Turning 31 years old, celebrating with friends, & going camping!

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hello everyone my name is Wy and I make videos about camping travel and daily life I turned 31 years old last month and it's true they say your 30s is where you really find yourself but not only do I think I'm on the path to finding myself I'm also finding deeper connections with people in my life it's been a tough year but I'm sure these growing pains are going to be worth it so in this Vlog I'll be celebrating my birthday in the best way I know how by doing what I love with the people I love the most [Music] basically a display [Music] box I love it this one's this I was really looking forward to exploring some new spots in La for my birthday because when I moved to LA at 24 years old I told myself I would explore a lot but we all know how that goes after we got settled in we found some of our favorite regular spots and pretty much just stopped exploring so it was fun checking out some new places with wall and it reminded me just how awesome La can be after living here for some time now sometimes it does get a little boring but one thing I can appreciate about la is how diverse the food scene is I love the little details that go into these new businesses and you can just really feel the love they poured into it and I hope to find more like these in the future so if you have any you want to share with me please comment them down below next up we stopped by this adorable Bakery to pick up a few slices of cake and this Cafe instantly transported me to Korea and reminded me of the cute cafes we visited a couple years ago the cakes were light fluffy and as approved AKA not too [Music] sweet and speaking of cute cafes here's a new one that popped up I thought the decor was minimal and cute however the parking was a little bit of a nightmare but to be expected in this area so I ordered a Macha latte and wal got a cappuccino this is usually our order at cafes so I'm actually curious to know what you guys like to order at cafes because I think it's time I switch it up so please let me know like what do you like to order w got me these beautiful flowers it just arrived as we came home h more you seem excited about this one actually we'll need another R we need another Ras wait when did you wrap this up right now what what I know what it is what do you what how do you know it's t last year collection okay if you guys didn't know this about me this is like my favorite what what would you call this like a character yeah ever like anything related to her I love years ago when we went to Japan the only thing I wanted to do was go to the chibi marukan Museum this the summer edition right the summer edition she the sum babe more oh of course they need their own home I love this I have been thinking about ordering this for 2 months remember how I was telling you like no why would you what would you even find I don't think they have it [Music] anymore after I bought the the newer one I was like oh damn I wish I could have seen the previous one cuz this one is so good oh this is the dinner time one oh oh my she's on the table stop it no I think it's just she's under it I'm like why would and then she has her rice this looks like maybe an omelette or KATU oh my God excuse me why are you so cute we one haven't you done yet a nice pun you that I know her legs [Music] pretty I can't handle it I like it leading up to my birthday wall kept asking me how I wanted to celebrate and as I was thinking about how I wanted to celebrate this year it made me think about the times when I was a kid and as a kid birthdays were a huge deal to me I feel like the older I've gotten the more I prefer simple celebrations what's important to me now is just spending it with people I love and this year we had our own movie theater at home thanks to the new LG cinam [Music] Q awesome movie watching it's like next level right now the quality is so [Music] to I remember the year I turned 8 years old my parents threw me a birthday party at our family restaurant we invited kids from my school and I remember thinking that was the coolest thing especially coming from my strict parents who didn't really let me hang out with friends outside of school and that was truly a core memory from my childhood I remember feeling so happy that day and I thought it was the cool kid because as a child who didn't grow up with many friends since we moved around a lot as a kid I was so surprised that people even showed up so I guess not much has changed since then in a way when wall asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday this year I just wanted to spend it with people I care about when we look back on life we often remember the moments we shared with people and the feeling of those moments gifts are fun but over time I feel like we kind of forget them all the times I begged my parents as a kid to get me a particular birthday gift I don't even remember what they were now what I do remember though is the celebration itself with my family and friends I think what's so cool about the LG cinnam Q is that it's a laser projector that's powerful easy to use and for sure going to make lasting core memories it's so cool being able to watch movies like in the theaters in my own house I can't wait to invite friends over for summer backyard Movie parties it can project 4K UHD resolution solution the screen Auto adjusts to optimize focus when placed on a surface and it has awesome color accuracy also it's a smart TV so you have access to Netflix Disney plus Prime video and YouTube since it's so powerful and easy to use I can move it to any room indoors or Outdoors whenever I want a movie theater experience this was such a memorable way to end the night for