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i opened a food court inside of my house oh my gosh this looks so good hi welcome to mcdonald's i'm so foolish i'm so sorry so my friend dom is in high school and they're doing online classes right now so today i'm gonna go over to his house to prank him while he's in school [Music] are you in school can you leave i shouldn't have invited friends over then you invited friends over i kind of told everyone to come over i don't think that was a good idea though a lot how many so sorry about that guys um i don't know what just happened all right i'm gonna i'm gonna leave now have so andrew you've been looking for a girlfriend for a while now right i have yeah and valentine's day is coming up so i kind of want to help you out here so two weeks ago i asked you what you looked for in a girl do you prefer shorter girls or taller girls i don't know i honestly love both as long as they're cute yeah all right well i have two girls here today okay one of them's short and one of them is tall and you're gonna go on a date with both of them and you're gonna figure out what you like more girls you can come out now hi when you said like short and tall i didn't mean like i didn't know the difference was that crazy are you ready for the date with us guys that's good all right let's do it all right so andrew we're gonna do the picnic first okay so here are some flowers and chocolates to give the girls oh thank you okay oh that's so sweet what a gentleman andrew giving her your jacket oh my god wow [Music] so andrew's learning how to play golf right now oh there was this all right so andrew how was the date honestly it was one of the best days of my life okay so i'm gonna ask you this question one more time do you prefer tall girls or short girls i honestly prefer you oh [Music] all right so today i'm going to be asking awkward questions that guys are too afraid to ask okay okay so my first question is why do girls always go to the bathroom in groups oh to do it's nice to like take a break from the outside yeah and just talk to your friends so you're talking trash on the people that yeah are in the room okay wait i have a question too now this is something that guys i feel like always talk about it's a weird question does size matter we should stop talking about size and start talking about shapes is it an option out of all of our friends okay who would you say is the sexiest or the hottest oh none of them why you have to you have to pick one we have to i think we unanimously have decided brent don't give up oh ego is being boosted right now this question has been a big question of mine why do girls suck at driving they don't know if you were a guy for a day what would you do first well oh well okay [Laughter] that question was definitely very awkward i feel like i feel uncomfortable right now hot dog if you're a girl for a day what would you do that's a very good question and honestly i think that this video should get 300 000 likes and if no and if it doesn't then you guys ask me questions i'm downloading like the video 300 000 likes because i have a lot of questions to ask for i can probably answer those for you oh yeah all right all right guys this was fun i was enjoying this this was fun i know that's not sorry that's all we got today all right so today i opened a food court inside of my house with three different fast food restaurants so guys we have mcdonald's subway and starbucks all right are you ready pearson's all ready all right let's go hey guys what's going on oh wait what welcome to the food court oh shut up oh my gosh this looks so good thank you lexi stop what oh the twins are here what do you guys think how did you do this this looks just like starbucks hi welcome to mcdonald's what can i get for you a big mac we're out of those okay um fries okay who want a small huh what can i get yeah i'll have an ice cream cone our ice cream machine is broken oh okay why is it always broken i'm too lazy to fix it can i talk to your manager hi there i'm the manager how can i help you number 32. oh that'll be me thank you so much give me a beat guys three two one let me get a big mac and a small fry and a large coke cause my throat is feeling dry hi there welcome oh that my sandwich looks pretty good it does look good what are you doing i don't want the sandwich anymore i'm good oh my gosh hi welcome to starbucks what can i get for you here you go sweetie thank you um can i have a tall frappuccino with no whipped cream oh absolutely sweetie and can i get a name for the orange there's a snake coming right up sweetie thank you okay hold on hey here we are [Music] i'll get a pink drink with no ice oh absolutely coming right up all right and here is your pink drink oh um i asked for no ice no ice yeah this is so foolish i'm so sorry i'll get on that right now oh my god all right so today i'm here with my magician friend evan what's up so basically today we're going to be giving away ipads using some magic so basically you want to explain how it's going to work i turned over one card face down in this deck if you can guess which one it is you keep the ipad what car do you think it is ace of hearts you think it's the ace of hearts oh there's one car what is it i'm shaking for you here we go all right congratulations we're doing four spades four spades here we go what is it show the camera show the camera i'm just gonna give you that are you sure all right here we go flip it upside down show the camera there you go what are you doing mason oh i'm watching harry potter to learn some new spells oh my god basically if i can learn this i can make anything fly well no only wizards can do that you will see my friend you shall see where are you going why are you climbing on my wall mason no this is a bad idea don't do it mason wingardium no no mason no no oh my oh they said i was supposed to fly all right what did you learn here mason today the harry potter's [ __ ] alright guys like this video if you think mason should try again next week don't like it don't like it come on guys like it please like like this shout out goes to josh martinez if you want to be next week's shout out just like this video and then comment down below done as many times as you can and i will see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 8,344,274
Rating: 4.9626627 out of 5
Id: yez-a-4zRfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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