"GOD is Making Moves" - Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] questions [Music] hallelujah hallelujah make a joyful noise until the lord all ye lands serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the lord he is god it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pastor we should enter into his gates with thanksgiving and enter his course with praise being thankful unto him and bless his name why church because the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth the real truth of the lord endures to all generations maybe go to the lord in prayer god we thank you and we love you we appreciate this opportunity that you have granted us god though the nation has been in unrest god we know that the lord and god that we serve is not just a god of grace and mercy but he's also the god of justice so god i'm asking right now that you unify the minds of the hearts of your people who are watching this broadcast on this morning allow us to understand what it is that we need to do to further your cause and our lives on today we understand that we only have one life to live and we want to utilize it to do your work and your will so god have your way not just in this moment god but each and every day of our lives but specifically speaking on today god we need to hear a word from you we pray that you will continue to pour out your wisdom through the man of god on this morning and bless this household this beloved community god there may be somebody who is unsafe but we pray right now for the safety and the security and the well-being of the beloved community here at friendship west and those who are also watching and tuning in on this morning god we love you we love you we bless you all today we honor your holy name in the name of jesus we pray amen and thank god are y'all ready to give the lord praise in this house on this morning wherever you may be come on and put those hands together and bless his name hallelujah come on y'all we're gonna have a little church this morning is that all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] oh yes [Music] this morning if you truly believe that the lord is good there's a song that says there's a storm out holding the ocean and this movement is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when i [Music] let [Music] let me tell you what he's done for me [Music] [Music] i don't know what are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] will you help me [Music] anybody come together [Music] praise the lord [Music] [Applause] come on in this place bless the name of the lord truly worthy yes [Music] hallelujah hallelujah wow bless that wonderful name of jesus how we praise god for the amazing person and presence of god of jesus in our lives i love it because it's that real truth not that alternative stuff but that real deal that's who we're praising that's who we're blessing when we bless that wonderful name of jesus we're so excited that you're with us on today and how we pray that you are blessed in a tremendous way as you bless that wonderful name of jesus if you are visiting with us man we sure would love to know it so we can show you some love how about if you let us know that you're doing that by texting to the number two eight nine five zero text this f w v i z when you text that will you text f w v i z to two eight nine five zero it lets us know you're in the house so we can show you love and of course if you want this time that you're being a visitor will be the last time that you're visiting that you want to be a part of the family of faith and friendship west we want to help you with that go ahead and email us at join us at friendshipwest.org you can also give a call to our prayer line you can see the information later on so you can be a part of this amazing family of faith so excited that you're here now let's continue to keep on blessing that wonderful name of jesus [Music] good morning good morning i want to share just a quick update about our upcoming 4th annual king teach-in as many of you are aware a lot has transpired since tuesday november the 3rd 2020 and the events on last week were just a manifestation of the hatred and the white privilege that gave birth to this nation and it reminds us that we still have so much work to do so as we are excited about the end of one administration and we anticipate and await the inauguration of president-elect joseph biden and that history maker vice president kamala harris we're going to take a time to just pause and to remember and to reflect on the life and the legacy of reverend dr martin luther king jr on saturday january the 16th at 11 o'clock am we will have a thoughtful and substantive conversation around the ways that king's faith undergirded his public ministry it was a faith that drove him out into the streets to protest but it also drove him into the corridors of political power to make correct policy changes that forced this nation to make true to hope to remain true to what it put on paper to use the language of dr king and for the past three years dr haynes and dr george mason have done a brilliant job at leading us in a teach-in and we're excited to add another voice to the conversation this year we will have mayor london breed of san francisco join us and we are excited to have our voice added to this dialogue we will also add this year a youth and young adult panel that will be led by reverend dr david malcolm magruder he will do a job at leading our youth and young adults or they will should i say the youth and young adults will lead the conversation to tell us what dr king's legacy means for their generation and what they feel their responsibility is to make sure that they secure a future a more a more secure future for a just world for them to live in so please it'll be a family affair gather your family around your tv your electronic devices and make sure you go to our social media pages and share the event and make sure that you are part of this teaching we look forward to connecting with you on next saturday january 16th at 11 o'clock a.m we will be on facebook live live stream and youtube [Music] so [Music] there's no one else to turn to but you you're the only answer to this situation that we've gotten ourselves into so master won't you please come down come down and give us a helping hand [Music] cause we need you we need you [Music] right now [Music] there's a lot of people going hungry [Music] cause they can't get nothing to eat [Music] there's a lot of people going neck and neck and they don't even have clothes to put on their feet so now master won't you please come down come down and give us a helping hand oh cause we need you yes we do but we