Turn Your Tablet Into A Head Unit

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thank you very much for clicking on this video I hope you find it useful I spent a lot of time doing research and development on this head-unit been through a lot of different iterations used a lot of my own money making costly mistakes finding out finding parts that didn't work to find the parts that do work together in harmony and it created this unit I hope that you're able to put to use a tablet you might not otherwise be using they might just be sitting around collecting dust or doing something cool to even exceed what I've done I hope to see other people's creativity and see where this might take them I have included in the description links to the Amazon list of all of the items that I have in my car currently along with all of the items used to create this Android head unit feel free to reach out to me or leave a comment below and I'll do my best to reply as soon as I have time if you find this video useful please give it a like and go ahead and subscribe to my channel for more interesting videos like this thanks again for watching and enjoy the video I'm going to start off with the first component which would be the radio face this will be the base of just about everything else to the system now depending on depending on how your vehicle is designed you may be able to get the double din this is a single din where it has a slot for just a small radio face mmm the double din will have doubled it'll have this entire space as one large opening the reason I got this one is because I need space to mount the magnets at the corners and if I had gone with the double din I don't believe I would have enough space to securely mount the neodymium magnets on these bottom corners the next component is the one I just spoke about the neodymium magnets mmm we'll be mounting these to the face oh my gosh together tight these will be getting mounted to the face Oh the unit like so one two three and four so that we can attach our tablet to the face here but I'm gonna go ahead and attach these just for fun so we can get this part out of the way and I can show the process I'm gonna come back later and put these bolts in but I'm gonna go ahead and attach these now so do this with caution obviously you don't want to put a screw through your finger hurt yourself but I'm just gonna say I'm gonna aim for an area that I'm not gonna hit anything on the backside I think right about here will do and that's gonna be first guy here all right so when I started this I got both the 9 inch and a 7 inch Nexus tablet and what I'm noticing as I'm doing this install is that this 7-inch tablet is not going to fit between those magnets now I could try to find a way to put a cover over this and move these magnets in but I want to do this entire process with things that can be bought off of Amazon and nothing custom-made at this time so it looks like I'm gonna have to go with the 9 inch tablet which I kind of wanted to do anyways but it's going to block some of the controls up here at the top there's a fuel economy of status gauge and all this stuff now this will be able to obviously be pulled off and punch those buttons but it may also block a little bit of the vents as well I'm quite alright with having the bigger tablet of the 2 there which makes me happy so I'm going to go ahead and proceed with the install for the 9 inch rather than the 7 inch tablet so I'm what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna use this little Ridge here to my advantage I don't know if you can see but the bottom of this somewhat faces downwards so if I was to mount something flush to this the tablet would be mounted completely flush I would like the tablet to come ever so slightly angled toward me the driver as I'm looking down toward the screen so I'm going to use this Ridge to my advantage and I'm going to mount the magnet with a bit of it touching this Ridge so that I can have the bottom of the tablet come out ever so slightly and face toward me now remember this doesn't have to be perfect because this part will rarely be seen except for when you have the tablet out of the vehicle so if you can see there's these two are kind of riding up on this Ridge a little bit to provide a little bit of kick out at the bottom I'm going to go ahead and mount our little magnets on the inside of this flexible case so this will be the part that is attaching and the tablet to these magnets so that it will appear as a face plate another thing that I'm going to do is actually move these in a little bit so they're hidden as much as possible behind the case so I'm gonna bring these in until that screw is as close as possible to this interior bit right here so there's someone who didn't behind this faceplate okay I want this to look as clean as possible even though it's not the most professional thing in the world I don't know if you can see that but it's mostly hidden behind there now we can't go any lower than this because we have our air-conditioner controls down below here we may have a little bit of room for play so what I'm going to do is with these magnets I'm going to put these larger ones so we have a bit of room to play around with the with the thing here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put these like this in like this it'll be the larger one not that these smaller ones and what that will allow me to do is be able to slide this down a little bit and still have contact with the magnet above and you know be able to play around with the surface somewhat be able to slide it around but I'm just with these two alone this is held on here very very well actually what I could probably do is do this entire upper surface here with the magnets yeah that'll work perfectly so this will not block the camera cut out and I can magnetize this entire surface right here so I have the adjustability to slide it up and down cool so now that we got that back you can see how you can just toss that on there and it's gonna