Inconvenient Truths about SHTF

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guys when it comes to shtf when the stuff hits the fan there's a lot of people that have plans as Preppers and if you're watching this channel you're at least interested in prepping and prepping isn't necessarily the end of the world it could be a personal shtf I could have a situation that I'm broke down on the side of the road with no phone or my cell service is out or it can be an environmental situation or a storm which is taking the power out and how do I get through it and that is the basis for prepping but there's also a lot of indicators in the world right now that we could be facing some really serious grid down type situations So today we're going to take a look at 16 inconvenient truths that can happen during a grid down situation really the exercise and the benefit here is to look at these situations to see how prepared you are to face those situations and some possibilities of what to do if you find yourself in a grid down shtf environment so the first is there's going to be a lot of people out there that are emotional wrecks they're not going to know what to do they're going to panic they're going to go into depression they could even go into anger and so we've got to be able to deal with that but first you need to deal with your own emotional weakness and I think one of the big things about being prepared is you get yourself in a more stable situation you kind of see when things start to go wrong you have some plans you can put those together and I think that's one of the biggest things as far as what you can do for you and your family is to make them strong and guys talk about it don't hide it from your children now you don't want to scare them to death you want them to just know that you're doing things and you're putting some stuff together that if a problem happens you know Dad's got it handled or mom's got it handled and that will go really a long way in emotional stability guys right now if you take the cell phones away from most teenagers it's gonna they're gonna all be an emotional wreck and they won't even know what to do and in a grid down situation that is a high probability and so we need to start looking at getting people to think about situations that happen guys if we had an EMP tomorrow 90 of the country would be walking around in a days not knowing what to do and so make sure that you are emotionally strong that you have a good mindset that when things start to go wrong you're like okay kind of thought this was going to happen let me go ahead and put a plan into place number two out of shape if you're out of shape you're going to have a really hard time some people are going to be overweight which is going to hinder their Mobility people that you know just have like strength because guys we are in a very soft world and a lot of us work in offices and we do things and we don't have the stamina so one of the things that you really need to do first off is to get in a good exercise program just for your own personal health whether it's an shtf situation or not but the stronger that you are physically the better you're going to be able to deal with things one of the things though about being a little overweight is you're going to have a little extra padding and cushion when it comes to being without food so there is some advantages but one of the problems is is a lot of times when you're overweight you're dealing with health issues as well and being able to get around so go ahead guys get yourself into shape make sure whether you're just walking up the street on a daily basis or you're going and you're working out and you're getting your cardio really up and those things are very important one thing that we've gotten into is karate again and we're doing Kenpo and so we twice a week we go and we train and it's really helped me to get a lot more physically strong emotionally and mentally strong and also the benefit is that I can defend myself even better so find what's good for you get involved in some kind of sport again if it's just walking it's better than just sitting around chronic illness what are you going to do you know if you've got something that really hinders you that affects your life on a daily basis and you're dependent on medical attention what is a backup and one thing that I would recommend first off is to start looking at Health Alternatives home remedies things like that and to see if it can give you some relief because guys if there is no medical help and we could still have a hospital that could be completely overrun and so you need to make sure to take care of yourself guys your health is honestly your responsibility and doing whatever you can obviously there are things that some of us can't help it's just what it is but what are you going to do if you can't get that help what is going to help you to get through it some of us very dependent on medications to live are there alternatives are there Health remedies and we should be really examining that we're doing research and figuring this out because unfortunately if things go south and you have diabetes insulin really is probably your only hope and so being able to to figure out how do I keep myself as healthy as I can for as long as I can medications I mean that's a big one a lot of people depend on medications for various reasons some with chronic illnesses but some with mental health issues where is that going to lead you next you know there's so many different things that we use for medications and a lot of us just on a daily basis it may be Advil it may be Imodium it may be Tylenol it could be sinus medication flu and cold make sure you stock up on those things but guys overall do research again and find out remedies home remedies healthy remedies that can get you through those situations they may not be quite as good as far as getting rid of the symptoms for some medication but at least it'll give you some relief and so be ready have a good bag or a good Pantry set up or a medicine cabinet with a lot of the medications that you're going to be needing the elderly or those older people people that have limited Mobility you know when you get to that point to where you're really dependent on others number one what are you going to do if you find yourself in that situation number two what are you going to do if you have people that depend on you because of that situation because they're just older and having some plans put aside thinking things through thinking if I need to get