need you we need you right now whoa right now right now lord [Music] we need you right now hey i said we need you yes we do we need you [Music] we need you right now you see man has gotten out of hand [Music] with his evil ways yeah yeah yeah can't you see he's destroying us [Music] just a little bit more easing every day so now master won't you please please please please come down and give us lord we need you a helping hand hey cause we need you [Music] yes we do right now [Music] right now right now lord hey we need you yes we do right now oh [Music] yes [Music] we need you we need you [Music] yes we do yes we do right now lord we can't make it without you lord how we need you yes we do we need you we need you we need you lord we need you [Music] right now [Music] i said we need you [Music] say we need you [Music] [Applause] right now [Music] oh yeah hallelujah i think that's real appropriate in light of the crazy chaos that characterizes our country the wrecking of our world the sickness that has infected our planet what a prayer lord we need you right now let me greet all of you with the love of the lord and the joy of jesus christ i i'm happy to especially see those of you in the zoom what's happening what's happening i see you in the friendship west zoom zoom room god bless you i love you i miss you and it's just a blessing to get to see you get to see you i can't wait to see you in person but in the meantime this is the next best thing no i'm praying for you i thank god for you and i thank god for our time together i greet those of you who ain't in the zoom zoom room but you've tuned in we're so glad we're so grateful go ahead subscribe to our youtube channel make sure you hit that like button and let us know that you are part of what god is doing through us here at friendship west when the season of reconstruction and healing and so i want to uh share with you uh basically for the first trimester of this year to use the language of david malcolm magruder i want to share with you from of the book of ezra and so in ezra chapter 1 uh today i want to share with you from a passage of scripture beginning at verse 1 and we're going to read through verse 5 of the first chapter of the book of ezra from the new revised standard version translation of the 11th century vowed hebrew text hear now the word of our great god in the first year of king cyrus of persia in order that the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah might be accomplished the lord stirred up the spirit of king cyrus of persia so that he sent a herald throughout all his kingdom and also in a written edict declared thus says king cyrus of persia the lord the god of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has charged me to build him a house at jerusalem in judah any of those among you who are of his people may their god be with them are now permitted to go up to jerusalem in judah and rebuild the house of the lord the god of israel he is the god who is in jerusalem and let all survivors in whatever place they reside be assisted by the people of their place with silver and gold with goods and with animals besides free will offerings for the house of god in jerusalem the heads of the families of judah and benjamin the priest and the levites everyone whose spirit god had stirred got ready to go up and rebuild the house of the lord in jerusalem i'm gonna read again verse one and then verse five in the first year of king cyrus of persia in order that the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah might be accomplished the lord stirred up the spirit of king cyrus of persia verse 5. the heads of the families of judah and benjamin and the priests and the levite everyone whose spirit god had stirred god had stirred got ready to go up and rebuild the house of the lord in jerusalem i want to put a tag on this text and for a few moments i want to talk about god is making moves god is making moves in the classic the literary classic go tell it on the mountain by that poetic prophet james baldwin he has a character by the name of frank frank i relate to for his realness because frank my sisters and brothers according to baldwin he drank too much and he sang the blues that's what baldwin declares about frank and then check out what frank says about his relationship with almighty god he said me and the lord don't always get along well because he's running the world like he thinks i ain't got good sense i parked there parenthetically because i appreciate the realness of frank frank ain't scared to keep it a book when he thinks about what's going on in the world around him and he questions the activity or absence of the god above him have you ever in your own existential experience wanted to ask god for real is that how you gonna play us right now for real are you going to actually not intervene in this moment god is that how you're going to act i'm talking to somebody already in your kool-aid calling out your flavor because you identify with frank who said that god and me ain't getting along too well all the time because god is running the world like god thinks i ain't got good sense and when your situation is crazy enough and you look down the street and see others getting blessed who ain't thinking about god and it seems like your blessings have been put on hold by god it will make you wonder if god is running the world like god thinks you've got good sense i think it was reverend nathaniel paul a black baptist pastor during the days of evil enslavement in these dis united states of america nathaniel paul my sisters and brothers were so upset with god that this preacher questioned god's passivity watch this in the midst of vassalage and misery experienced by god's people yes my sisters and brothers nathaniel paul and frank and go tell it on the mountain identify i'm sure with the biblical character gideon because gideon my sisters and brothers put it this way if god is for us why has all of this happened to us i'm hanging out here because that's the real walk of faith a real walk of faith does not dismiss and act like what is ain't and what ain't is a real walk of faith ain't scared to say god what's up where are you why aren't you moving right now i'm sure that's what a dog by the name of pepper must have felt like pepper is a black labrador retriever and during a hurricane that had hit i think it was a super storm sandy that had hit the east coast and in spite of the advance warnings the fam to evacuate uh pepper's family did not evacuate in spite of pepper barking that the storm was on the way they did not evacuate i read the story of pepper and wanted to share it with you after all pepper my sisters and brothers ended