[Tutorial] How to create/port custom interior/MLO's for RedM/RDR2

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[Music] hey guys so today we are going to see how to create custom mlos for retime or rdl2 in this tutorial we i'm going to use solemns for creating the models and collisions but due to some weird issues with the red m pollutions you know made using the solums i'm also going to use 3ds max to fix the collision issues so let's get started i have this system exterior actually it's not custom it's i've just renamed it it was actually imported from gta 5 and i'm going to use this but you can create your own models from scratch that's no issue and i've also created the mls shell right here as you can see i have made all the cutouts and align the interior according to the this door frame cutout i'll also be providing some fpx which you can import and create the doors i have tried to match the rdr door size so you can use fpx to match the door sizes it's not pinpoint but it's extremely close the gta doors are little bit bigger than rdr so i've just made some changes so right now this model actually the exterior actually already has the collision and the model so as you can see this is our shell and this is a collision and if i just hide the model you can see this is our position i recommend you to watch some tutorials on how to create custom models and collisions for gta 5 using solemns which will really help you in creating the mlos too actually solemns is pretty nice but due to some weird issues it is not fully compatible yet with red em so i'm going to proceed with our shell right now right now it's just a plain model and blender i have renamed it to emulator tutorial shell and what we are going to do right now is to just create a driver right now i have select my shell just click the create drawable and here is a drawable what i'm also going to do is xr shaders i'm going to convert it to a normal shader and i'm also going gonna embed all the textures for this tutorial it is actually easier you can use external dictionary dictionaries that's not an issue but for the sake of tutorial i'm just gonna embed all the extra dictionaries you can also use the set all textures to embedded [Music] i'm just going to select each texture and just click on select all textures and set all textures and it's embedded and just verify it once if the embedded box is selected or not because there's some weird issue that it doesn't enable the embedded right away so you can see i'm just gonna click it once again [Music] just make sure all the textures are embedded specular deport normal rest all seems to be embedded so what we're gonna do is we are also going to use our this shell to create a collision so if you go to condition tools create bound and make sure to uncheck the replace original file so just select the model and create bond now hide this ttl again and rename our shell to mlo tutorial well which represents our collision just gonna hide and fix the name so this is our shell and this is our collision i'm just gonna hide the shell for now [Music] and to our collision what we're going to do is remove the texture [Music] create collision material and create any of the collision material it's better to just stick with default and concrete and few of the selected ones i'm just going to use concrete and i'm going to create another one let's say wood wood large and this and for wood large i'm going to assign the collision material to the floor [Music] so let me just select the floor and we're gonna use wood solid for our floor go to solums and select the room ideas one [Music] and with bvh we're gonna give it a preset flag you can just select to make sure all the textures are assigned properly yep so this is our collision and this is our emulator shell what you also want to keep in mind is that we just could click over this arrow and select face orientation and right now our faces are outside so we are going to flip our faces so all these blue boxes for the melo shell should be inside and red should be outside so if you just tab go to edit mode select all the faces and press alt 10 and then flip so now all our red faces are exterior and blue are interior we're gonna do the same for our collision shell let's just hide this select all the faces press alt n flip and now if you see both our faces are inside and the flipped faces are outside [Music] let's disable the face orientation and this our shell and just hide the collision this is how it looks from the inside [Music] so let's just export the collision and our exterior let me just make sure i've given the position flag to it draw will tools position tools black reset and apply flags be great now what we can do is just export our exterior only let me just select the hierarchy export walker xml i'm just gonna go to our ml tutorial folder uncheck the use parent transform and click on the selected objects and select the export with wire type gonna take a moment since the collision was duplicated and let me just go to the folder right here and we here we have our embellished shell and this is our y type [Music] and in the y type you only have our ml exterior so now we can just hide our mellow exterior and coming back to our ml shell which is actually the most important thing over here what we can do is now create an archetype definition so just create by type we're gonna rename it to mlu tutorial now select our mlo tutorial shell and make sure that the base is selected from the drop down menu and just click on or to create now select our collision emulator tutorial collision drop down and make sure to select the mlo and auto create i'm just gonna quickly run over the process if you wanna make sure how to make the ml properly you can just follow the souls wiki i'll put the description for the wiki 2. it's actually just making the interior or the shell or gta 5 so you can use 3ds max 2 and follow toby's tutorial for creating the melos for gt5 and we're just gonna convert the mlos and exteriors and all the collision bounds using the radium converter we'll talk about it later first let's just create a collision so just go to rooms select our collision bound and create limbo and since we only have this room only i'm just gonna click again [Music] and rename it to main and if you just click on show gizmo this is our exterior total extends mlu extends and check it [Music] now what we can do is go to our entities select our shell and add electric