wait we have to find a way to open the door yeah oh there's a hammer over there count of three let's knock on the thornham are you ready three two one no it's not working no it's not working what if we use a tool in here this door hammer i actually have some cool tools and they're actually real yes so what can we use oh that's a good one slide the door open oh is it working maybe there's a lock oh is it opening i don't know not working not working okay um what about hello wait mommy good mailbox here oh maybe we can send a message oh you think so you think it's gonna work yeah okay well we need to get some super super small paper yeah oh look at this paper over there oh yeah okay so hello how do we open the door okay okay okay how do we open the door all the notes super super small hi yeah okay ryan i think it's really late maybe we just go to bed and maybe we'll find a way to open the door tomorrow okay all right come on [Music] have a good night okay bye and hopefully we'll figure out how to open the door tomorrow okay all right good night [Music] it's the next morning let's see if we get a message back [Music] mommy mommy we got a message back what ryan what what happened look we got a message wait hello ryan i'm one of the elf from the north pole oh the north pole ryan is that door a way to get to the north pole it's like a portal maybe okay continue continue to find the key clue one in the kitchen clue went to the kitchen it says kitchen so cold good luck lion kitchen so fresh french you're right you're right wow okay the fridge is cold if it's not finished no no i don't see any clue maybe maybe it's in the freezer because it's cold anything [Music] mommy but it's somewhere cold right finer behind pack yeah okay all right this is really cool wow the elf wasn't kidding about being cold the next clue stinky shoe is that one stinky shoe let's go where do you put the shoe you see anything no let me see your shoe nope under no let's see oh it's another clue okay let's see what it says this is so exciting i can't believe we can open the portal to the north pole yeah okay wow now go to the place where you rest your head where you rest your head mommy the bedroom oh the bad one you're right let's go okay oh combo on the bed come on [Music] all right what's the message combo he's a he's a instead of professional gamer he's a professional chewer do 10 jumping jacks the key will appear in your backpack okay all right all right ten jumping one two three four five six seven eight okay now we need to find your backpack yeah oh right there back we're gonna find a clue a clue this one okay a clue oh ryan what look there's nothing on there super small key guys whoa it's super super tiny well i can't believe we got the key let's go let's go hopefully it works hopefully it works let's open this tiny key okay hopefully it works okay is it gonna work it works what are you doing in africa oh i'm just on a fun safari where are you trying to go ryan the north pole no if you want to go to the north pole can you do me a favor please okay i'll do it i usually like gummies but this time i want an orange do you have one for me yep we have an orange oh i orange hopefully it works right yeah yeah here you go gus thank you in order to get to the north pole close the door knock on it three times and then open it again [Music] yay i see the north pole and i see a lot of elves whoa mommy there's little presents oh they're so tiny yes so tiny peck hi peck wow pack what are you doing here pat yeah what are you doing gosh ryan i'm just visiting santa in the north pole santa sent you two presents but you have to wait till christmas okay peck oh open it until christmas all right bye bye pack bye close the door wow guys thank you so much for watching i can't believe we get to see like a little sneak peek at the north pole right the good thing is we get to see the north pole the bad thing is we have to wait till christmas to open these yeah but it's okay patient is good right yeah so we can wait i'm so excited this is the last day of the school year how come nobody is in class because today is private tutor day before christmas okay you have a lot of things you need to work on ryan okay spelling math everything okay but before we start today i have a special teacher introducing miss wendy ryan i'm so excited to be in class today hi miss wendy hi first thing we're gonna do today in class is math are you good at math yes 100 plus 200 300 okay what is five plus fifty 55. okay good that's a good test oh okay so i have a special math class for you all right before i begin have you guys seen my puppy i'm losing him and i have no idea where he's at he's on your back no he's not what do you mean where [Applause] [Music] [Music] there we go this is math class christmas edition do you want to keep your box or do you want to switch it okay all right open it up your first challenge for math class is always glue here you're gonna count all your glue one by one and then you're gonna multiply it by five the first person to get it first gets an a all right guys let the county begin go go go 75 75 for ryan what about you wendy did you get yourself 110 good job but ryan got it first if he gets an a you get a b okay okay that is still good right on the board a for math good job a plus wendy gets a b plus you're trying oh plus or minus minus oh rats now for the next subject okay okay art you guys like art and love art all right let's the art challenge begin for art class i got this two white board here one for each of you guys the challenge is what would you like for christmas okay let's see your art skill what is that it looks like a wharf it's not you want a warm for christmas no well that's a cute little bear i think i think miss wendy's winning i want a big big teddy bear like the size of a person what is that that's hair wow that's crazy here you got 10 seconds 10 seconds okay now you're just scribbling all over alright five seconds four seconds three seconds two seconds one second arch down down okay guys present your art piece and i will grade you i've got a teddy bear i love red tight and squishy oh this is too hard what do you guys think who wins the art challenge the teddy bear maybe an a minus or a red titan squishy looks like your name looks like an a minus okay i'll be nice today because it's christmas i would give this an a plus okay a plus a plus plus oh big like super nice today um have you seen my dog it's behind you on your blog i hear it i hear it this time ryan i don't think you need to rescue that puppy [Music] okay okay so it's ryan found my puppy changing that plus [Music] okay guys now for science are you ready for science yep yes so i got these really cool fun fizzers with surprise toys inside what's your favorite touch yes yes you can touch i've got a blueberry scented fun scissors yeah so this have red titan on it i got combo and i got orange