I Made Famous Logos 3D

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fixar they make big money by giving emotions to things that don't normally have them like toys or rats or gingers well in this video I'm asking the question what if logos had emotions so I'll be turning these famous logos into Pixar characters ready for their own movies but I won't be using any fancy 3D software like real Pixar artists do I'm going to attempt to hand paint realistic 3D models all in Photoshop pray for me now according to Reddit their logo is supposed to be a stylized smiling Alien named Snoop he represents the friendly conversational Community aspect of Reddit yeah okay but let's be real this is not an alien this is straight up Eva with a TV antenna so I am going to make him a robot but to be accurate to the Reddit lore I guess he can be an alien robot I'll leave him in his happy little bubble but I'll give it more of a gradient look instead of solid orange all righty first off I'll start by making this smooth head shape with a vector curve instead of trying to draw it by hand making just half of the head lets me flip it so it's perfectly symmetrical then come the little blobs that I assume are his ears which are complet completely solid so I'm not sure he can even hear out of them but I'll use the older Reddit logo as a reference for his body and the two bulbous arms hanging down from his sides now I've made all these pieces separate so it'll be easier to paint the Shadows onto them and I'm thinking I'll go with a soft smooth shading kind of like a Baymax from Big Hero 6 adding in some extra light here up top and a smooth Rim light here on the shadow side will really start to give us a pretty convincing 3D shape I'll do a similar process for the ears being sure the head also cast a shadow onto that then a thin back strip right in here we'll make the ears look attached to the head with a thin Gap in between them now let's make this body nice and round like the Pillsbury Doughboy now one thing that pretty much always helps these types of things feel more realistic is ambient occlusion which is when surfaces that are close together appear darker like this little crevice here where his arm and side are touching speaking of which I think I'll break the arm into two pieces so he can have some kind of little joint there I guess now this dude has got some pretty big eyes and luckily I found what are apparently round glass lamps or or car headlights which I think will work perfectly for his peepers just need to be orange like the original logo and a little clean up so they don't feel so messy sockets are going to be darker up here where the light is being blocked brighter in this area where the light will actually hit it and we can't forget the glow coming off the orange eyes now a cool little trick I figured out is that I can paint over this corner with the blur brush and it makes it look like a smooth rounded Edge instead of a Sharp one since the Reddit logo is probably the only thing on the site that's actually happy we'll give him a big smiling Pixar style mount which is basically just two tiny thin lips with a little shading under here so it protrudes out slightly next I'm going to make a small panel at the top of his head to create that bent antenna he's got going on a shiny metal ball on the end some rivets to segment the metal and add a little detail and we'll make sure it's reflecting that nice orange background behind it now one of reddit's key features are these little arrows that let you up Vote or down vote posts so I think it'd be really cool to put some Arrow buttons on our robot pal here that way you can press his up button if he's doing a good job and if he gets too many down votes I guess he just goes straight into the incinerator father finally I feel like a good robot is supposed to look clean and shiny so I'm going to paint some highlights on different parts of his body to mimic the appearance of Reflections so here we have our Pixar style Reddit logo who looks like he's ready to bring all the happiness of Reddit to the rest of the world now we move on to the ultimate challenge of creating a human but not just any human the world famous Colonel Sanders who is the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken if we look at some of Pixar's more elderly characters sometimes they are really detailed with a lot of sharp facial features sometimes they're very stylized but have a softness to their skin and sometimes they're just left in the pool way too long I'm thinking the old man from up is more the style I want to go with this but first I have a big announcement I just released a brand new app called click pilot it's an amazing tool to help you create highly clickable thumbnails and titles for YouTube videos I myself have seen videos explode to millions of views after changing to a better thumbnail so let's say your video is about putting your pet hamster through a tricky op iicle course you can search through a database of viral videos to get ideas for your thumbnails and save them all to your inspiration board you can even search for similar thumbnails to get a bit more variety or you can even use our Chrome extension to save videos directly from YouTube using that inspiration create some potential thumbnails but to see which one will work best upload all of them to click pilot to see exactly what they'll look like on YouTube including the mobile app desktop search results and the sidebar but what's really cool is you can enter a search term like hamster Challenge and see how your video Stacks up against popular videos in that Niche you can even add in a short description of your video and click by it will give you search terms and YouTube channels to test your video against always giving you the best chance to stand out against the competition oh and if you struggle with titles just click the generate button over here and get an array of YouTube Ready titles that will make people click you can share the entire click pilot project with your team or a client and they'll be able to see and flip through all the title and thumbnail options for themselves sign up for click pilot within the next week and get 20% off your first 3 months I hope you all enjoy it cuz me and my brother worked super hard on it so I can start sketching a blueprint for my design using a lumus head which is just a circle with the sides cut off and a lower extension to roughen the jaw now we can take a picture of the Kel and map his more defining features over to this skeleton well he's got quite the bean shaped head with a large rounded