Turning POOPY TIM Into a GIANT ROBOT HUMAN - Teardown Mods

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what just happened to that guy's head this is how houses are installed by the way did you know that this booby tim is way bigger so maybe he's stronger i don't know i'm gonna make their faces smash together [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified so this spot here is called metal man and it's basically a mod of a mod it's a mod of the humans playground map someone's taken k sabby's poopy tim and turn it into this weird freaky cyborg metal man look at his face that is creepy it looks like a weird like villain or something like that man it is freaking me out let's actually see if we can destroy this guy so he's made a medal okay now metal isn't necessarily indestructible in uh in tear down sometimes it is sometimes it isn't where is my sledgehammer there it is okay so yeah you can't break him with a sledge i'm whacking him i'm whacking him the metal is not breaking what about a uh a shotgun okay yeah yeah so it's the kind of metal that can be broken with a shotgun which means it can probably be broken with explosions as well it can it's not like as breakable as normal poopy tim i think there is actually a normal poopy tim around here somewhere where are you dude there is this guy has made a skin so he breaks very easy super out how metal man is on me oh yes it kind of comes off almost like more brittle oh that's cool where's the armageddon gun here it is nice i've also got a yeah like a just cause grapple gun to take a look at as well that just launched that dude out of there whoa just smacked him in the face with the hammer oh yes get crushed bros and woodish can we actually shoot him kind of far yeah you can it just pushes them so far his head just flew off wow here he comes here he comes he's coming down but what about something like this though if we were to test it out on the spikes yeah it still breaks pretty well doesn't smash through as well as what the humans does so you can see he's kind of got caught there whereas normally poopy tim would get right down around the ground he would just smash right through here he goes yep snap that guy what about this dude okay yeah his legs his legs are gone oh daddy comes we'll go ahead and we'll compare this to regular poopy tim's in a minute there's a guy over here i don't know what he's doing he's just hanging out in the corner oh cool the guillotine okay uh i'll just i'll shoot that is it gonna come down there he comes it didn't chop his head off normally poopy tim's head would go rolling down there but it didn't so it's definitely kind of cool it would be nice to see awesome it would be nice to see him used on like a different map you know what i mean oh yeah get crushed dude douche what see you buddy that is so cool it like shot a hole in the side of his head but also blasted him out of the map okay what about if i stop time though whoa so it shot a hole through him and then yeah it's a little bit more like a rail gun if you freeze time it's very very creepy looking i wonder if we could do a metal man versus poopy tim you know what i mean to see who's the strongest i do have a grapple hook here so i can actually tear the two of them together we can get regular poopy tim and then go and see which one actually smashes who okay let's join these two guys together there we go metal man meet poopy tim go oh geez who come better off yeah you can see poopy tim's lost a whole lot of skin there that does not look good sorry about that poopy tim what about this guy this poopy tim is way bigger so maybe he's stronger i don't know i'm gonna make their faces smash together there he goes he's definitely whoa dude that was crazy what's going on with the ropes oh god they're freaking out he's dancing he's exited the map he's just like i'm going i'm going this is too weird finn okay let's see if regular poopy tim makes it all the way to the bottom bear in mind metal man got about halfway so here we go oh god that is so brutal he made it about halfway it was about the same he should go all the way to the bottom yep oh we've got the dinosaur man that's what's supposed to be there okay yep he's kind of riding the dinosaur yeah you ride that dinosaur champ well done he's like just a regular jurassic park guy shoot him in the foot oh geez that is brutal as heck here's me i'm just gonna grab me for a minute i'm gonna perform some metal surgery on my own head there it is beautiful beautiful bring him down very gently like this or bring me down there i am are you comfortable fin player he looks super comfortable doesn't he look at the smile on his face it's basically the same okay all right i've got the grapple hook now what i'm going to do is i'm going to attach the grapple hook down there and then to the top of my head just like that i might do that a couple of times just for extra pulling strength there we go just like that and i'm just going to drag me in oh i'm getting a little bit closer getting very close to the metal balls okay let's go up here so we can see it from the top oh oh no not the hat not the lucky hat oh god you can probably see my skin you can see the bone you can definitely see the bone oh my eyes my eyes are gone i just broke my glasses where my brand new 50 glasses are gone there i go i'm going right in circles oh god i am literally nothing now i'm nothing ah got me good dude take this c top man that'll never get old this right here is vacation resort it's a brand new mod and i haven't played a mod in a