my birthday so if you're interested in this projector I'll leave a link below so you can check it out too [Music] right yeah just keep [Music] [Applause] [Music] I like can probably we were ready like paid for the [Music] C we'll use it we'll use it next year yeah [Music] what are we doing today knobs are we going [Music] camping C [Music] puy you ready to go inside you ready okay oh come here good girl new tent what do you think this tent is really nice we are testing it out for the first time and it's really spacious we're also able to stand up in here which is always a plus we can stand all the way up I'm touching the sides right here at 55 right in the middle don't touch it all we have two mattresses and then on this side we have our storage boxes it's a nice breeze today too so we got four Windows one 2 3 and four and then that's an opening as well as this one so two entrances it's very cozy we're having dumplings I got some soy sauce on top and then that's the fly by Jing Sichuan chili sauce which is one of my [Music] faves the sun just completely disappeared grabbed food sat down and then it just went I can't I always look forward to just eating dinner and then going in the tent we asleep by 9: m don't wake up like 4:00 a.m. cuz you got to go pee mhm maybe this will finally adjust my sleep schedule again every time after I go home from camping my sleep schedule is like perfect again I get a lot of questions on what I feed na'vi I like to switch her food every few months just so she has something new to eat and also it's just good to change up like the nutrition right now since we're camping I brought her spot in Tango this is like a dehydrated food and then this is Farmer's dog but I'm still transitioning her right now so so I'm not giving her too much of it so far she loves it and it smells really good both the spot and Tango and farmer dog are a human grade which I really like she has to use a slow feeder because this girl she will choke on her food and then in this baggie I brought her freeze-dried Toppers so I try to include organ Meats for her too so this is this small batch pets chicken topper it has like chicken liver chicken gizzard heart and stuff like that I just put it on on top kind of like a little Crouton and then after that for some omegas these are fish skins salmon skins from Trader Jo that's her dinner are you shaking you're shaking cuz you're so excited all right wait wait hold on take this s away okay Nai yes okay yes go ahead good girl round two it's our first time trying the Trader Joe miso Ramen soup why do they only give you so little are sweet mhm why is it so peaceful mhm it's like you're doing everything you would do at home but but it is so different yeah your mind is so AC peace what other flavors do they have miso spicy miso and then just one more I think it was like chicken maybe it's okay so that little thing you see right there is our heater the temperature is outside it's not super cold or anything but we thought we would test it out earlier when I first got in here it was pretty cold so I just got under my sleeping bag but now that the heat's on o we are comfy this is next level glamping this is a new pillow that I got from my friend Jess she got it for me for I think it was for Christmas this is my first time testing it out it's from the company thermarest and it's really comfortable definitely the best Camp Pillow I've ever had it feels very comfortable many of you have asked how do you do your skin care at camp this is what I do I first wash my hands sometimes they have water at campsite sometimes they do not they don't I literally just use my water bottle to wash my hands I bring my little makeup bag by the way this one is from yuan's Brand casual and you so cute she just sent this one to me and I love it so this is my face wash get yourself a water bottle I want to show you guys how I do it when there are no sinking faucets so I have a little face cloth here this is where I realize that on a day-to-day at home we use a lot of water when you're Outdoors you realize you need the bare minimum I take some of my face wash grab my water bottle just to get a lather I forgot to wash my makeup off last night by the way a knock out after we ate the dumplings again little bit of water that's it you'll be surprised how little you actually need in comparison to when you're at home just really puts things into perspective to really conserve now you're going to take your face clo this is where you'll use a little more but not much at all just enough to wet it that's your first cleanse work it into the lather now we're going to pour the water wet our little towel now it's dripping wet this gives it a really thorough cleanse cuz the cloth is quite wet there might still be a little soap in there and on your face but that's okay we camping you have to let go of the Perfection when you're camping you just do the best you can and if I go home with a pimple or two that's okay because I had a great time so I just go in again with a little bit more water on my towel wipe off any excess soap and I'm done look at how little water I used and that's all I needed onto skincare hydrating toner water oilfree moisturizer and that's it we're not doing a 10-step skincare routine here that is not the goal which by the way I realized those 10-step skincare routines only just break you out because you're overwhelming your skin with too many products my skincare routine only consists of really my moisturizer and sometimes I'll use a toner water love the sunscreen I have this little travel size tube of it it's the beauty of Josan definitely don't want to forget your sunscreen it's kind of toasty in here my makeup everything is inside this bag right here this is from Muji I get ready out of this bag