up going to hell and back because her pepper experience here it is having everything knocked down and then she was blown away and after being blown away she got caught up until she was stuck in a situation where the pet trash kept piling on i'll explain it to you because pepper when the superstorm was rolling through the area pepper is in the garage and chain but watch what happened the super storm it knocked over the garage and the next thing you know pepper is caught up in a windstorm that carries pepper here it is where pepper never planned on being until she is stuck in a ditch and when she fell into this ditch it was a ditch already with debris and trash and then more debris and trash kept piling on her i hope y'all are getting the picture because pepper was in a super storm that had resulted in her situation being knocked over she was blown away she was caught up and then stuck in a situation where the trash kept piling on i'll do it one more time knocked over and then blown away and then caught up and then stuck in a situation a nightmare if you please where the trash was piling on i'm hanging out here because there's someone listening to me right now i don't know who you are but god has me at your address because the bottom line is you've had one of those chaotic and crises filled circumstances where like pepper in spite of warnings the persons you were hoping would help you did not come through perhaps it was god and the next thing you know your situation was knocked over and then you got blown away caught up and then stuck in an insufferable situation a nightmare if you please this negative needling nightmare that caught you then in a real sense had trash that piled up on you and if you have had that experience you understand that pepper must have felt like frank and go tell it on the mountain like reverend nathaniel paul during the dark days of enslavement god where are you why haven't you done something every now and then we wonder about god's silence we wonder about god god's absence we testify with the poet who loudly lamented god sits in heaven and does nothing have you felt like that when your situation was knocked over and you were blown away and then caught up and then stuck in a situation that you needed to get out of but the trash kept piling on if that's the case then you understand my sisters and brothers what this nation has experienced in recent days it's a nation that is sick a nation that is that in the last four years at least has had everything by way of democratic values and principles knocked over and then before you know it we've been blown away caught up in trumpism with his trumplicans and then to make matters worse my sisters and brothers we feel stuck in this insufferable situation where the trash continues to pile on that's what happened this past week the trash kept piling on why because we're in a nation that sadly sinfully and shamefully has not heard the warnings that have been expressed repeatedly over and over again we're getting ready to celebrate the legacy and liberating love of the drum major for justice martin luther king jr and you recognize that martin king my sisters and brothers in his last book he labeled it where do we go from here chaos or community rabbi abraham joshua heschel then told america that the future of america will be determined by how she responds to dr king and it is evident by what took place this past wednesday as a matter of fact what has been going on for the last four years at least that this nation has dared to choose the paths of chaos the path of chaos and because we have chosen chaos this past wednesday many americans were shocked of course those of us who are awake we knew it was coming after all you had an insecure uh undisciplined bigot in the white house a liar and loser in chief who refused to give up and concede the election who had spent his entire time in office attacking democratic principles and values he attacked freedom of speech when he got upset and called those football players like kaepernick who were taking a knee sons of bees and then my sisters and brothers on top of all of that when black lives matter broke out in their peaceful demonstrations he had the nerve to reach for racist trope last year and declare when the looting sharks the shooting starts i gotta hang out right there because ain't it real funny my sisters and brothers not as haha but as in racistic or as in racistic irony that this past week when the looting started the shooting didn't start i guess i gotta hang out right there because i'm saying that dr king warned us we had warnings that hurricane trumpism was on the way we had warnings the trump lookings were going to try and take over because dr king said we have a choice of chaos or community in chaos we find ourselves continuing to be infected by injustice in chaos we are still riddled with racism in chaos we refuse to preclude poverty in chaos we do nothing about the poor in chaos we continue to build our military budget instead of building a budget of compassion for those who have left behind in this nation that's a recipe for chaos and so we chose chaos and we got donald trump and when we got donald trump we got his racist minions who this week attempted to overthrow any overturn an election and overthrow our nate national government and when they did that my sisters and brothers they did what the confederacy could not do during the civil war they brought a confederate flag into our nation's capital i'm trying to let you all know that trump that trump likens and trumpism reflect a chaos that this country is in because we've chosen chaos instead of community and that's why we feel like pepper we've had our stuff knocked over we've gotten blown away caught up and stuck in a ditch where where the trash continues to pile on and the question becomes god what's up where are you god what's up and the reason i'm dealing with this my sisters and brothers is because james baldwin again is right and that is the messiness of our lives has everything to do with our inability to face the truth about ourselves preach james baldwin whenever your life is a hot mess it can be traced to the fact that you can't face the truth about yourself and so america i hope you don't mind if you let me keep it a book i'ma keep it a book can i keep it a buck right quick i'ma keep it a buck and say america the sad reality is we are in a racist nation this nation was born what happened on wednesday was rooted in the history of this country it was born in a hostile takeover of the of the land that belonged to indigenous people it was shaped in white supremacy preach freddie i'ma do that thing one more time because we know the bible