these people out of this house or if I need to get myself and get down the road somewhere or I have to have a bug out situation can I make it what am I going to do what are some limitations and what are some advantages that I can take and start thinking these things through I have parents that are in their 80s they live next door to me and we're taking care of them on an everyday basis you know they're still able to get around and do but if the grid goes down it's going to get a lot tougher and we we have some things put back we've thought some things through making some plans but guys here's the thing when you're making plans you're just one step ahead if you're not making plans you're going to be behind the eight ball from day one human waste it's toxic it attracts insects it attracts disease it causes the spread of disease you have got to be able to take care of human waste going out into the woods and using the bathroom is not going to be a good situation the Flies different animals get around there and then they spread it to different areas and so being able to take care of human waste and guys there's a lot of different remedies digging out latrines being able to treat that with Lyme a lot of people take cat litter and you put it in the bottom of a five gallon barrel and you put a bag in it and you you do what you've got to do and then you get rid of it and you bury it but it's going to be important when you do Berry waste material that it doesn't affect the water system and so having these things kind of thought out but guys human waste it can't stay you've got to get rid of it because it can cause all kinds of diseases and sickness household trash and garbage that's it's one thing that you can't allow to pile up it'll attract rodents it'll attract again diseases it needs to be taken care of there's a number of things that you can do though one thing is to bury certain amount of trash and then of course you can burn certain items but one thing that you can also do is recycle and some of the things that are not important today that are just waste like tin cans that you have your soup that could be a very vital part of your prepping you know you could put those things back cardboard that you have that you're throwing away one of the things though about waste and trash is that in a grid down situation there's not as much coming in and so really your trash signature is going to be a lot less than it would be in a modern day I mean when Amazon quits coming you know you're not going to have all these boxes you're not going to have all this waste material but food you know you can use it for composting if it's leftovers you can feed your animals or pets with it there are some different Alternatives but having a plan thinking it through what am I going to do with my trash if you live in an urban environment that is really going to be a big problem because there's so many people there's so much trash and some people just aren't going to care but making sure that you have some alternatives to be able to take care of household trash which goes right along with your human waste and then next really on the heels of both of those is disease and plagues with people being a lot less sanitary than they are before a lot less clean you know there are diseases that can spread and especially if there's human waste and trash all around and so this really can cause a pandemic or an epidemic and guys we need to keep ourselves really clean keep your hygiene up again with the other two with human waste and trash you've got to get rid of it it's going to help keep disease down and to keep plagues down and so being able to keep those sanitary conditions guys just because it's an shtf situation doesn't mean that you can just be dirty and go dirty keep your hands washed keep your body clean wipe it down keep certain surfaces as clean as you can keep cooking utensils clean because those can create bacteria mold different things that can cause a lot of issue gasoline guys that's for your cars and one of the things about gasoline is it doesn't store well it runs out and so it's one of the things that even if you have some gas stored up typically about a year even with fuel stabilizers you're not going to have a long-term gasoline storage option so figuring out ways that if I need a vehicle what am I going to do after a year and thinking these things through ahead of time the other thing about storing up gasoline is it's really volatile uh for me and this is just an option that we use is propane propane is very stable it's sealed it'll last for a long time it doesn't really require a lot of special caution when you're storing it up there is some but definitely one of those that's the most stable and you can heat your home you can actually cook with it I mean you can run a propane generator propane gives you a lot of options and again it stores for a long time so while it won't necessarily run your car it will definitely give you a lot of options now there are those that have electric cars and you're going to even be in worse shape because it takes diesel generators and all kind of other electrical devices to keep those pumps and those charging stations going and that's one of the big problems with your electrical Vehicles water filters sooner or later they're going to run out you know your Municipal Water or whatever water that you use if you have a well that's great and you want to have a hand pump but being able to filter your water if you're getting it from an open source a creek or lake a pond your pool being able to use that water yes but is it full of giardia and cryptosporidium that will either make you super sick or it'll kill you and we've got to have water water is in the rule of Threes you can only live three days without water and so you really need to consider what are my other options and one of the big ones that is probably the most long lasting is to boil your water now one of the problems is it doesn't remove sediment and it doesn't necessarily remove the odor or the taste of water that's not Superior and so that is just one of the things that you will drink regardless but having some sort of large pot a big pot that you can boil water in because you're going to want to be able to boil quite a bit you don't want to just have a little small pot or have five of them on an open flame to be able to collect water so get yourself a really big pot with the handles and you can boil you know three or four gallons of water at one time and so that's just going to help things out