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we are making the first ever slime water park in our backyard oh my god all right so right now we are playing the yes or no game with ben why am i the one doing it so basically caleb is gonna hold things over your head and you get to choose yes or no ben yes or no yes what the heck all right ben yes or no i'm gonna go with uh yes i thought it was gonna be like an iphone or something all right ben here we go next one yes well here you go oh i was so freaking scared this is our next thing are you ready i'm going to say yes i can't hear out of this ear all right caleb what do we have oh i'm gonna have to go with it yes again oh ben it's actually pie oh my god that's so gross thanks for having me this is my sister lexi she gets scared really easily so for the next 24 hours my mission is to scare her as many times as i can all right caleb you ready i'm ready all right [Music] hey lexie hi what is that for it's for pierson what oh my god i think i broke my finger caleb i'm starting to not like you okay so i'm hiding in lexi's car right now i've been in here for like 20 minutes i'm literally sweating but i have to scare her [Music] lexie can you get me a water from the fridge i like never come back here ever again so it is our friend dom's birthday birthday dog we were planning a huge surprise party for him but he decided to go on a last-minute trip with sophie what a simp seriously so we're gonna have the party without it happy birthday tom all right so everyone is here and we are about to surprise dom are you guys ready yeah oh here he comes here he comes here's doll surprise wait what that's not dumb is dom actually coming no he's hanging out with sophie all day oh right how do you like your birthday present oh i love it thank you dom we had a lot of fun without you we missed you on your birthday here check the video that i just sent you oh god what is this what yeah you guys had an entire party without me we were gonna throw a surprise party and you weren't even in town yeah tell me it's a surprise party for a reason we don't tell you i hope you had fun with sophie you chose her over us you guys just want me to feel bad that's what it is just a little bit of pixie dust you've been watching this for like three hours i think i'm starting to figure it out i can fly no no you can't fly yes i can it's three simple steps you just need faith trust and pixie dust no i'll be right back caleb no yeah i can fly now all because you're dressed like peter pan doesn't mean you can actually fly no i have my faith in my trust what about the pixie dust tinker bell oh no hey you guys oh my god all right so here is your pixie dust caleb oh you guys got to be kidding me it's ridiculous okay how are you actually going to fly oh she's going to throw the pixie dust on me you ready let's do it all right i'm blind all right open my eye try flying out caleb that's not actually real pixie dust it is i'm peter pan here we go [Music] so maybe you guys were right i think it's her fault so we are making the first ever slime water park in our backyard turn the slime on in three two one we have over 300 gallons of slime and it literally took over 24 hours to set all this up and we're still setting up yeah so right now we are about to surprise all of our friends let's do it all right let's go all right so are you guys ready to check out the slime water park oh my god we're at a water park that's it this is our backyard holy crap bro is that a slime dunk tank oh yes it is oh my god there's so much slime all right so who wants to get slime first [Music] [Applause] i feel like shrek all right i think it is time to slime jeremy my god i am a goblin right now are you guys ready to enjoy the park [Music] [Applause] making a slime angel all right so now we are gonna play tug of war you guys ready three two one go oh okay so now they're going down the big slide all right so did you guys have a good time yeah this is my childhood dream you made it happen all right so you guys know how literally impossible it is to win those stuffed animals at the fair right yeah that's right so we got a bunch of them and we're gonna give them out for free for free i want to give you a stuffed animal oh thank you of course thank you hey do you want one go for it of course yeah so next week we are going to one subscriber's house and giving them an ipad all you have to do to enter is like this video and comment down below done and that is it you are entered right bear i want some honey this week's shout out goes to madalina and i will see you guys next week adios amigos [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 5,747,306
Rating: 4.9571958 out of 5
Id: AhC7At5SpyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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