says we're born in sin and shaped in iniquity this nation was born in a hostile takeover and shaped by white supremacy and shaped by such a white supremacy that what happened on wednesday was not surprising that white folk could go into the nation's capital welcomed by the capitol police now let me park here parenthetically because we've all been saying it and we all know it if black lives matter had dared to do what those white what those white terrorist traitors did they would have been shot down because i'ma keep it a buck and let you know that white terrorist traders they can bust off in our nation's capital and take selfies with the police but black lives matter they're met with tear gas they're met with brutality i'mma keep it a buck because the bottom line is racism and steel and ugly reality in these dis united states of america my sisters and brothers i'm just keeping it above that's where we are as a nation it's a sick time it's a chaotic time where we have been knocked over and blown away and caught up and stuck in the ditch of a trash that keeps on piling the trash is piling on because i gotta ask y'all a question can you imagine if somebody looked like me or you was president of this country and refused to accept the results of a la an election and then had the nerve to stoke the fires of resentment racial resentment and then tell the people to go ahead down the street to the capitol i'm gonna be with you he doesn't even show up because he's too much of a coward and they get there and they ransack the place they overrun the place and he's back watching it uh having a watch party as it were and guess what he's still president on our taxpayer dime living in the white house isn't there something sick about that shouldn't he have had the decency to resign or shouldn't the democrats and the republicans have the courage to say you are a traitor to this country you've tried to destroy this country and since you don't have the decency to resign we're going to impeach you and we're going to do it right now and as far as i'm concerned if you ain't got the courage to impeach him right now then guess what you need to step down mitch mcconnell you need to step down a ted cruz you need to step down no matter who you are and those of you who call yourself resigning from his cabinet right now i ain't even impressed this is what it took for y'all to resign he's been a fool from day one and yet you stood and supported and enabled him and now we are knocked over we are blown away we are caught up and we're stuck in the ditch of the mess of this country because y'all did not say anything all of this time spare me miss me with your righteous resignations you've been come you've been complicit with the evil all along yeah i am preaching huh and so understand my sisters and brothers that here we are in a nation in a sick way and we're wondering god where are you i've got to let y'all know my god ain't dead and my god ain't done god is making moves god is making moves look at our texts our texts my sisters and brothers we meet a people who had been i love this right now a people who had been knocked over they had been blown away caught up and now they're in the ditch please don't miss this the ditch of defeat and exile and disruption because all of us know between 598 and 580 87 before the common era that the people of god had been defeated by babylon the temple had been destroyed by nebuchadnezzar and then some had been deported and taken to babylon and the book lets us know that there in babylon they basically gave up their praise they hung their harps on the willows and said how we gonna sing the lord's song in a strange land they had given up on god they had given up on praise and now they're stuck in a situation they don't want to be in and then my sisters and brothers god began to move because god still makes moves i love my god because god in the midst of our mess god in spite of chaos god is still a move-making god god is making moves how do i know because by way of historical context you got to check out what happened to nebuchadnezzar and king bel chazar in the book of daniel both of them were arrogant pompous both of them were filled with hubris and y'all know what happened god set him up to bring him down and then the book says about belshazzar that a hand interrupted a party and began writing on the wall and the hand was writing your yo you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting and you are about to be up out of here and y'all it hit me that whenever you get pompous and besides yourself donald trump you end up going down in flames because god has the last word isn't it amazing that donald trump with all of his hubris and arrogance he's real quiet right now donald trump my sisters and brothers with all of his hubris and arrogance had his twitter account snatched from him he had everything that had built him up snatched from him because when you build your life on lies the truth will eventually wipe out that foundation and so my sisters and brothers now we see the people of god they find themselves now in a world that has been flipped how do i know because babylon that had defeated them and destroyed and demolished their temple and city now lost to persia and so persia is running things and they're wondering god what's going to happen y'all saw what happened in the text the text says that god touched the heart of cyrus and told cyrus you need to let my people go and they experienced an exodus from exile and they went back to jerusalem and when they went back to jerusalem they went back with the reparation money that was given for them for resources to rebuild their temple and rebuild their city because god was making moves and my sisters and brothers looked at verse one it said god stirred the heart of cyrus look at verse 5 god stirred the people to rise up and rebuild in the midst of the mess god was making moves i serve a move making god god is making moves in this nation god is making moves in your life god is a move making god and since god is a move making god i might as well shout y'all and tell you how i see god moving in this time i gotta start i guess in verse one because verse one lets us know as god is making a move that when life is problematic god is a promise keeper who comes through over overruling what you've been through i'm gonna do that one more time god is a promise keeper who comes through and overrules what you have been through may i do that one more time because that's a shout right there god is a promise keeper look what the text says i'll read it to you the text says that god came through according to the promise here's your shout that had been given through jeremiah