you may not ever use that pot for anything else maybe for boiled peanuts or maybe making a big stew but once a grid down situation happens having a big pot like that can be very useful for a number of different reasons toilet paper we saw it during covet 19. it blew right off the shelves and a lot of people were really struggling during that time but toilet paper will be gone over time altogether and so having some Alternatives unfortunately we don't still have the Sears Roebuck huge catalog they used to send out every year and newspapers are gone we'd get a lot of our information digitally and so having some sort of way to be able to keep yourself clean because that goes right back to getting rid of human waste and trash is that it creates an unsanitary situation so definitely think through what would I use if I don't have toilet paper having a garden is great and you should be getting your garden going if you don't have one if you have seed put back and you haven't even started a garden there's a lot of enemies to your garden there's the deer and rabbits and just your normal rodents that come into your garden but there's also tons of insects and then there is just blight and different problems and diseases that happen and the more experience you have with gardening the more you know how to deal with these situations but typically Gardens are too small so you need to think about do I have seed do I have heirloom type seed that will produce seed later on that I can replant and to be able to have some sort of food source coming in so guys plan out your garden I mean it's Spring right now it's a great time if you haven't already get a garden going get it moving and then think about how can I expand that Garden if I need to which really leads to the next is game will be gone deer we see them all the time they're running across the road you know different type animals you know squirrel rabbit you name it there's a ton of stuff out there but just like in the Great Depression a lot of the game animals almost went extinct because people just went out and hunted and they hunted for food and the population we have today it could completely decimate not only are game animals but dogs and cats and everything else people will be desperate and so one of the other issues with hunting during an shtf situation is there's going to be a lot of people out there competing and there's a lot of gunfire a lot of bullets going in every direction so you know it's a dangerous situation just in itself but if you're relying on game unless you live way out in the middle of nowhere you know there is a threat to your food source if that's what you're depending on firewood especially in some areas firewood's going to get going in a hurry over the years when they've had Wars especially during World War II there's a lot of scenes where people were actually burning their own Furniture just to stay warm taking every scrap of wood that was anywhere around and then if you're in an urban situation you may not even have that option to be able to have a fire because there may not be a place for it so think about your firewood think about Alternatives and guys just make a plan one thing about an urban situation in the middle of winter is going to be to just get out of Dodge and there's going to be a lot of issues that go on in those situations anyway infant mortality is going to definitely increase you know my wife was a labor and delivery nurse for over 20 years and there were very few times that they lost a baby with modern medicine most things are taken care of but if you're having a baby at home you know there are people that do it all the time but you need to know some things about it and hygiene and sanitary conditions are one of the most important it can affect the mom and the baby and so having some knowledge ahead of time guys you know you may have a daughter that's pregnant you and your wife are not having children but you may have a next door neighbor that's pregnant or gets pregnant and being able to take care of that at is going to be important and having some plans put ahead if you do number 16 and I saved this one for last is cannibalism it's a very inconvenient truth but we've seen it over the years in history where survival situations have turned into cannibalism for people just to survive and typically it was those that had already passed on but it could be a hunting type situation especially with the volume of populations that we have now compared to any other time in history and when you have no food and people are looking for food source that could definitely be a situation and so number one being able to protect yourself from cannibals number two not getting yourself involved in that endeavor and so preparing now to get your food supplies think it through you know you want to have a replenishable food supply so gardening is definitely one of them game you can husbandry where you raise goats and chickens and you know rabbits and all the different things that you know can be used as a food source and also they can be Bartered with so there's a lot of things that you can kind of do to prepare yourself but in the general scheme of things it's one thing you want to be aware of and you want to be careful of and you know guys again it's something horrible to think about but it's definitely possible so Guys these are inconvenient truths they're things that can and will happen in a grid down situation according to the severity of what's going on short term a lot of this stuff is not necessarily going to be you know as important but over a long term period where it actually becomes a way of life these are things that you may have to deal with one of the things though too is over time people seem to get in some grooves they get back to normal and when they do things start to kind of level out people start to coexist and they help each other and they do for one another and so you know it's good to be able to identify these things as possibilities but not to lose hope and that things can turn back maybe not to where they are today but they can be very acceptable and honestly they may be very enjoyable to get back a little more to the basics of life and just to enjoy The Gift of Life be strong be of good courage God Bless America long live the republic foreign [Music]
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 216,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Id: myR3La3rMeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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