Friendships as an adult (my younger self never imagined this)

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hello everyone I'm wayy and I make videos about camping travel and daily life in this Vlog my girlfriend Jess and I took a trip to Joshua tree with our dogs Ekko and na'vi Jess and I met about 8 years ago and became really close friends because we both love dogs and the outdoors we were both craving a trip to get out of LA and we landed in Joshua Tree we spent the weekend eating pizza relaxing starting our own little book club and spending time outdoors I really value these types of trips and always leave feeling recharged and inspired so if you also enjoy the outdoors and love dogs which I hope you do then let's get into it do you guys remember Ekko it's been a long time since he's been in my videos hi Ekko he's looking for his mom so we are taking a quick stop to use the restroom and stuff and we are going to Joshua Tree we're almost in Joshua Tree already I'm so excited because we haven't had like one of these kind of girls trips since last October we're staying at Auto Camp I've stayed in one of their other properties like up north at Russian River this time we're checking out the one in Joshua Tree so we brought Eko was home watching Leo cuz Sophie's still in Korea and then na'vi is here too hi [Music] we just checked into our Airstream it's so nice it's really nice and bright in here because of all the windows sorry the AC is really loud over here small little mini fridge also have a microwave okay well this was super cool last time when I stayed in Russian River we did not get to stay in the Airstream because they were fully booked and this is my first time essentially I loved being inside the Silver Bullet I've always wondered what it'd be like and it just feels like a home on Wheels after we settled down we mapped the nearest dogf Friendly restaurant which was Sky High pie they have custom pizzas they have drinks they have beer really good vibes overall and really good food as [Music] well he thinks this is going to it does work actually it definitely works that's it no more I don't know why it looks like it's strobing something to do with the shutter speed that's what I've been told we got so carried away at dinner we were just chatting so we forgot to come home to feed the dogs I'm feeding na'vi her Farmer's dog she loves this by the way Echo come here I you you're going to have to slow down every time I don't have the slow feeder she will literally go crazy oh my God okay we're just going to oh you're so polite okay come that's okay you can come eat it's okay you can come eat it's just you have to slow down slow slow oh sorry she's like what okay take just take your time good job okay so fast okay good job few more bites okay okay take a break you're literally choking get right here clean good boy he's being respectful you always are where the crbs literally the moment I set up the blanket is not your best friend for my dog parents out there you all know the best feeling is when your dog makes a best friend and when they hang out oh my gosh you guys na'vi is giving kisses to Jess that's very sweet he knows that word so maybe maybe she just wants to join in oh that's so sweet thank you you are so sweet today kisses today what this is the most I've Been Kissed by Nai she's so love I think she's like so happy to be with us I know don't you feel like when you get it from her her it's especially special she doesn't give it it's just like M we me and I like freeze we're like did you see that oh my gosh she's never been this sweet and affectionate yeah you're being happy he's about to do his happy dance also her belly is a little full she has been getting a lot of treats yeah oh are you doing your happy dance I let my dogs kiss me before I shower even though I love it it's just I don't want to break out yeah God like what is this what is that are you guys holding legs Echo you hug e you literally hates when people hug hug oh he's okay with us good Bo good job just a boys he doesn't want e he's like wait are you serious I feel like all boy dogs do that like they protect doesn't care oh yeah cuz then Leo is like [Music] that these windows are so cool how do you even use this [Music] oh I don't know how to open this window okay oh okay okay oh gosh I figured out how to open it but I don't know how to keep it opened push up what in the world am I stupid why can't I why can't I operate this window okay I'm just going to leave it alone [Music] this is something I really loved doing with Mei whenever she'd blow her coat I just pick them off doop doop doop shedding season is upon us you're the goodest of good boys you a doggy that does not shed can't relate I've never looked this up but is this just a Pomeranian thing do all Pomeranians not shed or is it because she's a super mut what is this [Music] good morning everyone we're getting ready to go for a hike today it's just going to be like a short hike and we're trying to go early because it's going to be so hot after 11:00 a.m. and of course I have to put on my sunscreen I've talked about the sunscreen for years it's my favorite one I've gone through so many tubes this is the beauty of Joel Joon I hope I'm saying that correctly beauty of Jon this is my favorite sunscreen and it has SPF 50 it's the relief Sun rice and probiotics so it has Rice and Grain extracts it's very rich in vitamins BCE e amino acids and minerals so it really moisturizes your skin too it feels really good on the skin not sticky any type of foundation or Tinted Moisturizer I put on top it never pels and then throughout the day if I needed to touch up this