and you know the promise of jeremiah when you get time read jeremiah chapter 29 one of your favorite passages is right there and this is the context the context is the people of god had their temple destroyed their city destroyed they got deported they're living in oppression and exile in babylon and the book lets us know that while they are there they have false prophets prosperity preachers who were telling them in 30 days if you give me money for this blessed handkerchief i'm going to god is going to get you home you know how then prosperity pimping preachers do they trying to get your money and so they give you false promises that they claim comes from the word of god but jeremiah said i ain't no pimping prophet i am a prophet from the most high god and god told me to tell y'all build houses right where you are plant gardens right where you are develop your families right where you are because you're going to be here for a minute and you're going to be here until god gets ready to deliver you and the book lets us know that's what they did and when they did that here comes god 50 years later i love it because jeremiah had said 70 years and god said no i'ma come through earlier i'm going to do it in 50 years and the book lets us know that god set the people free and you somebody that didn't know god to bless the people of god may i stop and shout you right there because when you walk with god god ain't got to use other christians to bless you god can use folk that don't even know god to bless the people of god in a way that only can come through god god can use anybody to bless you god can use folk that don't know god to get a blessing to you i think there's a shout out there because some of y'all have been blessed by people they don't ever go to church they don't never pray but god touched them and god used them to open up a door for you to bless you in ways that blew your mind i love this i love this because the text lets us know trying not to shout i'm trying to bring this thing down the text lets us know that i'll read it to you can i read it to you look what the text says i think it's verse one in the first year of king cyrus of persia in order that the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah might be accomplished the lord stirred up the spirit of king cyrus of persia so that he sent a herald throughout all his kingdom and offered an emancipation proclamation the emancipation proclamation said god has come through and god is going to bless you to go on back i have plans for you and my plans are to give you a future and a hope uh uh you know what god is so cool you know what god must have said when god stirred the heart of cyrus and then told the people they were being set free god is so dope that god said i said what i said [Music] oh man i'm about to shout on that one right there i said what i said have you ever heard someone say i said what i said when someone says i said what i said they simply are saying what i said is true what i said is correct and i'm not taking it back i said what i said i'm about to shout but i can't do it because i got to give y'all a few more but i hear god from heaven right now saying to somebody who feels your situation is too rough i said what i said all things work together for good to those that love god and are called according to god's purpose but i'm anxious and worried right now i said what i said be anxious for nothing but by everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god and the peace of god that passeth all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus i'm getting tired and feel like i can't go on i said what i said even the you shall faint and be weary young folks shall fall but they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles run and not get weary walk and not faint i said what i said if god is for you who can be against you i said what i said in this world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i said what i said and that's the word of god for the people of god thanks be to god i said what i said donald j trump be not conceived god is not mocked whatsoever you sow that shall you also reap i said what i said i said what i said but hold on i love the text because the text says god makes providential moves i love this makes providential moves serendipitously and sovereignly setting up our come up even through our setbacks i talked too fast because i was a shout off by itself god i love this who sits high and looks low god makes providential moves serendipitously and sovereignly setting up our come up even through our setback now friendship west you've been hanging with me all these years and so you know one of my favorite words is serendipity i've had to come up with the new definition of serendipity because y'all heard my old one a long time a serendipity by way of my old definition is a disappointment that becomes a divine appointment with something good that you never saw coming out of something bad that you were already dealing with i like that right there that's real good but i gotta give you another definition a serendipity is when god surprises you with the unexpected and the unimaginable especially in the space of the unlikely it means that god shows up in a way that surprises you you didn't expect it you didn't see it coming but god serendipitously blesses you out of something that was burdening you god serendipitously lifts you up through something that was trying to tear you down god serendipitously opens up a door for you that you didn't even knock on after another door had been shut to you but you wouldn't have seen the open door at the door you've been looking forward to going through notch closed on you that's god serendipitously moving but it's not just serendipitously god moving it's god moving sovereignly god is sovereign y'all that means god is running things god let trump know i got the trump card god let trump know i'm running this this world doesn't belong to trump or the tea party it doesn't belong to the right wing or republicans the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein god is still in control and look what my bible says the bible i'm gonna read it y'all because i ain't making none of this up verse two thus says king cyrus of persia the lord the god of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of earth god has charged me to build him a house at jerusalem in judah any of those among you who are of god's people may their god be with them are now permitted to go up to jerusalem in judah and rebuild the house of the lord the god of israel he is the god who is in jerusalem did y'all see that right there it simply says god providentially says i am stepping