blast scented all right so this one ryan has could potentially have a combo surprise toy okay so the challenge is you're gonna drop your fun fizzer into the water and whoever collect their surprise toys first way on your mark get set go let's see you can first can find the surprise toy oh it's so busy where's my toy yeah i got it i got it out i got it out oh whoa you want to see him combo look combo bunga that's so cool oh there it is you've got yours now who do i got it's a red titan ryan oh whoa that's so cool since ryan got it first you get it a plus and it's windy too slow maybe a what should i give her c plus c plus wow ryan with another a plus and miss wendy over there i don't know who did all this a minus minus minus minus minus what i will not be doing maybe it's magic is it magic or is it ryan did you do this when i i wasn't paying attention no no all right just when you get the seeds okay because i'm feeling a little bit nice right now let's get ready for the next subject which is my favorite p.e because it's good to exercise am i right my right hand is with me yeah yeah for today pe class will be playing basketball so you guys will have five chance to shoot your basketball into this boot like this look so so you each get five chance whoever makes the most and five chance gets an a can i get five points sure and go wow now i have seven boom all right miss wendy now you have to get at least seven points oh no i'm not gonna beat that seven points and you only get five tries math class said that's not possible nobody ever do this all right i'll try that on my last turn and just like ryan one [Music] you didn't make it so that means ryan gets an a and you get another b a for draw ryan you were on a roll you got all a's my puppy my last puppy i had it and then i put on the table and then i turned around and then i don't have it anymore where where's my puppy oh thank you i'm always losing you okay you stay right here okay well you don't go anywhere okay you guard the basketball hole now we're gonna do music we'll be singing fun music tunes like jingle bell okay you guys ready yeah all right so this is our music class because it is christmas time we'll be playing and singing to fun christmas songs okay all right i'm gonna go over there stand over there and grade you see how good you play jingle bell all right one two three [Music] that was beautiful you guys did great that was the best performance ever wait wait wait where's your dog where's my dog where's my dog i don't know where's my dog where's puppy where's puppy mommy again first puppy [Music] puppy oh i'm so glad okay guys school is over so gay and hopefully you guys have a good holiday okay okay class dismissed okay good thing i found my puppy for the holidays [Music] okay well i'm gonna go and get ryan right now class dismissed by and my puppy says bye finally found him his daddy has a surprise for you one more big present for you guys so this is christmas morning daddy has a special surprise inside you family member what what is he actually adopted a dog it's a robot dog so cool wake up doggy wake up yeah wake up this is pretty expensive so you just hold on yeah stop it be gentle okay is it sleeping the dog sleeping his name is eyeball hi eyeball hi bo hi eyeball oh he's waking up look look emma look look at eyeball you wanna play can you wag your tail oh there you go whoa stand up whoa hi hi bo i think he's studying he's like who are these people yeah it's okay doggy the cats will think it's real yeah yeah who's gonna win real dog versus the robot dog okay it's helping eyeball sit ella don't like the dog oh eyeball sit i'm gonna compete and i said who else yes [Laughter] [Music] wow [Music] eyebrow shape did it did it wow what else can he can either do i will can't sing happy birthday happy birthday good job let's do squats oh he did it wow good job eyeball eyeball wag your tail oh is eyeball angry he looks angry oh are you racking your tail the personality of our eyeball is shy so he's oh what is he doing well he has a toy how about ella hey [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] [Laughter] ryan got a bigger dog wow grandma whoa [Applause] where's your bone where's your bone do you see your bone eyeball here's your bone look here's your bone here let me give it to you it's okay eiba it's your first day i know we're expecting too much he's like be nice to me he says be nice i was expecting him to be able to talk human boys and should be able to cook for me look he got it look he's he got this he got this look at this come on no you're going away from the bone you're going away from the mouth eyeball you're going away from the bone this is not acceptable even for birthday [Laughter] maybe he doesn't want his bone okay let's play with it so in conclusion the real dog one huh ella juan all right ready for a nap look at him he's like it's nap time you guys really you didn't didn't ella you won you won the dog contest real dog versus robot dog you want ella no he's seriously taking it now are you up i was quick enough so if you guys don't know i will also have a camera in his eyes here and so you can see what ibo sees yeah his nose oh you have a camera on your nose oh nice a lot of different cameras are gonna be a watchdog eyeball oh he's agreeing to be the watchdog oh good boy okay the door can just be right here and he's like that if someone's there you can see if someone's there if you can see i know oh i see oh scary are you trying to eat him that's ryan right there oh my gosh so apparently it takes 30 seconds to do each moves yeah so that is our new dog he's a little bit slow but cool right eyeball eyeball bang bang he's supposed to play play oh are you playing dead oh oh he is you playing dead oh he's rolling over playing dead wow close your eyes whoa whoa good job so maybe it's because before we just keep talking different people talking so he got confused oh only one person at a time okay because he says that oh cool okay why all right why don't you just get up get up get up now get up no time to nap is it getting up wow that's our new family member eyeball thank you for watching our video if you enjoy eyeball give us a thumbs up sean beau here 3 000 eyeball versus zero dollar trombone oh next video idea on the studio space keep stay tuned all right guys thank you for watching bye i will says bye shaking hands with him please i told you be gentle still alive he's okay you okay you okay good doggy good doggy bye-bye
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 12,827,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, what's in the box, what's in the box challenge, surprise challenge, Christmas Challange, holiday games, holiday challenges, what's in the box for kids, box what's inside, kids surprise games
Id: uuxRmLj8b7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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