Turning Your 2D Character into 3D • 02

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welcome back to part two of your regularly scheduled program of turning your 2D character into 3D as it says in the title I'm going to turn one of your 2D original characters into 3D many of you sent me your Works via DMS on Instagram and Twitter quite a while ago but I decided to reach out to you guys on Discord just to see what sticks and although there weren't a lot of submissions this artwork caught my attention now before I continue submissions are now closed so you don't need to send me any more of your works so today's submission is from derine Meet Esa a 12-year-old angler fish boy homeless he writes around in buck cars that travel the world with his Exel a raccoon named Bandit esar is about 5 ft tall he wears a brown coat with patches green beanie and has blue skin with a thin translucent layer around it he carries his things in a bindle so I began doing some research completely clueless of what a box car actually is I know it's a little ironic considering that I was doing my research so naturally I assumed that it was a car made out of a cardboard box yeah I even did a whole sketch on my iPad in procreate and blocked out an entire scene and blender thinking wow I deserve an award for my brilliant interpret ation with my backing hurting from petting it so hard I sent der Pine a work in progress also because I had a question here's a work in progress by the way did you envision Bandit to have skin like an exal or be furry like a raccoon I imagined it like an Exel when I said box cars I meant jumping on a train cars but this little car is really cute like these I don't feel a need to redo anything I just wanted to show you what I had in mind oh also derine then gave me a little more information about esa's backstory saying that he hops on random trains traveling from town to town running from the law and looking for his long-lost parents so I scraped the entire scene and went back to the drawing board because I thought it was such a great story I didn't want to disregard the original box car idea so this gave me the idea of placing a map in the middle of the scene for both characters to focus on I drew the background to be a little ambiguous but I knew that I wanted to include this idea of having bundles of kelp being the ocean equivalent of hay bals now in blender I started by blocking out Esa starting with a sphere a GP brush and a symmetry mode turned on but like I said I scraped the first idea so let me just quickly walk you through what I did just to catch you up the speed I'm using the grab brush tool to capture the shape and forms of the character and I'm trying to keep the poly count low that way it's easier to manipulate the mesh I place the eyes using the tiny eye add-on that you can get for free on my gum road then anytime I find myself running out of polygons to sculpt with I'll just do a quick remesh but then of course you don't want to go too crazy with the density then I blocked out the cardboard car with primitive shapes and kept things simple obviously I ended up scraping it but this is essentially what I do with all my Works avoid details and don't get too attached now as for the rest of esca I simply duplicated his head smoothed it out and turned it into his beanie arms clothes Etc and the process for bendit is pretty much the same once I was done with blocking out the characters and some of the key objects I immediately assigned them with their base colors nothing too fancy again keeping things simple I used the at Cube function which allows you to quickly Place cubes on a flat surface to block out the rest of the scene to speed up my workflow a little I put together this add-on that allows me to quickly change the pivot point of an object now that you're all up to speed I have a question for you have you ever thought of what would happen if you stopped eating for a few days or even weeks yes you'll die which is why I would like to thank my wonderful patrons for their support on my patreon you'll gain early access to the videos like the one you're watching right now and early access to presets of the tiny Eye collection and even some of the project files of my works thank you so much once again to the patrons for your support you can check out the other benefits at patreon.com all right now I'm going to duplicate esus hit that I did earlier and then I'm just going to smooth it out and use the GP brush tool to change his expression then let's use the lesso mask and draw brush for precise adjustments sometimes I'll turn on Dynamic topology if I want to retain the details but require more faces at a specific region for the rest of the blockout stage again I'm going to duplicate the existing meshes and turn them into whatever I need them to be I found it really helpful to sculpt the limbs in separate blops of meshes so the thighs shins feet and even the toes that are B Also let's not forget to check our sculpt in multiple angles since we're sculpting in [Music] 3D for the map I want to achieve a slightly worn appearance while maintaining a clear shaped blank which I'm not going to add tooo many vertices just enough to create a tasteful deformation with the main subjects and the walls of the Box Car blocked out I'm going to quickly set up the camera first create a bezier circle then scale it up then create a camera and go to object constraint and select follow path select the circle as Target and it should stick nicely along the curve create an empty and increase the size select the camera and under object constrain add a track two and set the empty as Target now you can move the empty and director camera to point towards your subject now all we got to do is set the key frames on the offset and make sure to copy the first key frame over to the last frame that way it Loops now let's block out the environment starting with some stes of kelp let's throw in some barrels and some planks I'm going to temporarily draw in the rec eye pattern with a sculp paint brush just to make sure that the proportions are correct now all just left to do is to refine everything that we've created and add some additional details for the folds I'm going to use a mix of the draw shop brush and the crease brush let's duplicate the toe proxies and turn it into actual toes then let's smooth out the joint meshes speaking of joint meshes one way I like to do that is by creating a Boolean to unify two meshes then with Dynamic topology turned on and the strength of the clay brush turned down to Zero Brush over the area that needs to be join then smooth it out now I'm going to duplicate this plank and use it for the ground and walls let's apply an array modifier then duplicate the plank in edit mode then offset it by half then adjust the factor and count until the entire ground is covered with planks let's apply the array modifier then separate by loose Parts I'm going to use the OCD add-on on the planks that are visible in the camera to create damage on the edges I spent a bit of time making this procedural stylized wooden texture and paired it with this curvature note group that I showcased on Twitter which I've also included into the add-on I made that I'm calling tiny tools for now for the stacks of kelp let's start with the plane and add some Loop cuts and turn it into a simple base shape of a kelp then let's use the grab brush to create imperfections and details array modifier to create a stack then with passive Stars quick menu add-on I'm going to randomize the rotation of the kelp for the ropes let's add an edge loop on a proxy then extract the loop cut then control shift B to Bevel apply the subd modifier and convert it to a curve then increase the depth then make some minor adjustments I'm going to use the rope texture from s Library so let's convert the Rope into a mesh then Mark some seams and unwrap it I'm going to replace the vector with the UV coordinates then rotate the zxs by 45° then make sure that adaptive subdivision is turned on then lower the strength of the displacement the stacks of kelp ended up looking a little unclear so I'm going to rotate it this way instead now let's go ahead and do some refining and [Music] texturing to summarize my lighting setup I started with a hdri that has soft shadows and turned it blue then I lowered the strength I placed a point light inside of escos lamp then placed another one outside that only illuminates the main subjects and foreground via light linking by the way you can quickly link the lights to your subjects by first selecting the meshes then shift select the light source then hit contrl L link receivers to emitter include then I threw in some fog with a cool color temperature to emulate the underwater look I threw in atic Gobo from goo's light textures then I gave the characters and props their own individual rim lights at this point I think it's almost mandatory that I waste more time producing music for my videos so here are some drums some strings some [Music] xylophones and now everything so that about concludes this process video If you enjoyed watching it consider leaving a like and maybe even subscribe and make sure to check out the patreon to gain access to my project files and additional exclusive benefits thank you all so much for your support and without further Ado this is how it turned [Music] out watch this video next if you want to find out how much one can improve by sculpting 100 heads [Music] bye
Channel: tinynocky
Views: 441,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 2d to 3d, tinynocky, blender 3d, blender how to, turning your 2D character into 3D
Id: HovN9Ntg2aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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