Solo camping with my Jeep | luxury camping in California, having fun alone, new portable awning

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[Music] oh baby [Music] I'm going solo camping again all packed up and ready to go all right are we ready kiddos look at how much stuff I have this time I for sure did not forget my sleeping mat I took out the rear seats so that the dogs can have this spot [Music] foreign I got a new awning [Music] I keep stepping on Sharp things I did bring my hiking shoes out [Music] I think I was doing it the wrong way that was supposed to do it this way okay that makes more sense foreign [Music] [Music] come out [Music] this is impossible it's gonna work it's gonna work oh my God I got it wait the side came off this thing is not meant for one person oh my goodness this is awesome that only took two business days you know okay this is nice I like this okay oh I'm happy my thought was to have the tent under the tarp so that in the morning if the Sun is beaming on it then it wouldn't be so hot but I feel like that would just be a waste of this space because I could be hanging out under here I think I'm going to move the tent that way yeah how do we feel about that okay come here what's up good boy I should have unloaded the Jeep before Oh Echo I should have unloaded the Jeep before I set up the awning because now the awning is attached to the back of the truck or not truck why did I call it a truck I attached it to the back window and now I can't open it foreign okay now that I have broke a sweat and just look absolutely fabulous I thought I would quickly think a rate for sponsoring today's video oftentimes in my videos you guys would ask me where your earrings from where is your necklace from chances are if I am wearing jewelry it is all right oh there's a coyote you are acting so brave right now because echo's here this is how I'm holding on to the dogs if I'm wearing jewelry chances are it's from orate what I love about their jewelry is that they're pieces that you can gift other people in your life or gift to yourself even though I'm camping or like even if I'm going to the gym I still leave these pieces on like I don't take these off because they're real gold real gemstones real diamonds it's not going to turn colors on you it's made to last and so I just never take them off and all of their pieces are sustainably sourced I have a few staple pieces from them that I wear all the time but they always come out with new stuff that I absolutely love so this month for summer I've been really loving their quilted Gold collection so that's what I have on my ears right now and then as for my necklace I am wearing the trois Moi I hope I'm saying that right little gemstones on it this is such a cute dainty necklace you guys know I love dainty necklaces and then on my hands this one is the diamond Brooklyn Bridge ring and then this one is the midi stackable diamond ring I love these two they're super dainty and it just adds a nice little Sparkle and because they are so small it doesn't get in the way of anything if you want to check them out for yourself you can get 30 off with no minimum spend which is such a great deal because a rate is already really fairly priced they are a direct to Consumer brand which means that they cut out the middleman and they sell directly to you and so you can get really nice quality jewelry pieces for a fraction of the price so if you want to check them out you can get 30 off again you can click the link in my bio below and I will directly apply the 30 off or if you want to directly go to their website and put in the code my code is 30 Whaley I got a new some point I am going to get a proper Camp Pillow for now I'm using this one that I brought from home go sit good boy good girl good boy the best puppies ever this feels amazing you might be wondering why I have Echo with me so this is Echo oh he doesn't like to be touched typical shebel things this is my friend's dog I am his godmother okay we've had that agreement that if anything ever happens to his parents I will be there for him I love him so much he was actually michi's boyfriend she would get very flirtatious with him okay them two just get along so so well I know you want a sibling but um for now we will have a god brother and this will be oh this will be the first time I put to test that answered my question I was wondering if Echo would be like on guard at all I guess he knows he knows to protect so this morning I had a pontoon here they come that's it [Music] you guys like it [Music] foreign [Music] it is dinner time for the dogs I think this is the cutest thing Echo is bilingual his parents are Korean they taught me that do you want dinner it goes like this I hope I'm saying it right and he knows this one's straight for the back I always like to add a bit of moisture in navi's food it's just like a salmon stew and she loves it can you clean that for me draw bites Echo eats a raw diet at home and his mom portioned out his food right here [Music] [Music] this one's a little old so I'm gonna swap it out with the one I brought from home oh these are one of those where it doesn't fit again it's happening to me this happened to me twice great this is about as easy as it gets we're just gonna fry this up and then maybe add an egg I bought this really adorable knife wall was laughing at it when he saw it but hey it's cute I mean how can you resist this [Music] laughs foreign I gotta say at first I did not see the vision when I first poured it out of the bag I was like um this does not look good after I mixed it around really let the rice crisp up added the egg and the impossible meat we got something let's try this Trader Joe's fried rice quick world it's not bad it probably would be really Plain on its own but after adding in the meat the egg and really letting the rice crisp up this is pretty good I don't like these soft coolers lychee sparkling water oh did you just eat a fly cheers which camping trip has been the most memorable so far all of the trips are honestly so memorable maybe I would choose my first trip to Yosemite and then also Colorado in 2020. we went on an over Landing trip we went on black bear pass we went to top of the world and it was a crazy experience while that was really scary for me and I'll probably never do it again it was still very memorable and I loved that trip so much Affordable Travel Camp gear anything like anything goes don't feel pressured to buy the nicest thing because you also don't know if you're gonna end up loving it definitely don't splurge on a really expensive gear in the beginning when I first started camping I used anything at home girl like we