stick wish had longer nails anyway we'll get this done right there all right okay the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to attempt to mount these two brackets so this would this would be what holds the radio unit in once it's inside and I'm gonna modify these so that I can put these as one of the like a low like a lower lip just to make sure that this thing doesn't drop down when it hits a good hard bump and doesn't slide down the magnets so I'm actually going to be attaching these two together like so but I need to clip off these these pieces right here so I have a nice surface to mount to and then I'm going to trim this down so I can mount this top piece to here and this piece to here and kind of create a little shelf before everything to rest on probably be a little bit easier with a torch if I can do this without chopping off one of my fingers I have alright now that I have cleared off this little piece right here always remember to do this away from yourself you don't want to end up with a razor knife stuck in here in your own body that would be very unpleasant so I've cleared off this surface and I've already modified one of the first of the two of these and essentially it's relatively easy to do what I did is what I do is I score the plastic here right where I want it to or I want to make the cut score it as deeply as I can here I don't know I don't need to cut through the entire the entire thing then I'm gonna go down here and I'm going to score the bottom right around that same spot same distance from the edge and then I'm just gonna snap it I'm just gonna break it it could be done by hand and do it on the edge of the table comes off pretty easily but this little hunk is out of the way so now we can go ahead and begin to mount these two little pieces together it's gonna require some self-tapping screws and i'm gonna go ahead and attach that now going to attach the top piece first I'm gonna mount this flush with the face I'm just gonna go ahead and hit it with a little tapper here one more so it doesn't angle about so this is gonna be our little mounting point you know what this guy has a bit too much play in it just going over here there we go no play okay so that's nice and that's nice and flush here and it's ready for our other little guy right here it'll be the little base all about that base so let's see here I'm gonna start a new hole and what I'm doing is I'm angling this whole assembly forward so that I can get this as level as possible at the bottom [Music] let's see this guy over here okay so now we have our little tray where all of this can Nestle sit I know big bumps are gonna knock it off it's gonna be all nice and neat so this guy will keep keep it roughly attached to the face very easily to remove and then this will keep it from being getting knocked it down and sliding down the face of the of the unit next we need to deal with the tablet itself now the last thing you want is a bunch of glare coming off of the tablet into your face as you're driving down the road and the Sun setting behind you and you can't see your tablet whatsoever or you're seeing the reflection of the person and the seat behind you so I highly recommend getting a matte screen protector anti glare matte screen protector and obviously give it a real good cleaning before you apply the screen protector so there's no fingerprints no dust no crumbs anything on the screen I'm going to go ahead and apply that now as this nice little step1 step2 deal so you're going to peel this off and this is going to peel off the stuff on the sticky side and use this little tab to go ahead and position it line it up with the you know put the camera hole and the speaker grilles let's get is this gonna get not perfect but close enough so now we're just going to take and run these bubbles out once you have your screen protector applied go ahead and install the tablet into the case that we'll be using [Music] also keep in mind when you're installing the magnets in the case you don't want to put them too close to the edge because this case needs to flex some and if you have the magnets all the way to the edge it won't be able to wrap around nice and neatly around the around the edge of the around the edge of the tablet also while I'm indoors I want to demonstrate the difference between the regular screen and a matte screen protector and the difference is quite noticeable you'll definitely want to get a matte screen protector it not only does it protect from fingerprints and smearing but it's also anti reflective so this is what the regular screen would look like so here's me here's my whole setup you can see absolutely our little details practically a mirror here and then if you look at the mat like all you're getting is this kind of ghost image and that light over there you can hardly make it out so I'm going to actually show you what it looks like in the other one you know you got this full light now imagine that's a sunset behind you or a sunrise and you you don't have a tough time making out anything that's on the face of that tablet now this you can see perfectly you know there's there's there's no issues at all whatsoever here you know the the frosting does nothing but hide the glare and you know make the tablet more usable more readable I highly recommend using one of these now let's talk about the tablet so what we're gonna do is we're going to need to there's two critical apps that I'd like to talk about one is car launcher one is rotation if you want to make this into a head unit I definitely recommend the rotation now the reason being is what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in here and stop this it's going to go back to the system default of auto rotate so when you when you change the orientation in the screen everything pops back to portrait mode now the problem with this is apps like lyft driver I Drive for lyft will force the screen into a portrait mode now that's not going to work very well with our with our deal we got going on