Tire Modeling, Shading & Rendering in 26min | Blender 2.9

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so what's up guys uh this video is about how to model and shade and render and kind of design the mock-up in photoshop of a tire tutorial uh this video was requested still just like cars tires are not modeled usually or at least i never modeled a tire i never encountered a tire job because i never worked for a tire manufacturer and as you know usually car manufacturers have tires on their cars but these tires are by different brands like michelin pirelli or whatever brand but not the car brand so as you can imagine the car brand does not model tires they get tires and actually these tires are sponsored tires usually so they don't use any tires these are special tires usually sponsored um so when you're working in the automotive industry and working with cars you will get these tires so i never had to model a tire and you probably also will never have to model tires still i think there's people out there that would like to model tires so here's a video on how to model a tire um yeah but also as a disclaimer i never model the tire so i definitely don't have the best workflows in this video but i think it's so good the rendering is good here's a look of the rendering um yeah so just follow along i think you can learn some things you'll be surprised on how simple it actually is um so yeah we're just going to jump right into blender for in blender delete the default cube add the reference image you can find it it's linked below on my patreon but the textures are free only the model is going to be on my paid patreon but the textures are free on my patreon so basically now you can just remodel the profile of the tire this is pretty straightforward no rocket science involved probably what you would have done anyways so i'm just cut some basic lines here i'm going to add the second reference image so we can match it up so move up the profile so it matches up our reference image so we're just working in the right sizes here in proportions so extruding these parts down and now i also notice my reference image is flipped so i'm flipping it with x sx minus one let's clean up the mesh real quick and now we've got like the basic setup of the tire that's what i like to do now we're just gonna bevel in this profile real quick try keeping it as low pulley as possible but still make it round so next step is just to cut here it's basically same thing extrude it down really nothing crazy happening here very basic very simple next i'm going to add a curve so we can re-model this curve here you could use polygons direct but i thought this is like a curvy shape so we're going to use a curve here so just match it up until it looks like the real thing so convert it to mesh so it's easier to bool now i'm just i've filled up the faces now we're just going to extrude it we're going to bool it into our mesh or model or whatever you want to call it in our tire um if it doesn't bool directly sometimes you have to wiggle it around or scale it a tiny bit so it actually cuts in so you have that issue so just drop it in until it looks about right um then we will create the other cuts and now is also the part where we will make this whole thing tileable so now we've got something we can orient to so i'm just going to choose this point so i'm scrolling in this point is my orientation point for the tileable mesh basically and now i'm searching for the other point on the other side and matching it up so now it's tileable now we're going to bool in these other parts so let's add another boolean then we will apply the boolean and delete our boolean objects and the rest of the work i'm just gonna do by hand so extrude down the walls just some mesh cleaning here some mesh filling up i like to use f for filling up stuff so all just very basic modeling techniques here really nothing special so i'm using deleting double vertices uh to just automatically clean certain stuff so i'm filling up the holes here really pretty basic cleaning up my little pointy spike so now i'm going to add an array to see that this whole mesh is tileable and actually works and also don't forget to add merge vertices on the array modifier now we will add these little blocks i don't know what they're called but they're very important when you drift a lot and do a lot of burnouts because that's the thing the police will check if you burn down this block they will take away your car so this is a block i checked very very often in my life so yeah that's why i added this little block there it is next we will add these other slices i'm also going to use a curve as well very straightforward pretty much always the same i probably would be able to cut out this whole part but i thought i'll at least leave a little bit of it inside so you can kind of see the workflow and see that i'm using the same workflow all over the whole tire pretty much so just match up the curves so once it matches up just convert it to a mesh once again now i'm just going to clean out some vertices because towards the end they're just a lot of vertices and it's going to be hard to fill up this mesh cleanly with so many vertices so now i'm just filling it up adding one more cut because it didn't really end up well so here it is so now it ends in quads worked well just like that now we're gonna extrude it up and basically we're gonna pull it in just like the other parts um all very straightforward like you probably already knew how it's done i bet till now you probably didn't learn much but that's at least how i do it so once pulled in here i'm just going to use an array modifier to add more of these things or chops or cuts or stamps or whatever or threads i guess you could call them matching up so it fits yep fits and it's arrayable everything is matching up well so now i added this other cut real quick i skipped through this part i'm pulling it in just as the others all the same stuff applying the bool