didn't even have sleeping bags I just brought my comforter from home if you're seeing my videos where I have like a bunch of gear all of that is because I really enjoy this stuff but you by all means do not need to you can start with anything like you can use the Hot Pot stove that you have at your house if you have one already that's what we did when we started didn't have any like outdoorsy clothes I just bundled up and brought like sweaters that I had and then just buy a tent from Walmart or Amazon do you agree Echo oh I just remembered you ate raw food and you licked my chin quite a few people commented that they want to get started camping but they don't have someone to Camp with if you have a dog go camping with your dog nothing makes me more happy than being with these babies I would recommend just going alone a lot of you wondered how I feel safe I actually do a lot of research okay like before I go to a place I do a lot of research I am very selective about where I go especially if I'm solo if you plan ahead and you're someone that is okay with being alone it can end up being the most amazing experience of course I love going with Wawa but I also really enjoy these trips where I'm by myself [Music] they're so crunchy [Music] this boy is not happy about us ending the night early he wants to go back outside we're gonna go to bed Navi is a little princess is in bed already as you can see once we came in here she was ready she found her spot what scares you most about solo camping I was raised in a family where my mom unknowingly made me fearful of everything because she was fearful of everything my mom bless her heart I know she did not mean it because it was just the circumstances of how she grew up too growing up in an environment like that made me very fearful of everything and then so finally I would say maybe in my mid-20s that's when I had like my breakthrough in my mind where I was like you know what I need to stop living a life In Fear And so long story short I would just say go into things being prepared of course I'm not saying just go out there and be a fool you know really do your research I just one day realized that like I want to start experiencing life a little more in the way that I want to I just try to do my best to prepare for things and obviously stay vigilant okay I am a very paranoid person naturally thanks to my mom and so I think that also is my advantage because I'm very very aware of my surroundings all the time actually maybe I slip up sometimes but overall I would say compared to most people that I know in my life I am constantly very aware any plans on modifying the Jeep currently don't have huge plans for it what I love about the TJ especially the Sahara trim is that it's just so nice just as is only thing that I'm thinking of doing right now is possibly getting a new hard top a new hardtop that can support a roof rack so that I can potentially one day get a rooftop tint foreign I don't know how I feel about my summer sleeping bag because I was so cold last night wow [Music] foreign [Music] assistant food sit sit okay [Music] I woke up around 6 30 this morning took the dogs for a walk freshened up went to the bathroom and now I'm just chilling I'm just waiting for my tent and my tarp to dry and then afterwards because I am in Santa Barbara I was thinking maybe I could take the dogs to downtown Santa Barbara and walk around or maybe take him to the beach so we'll see [Music] thank you [Music] that just gave me the much needed shape that I needed [Music] I think this might be the camp host's dog so cute hello [Music] it's a friend [Music] hey oh you're so cute you're all gray this is paddling North by Audrey Sutherland and it's about a woman's solo Adventure along the Inside passage in Alaska so I thought it was very suiting to read this during my solo trips and so far I'm really liking it having this is such a game changer right now the sun is hitting diagonally so the tarp isn't doing much right now so I added the rain fly for my tent I just kind of hung it up and it's giving us some nice shade this just made me realize maybe I can DIY something panel or like tarp that fits this perfectly for added privacy and shade foreign body tends to run really hot so I brought her her cooling vest I'm gonna wet it with cold water this is one of the best inventions for dogs you just add cold water in here and this will keep them cool for like 45 minutes depending how hot it is outside together [Music] I just remembered that I had a tarp wow now I have all the shade in here foreign [Music] [Music] I think the next thing I need to buy is a camp table I love sitting on the ground and right now I don't have a table so I'm using the bench it's like fun it's so hot now chart isn't it not me the mushrooms make it really good so juicy I'm so glad I have this tarp there is like a picnic area that's shaded too but it's not really level over there I wanted to just like stay here and have my shade I think this tarp is one of the best purchases I've made so in my last video Someone commented if I would be getting an awning for the Jeep I thought about that but it's quite expensive if you think about it because I would first have to get a roof rack and because the roof of the Jeep is a fiberglass hard top I can't really put a heavy roof rack on there so it would basically have to be like this whole Mount that goes on the body of the Jeep and that was a few thousand dollars so then I started doing my research and I came across this Moon shade and this was the best purchase I mean it was kind of hard to put up but I think it'll get easier as time goes on I think I'm gonna figure out a system on how to put it up but overall it's so packable it's so small I can use it for the Jeep I can use it for the Land Cruiser in the future you can just like move it wherever you want so that's pretty nice and then this whole system of attaching a tarp is also nice it gets really hot so I'm glad I was able to put this up and have this little Nest I love it foreign [Music] about this is that if you put it on the top it actually helps suck out there turns out I was able to open the back without the awning falling apart nice foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Weylie Hoang
Views: 123,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ilikeweylie, weylie, weylie channel, vlogs, solo camping, solo female camping, luxury camping, santa barbara camping, luxury camping in california, solo camping with my jeep, jeep wrangler sahara, jeep wrangler TJ, car camping, camping alone
Id: XO251L93loI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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