here so what we can do is we can force this into landscape mode and how we can do that is we can go in here to this rotation orientation manager put forced landscape hit the play button the rotation services started forest landscape so now when we go back to our app we open our lyft driver app it's now forced into landscape mode so what we can have the the lyft driver app over here and then beside that the Play Music app so we can be doing our navigation over here we can resize that make that a little bit smaller and we have our music controls over here so the music app is not being killed and at the same time we're doing our navigation the other app is car launcher which is rather cool it's essentially a home screen it replaces your home screen so essentially you can have you can custom design all of this to have your audio controls your most recent apps here so this can actually appear to be like the head unit of you know like an aftermarket head unit you can have all your little volume controls music controls and whatnot all right here on the main home screen and you can set up some other information from the obd2 and and also use GPS and you can have weather and obviously your time clock here as well all of this lends itself to a more natural experience in the car where you have these large controls that you're able to touch without having to pop back and forth and try to aim for these little tiny tap targets so that would be the other the other one that I recommend now I went out and I purchased a little bluetooth dongle from its obd link and i'm able to read the information from the car through this app trouble codes Diagnostics real time gauges so on and so forth so these are the three if you have the money i think it's about 99 dollars to get the obd2 link but i highly recommend that it's kind of clever to be able to have that information displayed as well so rotation car launcher and obd link obviously your music apps and you're driving apps whatever else you'd like to have on here but remember you want to be taking this in and out with you you don't want to leave this in the car this is just a prime target for someone to either steal it but even if it's not getting stolen you don't want this being subjected to the elements that the extreme heat and extreme cold that the vehicles will experience throughout the year it's gonna is going to be held on your tablet so this is designed to be removable take it inside with you take it with you now these are older devices the Nexus let's see the Nexus 7 I think stopped being produced in 2012 you guys can feel free to correct me in the comments and the Nexus 9 I think was last produced in 2013 2013 or 2014 so these are aged devices they cannot handle tons and tons of apps and a bunch of stuff in RAM so I highly recommend just sticking to the very basics so that these apps are not being killed in the background and you're not running into issues and everything runs nice and smoothly essentially the unit boils down to three major components the most important of which is this harness here where you'll see the audio controls coming off on the left hand side and the power coming out on the right now the this is a four channel audio system with the harness here that I've had to adapt down to a two channel so you'll see what is this eight wires here and four wires down here because I've had to make you know blend them together to get the two channel audio this was the smallest little unit that I could find if I could find a four channel of this size that would be wonderful I guess I'll probably have to do a little bit more searching so anyways that's the audio side of things and that connects to this upper receiver right here on the on the amp same deal with the power comes down here have a little junction going on at this point here where this is splitting off and going to the bottom connector of the amp to provide power to the amp and then splitting off in this direction ideally I could have probably made this connection a lot shorter but this is going to three you know DC 12 volt outlets so I'm going to go ahead and put this thing in the car and I'm going to show you what else connects to this to make this whole system complete and power the tablet the Bluetooth I have a dashcam and a uber / lift light that I can change colors with with a remote so I'm going to go ahead and move the camera into the car and show you what this looks like all installed and nice and neatly packaged it's a beautiful Valentine's Day 70 something degrees outside today so I figured today would be a great day to go ahead and walk through my current setup so as you can see already approaching the vehicle there's a bunch of wires here not the most attractive looking setup I have this really nice magnetic mount here next to the to the regular stereo and in behind this case I have the metal pad stuck in here so this just slaps on here and then I have this one connection that both powers and does audio so there's no need for a bunch of other connections and what I'll show you is the the two sides of this are the the charging cable here so this actually lights up and does a little LED light show and it's coming from this dual adapter here and this is actually going to be part of the the new setup this little guy right here so that connects there let's see if I can get on camera the little light show here there we go so that's the little light show that kind of happens when I when I connect the power so you get this little trail going from the charger up to the phone but this clever little splitter allows me to have both audio and charging at the same time through a USBC connection to my phone this this right here is a splitter audio splitter for both the hang this back up here got the audio out like the the PC green line audio out and then to the microphone so this is actually the same microphone that I'll be repurposing to use with the new audio setup the new head unit so you see this little split right here and then this audio cable