even when I'm at home so it makes it really easy when I'm going camping or on a trip I just grab this bag and we are ready to go this is 30s y'all everything is just simple loving it for my tinted moisturizer we are using this one this is from Kau the BB burst tinted gel cream my shade is number 20 light medium neutral warm squeeze it across the face spread it evenly something like that then this is my compact the J I'm so sorry I'm not saying that correctly I'll take the puff tap it in or you can obviously just rub it in with your hands but I don't like the feeling of Tinted Moisturizer getting on my hand it just hard to wash off and I don't want to waste more water so I just use this cotton puff and just Pat it in add some to my forehead oh oh my God got a little too much onto the eyebrows I'm using kosu brow pop a dual action defining pencil this is in the shade taupe I just realized everything is K sauce I love K sauce literally do the worst job with my eyebrows but it's whatever yumy oh oh oh she go in the water oh yeah CR Rivas there's a there's a lot of Wild Water Crest I'm thinking about making a Water Crest soup for for breakfast huh oh okay how do we know for sure it's water crisp oh cuz I know I'm 30 now what if it's not water Cris and we get poison in night there's a lot like I think even if we don't eat it now I'm going to take a bunch to go home and then do my it's pretty much Water Crest though like I'm pretty sure it is okay coming from a girl me thinking a poison oak was a strawberry plant so what do I know the first River mhm she was hella hyped so she was like oh that was pretty fun it was so cute she passed oh that's so cute you had fun SE snoby and that's it okay and then if we're feeling fancy which we are today we're going to add a little bit of plush just to add a little bit color as I like to say so we don't look dead blush I'm using is from milk makeup it's just like these cute little sticks um the shade is Enigma so I take it onto my brush and then just do this just to add a little bit of color back into the face lips glossier generation G lipstick in cake for my skin tone it's great I just tap it on like so spread it out so that it looks more natural look how natural that looks amazing and that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] wow this is my first time and wall set up yeah it's my first time bringing a girl here I'm so special a lot of head space got a lot of head space mm now we got her little Corners way better than what we had before though mhm last time when it was windy and we had to be in the car we were like this we're so squished the non nonanesthetic the non- aesthetic stuff this is what it usually looks like guys [Music] we had to move the cooking into the tent because it is getting so windy it stopped right now but I swear every time we are about to do something the wind will pick up the wind just has it out for us yes we do have a windshield in case you're wondering but it still doesn't help na'vi you've gotten so brave na'vi has always been pretty scared of noise any noise in general whether it's fireworks or like if something Falls over or when it's windy and earlier with these kids running around normally she gets really triggered by that but she just laid there and she stayed calm so I'm so proud of my girl so happy to see her like this but also a little sad because it just really goes to show that she's growing up too her personality is just so much like a baby that everyone calls her the baby and she's just really growing up so proud of you girl as for this recipe we've never made this before but W thought it might be cool to try making a one poot recipe it's almost like a risoto oh my God it's so hot the rice isn't fully ready yet just a little more wow I love it with the basmati rice mhm I was going to get Jasmine but when I saw Mone I'm like ooh or is it just yummy because we're camping and everything tastes yeah probably that remember my pump when you have the nozzle going this way it inflates but to deflate you pop it over on top like so This truly makes it so much easier for me having this has truly helped cut my time of packing up in half [Music] lovely it's very spacious the only downside for me personally is that I drive a small car to go camping so my Jeep it's only a twodo I have very limited space so a tent like this realistically I would only use it if I'm with wall and we're driving the Land Cruiser cuz it does packed down really large but it's really nice I loved the space we had and it was just so easy to set up so that's other part that I thought was amazing and that wraps up this video I hope you enjoyed coming along and celebrating my birthday with me I had such a great time hanging out with wall my friends and being in the outdoors if you enjoy these videos please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you have not already if you want to see more of these videos make sure you comment below I've been reading my comments and so many of you have said that you miss Wally TV and while we are not bringing the channel back I want to bring back some of the old school style type of editing where there's very minimal edits and we're just talking more candidly to camera so if you like these videos please let me know and I will continue filming more in the meantime take care thank you for the support and I'll see you in my next one [Music] bye o [Music]
Channel: Weylie Hoang
Views: 121,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ilikeweylie, weylie, weylie channel, vlogs, embracing my 30s, 30s diaries, birthday vlog, going camping, camping in california, spring camping, camping vlog, lg cinebeam Q
Id: Rk75YgWgcoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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