in and i'ma use somebody that don't know me to send you back where you are from so that you can go and make a difference that's a reversal that's a reversal of fortune fortune that's god serendipitously in a space of oppression setting them free to go back and do what was unexpected i guess y'all act like god don't move like that right now god's been moving since 2016 2016 11 9 we awaken to the sad reality that trump was elected president of this country i said it back then i say it right now the future is going to show that 11 9 was our spiritual and moral 9 11 and my sisters and brothers we went through years years of tyranny and treachery and greed and selfishness and it's so sad because this week what did not make the news is the did not make the headlines of the news is the fact that we've had a record record-setting week when it comes to deaths and infections by covet 19. do you think trump has done anything about that because he doesn't care he never has cared about anybody but himself and so we are reaping what we have sown and so 2016 that election was whacked 2018 in georgia another election was whack because brian kemp stole the election from stacy and when he stole the election from stacy what he did not know is that god was busy making moves do y'all see god making moves i see god making moves because god said stacy you may lose the gubernatorial race but you're going to win being the queen of progressive politics as a matter of fact the nation is going to hold its breath and wait to see the outcome of the senatorial election in the state of georgia and you were the one behind the scenes organizing and and developing communities that had been disenfranchised and as a consequence you may have lost the state but you won the nation because the whole nation knows the name stacy the whole nation knows queen stacy and we've seen brian kemp as an nf governor of the state of georgia why because god is making moves when god makes moves stacy must have been walking out the other day and y'all when she walked out the other day i heard her walking out to the music i then made it up in my own mind she said uh 2018 i took an l but this year i bounced back i guess i ain't got no hip-hop folk out there with me because she took an l in 2018 but l set us up for a big bounce back we have a big bounce back because now we have in the united states senate a 33 year old jew by the name of john ossoff who is a protege of the man who got in good trouble john lewis we have a pastor of ebeneezer baptist church raphael warnock let me say his name real good for miss loffler the reverend doctor senator raphael warnock raphael warnock the pastor of the church that birthed martin luther king jr raphael ward not the descendant spiritually and theologically of james cohn and katie cannon and so i guess i just parked right there because whatever else is happening in this text pastor dirk i see theology all in this text god stirs up the heart god tells cyrus what to do this is theology all in the text and y'all know what happened during the election the runoff there in georgia there was an unabashed attack on the black church black liberation theology and black faith and i might as well let kelly laughler know since you decided to go there y'all saw what she did she talked about raphael wardnock's association with our jeremiah wright jr and tried to boogie man to engage in boogeyman politics and what she didn't know she was messing with black faith and you got to be careful about messing with black faith because black faith has produced the black church i'm talking about churches with black people i'm talking about the black church there's a difference because you got some churches with black people but they're not the black church you see the black church was born according to raphael warnock freedom fighting the black church was born resisting and rebelling against repression that's the black church now you've got churches with black people who are trying not to be black but then you've got a black church that says i've got black faith and i love black faith because black faith my sisters and brothers is that which has kept us sane in the insanity of the american democratic experience it is black faith according to howard thurman that took a profane christianity and somehow brought something good and liberating out of it it's black faith that gave us the strength to survive slavery and then overcome slavery it was black faith that made us feel like first-class citizens in a country that treated us like we were second-class it was black fate that let us build strong communities when they locked us out of their communities it was black faith black faith my sisters and brothers that gave us the spirituals out of slavery it was black faith that helped us to bounce back when life kept knocking us down it was black faith it was black faith i like that right there that told us to bounce back when we got knocked down because black faith i'm about to shout has resurrection power black faith knows you got to go through good friday to get to resurrection sunday and if you hold on till sunday you'll bounce back and folk won't expect you to because black faith realizes what jurgen motemon meant when moatman said that the resurrection is a symbol of protest it's a protest against empire it's a protest against oppression and that's the essence of black faith kelly lesler you going home because you mess with the wrong one you messed with black faith black faith i gotta quit i've held you all too long but in the final analysis watch what the text says the text says god then stirs us up for what god has set up for us to engage in personal responsibility for social renewal i'm done but that's hot right there look what the text says the text says that cyrus said y'all go back to jerusalem and you rebuild the temple you rebuild that city but look what he says he says that's your personal responsibility but i ain't putting it all on personal responsibility i'm going to give you reparations because i recognize that broken times require bold policies now let me holler at joe biden because joe biden this ain't no time to be scared this ain't no time to be spineless and have policies that tiptoe we need a president who is going to have boldness in his policy casting we need bold policies now is the time as dr king would say for us to have because we've discovered through covet 19 the need for medicare for all especially those who want it now is the time to take the profit out of health care and make sure that we engage in healing for everybody who desires it now is the time to have equitable investment in public education and then ensure that no one graduates