Tutorial: How to Export a Rigged Character from Blender to Unreal Engine 5

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hello there everybody in this video i'm going to show you how to get your model from blender to unreal engine and for this i'm going to use this model that we have here it is called fully and basically what we are going to do here is we are going to get not only the model here that we have but we are also going to get one animation so you can see how it works to get both of these into a real engine for this tutorial we are going to see how to make it for real legend 5 but it should work the same with unreal engine 4. so basically the first thing that we are going to do is get one add-on uh which is called blender for unreal engines that you can find here i'm going to leave the link in down in the description and then from this page we can come all the way down here now the stable version of it is the 0.3.0 the only thing you need to do is download this and then we are just going to get this blender for real engine zip click it and then download done now the thing we need to do is the same process as every other add-on that we installed in blender so we come here to edit preferences we come here to add-ons and then we install it find the location where you you downloaded it but since i already have it installed i'm not going to install it again but the only thing you need to do is click it and install it on nice and then it's going to get this add-on here so blender for real engine and now that we have this add-on installed the only thing we need to do is press the end panel select the armature so this here is most likely going to be here in auto we are going to change it to export recursive and then here we're going to have a bunch of options but the the main things is do you have this one here so export only different burns if you want you can leave it like like this so you create a physical asset and for now we are not going to send the animations we're going to send it separated first we're going to send just the skeletal mesh and then after it we are going to export the animation so leave it like that for now go all the way down here and we can choose the naming convention that we want to want to use i don't like to include the armature name and the animations and things like that and i also deleted these uh suffixes but you can keep it in the way you want and then here are the things that we are actually going to export so since i just want the skeletal mesh to be exported i just have the skeleton yeah and all the other ones i'm not going to have so another thing that's very important is to have this export only select and this way basically you're going to export just the one you have selected and if you want you can check for potential errors in this model's case it's going to have some errors for example unreal engine unsupports a single read bone but the thing is since we are only exporting deformed bones all the non-deformed bones are not going to be exported such as the controllers that i have here so it's actually going to export in the correct way so you have to have that in mind and then after we have this the only thing we need to do is click this button here or export for unreal engine and done basically what this here is going to do is it's going to create an export fbx file in the same place where you have uh your blend file so let's check it out okay and so here i'm in the folder i see i have this goalie here which is the one that we are working on and then we have this exported fbx open it there's going to be the skeletal mesh and after we're going to see there's going to be the animations as well so clicking here i'm going to have the armature which is the name of the amateur that we have here and then inside this armature we are going to have the name of the armature again which is armature here but i'm going to delete this one because i want this armature to have the name of gold nice and now basically we have everything that needs to be added and the only thing we need to do is to import it to unreal engine and to do that i already have here unreal engine open we're just going to drag and drop it here minimize it now that we have it opened here the only thing we need to do to get the shape keys that we we have in the model we have to get this guy here so advanced we have to open it and then we are going to have to take this guy here so import more targets so with it dick we just import all of it and there we go now that we have it we can test it out we can open it here and then we are going to have all the the bones working just fine and this is one of the most important parts of it okay so now that we have the model here the thing that we need to import now is going to be the animations and to do that the only thing we're going to do is uh go back to blender and then we are going to have an animation that you want to be exported as the active animation so for example here have this uh little walk animation and i want to export this one and to do that what i'm going to do is go up here a little bit and we are going to the animation properties in this one i'm going to change this from auto to for some time and then i'm going to set the animation time here which is going to be from 1 2 1 20. just like we have down here and this action to export we are going to export current and then we are going to export just the animation that we have right now and then now the only thing we need to do is uh mark the animation and unlock this skeletal mesh but with the version i'm used to using here as a little bit god though when i bought the animations actually exporting the mesh together with it but then one thing that i found that works the same way as to select the mesh and you can unparent it so we can play a parent and then we export you can export it and if you want to make it go back into how it was before you just select the motors select the armature again and then we are going to come here parent and then we are going to parent with empty group so it goes back to the way it was before okay so i like this guy and i'm going to unparent it and get pre-apparent select the armature and then now we export it for a real length all right it's going to go to basically the same place [Music] here in real engine and now we can see that we have this anime folder here in the same place that we have the armature exported so we open it and there's going to be your animation so now the only thing you need to do is drag it here and then it's going to show all the things that it has and here is going to choose a rig so we can use and basically this one is going to be the goalie skeleton which is the same one as we have here and that's basically it now we're just impossible and that's it now it's done and we can check it out here and to see if it's working just either way it should and as we can see it is so i hope it worked for you as well see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Telergy Studio
Views: 22,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, cg, telergystudio, animation, game development, ue5, ue4, blender 3
Id: heOTtr39eH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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