goes down on and back up and the previous owner one of the previous owners had installed a auxilary jack here with a little power switch that activates it right here there's some interesting stuff going on behind the scenes with this this actually powers on a radio I don't know how to call it I guess like a transmitter that's behind the unit that plugs in through the antenna and broadcasts over like 89.7 FM or something like that but the issue with that is there's an area in Fort Worth like right downtown where there's some interference from that so I get static every time I'm downtown but nevertheless this was installed as kind of like an aftermarket deal and also I'll see here this USB powered outlet this is also not a factory deal so this was also wired into into that power source so I have this splitter here going into the audio jack and this splitter I have another cable going to the back seat now the other thing that I have connected to this to this power source is the USB charger that runs up here and charges my little lift amp and then to the right of this is the power and now this snakes all the way down up and around through the through the little through the a pillar here up and then I have it dropping down let's see if I can get that there we go dropping down behind the mirror and powering my my 360 degree dashcam I really love this thing I highly recommend it I'll leave a link to the Amazon store where you can purchase it yourself what I would like to do and one of the reasons behind me doing this whole thing and swapping out this head unit is I want a nice clean look here and I really want to remove all of these accessories here and and run with this completely closed so have this look as clean as possible just flowing right up into the into the head unit that I'm getting ready to set up in the console there's another power port and running out of that is gonna be the charger for the rear sees one benefit of having leather seats is it's easy to attach a vinyl to it so I've attached my my Instagram tag to the back of my seats somewhat like a Jersey and if you you ever get into a traditional taxi cab you'll always see that usually like somewhere on the - they have their like ID or something like that their taxicab ID letting people know who they are and some kind of little registration number and I also add a little a little air freshener here for the generally most passengers I get are riding in this area in this backseat so they they have my little Instagram deal here charger air freshener makes makes the experience a little bit nicer for them other other little things that I've done is I've added LED lighting to all of the interior so all of the interior lights nice and clean LEDs the footwell lighting it's a nice clean experience when when the guest gets in the other thing that I've included is my wife was nice enough to print me up a photo book so I have a photo book of all the family photos for her guests to take a look at as as I'm writing generally I get into talking about my family and sometimes I find occasion to share with them you know about my children so I have all my children from youngest to oldest in here and then at the very end a little clone here at the very end she was nice enough to include some of my some pictures from my events where I won and I got some trophies and having a good time so that kind of transitions into the next layer of conversation which is my racing career so that's that's a handy little thing to have back there anything you can put in here to have a good conversation starter I definitely recommend going for it it definitely makes the ride better and you know the conversations flow and generally generally lead to better tips a few other tips I'd like to add not related to the audio system is uh getting one of these little seats and these little memory foam deals definitely make sure your time in the car a lot nicer and table that you're able to spend longer driving without having so much fatigue another thing that I keep is this this air sanitizer it's relatively strong you wouldn't want to spray too much of it but it's a great way to get rid of the odor of smoke a lot of people jump in the car after having a fresh cigarette so you get all of that smell as they're entering the car and it lingers or the fun part is popping up in all of this and my favorite tool for this is rather odd it's actually a fingernail clipper using the smooth side of the fingernail clipper to get up underneath it here that way not damaging anything you don't need any special tools and with a little suggestion this guy here will go ahead and just pop right out on the back side of here we've got a little clip [Applause] and our vents are out of the way next step is I think it's a little bit easier I'm gonna go ahead and put the car in neutral put on the parking brake turn it back off now I won't be able to fully remove the key so I'm gonna shut the door so we don't have to hear that sound the next step will be popping off the little surround here that goes around I'm sorry for the audio goes around the cigarette lighter an ashtray and this guy will raise right up I'm going to start by removing the ashtray two Philips screwdrivers so this is going to be an 8 millimeter on the top 2 and it's gonna be a 7 millimeter down here at the ashtray I switch over to my 7 mil alright now with this guy out of the way let's go ahead and disconnect them actually we could probably just set them to the side we don't need to get too crazy with it then inside under the under the climate control are two more bolts also 8 millimeter all right now this guy comes up nice and easy I'm gonna go ahead and disconnect all the pigtails in the rear so start from left to right and we're up all right now before I toss this to the side the next thing I need to do is remove the climate control portion from the head unit assembly as will be reattaching that to our to our new head unit so I got my climate control that's going to go ahead and go underneath