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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay you guys so today i am here with everyone and basically you guys i have a really big surprise for you today okay so you know how you guys have been complaining about how it is super super hot outside yeah i'm sweating right now all right well because of that i decided to put a water park in my backyard oh wow so if you guys are excited to see this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up right now and let's have some fun [Music] all right you guys are you ready to see the backyard water park all right open your eyes in three two one [Music] you get all this it's like 200 degrees out right now i'm just gonna all right so before we get started and you know everyone goes on the slides and whatnot i think that we kind of need a lifeguard i mean safety first so i have taken it upon myself to make andrew our lifeguard for today let's get it here goes a cool jump transition into the lifeguard andrew ready three two one all right now that we have our lifeguard um let's enjoy the little backyard waterpark hopefully all right first slide of the day oh my god watch your step here so then you can get hurt [Applause] oh [Music] oh oh okay ben just flooded my entire backyard all right you guys so now it is time to play a little game so i have four of my bravest friends here and um i have some blindfolds and i have a pie oh no so you guys are all going to be going down at that slide and one of you will be getting it pied good luck everyone okay we're gonna pie the third person that comes down the slide all right so all the contestants are waiting up there with their blindfolds on let's go three two one oh no oh who threw that guy's back in the face all right jeremy come on [Music] all right you guys so now we are in the front yard and i have a water obstacle course for you guys we're going to have a little obstacle course competition and you guys are all going to be going in at the same time and the two slowest people have to go in the jacuzzi for 20 minutes let's see it's 100 degrees outside exactly all right let's do it on your mark get set oh my god don't like me like me you got it so the two slowest people were ben and lexi come on so you guys want to go in the jacuzzi yeah all right bring out the losers [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh oh my gosh you guys might know this but we've literally been in the heat wave this whole week so i feel really bad for you guys i'm melting all right your time starts now so you have to stand there for 20 minutes all right let's see if the lifeguard's paying attention help help he's drowning somebody please help help us he's drowning he's drowning he's dead okay you guys so now we have a wheel and on this wheel we have a few things like backflips sliding down slides backwards going in and roller skating painful things exactly so let's spin the wheel yeah [Music] so basically water balloon baseball is i will be throwing water balloons at you harrison and you will have a bat and uh you're just gonna start all right pearson here's your bag and let's play some water balloon baseball all right here we go i'm gonna break my neck all right time for andrew's back flip scent you lost the lifeguard hat all right all right it is now ben's turn to spin the wheel [Music] roller skates yes yes brothers all right then it's gearing up gearing up for my desk all right you got it 10 out of 10. no roller skates the funny part is that like that wasn't even part of his like no one asked him to do that [Music] what is it all right has to slide down one of these slides backwards that that's terrifying oh [Music] [Applause] all right you guys so that is it for this week's video it was a really long day but i think we all had a lot of fun so thank you guys so much for watching be sure to give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already i will be linking everybody's channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys next week [Music] you
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 13,854,968
Rating: 4.9462485 out of 5
Id: O4qMblTibyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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