Create Your Own YMAPs in Red Dead Redemption - RedM Tutorial - Learn Spooner

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are you looking to learn how to create simple and easy y maps for red m we've come to the right place in this tutorial we're going to teach you how to use Spooner its features how to save your creation as white maps for both your redm server and others stick around because it's time to create [Music] howdy cow folk Austin BMX Here with drb Studios welcome back to the channel or if you're new around here welcome to the channel where we teach you Rhythm development and basic game coding as well as stream and tech product reviews and tutorials if you're going to like this video consider hitting the like button as it greatly helps out the channel and of course subscribe so you won't miss out on the next video as mentioned before the intro we're gonna be going over Spooner its features and how to use its features to save your own y Maps if you do not have Spooner yet I highly recommend picking it up there's a link down in the description where to download from the Creator as well as you can use our server load which includes Spooner and some other easy features first we need to explain what is Spooner Spooner is a easy overlay program that allows you to import objects into your world including vehicles and Peds for different scenarios we're going to be using its features to import objects in the world and then saving those objects as a y map so then that particular little scene gets loaded into your server when a server starts these can be as simple as creating little markets like you saw before the intro you can create Interiors for buildings or even just dress up a town with I don't know maybe pumpkins so let's jump right into it so you guys can get creating first off we're gonna go over the two basic menus of Spooner as you can see on our screen right now we are on the base menu of Spooner this is the menu that shows the bottom of your screen after you hit the delete key to open up Spooner and you're not highlighting any object in the game as you can see our cursor in the middle is white meaning that we're not currently highlighting any object in the game now there may be some kind of objects on the ground that we could highlight or we could highlight this horse or this wagon as you can see it turns green and our menu changes but for our base menu right now it shows most of our cursor moving functions most of them are basically just like any other uh game we have wasd to move around just like this we can fly back and forth left and right just like that we have space to go up and shift to go down this is just basically moving our view right now we also have the spawn menu which is e which will spawn whatever we have loaded into Spooner we'll get into that here in a more in a future we have the spawn menu we have the database which shows everything we've already spawned in our current instance of opening Spooner we have J to save databases we have speed up and down which you could see in our menu it changes your speed this allows you to move faster if we put this way up here and then do this see how much faster we're moving now that is just to move around the world not really made to build anything you can actually turn it way down as well so you can get stuff very very fine-tuned and move stuff very slowly the default is 10 so we'll just keep it right there we also have Focus mode on control those are two modes we'll get into that more when we have some obvious on the map we have entity handles that just kind of shows you uh basically stuff in the world as you can see it has some object things right here um but well we don't really use that too much we have help which you're here for this video so we are the help we have delete of course just brings you in and out of Spooner just like this the delete button and then we have hide controls hide controls I don't use them very much we may have a couple of ymap builders on the server that use them but I uh don't use Spooner very much so uh I don't have the controls memorized but you can hide the controls if you'd like now to start exploding well while you guys are here how do I put an object on the map how do I move it around and how do I save it well first let's get into two basic things first we have the spawn menu and the database one of the main things you want to do before you do any kind of Y map is make sure your database is clear this is so you don't have any remnants of an old y map been there from earlier in the day or anything like that because you don't want to have any extra items in your y map when you export it because that could create some issues so the first thing we always want to do is hit X open up our database all we have right now is our self that is fine if you see anything else in here you want to hit delete all just like that our main two buttons for spawning stuff is f and e f brings up the spawn menu which will allow us to select an object and E spawns that object if we hit the F menu right now it brings up the small little menu here we have five options Peds Vehicles objects prop sets and Pickups going through all these of course Peds is any type of person or animal yes you can spawn these but you cannot save these in a y map we can get into this more in a future video on how to create PEDs in your map but you can spawn these for a scenario in Spooner to test a few things we have vehicles which is a full-on drivable vehicle these could be wagons boats or hot air balloons we have objects which we're going to use mostly in this video which is thousands of spawnable objects in this game we have prop sets which are larger group of objects which you could use to spawn larger groups of things like camps or even prop sets from vehicles and then we have pickups which are things that you can actually pick up in the game in story mode most of these are weapons and things like that we won't use too much of for the most of today we're going to be focused on objects if we click on objects you can see the base list here you know I mean you could just go through this that's not a not too many things quite a lot of stuff it's going to take a bit of time to kind of figure out what things you'd like uh and what things work the best a couple things to keep in mind a lot of landscaping type items like trees and bushes and some rocks don't work well in y Maps so be careful using those objects for this tutorial we're going to use a salt Barrel so we're going to type in the word salt and it brings up anything that has the word salt in it starting from the bottom we have salted beef we have two of those we have a bush called salt Bush not sure what's with that because I don't think salt comes from a bush we have a barrel of salt salt shaker yes salt shaker on the tables we have salted meat group we have barrel of salt a couple more barrels of salt we're just gonna grab this top one right here P underscore Barrel salt 01x we're