deleting it so here i actually just extruded it in because this cut is so simple i didn't think i will need a boolean for this so i'm just doing super classic pulley modeling here to chop this in merging the vertices so i don't have any double vertices the workflow i'm using um encounters a lot of double vertices that's why i clean the vertices up quite often so now i'm just going to extrude this down i'm just going to fill it up here you see it's not matching up so i'm just going to dissolve one of the edges now it matches up add a cut i'm going to use a 3d cursor to bring the cut to the right position with s z 0. um yeah merge the verts fill it up and that's pretty much how you just move along and finish up this whole tire a little bit annoying but that's how it can be done now i'm adding a curve and making the tire round with the curve modifier so just scale up the curve for now don't forget to also add merge vertices on the curve modifier so it merges up if the profile is flipped you can flip it on the twist method as seen one second ago i still got some more holes to fill so once filled basically you will have one issue the shading is really bad so you need some more topology there's probably more intelligent ways of adding topologies but from experience i can say you don't get a lot of time you don't get a lot of money you just have to be super fast and this was the fastest way that came to my mind in that second so that's the fastest way i chose and you can hate it but it does work the shading looks pretty much perfect was just fine for this example in my opinion and can be used but of course if you want you can find a better way on subdividing if your mesh would have been clean you could have used the subdivision modifier but my mesh wasn't clean enough because i really ran through this modeling um yeah but it's also interesting for you to see because i'm not just running through this modeling stuff here on this video i do this like in a day-to-day life as well because it's just about the final render and no one will see a difference if i added some random cuts or did a nice subdivision technique so yeah it depends on who you want to impress other blender guys or the client and the client just wants to see a render so i added the side profile reference image here so we can match up the size i'm just going to scale up the profile a little bit as mentioned before don't forget to have the merge vertices in the array modifier on so it actually snaps together so now we will go to the i guess front view i don't know if this is the front view of a tire but like the inside view uh once again use a curve to model this profile of the tire very straightforward as usual once again no rocket science here keep in mind you have to draw over this hole or thread in the tire don't add it to your curve here because you already added it in the main mesh so this is just for the deformation so we're going to use another curve modifier in a second here mirrored it over so looks just fine create one curve out of it use the curve modifier once again on top um you have to move stuff around center stuff i kind of skipped through this part but you'll figure it out um so now i'm just extruding out this part so it looks pretty bad here because it's shooting over the curve so i'm just gonna match it up just a lot of tweaking so almost so now it's not overshooting so perfect now i'm just going to do the other side so now i'm just moving the whole profile a little bit until it fits well onto the curve looks good matching up the size once again because i was scaling around a lot of stuff here so i just tweaked little things fixed little things a lot of tweaking now i'm applying everything and the rest of these steps are going to be classic polygon modeling once again before you apply stuff always save as you can see on the top my great naming of untitled one tells you that i created a second file myself so always create a second file before you start applying stuff and also in this workflow if you watch the full video you're going to realize you didn't really have to apply ever but usually it's just quicker if you just apply it you probably could have done this with curves and stuff but for me applying was just faster so i added the car here just as a size reference because i know this car has real world sides here sizes here and like in actual meters so i'm just going to match up the tire by eye i could have probably got real world sizes for tires but my tire is just a fictional tire so there is no real world size for this tire so i'm just doing it by eye also keep in mind how i'm matching up this car on the front axle so real production cars from my experience are always matched up on the front axle that's just like an industry standard of dealing with cars in general um just a little fun fact on the side so i'm just matching up the tire looks good always add some spacers so now i'm going to add a material we're going to hide the car and now i'm just gonna build a quick simple photo studio um backdrop in german it's called hoykila i don't know what the english word for this is but very straightforward so i'm just adding a basic product shot camera also nothing special here one thing to keep in mind you'll notice i will not tilt this camera i will shift the camera always shift never tilt a camera on product shots just a thing to note down and still in case you're still tilting cameras i always see people tilting cameras but it just gives the product a cheaper look and a more handheld looks always use tilt shift now i'm just going to add some area lights i'm making a super basic light set up here so just area light on the left often called rim light or kicker light or whatever light so i'm adding the same light on the right another square area light everything by eye really by eye but this is a standard like i think it's called three point light setup the third point is about to come so i'm adding a ceiling roof light i like to make them