nose he'll need some big cartoony eyes and his subtle smile can go right down here his ears will run from the top of his eyes down just past his nose thin his glasses wavy hair and goatee and a squarish body with his traditional bow tie and apron now that we've got a decent design laid out for the character just like the Reddit design I'll make some separate refined shapes that can be painted on top of now skin doesn't react to light the same way other materials do a normal object will generally have a linear color change as it goes from its lightest point to its darkest but with skin you often get this strip of red right before the dark areas this is called subsurface scattering and it's caused by how translucent our skin is computers can render this stuff pretty perfectly but I'm going to have to be my own computer today so I'm using a little trick where I set up a gradient map layer that lets me paint in black and white and it'll convert it into a skin tone region including that little red strip so you can see how we get those nice skin tones as I'm shaping up the nose here especially as we move into bigger areas like the forehead where I'm making sure to account for the shadow his hair is going to cast on this side of the face the Shadow from his glasses will wrap around like this and become more diffused the further out it goes Sanders does have some pretty defined cheek flaps I hope you mean your face so I'll give those some dark creases that taper out at the bottom and blend into his chin now a normal human eye pretty complicated but a Pixar eye basically two simple flaps around a ball just fade the flaps into the skin the lower Lids catch a little light right around the rim and most Pixar characters don't even bother with things like eyelashes I will stick a little eye bag in though just to show his age along with some wrinkl in the corner of the eyes and I'm sure the hectic environment of a Fried Chicken Kitchen will certainly leave a man with a few forehead wrinkles too following the average Pixar style once again the mouth is just two thin lips and a few smooth blocky teeth one area you'll really notice Skin's translucent nature is in the ears so I'm going to make this one really red so it looks like there's a bright light shining through it from behind now the color Shader isn't perfect so I'll just come in and fix a few of these areas that are a tad too red and now when it comes to the eyes Pixar uses a fairly realistic Style with a good amount of detail which mainly breaks down into some Darkness around the pupils some along the edge of the iris a few randomly sized lines coming out from the C of the eye and the whole thing will be darker on the top and lighter on the bottom lastly we can't forget that shine that makes them feel alive next these glasses need to look shiny and plasticky and for a little extra detail I'll warp a separate copy of the face and then mask it out so that that layer only appears the glass meets the frame which is a common type of distortion you get on regular glasses and finally just a touch of glare in the corners to round it off and now for the hair I'm going to try to take this texture and warp it to follow the shape of my sketch I just have to make a ton of pieces and blend them all together just adjust the color on that make it a lot brighter then get some basic shading in here especially around this deep hair pocket and along this inner Ridge where the hair folds over now I've got this really cool little hairbrush that basically just paints a bunch of strands and I'm going to come in here and update some of the lighting and contrast of the original texture just to help it better fit with its new shape you can kind of see the before and the after basically I just wanted a little less detail so it looked more cartoony but I do need to come in here and break up the hairline to make it look like individual hair hair are coming out of the scalp instead of a giant sheet and it also really helps to paint a little skin tone over the base here because the hairs there aren't super dense and you'll end up seeing some of that skin through them now unless you're using gallons of hair gel you're going to have a lot of little bumps in your hair some little twiddles here or there and a few Strays popping off the eyebrows are a very similar process I'm just making the ends a lot thinner so they look more feather-like same thing goes for the stash and the goatee which will have the most strands of all thrilling out from the sides now Pixar kind of has this thing for super smooth skin but even they give a little texture when you look up close so I'll throw in some splotches here or there nothing too crazy I'm really just trying to keep the entire face from looking like plastic and all these new tiny bumps and dots will help us do just that then a nice Rim light around the dark side here to help Tye in that light I said was over in the distance I guess I will give him his little circular home back with the KFC logo by his side now the chicken Emperor spares no expense when it comes to a suit he's got a fancy cream colored jacket which needs a little wrinkle to keep it from feeling stiff and all of that will be made out of the finest Tweed that money can buy which will have a lot of tiny little L pieces coming off of it that I can easily make using a charcoal brush believe it or not let's just get a rim light on that to match the face and heck I'll even throw in a button hole here on the collar you'll pair that with a simple white shirt underneath and of course his famous bow tie called the Kentucky kernel tie which was actually named after him lastly comes the apron and I'll actually borrow a seam from an apron I used in my last video where I hand painted a realistic version of Wendy's mask on I'll grab the texture from that as well paint in the three White Stripes the original logo had then a few extra wrinkles up top to show that this thing has been worn of course the straps will be pretty similar too and that whole thing will cast a nice shadow onto the suit well the colonel is now out of the Fried Chicken business and he's ready to star in his very own summer blockbuster oh and this thing literally took 600 layers so you should subscribe if you want to see me combine brands that really shouldn't go together then watch this video right here
Channel: Brandon Shepherd
Views: 1,516,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, logo design, illustration, photoshop
Id: KWvPo6go1YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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