of the new head unit so say goodbye to this guy trying to scratch the leather this is a great time to go ahead and demonstrate the equipment that is already in here so there is a fused connection going to to this guy right here and what this is doing is it's putting audio out through the antenna it's from I simple to universal radio inputs is 32 is the model number here we go here's the factory antenna so the factory antenna is plugging into this adapter right here and one line is going to the audio and one line is going to the antenna so this line is going back to the to that box where it's taking both the antenna and the 3.5 millimeter auxiliary jack and then it's putting it all out as an audio almost like a coaxial cable into the antenna plug alright before we get much further into this I want to go ahead and test the head unit and make sure that this is actually going to work before I waste a whole bunch more time getting this installed we can go ahead and test this out for the first time and see if we've done it correctly so I'm going to go ahead and do that now let's see first of all we can get power all right so we're connected I need to go ahead and crank accessory power what was that all right I've got accessory power now unfortunately this is not charging but let's test out the stereo and see if we've got that hooked up correctly and I also need to adjust the gain so right now this thing's maxed out I'm going to turn this way way way way down and we're gonna start from from nice and lush so I'm actually going to mute this section because I don't want to get a copyright strike but I'm going to I'm gonna play some music here to test this out make sure we've got everything hooked up correctly alright so what I've discovered is when I've connected this Bluetooth connection here what's happening is for some reason the the volume is dropping considerably and I don't know if that's an issue with the amount of power that the that the amp is receiving and it's I have no idea I've never done this before I am NOT a audio technician so what I'm going to try now is I'm going to go ahead and unplug the Bluetooth connection I'm going to unplug the output from the from the tablets connection and I'm going to try to do bluetooth only I'm going to connect the tablet to the Bluetooth and see if being connected to the Bluetooth I can get a nice full boost from the Bluetooth audio so let's see how that works because that bluetooth connection is powered let's see how that goes ok it seems as if that might be the way to go the only issue is I need to see if it will actually take audio over that connection which I doubt because it's all tucked in there and I haven't seen any microphone so we're going to test this out now testing testing one two three testing huh here's a matching video so surprising surprisingly enough it looks like it must be using the microphones built into the tablet to receive audio so this actually this might actually work I don't know if it's going to work for phone calls but it's definitely something I need to test out so I might just go ahead and leave that being the only audio connection and I'm going to disconnect the microphone and the audio out so that'll simplify some of this mess right here and see if I can go ahead and just get a simple charger going on here because right now that connection is not charging the tablet a few other complications have arisen one of which is that ringing noise that you hear I'm not sure if it's making it over the microphone but there's a high-pitched whining sound that's directly associated with this USB charger the other thing that I found is when broadcasting the sound over Bluetooth just with the singular Bluetooth connector just a single Bluetooth guy right here without the other audio setup I was able to get the most volume out of this particular setup also the OTG cable that has both the connection for the charger and the connection to the tablet and then the USB deal to do the audio in and out is not going to work and and this is something that I kept finding in my research that USB micro does not have the ability to charge and OTG at the same time whereas USB see does as you saw that worked perfectly with my phone I was able to get audio out and charge the phone at the same time as in and outputting audio it's just a simple limitation of the tablet if I had a newer tablet with a USB C connection that would not be an issue but this is the one I have to work with and I'm not putting up the money to buy a newer tablet this has been a learning process that I'm going through as you guys are watching I'm not an audio technician this is something I've never done before it's something I'm learning as I'm going and I'm having absolute blast discovering all of this I'm sure that some of the things that I've come across in this process of discovery might be cringe-worthy to some that are watching this that do have the national knowledge and do this for a living but this is for those folks that want to do something simple and want to put to use one of their existing Android tablets without hacking up the the factory system I've gone ahead and I've attached the air conditioner controls right here as you can see so this is essentially ready to go ahead and be be installed I'm gonna go ahead and do it now and put everything together so you guys can see what the final product will look like this harness is going to be connected here sorry yeah this harness is going to connect to the factory unit and these two guys down here connect to the climate controls the part that I wanted to show you in the car is going to be this this mess that I got going on right here okay so this is the power plug for my dash cam which is a little bit out of frame sorry this is just right up here on the front window I'll show you a little walk around in the car once I have this all installed and then this right here is going to be for the Bluetooth this is the Bluetooth and this guy right here is going to be for my lyft and uber light