with debt because all college debt must be retired now is the time to get rid of environmental racism now is the time to penalize those who participate and benefit from systemic racism now is the time to be bold mr biden be bold enough to declare a war on poverty and raise the minimum wage from between 15 to 20 dollars an hour so all people can have a right to work and all people can have a right to dignity and all people can have a right to a healthy income now is the time we need bold policies and we need reparations when you broke it you need to fix it don't miss this cyrus was not the one who broke the people of god that was done by nebuchadnezzar but cyrus says i am privileged to profit from the brokenness that was initiated in the past and so my morality says i've got to use my privilege in order to repair what was broken in the past even if i had nothing to do with it that's all them white folk out there and black folk who think white who have the nerve to say well that happened way back then ain't got nothing to do with any of that when you have morals and biblical faith biblical faith says you always repair what was broken even if you had nothing to do with the initial break but you know you benefit from it right now well text says they they they had to go back and rebuild themselves because there's some things you got to do for yourself there's some things we've got to do in our community for ourselves we got to have the right structure but then once we have the right structure we have a responsibility to keep bending that ark toward justice and when we do that our personal responsibility will result in social renewal and we'll end up saying my god is some kind of awesome how do i know i can't leave pepper in that ditch y'all know i started with pepper in that storm that left her knocked over blown away caught up stuck in a ditch but here's how the story ends the story ends because pepper did not have one scratch she did not have a broken bone because when she landed in the ditch i told you it was filled with trash they said the trash it served as a cushion that broke her fall and then when she was covered by trash one of the things that covered her was this trash bin and the trash being watched this was so strong it covered the entire hole of the ditch and as a consequence the ditch did not flood because she was protected by the trash that was above her she was cushioned by the trash that was beneath her look at god i'm about to shout because pepper also made up her mind if i'm gonna get out of this thing i'ma have to bark my way out i can't just wait for somebody to come get me and y'all pepper began to bark and bark and bark until somebody heard her bark and they removed that trash and they got her out of that ditch and that jacked up situation because pepper was able to bark i'm done because my sisters and brothers i hear pepper in her barking once she got set free pepper must have said what the old saints would say when god would do something amazing the old saints would say look at god i'm done look at god and that's what i'm saying to all of us yes this week has been a mess but look at god making a way out of no way look at god raising up those who have been torn down look at god bringing down those who exalted themselves look at god setting this nation up for a comeback if it will finally listen to martin luther king jr look at god the old church saying right on king jesus no man cannot hinder thee right on king jesus right on with y'all look at god making a way out of no way with y'all look at god opening doors no one can shut when i was y'all looked at god hard fixer mind regulator bird and bearer heavy load sheriff rock in a weary line with y'all look at god and when you say look at god you'll close out with dr king in his last speech and say mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord glory hallelujah glory hallelujah glory hallelujah his truth is marching on look at god god is making moves [Music] god it's making moves i ain't giving up and i ain't giving up because i see god moving i see god making moves and all i can say is right on king jesus no trump cannot hinder thee right on king jesus no cruz cannot hinder thee right on king jesus no mcconnell cannot hinder thee right on king jesus even paula white and robert jeffries can't hinder thee right on king jesus right on listen every head about every i closed god we thank you and we praise you for being so amazing we thank you that you really specialize in showing up when life is at its worst you are at your best and god you have persons tuned in right now and their lives have been knocked down they've been blown away caught up stuck in a situation that they can't get out of and the trash is piling on you know who they are i just ask in the name of jesus that you o god would move with power in their lives i pray o god that you will let them see you making moves give them the faith the eyes of faith to discern your movement and as you make your moves oh god know we're going to give you the glory the honor and the praise so ride on king jesus and then god i pray for those who have no relationship with you please save the lost please touch those who who who know that they can't make it another day without a real relationship with you please god move with power save those who don't know you for themselves in the name of jesus move with power right now and then i pray for those who don't have a church home oh god speak to them draw them to your church even during covet 19 let them know they need a fellowship that they belong to let them know they need a family a church family to connect with let them know it can happen even during covet 19 move with power speak to them in jesus name listen if you are ready to give your life to christ call that number that's on the screen do it right now call that number that number right there will connect you with one of our prayer warriors and they're going to pray with you walk you through what it means to be a person of faith connect you with our church all that can happen today right now just dial that number please don't wait do not wait do it right now god is speaking to you right now now is the time so please go ahead dial that number give your life to christ join us we want you in our church family i'd love to be your pastor so do it right now do it right now then i want to say if you're just saying pastor haynes yeah this this is a crazy world it's chaotic my life is caught up in the chaos i need prayer call that number right now our prayer warriors are going to bless you they're going to pray you through it god is able to see you through god bless you and god keep you listen what