round in real photo studios often they aren't round they're actually square but in 3d i think round looks better for the skylight or the top light or the roof light or whatever you want to call these lights so now we're going to use a unwrap this tire i'm going to use the cylinder projection works well on the tire since the tire is cylinder shaped i'm going to scale this up i'm going to look for my reference point so i'm taking this pointy point so this whole thing is tileable so just like we made the mesh tileable we have to make the uvs tileable so the textures and everything flow well now i'm going to extract the sidewall here so with control numpad plus you can easily extract or grow your selection and take out this part here use project the uvs uh in bounds pretty simple now i'm just checking my uvs here uh so the scale is a little bit off but the tiling and everything and the stretches are very good i think so um you can definitely work with these uvs i'm gonna export the uvs here so i can match it up with my reference image from online so i got this from google of course this image so i'm just matching it up with my uvs and it actually matched up perfectly quite a coincidence so that's perfect so we don't have to scale our tire around or anything it already fits so now i'm basically just gonna redraw this reference and creating my own fictional tire and i just want to kind of copy their style because i didn't want to come up with a completely new tire style so i'm just copying their style and in the real world you won't make a fictional tire you're probably going to make some type of p0 tire if you won't even probably get the texture from the p0 p0 like manufacturer so pirelli will probably give you everything you'll need but in the scenario that you will have to create your own texture this is how and also from my experience you do actually have to create the textures from time to time because the tire manufacturers for some reason usually only send you everything except the sidewall so really just the thread and the profile of the tire i don't know maybe has something to do with how they produce the tire that they don't really have this integrated in the mesh i don't know i don't know the process of actually creating a real production ready tire but yeah but for renderings and game ready stuff this is how it's done here i added my mustang gt license plate the boe 666 and i'm adding badger in a weird number letter code because i thought it looked cool i had it made in germany on the bottom left i'm adding some lines here so just a random tire i just thought it was cool somehow to have like a battery tire um so i needed a lot of little text so i added some beautiful comments here and there on the tire and i also really like this one you're still wrong i think this is my favorite comment of all time on my youtube channel i think it deserves the most liked comment actually uh would be funny i thought it was so funny when i read it so i'm just adding some more lines here i'm exporting it by the way i'm using a vector program here affinity designer i didn't mention that you probably noticed by now you can use illustrator you can use what's this free one forgot inkscape doesn't really matter just use any vector program it's easier than photoshop or paint so yeah that's why i'm using affinity designer i like their price model so yeah now we can extract the red color create a mask make it black and the opposite white so you have this you can create a bump map from now on but i'm going to create a normal map because i'm used to working in unity and stuff like that so they only accept normal maps but bump map should work fine as well so i'm going to turn down low and medium and bump up high a little bit i pretty much always do this now i noticed it's inverted so we're going to redo the whole thing and invert the normal map just like that so now it pops out perfect now we're going to save this this is going to be our sidewall normal map and also using svgs um you could have also imported or not svg but vectors like in illustrator or affinity designer inkscape you can export the svg and actually shrink wrap it onto the tire and extrude it out and then you have actual mesh sidewall fonts are writing or whatever you want to call it so that's also a possibility using curves instead of photoshop but i thought a normal map is more than enough for this scenario so as you can see i'm just hooking it up also you saw that i separated the side wall from the main tire thread and also i can tell you like on real production ready tires these two parts are always separated i'm not sure why i guess because no i actually have no idea why but if you get tires like from real production cars they are always separated in sidewall and profile so now i'm going to create a baked map so i just baked out the ambient occlusion of the profile here so we can use it as a mask for like a dust overlay on the tire so you're going to understand in a second you see i've got some artifacts in the bake but that's absolutely no problem here once again uh clients are usually in your bag there's not much time so i like in this scenario just think it's faster to just photoshop the artifacts out instead of taking out the blocks and then rebaking you could do that but i already baked it so this was the fastest way so now i've got a nice mask for the profile and this mask we can use to basically separate where dirt goes and where dirt doesn't go it just looks a little bit more realistic and it's just a very simple way of dealing with that now i'm adding a second mask so we don't have a hard cut you'll see in a second towards the side wall so yeah it's a bit hard to explain you'll see in a second so now we will add our mask 1 our a this is going to be our mask that will separate dirt and non-dirt and this will be our main mask that basically just blends into the side wall yeah so now we're going to add noise this is going to be our dirt so i'm just making