which I have this little keeps a little remote that I can put on different colors purple for for lyft white for uber and let my let my riders look at something cool there in the front window okay so that covers that then I have my audio plug right here this is simply an extension this little short guy right here not necessary but it's there essentially that helps me make the turn from here up with this little 90 degree guy right here so this little 90 degree turn is going to go into the audio input that goes into the amp note that there's a red and a white input here and that needs to line up with the red and white input on the amp so that's going to go in there and there's my audios now very important behind behind this audio jack this guy right here is incredibly important this is a ground loop noise isolator now what you will get because your phone or your tablet is connected to the same circuit that the audio is being powered by you're gonna get a static like these little beeping like all kind of interference from this ground loop so you want all audio to pass through this guy right here he's going to eliminate that noise and it's going to be clean and crisp audio being put into your amp behind this I have a splitter this is for the Bluetooth audio and the auxiliary jack that was left behind from the previous owners install so I ran this little audio jack that that's here on the dash sorry on the console and I ran that up behind all of this and into here so I still have an auxilary an external auxilary input that I can go ahead and plug in a little bluetooth dongle or a a straight cable into but this is this is incredibly important please do not leave out this ground loop isolator or you'll definitely regret that so that's my audio side of things that's going in here and then I have my plugs so all this is going to do is I'm just going to go ahead and connect all of these behind the dash and then I have this little guy sitting up here in the front he's gonna come up here and this is gonna be my power for the tablet I have a nice fast charger Qualcomm three capable you know it's fast enough to charge the tablet while it is full on with Waze and aunt uber or the lyft app so there's no issue of it draining battery while it's while it's running I just simply looped the the power line for the tablet in behind here coming out over here so it's nice and clean and ready for me to plug in to the side of the tablet so I'm gonna go ahead and put all this into the dash I'm going to clean all this up and I'm going to show you what it looks like with it all put together and nice and clean all the dash reassembled and I'll take you for a little tour around the car also one more thing to note is cable management so essentially what I've done here is I just took this thing and I've looped it around here a few times so I've looped this around once got my little harness poking out here and I loop the the power the power cable up and around the top and so I just have this all here so it's nice and clean and it's going to it's going to smoothly go on both sides there's nothing jamming it's not a big crazy mess so the all of the connectors all the little harness connectors will be here here and here and it'll go into the - nice and easy won't be a difficult install all right so this is what the unit looks like all plugged in and and ready to go got my audio cable plugged in got my little guy right here the ground loop isolator noise isolator I've got my dashcam plugged in here my tablet here my bluetooth and my light here now I want all of these somewhat accessible even once this is all installed I want to be able to take out the tablet and you know fiddle with these if I need to if I need to reset something or whatever have you I want to be able to have access to as much of this as possible without disassembling the - and also keep in mind like with this top piece being able to pop out I'm able to access a few things with it still installed I can still get my hand down in here and mess with a few of these devices if I need to if I need to add of you know different audio inputs or do something with these charging plugs it's all here for me to play with if I need to installation is the opposite of the removal process got the two eight millimeter bolts up top two eight millimeter bolts down below the the ashtray and the cigarette lighter slash 12 volt charger and now go in two Phillips head screws in the top and two seven millimeter bolts down at the bottom and I will pop this pop this piece of the console back on for me on my setup I have to be mindful of these audio cables that they're not getting jammed up in the shift linkage here so I'm going to guide those little audio that little audio cable off to the sides go ahead and plug this in here in here so I don't scratch the - like I've already done and then I'm gonna go back here and give us a force and that's back into place now the last piece is going to be this vent assembly right here I just want to make sure before I put that together that I have this where I need it to be all of these chargers and audio devices are exactly where I need them this little guys lined up so this is all good go ahead and install my vents da da the dashes together the unit is installed that simple Oh another modification that I made since the last video is I went ahead and I added two more screws down here to really give some strength to this this shelf right here I noticed that this was starting to crack because it just wasn't enough plastic here to tie all this together so over time as I was hitting the audio control art the you know the volume or the power button this was starting to break away so I installed these down here so now this has a nice firm base and now the last piece of the puzzle which is the tablet that's just going to snap here into place and to connect our little power connector there and it's all set and ready to go I've got the tablet connected as you can see it's nice and clear there's no reflection no glare