objects as a key and if we just go to our rooms select limbo and make sure selected rooms and set to limbo or creating the portal [Music] we're gonna select the collision bound go into the edit mode vertex mode and select four of our vertices click on create portal from vertices just show the portal right now the direction is this what we're gonna do is go to rooms and make sure it is from main limbo great now you can just hide the portal go back again now we can export it what you gonna do is export y type go to our folder export by type now we can just select our hierarchy both our amulet tutorial collision and emulator tutorial shell files export woodworker xml and make sure the selected objects disable the export with y type since we have already created the y type over here disable the parent transformation too and export code worker maximal now we have our external shell or actually the exterior our main wiretap for the exterior sorry this is the amyloid wire type for the exterior this is our mlo shell and mellow collision shell and and our main emulation and all these folders contain them with the textures now what we can do is just open up the cold walker rpf explorer and we're gonna import it let me just quickly go to our update take 64 dlc packs [Music] we're just going to go over here and put our files select all the xml files and just enable the edit mode and drag and drop oh another thing we actually want to convert our textures to the dds format so what we're gonna do is convert all our textures to dds start i'll also link down the tool to convert the jpg or png files to reduce files images are converted and now we can just import our shell again great so now we have our exterior if you just go over here and options and show collision mesh so this is our exterior this is our mlo collision and this is our mlo shell great what we can also do is just import these things over here [Music] so make sure to just drop all the y types and the models in our dlc you can just download the dlc adobe actually has a tutorial on how to use custom dlcs to import the custom objects if you just follow the tutorial you'll get to it make sure to follow toby's tutorial so now we have our everything right in our dlc folder and actually why we need a dlc folder is because we are going to import these models like our shell and our exterior in the gta and we're going to use some data on the gta which the code worker generates so now what we can do is probably we should open up our world worker [Music] now what we can do is i'll i have created these template files so we can use this template files to create our mr shell i'll be providing these three files in the description so you can use it and follow the tutorial we're just gonna import our y type first so if we just open up the y type and what we can do is you you see here the ml exterior select the below exterior replace all our mlo exteriors with the file names over here so we have our mlxd gear dot ydr we're gonna replace the mirror exterior ydr since we actually have the same names um i don't need to actually replace the names but if you have let's say mlu exterior to the red mmo exterior so what you want to do is select the name make sure you have highlighted the mlu exterior part and replace all the mlu exterior to your exterior file name [Music] and make sure that you are using embedded textures and embedded physics dictionaries or if you are using the external physics dictionaries and texture dictionaries make sure to put the proper names over here [Music] what we can do is open up our cold walker and make sure we load the dlcs i actually have some test coordinates so we're just gonna use that once we have loaded our project we're gonna open a new project window select a new biomap select the biomap new entity and since we have our ml exterior we're gonna select mlu exterior and paste it over here so now we have our exterior in cold water so these coordinates are of rdr2 we're gonna use these coordinates and place the exterior at these coordinates just click go to so in gta it will be it's around a pool or anywhere offset which is which will not match the rdr coordinates exactly but it will be useful calculating the data so similarly we're just gonna click new entity and we can add our email collision [Music] so click add new entity and we're gonna replace it with our envelope tutorial shell make sure we have our similar coordinates just gonna copy it and paste so now if you notice we have our embellish shell over here oops let me show i guess [Music] okay so the melody is not visible i'm just gonna delete this once again and add the biomap entity paste the coordinates copy the name paste it and now we have our mlo shell the coordinate is a bit messed up fix the coordinates and now we have our emulation so if we just go back to our biomap and click on calculate our flags and click calculate extents now what we can do is use these extents [Music] and the provided ymap file to click on x y map file open up the y map file and we're just going to copy entity extends men paste it over here entertain extense max paste it over here gaming extension [Music] paste it over here and streaming instance max now what we can do is carefully copy and paste all these values in the respective x y and z fields [Music] we're just gonna copy all these values over here we actually have to do this since we don't have a proper way yet of calculating the entity extends or radium but since the logic is pretty much same for redem and 5m it doesn't really matter [Music] just remove it later [Music] select this and last one make sure to remove all the leftovers now we have our entity and streaming extents we can just probably close the code walker right now coming back we have our name and since we i have the same name for the ml exterior but you just save the ml exterior and replace with the exterior name and we're gonna put this position right over here copy this paste it over here for the see select this delete this and paste [Music] now what we're gonna do is fill up this y type so if we just go back and open up our y types which we created let's say we have created this y type so tutorial.org type which we created for the mlu exterior we're just gonna copy the bb min bb max bb center and bb radius bs radius and just paste it over here in our template well type fix paddings [Music] let's fix the tabs actually and we can just close it coming back to our mlo we