actually using this in the Y map behind us now once we click on that you can see at the bottom of our screen now it says spawn P underscore Barrel salt 01x that means that object is loaded into our spawner and we can hit the e key to spawn it now we can hit the e key again and spawn a whole bunch of them because that's what's loaded in here now if you need to delete anything right click on your mouse while it's highlighted and you can actually delete them just like that and there you are you have now spawned your first object as you can see right now we are not highlighting any objects and we have the base menu on our view if we go ahead and highlight an object that menu changes and so does the cursor color right now we have a cursor of green color that means we are highlighting an object you can see the object's name this is called P underscore Barrel salt 01x and we have a different menu when you were highlighting an object you could still of course move around like this and get out of there but as soon as your highlighted object you need to be really careful because now a lot of the keys on your keyboard will actually interact with that object and sometimes when you're creating a y map you might move the wrong thing on accident so you need to be really careful what you're doing but the controls are pretty basic now we can move with the arrows we can move this object just like that we can move the object left and right up and down X Y and Z that's our coordinates then of course q and z are up and down q and Z can play around with this a little bit Q Z and then the arrows to move it around now as you can see we're moving the object but we're not actually following this object our cursor stay in center now the problem with that is when we move too far we actually move the object off of our cursor and it turns white again meaning we're not controlling it now how do we fix that wire actually highlighted on an object if you hit the ALT key we are now focused on that object you can see down below right above our menu it actually says Focus fixed you can actually hit control and change that to focus free and focus fixed Focus fix is the best one because now we move this object we stay with it as you can see now we are actually staying with the view of the object that way you can move this object anywhere you want and you actually stay with the object itself next in our menu we're going to talk about rotate now there of course since we are in a three-dimensional World there are three axes of rotation at their linear form this is x-axis the y-axis and the z-axis it might be easier for us to show just a little larger object so let me pull out a wagon okay we have the same wagon that we have in our little shop here now let's pretend the easiest way to explain this is via Aviation terms if you see at the very bottom of our little description window we have rotate now if we hit the b key that rotation axis changes we have yah pitch and roll yah pitch and roll now if we take that into consideration with an airplane it might make more sense to roll an airplane while you're flying through the air would be to just do a barrel roll so we highlight this wagon while we're on roll and then you use the C and V key we actually do a barrel roll now of course this object is rotating on wherever its axis is so it's not really in the center of the object now of course if we were an airplane we'd be rotating right down the center of the airplane where the prop is but for this it looks like the rotation is at underneath it so as you can see that we're in the roll function now if we change this we have yaw now yaw and an airplane is how an airplane actually just turns when on the ground yah is how an airplane turns when on the ground if we rotate this this wagon should just literally spin there we go see now we're turning when we're on the ground just like that and the last rotation is pitch pitch is how an airplane goes up and down when in the air it's the pitch of the airplane if we rotate that you can see the airplane's going down under the ground or it's climbing into the sky we can use all three of these rotations to actually get this wagon any new place and anywhere we want it to be just like that so play around with those so you can learn those three pitches we have pitch roll and yaw it takes a bit to get to understand exactly what they are but if you keep in mind our airplane analogy I think you'll get it fairly easily now once you get the basis of moving things around setting them where you want them you can actually start creating some pretty cool little scenes like we have here with our little farmer's market we're creating now it definitely takes some time to be able to get exactly everything that you would like to get done and it just takes a little bit of time going back and forth and getting everything perfect sometimes that's the funnest part and what takes the most time is just getting everything exactly the way you want it for your particular item I mean rotate and everything just perfectly get it all set up right sometimes takes quite a lot of time to get it all perfectly right exactly where you want it to be and like that there we are we have a scoop in our salt take your time be creative and you can create pretty much anything you like in the game but now how do you save it how do you save all this stuff so it actually loads because right now all we do is we have a Spooner database full of items that are actually just sitting here in a object loader type of situation but we want to create a y map so when the server starts all of this is here in its own little map there are two ways to save this information and I actually advise you to do both of them depending on what your situation is if you want to save a project so you can come back to it and do some more changes to it you need to save it as a Spooner database that way you can reload your Spooner database just like this and that will allow you to then go back into it and make some changes if you save something as a y map it is set that way and it's a lot harder to make changes to it to do both of these features is going to be make sure you're not highlighted on anything and you should see A J button saved databases via the J button it'll bring up this menu here you want to go to the import export that'll bring up your import export window to save a database Json you want to make sure you're on Spooner database Json file you want to hit export and that will export the information into this viewer this is the database file information you need to save on your computer what you do is just highlight that hit control a hit Ctrl C bring that into some sort of text writer this could be regular notepad or you could use Sublime Text like we do free download that lets you do some pretty awesome coding I'll leave a link to that program in the description of this video paste that database information into the software of your choice save it somewhere on your computer