while that's got an actual mission what we need to do is clear these little plots of land here and we need to put some actual homes there which are over there you can see the homes one two three just real gentle thing rip real gentle i've got the home i've i'm grabbing it i'll come at it from a different angle it's all good yes yes that's the move lift it up we got this one no come on why are you trying to climb it it's trying to climb it and i don't know why oh god we just kicked all the homes all the way over there and now they're on fire do i have an extinguisher i think i better put the fire out before i get in trouble oh god i snapped my my digger face off i don't know what this thing is i know what you're probably thinking finn why don't you just use the physics gun champ you'd be done in like five seconds i can't do it because i don't have access to all those weapons okay so what i need to do is clear this block first let's just clear it out of here get off my block of land fin prior the descript destruction is gonna say construction but i kind of am the destruction guy at the moment okay just push that off there yes get out of here nobody wants your stinking metal oh yeah surfboard check out this move watch this you stand on it and then you grab it and then you can surf the planks of wood told you guys i'm the best surfer can you surf in the water he can blue house has its own special spot we need to stick that up here come on should be able to just take the trees out yeah there we go engineering 101 oh yes yes man i'm smiling okay all right we're a little bit stuck oh no no come on okay i'm just gonna use one bomb okay just one i'm gonna put the bomb right there just to give it a little nudge i don't know if that worked this is how houses are installed by the way did you know that okay these trees have to is that a tree that's a horse that's a horse oh dude it's a horse yes you can ride the horse oh my god oh god the horse's face just fell right off i'm just gonna bury the horse in the ocean you can bury things in the ocean yes take that captain planet i just punched a stackload of trees almost done almost done come on yes a little bit further okay you go over here where you belong because you're annoying me something face go into the ocean with the horse i hate you guys there you go okay so i put the house on the wrong pad the white house is supposed to go over there thankfully i have superhuman strength so i can just move this house on my own it's all good i can't believe this is working okay little bomb there and we should be all right there we go yes that counts awesome this is not going well oh yes planks planks you can toe stuff with planks oh yes yes i am a genius look at that oh wow what an amazing vacation resort we have two houses on their sides and this one has a giant digger thing attached and we managed to remove a horse's head well all in a day's work i'd say my job is done oh yeah we saw it in the last video but the guy who made it sneaky wakey has gone ahead and made like a stack load of more things in here we've got more soldiers there's some good guys who are these dudes because they're trojans what they speak now are you serious got him it's a little bit bloody as well it's a very awesome mod though it really is who's this guy is this a bad guy or a good guy okay they both shot me so they're both bad guys we can try look at that guy oh god sorry about your face there chip let's see if we can lose him if i go super fast is he flying out the bank this guy is not having a fun time at all now this dude should actually be able to fire the bad guys let's go around here see if he can shoot him shoot him cheat oh god he lost his gun you dropped your gun what it's all right we'll circle back around and we'll get it he is about to fall out whoa let's run some over oh he just had his head shot off that's bad alrighty champs you guys got your weapons are you ready to take on the baddies i don't know who the baddies are it's the evil corporation known as baddies all right these guys have weapons i'm pretty sure all right shoot him shoot em all no they just oh god no way oh oh man the bus is gone you guys are up i know you guys have guns come on you gotta shoot him come on shoot him that's it that's it get him get him yes ah you both died at the same time why are you going so bad at shooting ow ow ow stop it what just happened to that guy's head it's on a weird elastic band thing it's a slinky man everybody in the truck we're going for a ride oh yeah let's go let's go oh we just lost him no don't make me drop a truck on you oh yeah that's how you wipe them out that could be the best way i just nailed that one guy with a meteor wow space hates that dude yes get wrecked buddy got him no no he's still alive okay i've just tripled the amount of soldiers that are inside this place i'm gonna just have a sneaky look in there whoa whoa there's so many more of them oh they can actually shoot each other if they get in each other's way they don't oh god okay i'm dead i know i'm gonna sacrifice these guys sorry chips oh god okay yep i just ran over some soldiers all right we're going in get in there we died again okay we have the firework gun i think it's celebration time chieps ow how did that go oh i think that worked pretty well
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 144,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, giant human, poopy tim
Id: EfgEXmH3riE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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