is the matte sunstick with mugart and chamille this one's also spf50 and this is great because it's super portable you just roll it up and then you can roll it across your skin super easy and this is great for reapplying this one's matte so it's nice to under makeup kind of works as a primer I bring this with me so that I can reapply like on my neck areas on my shoulder this one also has a cooling sensation after you put it on it just feels nice and refreshing in this one they have vitamins A and C and minerals so it's really good for just calming your skin especially if you have you know acne like myself this one feels really nice so this one I always keep in my bag remember how fast we got ready when we were at Big Bear that one Tri I know do you also get ready when you're camping no that's one thing I don't that's when you don't do you you just put on base right I do like the usual I just put on sunscreen though I do my whole skin care routine if I don't wash my face at night in the morning I think it causes like for me for me so I have have to do it no matter how freezing it is that's why I boil the water and you know you know the whole thing yeah that's one I could get better at that's okay this sounds bad but when I'm camping and you know when it's super cold and I just like don't want to wash my face but like I still want to just put on makeup I literally put makeup on top of my skin so that's why always get a new pimple but I'm like it was worth it experience no it's not because you have to deal with it for like a whole week it's not worth it I know so that's why I I like just have [Music] to his eyes are closed it means like take me out I'm waiting or feed me it looks very demanding yeah that's why I have to feed it a bit more [Music] it [Music] is I would always think my parents are so Asian for bringing an umbrella but now I'm that person where is it how light great this is it's perfect cuz I always get scared that if I get lost or whatever on a trail it's so hot the sun's ging feel how light it is oh wow that is light is it snow peak girl I got it in Japan it always feels so good to like go out and Hike it really is a perfect temperature right now mhm cu the Sun is hot but the wind mhm so pretty are you on top of na'vi na'vi is just under Echo how we doing na'vi na'vi has a heart disease so I try not to have her work too hard once I notice her getting a bit tired I usually just pick her up they're so small so easy to pick [Music] up oh my God the zoomi has been activated and then there's Echo just what take a fit in there the artwork the artist did you have fun yeah are you oh she's at it again oh my goodness Eko what he's been through this so many times oh my so I SLI my own color I know read this many times she's posted a few times I literally like [Music] cry wow it's so nice o [Music] she has a haul yes so Isaac and his friends like the off-roading friends they like to like switch Patches he gave us a patch remember he always gives you guys a patch so I got Patches for him and his guy friends oh always thinking about the husband I know so these are cute and then I got sustainably sourced oh Cedar Sage cuz I think I'm made a little Sage so yeah that's my little haul amazing haul it was so fun in there so every trip I go on I like to buy her a toy this time we have an avocado toast and she seems pretty pleased with it so cute gentle she's just nibbling on the avocado for those of you who have not visited Joshua tree before or are thinking about it I think it's such a unique place to visit there is a national park which I think probably draws most of the tourism but one thing I really love about Joshua tree is how unique it is it's such an Eclectic place and every time that I've been here whether I am here for the nature or I'm here to just hang out with friends at an Airbnb or camp we always have so much fun and there's always so much to explore over the years I would say this time was the busiest I've seen it so if you plan on visiting Joshua Tree make sure you plan accordingly and of course respect the locals when you visit I had so much fun with my girlfriend and in typical wh fashion of course I was reflecting reflecting on friendship and what friendships mean to me today when I was younger in elementary school I would used to always cry to my mom about not having friends and she would tell me way when you get older and if you just have one good friend that's all you need and in my adult years I have met so many wonderful friends some that I have gotten really close with some that we have drifted apart and that's okay we are all growing and evolving sometimes you meet friends who share the same Hobbies as you are going through the same walks of life as you and sometimes you guys start walking down different paths but always pick up where you left off and it just feels effortless I'm lucky to have met such great friends in my adult years it's true what my mom said it's not about quantity but quality if you're in a a season of life where you have not met that friend yet I encourage you to look inwards and find what your own hobbies are you'll find like-minded people and when the time is right you will meet your group of friends thanks for watching and listening I will see you all in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Weylie Hoang
Views: 69,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ilikeweylie, weylie, weylie channel, vlogs, friendships as an adult, adulting, joshua tree vlog, girls trip, girls trip vlog, autocamp, beauty of joseon
Id: PWSykNcEwM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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