I have the car launch or as my home launcher so I have my audio controls over here to prevent getting a copyright strike I'm not going to play anything but I have my most frequently used apps down here I can add more if I'd like got my time got some audio controls over here I can go ahead and adjust the audio volume as needed so I'm going to go ahead and start the car you're going to hear the audio beep of the Bluetooth connecting this will I'm going to go ahead and connect to the Bluetooth and open up YouTube and play some audio for you [Music] okay that indicates that we're connected now so I'm going to hop into let's see you'll go over here to YouTube I have here a video of me drifting around in the ls so you can hear the audio here so there you have it nice and clean so I can go ahead and fire up my Waze app go ahead and put that on split screen with my lyft app I'll resize that a little bit get this guy over here a little bit more real estate for the maps and we're all set so this is my current set up in the vehicle I'm loving it right now it's it's been wonderful for me so far had no issues with it Oh got an email just now sorry about that yellow one of the apps that I mentioned while I was going through the walkthrough on the interior of the house was this app the obd2 link OBD link and I just wanted to quickly demonstrate some of the things that it's capable of so this is reading real-time the data from the OBD sensor so this is my actual rpm as I give it throttle and we'll go ahead and rise now all of these are customizable I can put them all in analog or digital and I can add or remove other gauges and there's a bunch of different pages I look up my boost it's not good anyway so this can be set up to be like an in-dash kind of dashboard if you will it'll run diagnostic trouble codes the trouble codes freeze frame PID values report so my oxygen sensors don't have a readout nor my freeze-frame but everything else here no no trouble codes let's see data is available so readiness standard okay so this goes through my mail function indicator lights what's available it's not available everything's checking out let's see secondary air system AC refrigerant will completely I don't know anyways all the main stuff is working correctly here onboard monitoring let's see rich lean manufacture to find gas exhaust gas exhaust sensor catalyst EGR evap misfire all the misfire data on all eight cylinders is looking good the only thing I have here is this EGR monitor and see maxximum something's going on with the exhaust gas recirculation let's see vehicle information so I got my VIN number here calibration ID calibration verification number that's interesting and the PID snapshot this is my fuel system throttle position yadda yadda yadda and voltage I mean pretty much every little output you possibly want out of your vehicle has it here on on all this information settings logs so this will actually keep track of your your trip stats on your miles per gallon anyway so this is a clever little thing to have available the only issue that I have with with the size of this is the access to these these buttons up here so I got my fuel reset set up in status but it's not too difficult to get to just pulling the pulling the tablet down sorry for the wind noise but I wanted to show you a few things from outside of the vehicle so this is my little acrylic lift / uber light here and it's in its in demo mode right now obviously it looks a lot better at night but this is running through the different little colors that it does and it's a cool little way that at night you can kind of stand out from the rest of the crowd I went ahead and I got this little guy off of Amazon tells you we had the charge available you know some safety stuff recommends tipping and and giving you a nice review and then over here I have a three-in-one this has got the the Lightning the USBC and micro USB connections right here and they will all actually charge devices at the same time so all of these are receiving power this is plugged into my console here and I simply hang it with this little household let's see photo like out you know like picture frame hook or whatever I just have that hanging right there so they're over here seeing that the charger is available and I got the charger right here shoutout to drift island one of the pages covering drifting and other motor sports in Puerto Rico definitely give them a follow on Facebook and that's it for now yo thanks for watching my video and let me know if you have any questions comments I'm sure there's a lot of stuff that I've left out here different shortcuts that that you may have you may know of that I'm unaware of and for you audio experts I'm sure this was probably excruciating and cringe-worthy to watch but hey I got it done I'm your average Joe I've never done anything with audio before in my life so this is definitely a first for me and it's been a success a lot of my riders have commented and asked me questions about this whole setup that I've got going on so that's the reason I'm putting together this video is to help you all put your own head unit together and make use of an Android tablet that you might might not otherwise be using anyways thanks for tuning in guys make sure you subscribe to my channel and give this video a like talk to you later
Channel: Edward Thompson
Views: 863,912
Rating: 4.6826048 out of 5
Keywords: android, audio, head unit, diy, wiring, controls, car audio, custom, custom audio, lincoln, ls, Lincoln LS, dashcam, dash cam, tutorial, tablet, android tablet, split screen, lyft, uber, ridesharing, ride sharing, charger, passengers, drifting, drift, bluetooth, nexus, nexus 9, double din, car stereo, double din car stereo, double din car stereo install, double din android head unit, double din radio, double din stereo, double din touch screen radio, double din head unit, car stereo installation
Id: 050JOhmvPzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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