TUTORIAL - "How to get a MAN to spend money on YOU"

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example you probably like viably me make him feel good for money okay best friends let's jump right into this juicy girl sauce video how to get a guy to spend money I use this [Music] Oh cup do that again sorry listen can you stop interrupting this bootleg cardi beat yo yo this is that cardi be funny here but she does look like Guardian I met her she's making money moves no she don't dance no more here's what I wanted I want to infiltrate a feminist conference and one they're all sitting down ready to like hear the thing speak I want to just pop in this video and then she pops in number one is testing why do you want to test them because you want to make sure that he's spending money on you tight some guys you don't like to spend money on themselves and themselves only and if you bring it up to them you know about spending money on you they're gonna flat out call you a gold digger this is my money then yeah cuz your body your choice his money his money so let me get this straight yeah you mad cuz you get with a man and you ask him to spend money on you and he calls you a gold digger that's what it is though that's like sleeping with people for money and then being surprised when they call you a worker listen if you're a night Walker be a night Walker nobody cares Walter nights be bladed that's what they Walker before anyone gets mad but why do y'all comment on these girls on the fringes she's a youtuber with like 800,000 subscribers and this is a very popular video she made so don't be coming at me sideways talk about fringe this is not French there are dozens of tutorials like this I'm gonna get up money's good money and I'm not mad at it they're gonna come a few sideways [Music] can you go iron so you want to make sure that you test them how do you test them you throw you throw things around like this okay so you probably let's say you live by yourself oh my and you're on the phone with babe I hate to do that grooming shit where they want some shit and so they start piling their hair so you can see their teeth and all left and all listen though let's say I'm about to go in though let me know let me talk to okay so what you have to do though listen listen to me I'm about to get it okay okay so the first thing we'll do is like you know start a conversation like this like oh my gosh it's the first of the month already like I feel like I hardly ever have money to myself I'm always paying all these bills oh my god so annoying right like when I've had money problems the last thing I do stuff up with your money problems that's the worst thing you're gonna bring up on a day but then again that's because of the gender roles and stuff that's what it is and if he says time to spend money on you isn't like burr babe that's crazy like wait how much do you pay how much is your rent Oh fifteen hundred all right well I'm uh I'm gonna I'm gonna give you 1500 when I see you later on today if a guy like just out of the gate out straight out the gate volunteers to pay your bills then you know is more is more of that to come okay man some people really live life on easy mode yes they do but some people really Milton yeah they want a free ride for everything but it can't that's crazy rough this is to me this is yes you say whatever you want no I'm just looking for it you owe it to me but live your life but if he turns around and says yeah that's crazy yo I hate being adult damn like I'm sorry together and I do got bills I'm like pretty much you know that's a cold work that's a cold word for like Dan I'm helping you Kawai woody no that's not that code word is if someone told me they were having financial problem like damn that sucks I know I've been there too but you know what gratification is gratification is when you struggle in life and then you overcome your not to struggle no more so there's no way that I'm gonna interrupt someone struggle and make it easy for them to get past it that's stupid to me do you think my friends come to me and be like damn life's hard man I can't pay my bills hoping that I pay their bills no if you need my help with some just ask me directly don't do this indirect bullshit that you're emotionally manipulating me to help you that makes you trash listen if you emotionally manipulate someone to get what you want that's trash you can't ask whether it's compliments whether its food whether it's money whether it's sex whatever it is if you manipulate take the money up what if I did the same thing to get daddy what does that make me okay girl yeah okay okay you got have money prompts okay cool not prompt but you want to do something for me too you got money problems oh I see problem that sittings that we don't have that's it and so now you want to profit eight look come on [Applause] [Music] I don't got money like that you know I'm saying so that shit out the gate shows you what kind of man you're dealing with yo like that she's telling you what kind of girl she is yeah I don't want to face sugar daddy cuz it make me look bad so I'm saying you know you got yourself a man that is willing to provide okay cuz when I say how to get a guy to spend money on you I'm not talking about like cuz I'm not gonna shake a baby I never use guys you know so be my sugar daddy this is your significant other like I've never used that I'm not like that I'm not a sugar baby I'm a sugar infant plenty of people marry their sugar daddies doesn't change the fighting still their sugar did that's one of my deal-breakers that I can't be with a guy that thinks the problem to spoil his girl that thing is the problem like every time I ask for something that he's spoiling your girl giving her like flowers and stuff like that spoiling her and you manipulate mother this is too goddamn different things spoiling your girl and you don't get them doing something nice for your significant other is not what you're describing here you're manipulating mother into giving you exactly what you want them to protip men women don't test your partners don't don't do this it's not good it's not good you're using this seat to get information it's