can open up our mlo tutorial dot by type and here we comes and here it comes the most important part copy with the copy the bb man bb max via center and bs radius as usual and coming back to our emulatorial shell paste it over here [Music] fix the padding or the tabs whatever you want to call it [Music] this will always and this will always be zero so that's not an issue just copy it and paste it over here [Music] and now if you notice we have our mlo room definition if we just scroll down and here we have our rooms tag so let's just match and we have the same name as limbo and we have our blank fields over here and the template bbman and bbmax this we're just going to copy the bbmin and bb max and paste it over here tabs [Music] we have actually provided the time cycle so i'll actually also put the time cycle list which was actually provided and discovered by i guess decarbonator if i pronounced correctly he actually compiled the list of time cycles which he found personally so make sure you don't use the gta time cycles and the radium [Music] so we have the same bb men and bb max we have our portal count which is one [Music] over here limbo floor id 0 exterior and make sure the attached is 0 selecting the main copy the bbman and bbmax again fix the tabs we don't need to change the values and flags we have a same portal count as one and everything is same now coming back to our portal we have a single portal if you have multiple portals you can just copy paste and change the values coming back looking at the 5m by type we're just gonna copy these values make sure to copy the first three values only so let's just copy the first three values paste it in the first line copy the next three values paste it over here again copy the next three values again paste it over here and copy this and paste it over here now make sure that you remove all the commas make sure you don't have any commas over here so there there should be a space instead of a comma and i think that's it for do i type [Music] make sure the name is set to the file name of the y type it's tutorial by type great so i think everything is turning the wire type and everything is done in the y map [Music] now what we want to do is export our ydrs and ybns so if you want to use this ydr and ybl files in redm we actually first need to convert it to the redm compatible format so first of all just extract it i'm just going to create a new folder and rename it to gtm modules so select our mlux t3 ydr mlo collision ydr ybn and our amlo shell ydr export it and now what we want to do is open our redm directory select the redem application data and paste all these three files over here and now open up this cmd make sure you are in the redm.app directory now you need to enter dot backslash click on press tab and it will automatically fill out base formats is to convert and now what you want to do is input these file names so you can just copy paste it mlu exterior dot ydr put a space and then put the next file name put a space again copy another file name [Music] paste it again and you can hit enter just wait it out and if you just look over over here the redm application data you will have the three new files with the new name changed as underscore and y a at the end we can just copy these three files which was created and paste it in our stream folder in our server file and now what we want to do is just edit each file and remove the underscore nya part [Music] can close the cmd you can also close the radam application data folder and now we want to edit our manifest.yml just select the tutorial by map make sure what your wi-map file name is and paste it over here and replace the tutorial underscore by type with the by type file name we have it over here as same the tutorial underscore type and email tutorial collision make sure your collision file name is pasted over here and over here since we have the same name it doesn't really matter just save it out save the y type and we actually want to change one thing for our y map make sure the num exit poll till count is what you have the total portal count as in your limbo or actually the total number of portals going from the inside to the outside so we actually only have our one main portal which is going from room one to room zero as you can see as over here room one two room zero so we actually only have our single portion make sure we have our everything name correctly okay [Music] now we want to start our rhythm [Music] let me just close the vs code or my pc might just straight up crash start [Music] i'm him enable the admin menu for myself [Music] let it just update and i'll just come back [Music] and now if we just join our post [Music] if everything if you have if you have done everything correctly the 5m or the redmi should not actually crash and if your radio crashes while loading inside the game you have either you have either set the values wrong for the y type or the biomap [Music] we actually want to change our collision files so i'm just gonna show you that if you just make our or use our olymps collision files what are the issues which we see or face inside the radium so the next step is only for solemn users or who are using blender to create the mlos but if you are using max you should be fine at this point if you have done everything and filled the wall type correctly [Music] and here we have our [Music] overlaunched game might lag as you can see at the far distance we have our exterior oops my game land [Music] just no clip my game is lagging hard right now [Music] just no clip over here you can see that we have our exterior collision working fine and if we can go to our interior the mlo is working fine right now in the third person but if we go to our first person oh it is working fine right now so hopefully it should be working fine for you the thing which i was facing earlier is the interior was disappearing due to incorrect floor id but i guess the code walker or the solemn was actually updated recently and i also bumped up my blender version to 3.1 so it should be fine [Music] as you can see we have our collisions and everything let me just change the time [Music] and yep there is still the issue as you can see rmlo has disappeared in the first person [Music] the issue is actually not it solved so we actually now need to fix the issue of interior disappearing [Music] let me just show you that how the pollution reacts with the gun [Music] as you can see the collision