a god we serve god is making moves god is making moves listen this blessed me and i got to let you all know about it uh over the christmas holidays i was driving through downtown i had a meeting city hall and and here's what happened driving through downtown as i'm driving through downtown i see a couple of people who uh we call them vips uh they're homeless and when they see me they start flagging me down and so i'm not sure you know who they are but you know hey they flagging me down and when they say pastor haynes i said i know i got to stop so i let the window down and they say man i ain't asking you for nothing i just want to say thank you for not forgetting about us during this covet 19. just thank you and then what they did this they did this and when they did this i was done i mean i was done i literally started crying on the spot past the dirt because they said pastor haynes y'all haven't forgotten us so if you don't mind if you're not in a hurry i want to pray for you and pray for your church and y'all right there right there i think it's on canton on canton street downtown dallas these homeless brothers they prayed for me they prayed for you and they said thank you for not forgetting us during covet 19. look at god look at god listen that's your generosity you keep on giving and because you keep on giving i talked to the twins yesterday twenty said pastor we tied we tithed we still tithing pastor every time we get a check we tithe pastor and on behalf of those homeless brothers thank you thank you and so i'm asking you you see what god is doing god is blessing this church this church ain't closed we've been redeployed and we're doing work on a greater level and those of you watch this who are giving i know what you've discovered you've discovered you can't beat god's giving no matter how you try you've discovered the more you give the more god gives you you've discovered give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over you have discovered it's more blessed to give than it is to receive and so i want to encourage you right now to help us do what we do but on top of that bless yourself by being a blessing that's how you give right there on the screen you can text to give you can give through give life search out friendship west you can give on our website or those of you like my mother my mother brings her tithes every check she gets she just drives all the way here we hey that's cool too you could even mail it 2020 west wheatland road dallas texas 75232 god bless you thank you for your generosity don't forget to join us on wednesday noon and night for bible study and then next saturday it's going to be awesome it's going to be awesome it's going to be a blessing we're going to do an mlk teach-in virtually don't don't miss it it's going to be powerful dr george mason my white brother from another mother y'all know he's tough he's cold i love him and then mayor london breed the three of us will be in conversation about policies moving forward listen president biden said when no one else has ever said black folk y'all have always had my back i'ma have your back we will define what it means for him to have our back so join us this coming saturday what time is that pastor ayers okay at the time pastor heir said this on the screen make sure that you join us all right god bless you receive the benediction the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord calls god's face to shine on you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up the light of god's countenance upon you grant you peace go now in the power god's holy spirit keep your head up and watch god make moves in jesus name peace have there been any in the meantime have there been any holistic methods proven to significantly boost the immune system and create a stronger barrier against contracting covet i always really love this question especially i mean i come from my grandmother was you know castor oil big snake rub orange juice down type of woman and so i completely understand the sentiment and i also understand how important it is to keep your immune system healthy from the inside and so eating well and etc but today there is no holistic measure that can prevent you from being infected with the virus that causes cobit and the reason why i have to be very verbatim around saying that is because keeping your immune system healthy and keeping your immune system in a position where it can fight off a virus in a very specific manner how a vaccine does is completely are completely different things and so on one side of course you want your immune systems to be healthy you want your cells to be able to work et cetera to potentially fight off germs etc but in that case a cell can still be infected with the virus and you can still mount a productive infection where you can get seriously ill even unfortunately some people die etc in the case of prevention of infection on a very specific level a targeted level in the way that vaccines do that becomes less of a chance and so um you know i see these things there's black seed oil all of these different things that people have have really come up with by way of you know digging really deep into the literature and trying to find different ways that are holistically able to prevent infection and yes some of these things might make you feel better if you do get infected you know soothe your call and sore throat etc but preventing infection nothing has been proven to do that as of today except for the vaccines that have shown efficacy [Music] we praise god for this impactful experience and for your joining us during it for all of you who joined as visitors you can share that you were here please do that by taking time to text f w v i z to the number two eight nine five zero and for those of you who are saying hey i want this time that i'm visiting to be the last time i'm a visitor you can join us here's how you do that join us by calling the number 469-498-0210 or email us at join us at friendshipwest.org when you email email your first name your last name and your cell number and we will get back with you we're so excited that you are here until next time blessings on youtube [Music] for yourself you
Channel: Friendship-West Baptist Church
Views: 12,762
Rating: 4.9098592 out of 5
Keywords: Friendship-West Baptist Church, FWBC, Dallas, Oak Cliff, Friendship West, Dr. Haynes, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III., Church, Baptist, Haynes, Christian, Community, Vision, Christ, God, Holy
Id: NL3I6Es4tPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 20sec (4820 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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