not good you don't use to see use your words it shouldn't be a problem there's this quote that says if you relationship and you're struggling then since you're single and I couldn't agree with that post like oh my god I love that hole so much that we won't share anything you want to say just roll the goddamn clear I don't see women and build relationships and they come like oh my god like my car no I'm backed up and it's like I said me like why don't you just tell your boyfriend oh no I don't act him or I don't think he's gonna give it to me since are you kidding me you're freaking single my mom always taught me that like you know I make my own money and I should make our own money but we should be able to have men to like you know it's times get morning I babe he'll go baby hundred dollars yeah honey go here and 20 here why do you throw that money at you like you were a stripper yo number two is go on dates that are nearby shopping centers what going out with this guy and when he he accident somewhere you want to go and I said you know I'm gonna go to you know a seafood restaurant whatever and because I know that it was across the street from like them all so after we ate and so what you want to do after just like I just like I thought you would say and I said oh you know the model is up the black we could walk around more is that I let's walk on the moon and then as we're working on the ones that you want anything chi-ching I'm car something I want this I want this and not on the 521 let's go to those doorbell quick there's something that I want okay and lo and behold girl he took me shopping and I really really enjoyed that like that made me look at him different he's like oh like you husband material you know I'm famous she probably even stay with this nigga too as can he be like my husband aside like that cuz you know that's one of the things I look for in a husband like I feel like stability is so sexy what you're asking for is not stability what you're asking for is luxury it's not the same thing stability is a 9 to 5 with a solid pension plan and guaranteed benefits what you're looking for at the Lewis store is not stability boo boo all right it's luxury you want someone to feed your ego because you can't stop shopping like loser cuz you don't have the talent to do it yourself but part of me may be also slightly feels bad for cuz she's inherited this from her mother so she taught that you know some people learn the value system from their parents and they learn how affection is supposed to look like her mom taught her that men buy you stuff that's sad to me it's not something a week came up to the conclusion that's what she actually said in the video so you do number two you go on a date as my shopping centers to see if he spends money on you you got to a winner if you don't that's the last day you gave me that's the last day his sheep his sheep he's gonna sit back with you spend your money and shut him out at you for your money he's cheap he's gonna let you spend your money and then after that's gonna turn around and ask you for your money ain't that what you doing so if he's cheap he's gonna let you is gonna be what you're doing right now yeah but a man's supposed to be a man that's not no table guys worked okay all right so let's move on to tip number three how to get a guy to spend money on you number three is make him feel good for spending money on you exactly that's it exactly example you probably like viably me make him feel good for spending money [Laughter] you still not certain we got a problem don't give me the words these are awful for something else make you feel special we make a unique and profiting okay I leave the leaf circle of lies if you make a guy feel good for spending money on you he's gonna spend more money on you because you make him feel good about it so example is like let's say people he took you shopping like oh my god thank you baby like I really appreciate it like you're so different from the other dudes our date you know I'm saying but don't overdo it you know cuz guys since how we being fake you know I give him a kiss like babe thank you so much you know I'm saying like I love you like and if he's gonna you know he's in black alright you know just just show appreciation she's a cheapo she got the goods and she still didn't offer the goods you and I remember there's a couple people got mad at me I used a prize to in the past at least the stitute delivered I respect that she said 50 euros an hour I said yes ma'am let's profit ate and I slammed that money on the table and we profit ate it but value that was a clear transaction yeah the people that are mad at this and under saying I owe you you busy you that Madison that was it that was an honest transaction I gave you money provided the entertainment what's the last thing you want to do is for even and just in general delight when somebody does something for you I feel like it's your duty to watch your way to make them feel good and make them feel like it was the right decision to help nobody ever want to feel use and did you did our city did you say nobody you know ever won a few youth and then you pull all this game to have all this money yet nobody wants to feel you you see - not good for my mental health yeah the thing breaks you can't always help me all the time the point of this video is that we don't want to use our man but we just want this is for the ladies up that love can you spoil like me that's my love language Navy that's my love language well you know like listen it's just the way I was raised like I felt like you don't love me unless you slap me you know I'm saying that's my love language nope she was born into dysfunction you got a sword sir now this is not healthy it's my love language it's my love language so make it filter yes a make him feel good some thank you I don't want to say you sleep with him and put your hand put your hand put this on go to work you know safe and that's like you know like don't you dare insult Pross you are not a half of water problems they're doing honest work they know what they're doing there's this for that and that's it you try to pass it oh yeah see the thing is