is missing at some portions right now so if you see the collision is absent over here but it is over here at the floors or at the walls pollution present over here pollution is over here but collision isn't over here and if we try to switch in the first person over here the interior disappears as you can see the mlo is working fine in the third person but not in the first person [Music] so let's just go ahead and fix it i'm just gonna save out my blender file and close it [Music] now we can just launch our 3ds max to fix our collision show [Music] so what we want to do is go back to our original gta models which we exported from codeworker and we want to edit this ybn file to edit the webin file we use open id to extract the collision to open formats [Music] and go and track our collisions so this was our ml collision as you can see so we're just gonna export it to open formats we're just gonna select our tutorial folder and extract it open up our 3ds start the game ceo [Music] import we're gonna select our email tutorial and collision import and if you see over here right now we have our window shell [Music] so what we want to do is just select our selector melo [Music] go to the edit mode select the edible mesh select the faces select all the floor faces actually [Music] i'm actually pretty bad with 3ds max i'm just gonna quickly select we have selected our or the floor faces as you can see what we want to do is open our games material editor you see the wood large [Music] and what we can do is just either replace this material or we can use the current material and again select the faces [Music] go down and select the material again and assign it [Music] and if you open up our material editor select our material make sure the room id is one just reapply the material once for the same you can do the faces [Music] make sure the concrete and room id can either be one or b0 for this tutorial i'm just gonna set the room id to one and just reassign the material make sure to reassign the material to all the faces of the walls and the roof what we can do is [Music] just select all the roof and the wall pieces and assign the material again and once you have reassigned the materials you just it out from the edit mode and re-export our collision just export familiar tutorial okay make sure to export continue and we can now just re-import our exported file so this is our exported file enable edit mode [Music] and reimport the ydr oh sorry why bean actually and this is our collision file if we just re-extract it again put it on our gta models copy and replace and now we want to reconvert our collision [Music] so just open up the radium location open file location go to radam application data and what we want to do is copy our exported collision file again copy and replace now open up our command open up our command prompt create account.com format just to convert and just copy and paste the file name wait for a second once it's converted on the file name it is emilio tutorial call underscore environment so this is our new file this we added it to oh my god this is our file so we're just gonna copy it again and paste it in our stream folder delete our older collision file and rename it to just position and rename and edit out the underscore environment just start the server again launch up our readm [Music] start our resource start my admin panel [Music] now we can try to see if the fixes were fine or not [Music] we actually don't need to change anything in our y type and the one up since we are actually just reassigning the materials and re-exporting and converting the models [Music] once we have loaded in our game i'm just going to change the time again [Music] just no clip [Music] and now if we try to go on our first person now it works fine so let's just also test the gun collision as you can see the floor has collision at the missing part too when we first tested it the first the first collision the there was no actually there was no collision because we can see the collision is present right now and the walls too and the floor since there was no collision in this part but now it has so there's some weird issue with this solemn's assigning the floor id or radem actually or the converter might be the radium converter which converts the model might have some issues converting the floor ids which shows the files which are exported using sodiums and blender but now it works fine as you can see we can change with pp without an issue in the any part of the mlo you can just place the interior on the floor and for placing the interior what we can do is use spooner and we can just select our models and put in our fx manifest data files and we can use spooner to place the exterior at let's say on floor and then you can use that coordinates to place the interior and the exterior and calculate the extents in cold walker as usual and place the interior at that location i'll also make a tutorial on how to place interior props since there's actually no cold walker to place the props and align the props right now but i'll definitely make a tutorial so yeah that's our ambiguous shell working absolutely fine so if you want to just test how the weather reacts to the interior you can just change our weather to let's say a rainy or and i don't know what i renamed it to so if you see outside there it is actually raining but in the inside it's absolutely fine you can also change to let's say you know and the time cycle as you can see the time cycle color changes the interior and actually now we have snowy weather but interior is actually not affected so that's it for this tutorial you find it helpful and i'm just going to try to improve it and also make a new tutorial on how to place props for amylose since actually the props placed and the mlos are placed using the y types so i have actually made a tool for making the process easier for placing the props but it's under beta right now and there are some weird quirks with the mirror rotation so once i get that fixed or hopefully i just test it out properly once i'll make sure to make a tutorial on how to place props for the interiors that's it for this tutorial hopefully you enjoyed it and i'll see you later
Channel: Anurag Verma
Views: 22,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redm, mlo, custom, interior, rdr2, mod, sollumz
Id: l1Uzh6fC8e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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