as a DOT Json file this will allow you to hold the database information so then you can later on import it if you'd like and we'll get into that in just one second now if you're done with your file and you want to save it as a y map to actually load onto your server you want to go to the same function with the J hit import export change the drop down to Y map and then hit export this will export the data into your viewer as a y map file you just want to hit Ctrl a control C to copy that information and then drop that into your text editor of choice at this point you just need to save that file as anything you like as a DOT y map y m a p and you're good to go all y Maps must be placed into a stream folder on your server we've provided you one with this build it's in my maps if you go to your my maps folder and you go to the stream folder you'll already see a rat scalar station y map we provided if you drop your y maps in here they will automatically load when the server restarts one of the last things we're going to talk about in this tutorial is how to load in your Spooner databases so you can make changes to your y Maps now of course you need a y map off to do this so you're not overlapping objects so right now we do have our y map turned off we've loaded back into our server and our little market is gone now if you saved your Json file like we advise you to do in the last part of this video all you need to do is go to J to open up your import export button go to import export and you should have your viewer window make sure you're on spoonerdb Json and you're going to load in the contents of that file that you saved earlier as a Json file all you do is go to that text editor whatever you're using uh control a copy that click in to the import window here paste that information in here and you have all that information in here yours may look different than mine I have a ped inside mine that's what this top information is here it's quite a lot of information you can't save that type of stuff as a y map but you can load it as a Json to mess around with some stuff all you do now is you just hit import and it should load all this stuff in right here on our map now this is not a y map it is still a Spooner Json file so we can edit it we can move it around we can re-save it we can add stuff to it but if we go to our database button which is X we can now see that all this stuff is in our database and we can manipulate it and then re-save it as a Json file for later use or we could re-save it as a y map with any changes that we made to finish off this video we're just going to go over a couple things to check on your y Maps before you finalize them and put them on your server one of the main things you want to make sure on your y map is that nothing got lost while you were spawning it in sometimes you spawn something in if you don't see it it might have dropped underneath the map make sure to hit your X go to your database maybe delete that last item you dropped because if you drop a lot of things under the map they will default usually at zero zero zero that causes lots of issues on your world if you have a lot of items just sitting in zero zero zero that's attached to a y map that's in armadillo so one good rule of thumb is to make sure that this line in each one of these object has nothing at zero zero zero you could do that a couple different ways easy way to do it in Sublime Text is just to highlight x equals quotation marks hit Ctrl F we can actually go down here and put a zero there and that will look for anything that has x equals zero as you can see we have some rotation stuff like that but we can go through find and make sure there's nothing in the position that has that we also actually could highlight all of this right here just like that at a zero on there so now we're looking for position x equals quote zero if we look for find hit find a few times we find nothing that means there's no object that currently has anything that's at zero zero zero using this feature of sublime text you also want to search for Value equals quote 500 and actually hit control h because we want to change these values as you can see we just highlighted all of those values you want to change those to Value equals quote 100. the reason for this is this is the viewing distance in load distance of your y map by default Spooner puts everything at 500 and that's a fairly large area to have this y map loaded into especially if it's a small little market like we created changing this to 100 helps eliminate any overlaps with multiple y Maps around each other and it just helps clutter so I recommend changing those all to 100 for most y Maps unless of course your y map is very large you may need to adjust this like I believe on drb for a racetrack y map this definitely isn't at 100 because the horse race track is larger than that so we have to adjust that and then for any interior y Maps where the Y map only needs to load wire inside that interior you could also change this to even smaller to like a 50. but definitely keep those two things in mind while you're going through and making y map so you can make some great exciting things for your world as well as others now of course like we mentioned you can't keep this PED in your actual y map but if you'd like to have Peds like this in your y map spawned when your world loads definitely make sure to like this video and make sure you subscribe for future videos as we will be going over how to code that in your own server before we end the video I wanted to give you two more tips so you're aware you cannot load any y maps in an already developed interior inside the game these two maps will conflict with each other and your y map will be invisible there are other features you can use to load objects inside interiors and we can get in that in a future video this issue does not cause a problem with interiors that you create with Spooner also make sure when you are saving your files in the import export function to clear out any Resident values inside that window before you hit export so you don't duplicate any information if you guys enjoy this video make sure to hit that like button make sure to subscribe to the drb studios channel for more videos on games Tech and coding I'm Austin BMX with drb Studios bring in ideas to life hope to see you again soon but until then keep on creating [Music]
Channel: DRB Studios
Views: 17,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, redm server, red dead roleplay, redm rp, redm roleplaying, red dead rp, redm starter guide, redm tutorial, red dead online, red dead redemption, redm server commands, redm server artifacts, creating redm server, ymap redm, ymap fivem, rdr2 mods, red dead redemption 2 online, redm servers list, how to create a redm server, redm server resources, redm server base, redm server mods, red dead rp server
Id: 82o7EJvdryY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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