very basic dirt here you could probably use actual dirt like a photo of dirt but i'm just using a quick noise looks cleaner in a way even though it's dirty ironically so we're gonna use a mix shader we're gonna have another principle one for dirt one for tire we're gonna use our mask to separate the two so as you can see oh it's still inverted so flop it around we're gonna add make the rubber black and we will add a curve modifier in between so we can actually control this mask a little bit better so now you can see what i'm talking about the whole time this is basically just the blend between sidewall and profile and yeah so i'm just tweaking around now i'm gonna mix in our second mask so inside the thread there's no dirt so it's kind of like the tire rolled through a photo studio so there's not actually dirt from outside it's really just when the car rolls into the photo studio this is usually how the tires look like and often this look is wanted like dirt is always a no-go on cars but this type of dirt is actually added quite often on renderings because it just looks way more realistic and it's also unavoidable when these cars roll into a photo studio and 3d pretty much is imitating that so that's why i often add the slight dust on the tire to give it a bit more realistic look you could also drive the fully new way and add like the blue and red stripes on the rubber in case you know what i'm talking about but in renderings that's very unusual usually it's really a not a used tire but at least a rolled in tire so yeah so i'm just using a lot of curve modifiers here to tweak uh the shading uh the masks so it just fits up it's just a lot of tweaking like i don't even really know what to explain here i'm adding a bump map as well so in the dust layer it's just there's just a slight bump so it just looks a little bit more realistic but like these things are all pretty obvious i think um yeah pretty straight forward so now i'm actually flopping out the curve with a color ramp but it's basically just the same thing it's just easier to clip out completely because there was still a slight um yeah it wasn't smooth so now i'm adding a noise texture for the roughness on the sidewall also using a curve modifier once again you probably slowly get what my workflow is by now and now i'm also going to add a rgb mix node so we can actually control the contrast there's a lot of ways of controlling contrast here but i like to use the mix rgb and with the curve we can kind of override the roughness a little bit so just bump it up or bump it down whatever looks good to you i'm going to group it up so we have the same roughness settings in our tire profile so we don't have to do things twice if we change one it automatically changes the other otherwise you have separate roughness on sidewall and profile which wouldn't be good so make a group with ctrl g and ctrl g and yeah it's globalized so now i'm just changing the light i thought like a dark room fits a bit better to a tire i actually never in my life modeled a tire and never in my life rendered the tire that's actually the first time so i'm just really tweaking around trying to be creative here yeah as mentioned in the beginning if you work on cars the tires are not part of the car surprisingly so there's tire manufacturers they make tires i never worked for a tire manufacturer they send me the tires uh yeah so that's why i never encountered a tire modeling job ever i always get the tires what sometimes happens so here you see i'm adding a lattice modifier to give the tire a little bit of squish so depending on the tire manufacturer some send you the tire with the squish in it already and some don't and actually it's always annoying when the squish is already in the tire because you can't animate the car you can't roll the tire because the squish is hard baked into the mesh um but yeah in case you've got a round tire and need some squish just use the lattice modifier now i'm just spinning around the mustang logo or the whole rim basically so the mustang logo is straight now i'm adding a gradient to the backdrop just so the front is smooth and the back is rough just looks better in the rendering you could also mask this out in photoshop but i just thought it's easier and quicker to do everything in blender once again a lot of tweaking so i render it out i'm in photoshop now you probably know by now i like to use clarity i like to use texture in the raw filter raw camera filter i'm using a tiny bit of d-haze here um yeah really nothing crazy mainly just adding contrast now i'm growing up our canvas so everything now is basically the mock-up stage i'm just creating a quick mock-up to i don't know just to make a funny little ad for my badger tire um yeah you would probably never have to do this ever but if you actually will be working for a tire manufacturer you probably actually will probably have to make something similar but as mentioned i've never worked for any tire brands or companies i always got everything from them but yeah this is how you could do it so just save it out by the way that's blind text on the bottom in case you don't know it's called blind text and that's what you use as a spacer basically for text like placeholder yeah that's pretty much it very straightforward actually pretty simple so you made it through the whole video amazing since it was quite long i tried to keep it short but still kind of puffered up to be a longer video but yeah glad you stayed till the end i hope you learned something i hope you liked my chop cut knife method that i came up with so yeah then see you guys next time bye
Channel: Damian Mathew
Views: 33,184
Rating: 4.9257884 out of 5
Keywords: blender, car, render, realistic, photorealism, photorealistic, tutorial, animation, tracking, rendering, 2.8, advert, lighting, materials, modeling, hdri, tire, tyre, eevee
Id: NxtILaXgxIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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