prostitutes operate on pity you operate on implied pussy right yo you are selling them the oasis in the desert prostitutes are selling them on the Nile we know it exists we gonna get it we know where to find it on the map yours keep walking the desert desert maybe you're gonna find me no no I ain't messing with that no some thirsty I'm thirsty I brought the camels let's drink Wow let's go so number four this is very important because if you don't if you do this too much you're not gonna get nada nothing not a dime out of coin that of order number four is don't lose his money or he will catch on and cut you off now I'm sad to say but I know there's some experience you know what she said don't over do it or he will catch on catch it sounds like a scheme you literally sound like you've done something wrong and you know it's wrong he's going to catch on to what you're doing listen to the word deceiving you know what it is know you know don't pretend otherwise you know she put the holes and knows she knows but I remember like this guy like he's taking shopping all the time and literally like every week we'll just go shopping and then one day but you know the thing is we weren't together and nothing he just liked like me and like he just used to just take me shopping like that's a friend zone that's the Simpsons no sip zone zone sounds like a good rapper name yeah song super zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom and jump Jim Jones we Stifler know you know this there was a little old trick that this is the oldest in a book wait it works pull out your wallet first and act as if you want to pay was pretended it soaks she put the hole in oh wow that's what you might have to dodge in the dating life no no I've never been with someone yeah dang I feel like I would weed out her scandalous person like this also I don't come across this type to spend a lot of money on people I'll pay for a first date if I have someone else I've no probably won't spend a lot of money on you yeah that's what I'm saying you do the essential so I don't see you that when I was saying that of course I don't see you with a broad like that you would cut that girl off real quick it's not part of my values values don't line spending money that's now how I derive joy or pleasure in life doesn't mean that I won't spend anybody you know we go out to a restaurant I'm paying I'll take you somewhere I don't mind that that's not pay for an experience like that no no that's not me finish but what I'm trying to say is like when it comes to materialistic stuff I would never be with someone like that because the way I structure my values it's not some that simple to me it doesn't matter what I buy all never feel good or better so to be with someone who would just because they bought like a new pair of clothing it wouldn't interest me to me that's a poor value system what you're only happy if you're spending money so what happens if we fought a hard times oh you don't want to be with no broken you good of course I'm not gonna be rich I want to be with someone I can struggle with I want to be with someone I can thrive with I want to be with someone who can go through ups and downs if you're only here because I can spend a thousand dollars on you a week you're trash you garbage I would never even socialize you wouldn't even be in my circle of friends you wouldn't even want to be someone I would talk to that's how I feel because you're low quality human to me that's it and it's okay if you are but we don't have to socialize anyone who manipulates people like this you're trash to me you said that she knows she's bad to by the language is my language don't overdo it or he's gonna catch on what catch on to what I've never hit someone something like that from someone my partner's it said I don't want it to catch on to what I'm doing what I don't know this was initially like we're laughing at her then it became cringy and then it just became like oh no you're a manipulative bad person I take it back I take back every time I called her or ho know this person is not that she's some other evil she's elite someone who latches on to you sucks you dry or sucks whatever she can out of you and then leaves a vampire a succubus no succubus delivers the goods oh yeah I know Excel had plenty of succubus fantasies oh wow yeah a lot of fantasy games and they come in looking sexy and like yeah for another pleasure I just want some of your life force I was like that sounds like everyday speaks to me the vampires to pay the hoppier now they're gonna leave you dry like that I mean some of them are very modest vampires I know because I interact with them okay and they just take a little bit of blood enough because they don't want it you know but the bad ones oh this doesn't play a lot of famous you see that yeah yeah I thought about it too some vampire yeah I've had one a bit cold cold I love my warm chicken but cold meats coke I've been to Subway my nigga I've been to Subway my nigga so that's how I feel about Julie's yeah just have some pride guys have some pride learn to do things on your own I'm not saying you can't ask for help from time to time that's not the thing well she was talking about with some other I've definitely help people out financially when they were in need that's not a problem this is some other y'all this is a mother y'all yeah I can't believe some of you guys are it's out there you understand what I'm saying if out there is she the equivalent of boy yes like you know we manipulates you together said you guys she manipulates men to get money I think the thing that happen is that a boy he's gonna use love to get girls gonna get you pussy to get materialistic well there you go so that's pretty much all we got for today's video listen to what you guys think in the comments below don't forget to subscribe to patreon [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Aba & Preach
Views: 1,012,773
Rating: 4.9309931 out of 5
Keywords: aba preach, reaction, cardi B, nicki minaj, gold digger, date men money, school of affluence
Id: 4jlpwVBjIfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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