Brainiac Tablet Wiring

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[Music] today we're going to go through what it takes to actually wire your tablet in jakar and that goes for both power and audio that comes in so first thing we're going to do is going to kind of go through a parts list of the things that you're going to need so for me because I removed my stock stereo and I didn't have an amp that was already powering my door speakers I went and got myself just a little amp here so this is a little amp from box is a hundred 100 watts and I'm able to run my door speakers off of that now if you're an audiophile and you want to be able to have you know fine grained control over each channel then get yourself a 4-channel amp and being able to do all that configuration for me a 2-channel amp was fine for being able to set my my door speakers for right and left so it has all my usual kind of presets got my audio in for being able to bring my RCA in from the tablet I've got different volume levels down there filters so just depending on what you're looking for this for me was nice it's a small unit that allows me to tuck it away without any issues and I've got a link available on the blog for where you can find this little amp itself so we've got our amp we've got our tablet of course we're going to run our audio and power to the other thing that you're going to want to pick up for your car specifically from metro or whomever is you're going to want to get a wiring a stereo wiring harness for your car so this is the same factory stereo and replacement wiring harness that you use for any kind of new Pioneer Clarion any kind of head unit that you're going to put into your car so you want to get the one specific for your vehicle because this allows you to unplug your stereo and plug your new wiring harness for your tablet directly into your car so cool thing with these as well on the backer and sheet on the inside they have all of the different color-coded wires of what goes where for you to be able to run to your car so where your power is coming in where it's expecting your speakers to go all of that stuff is all pre labeled on the package so it makes things easier so that's your power adapter the other thing that you're going to need to be able to run power to your actual tablet is your USB cable so I recommend getting an on-the-go cable I have links for that on the blog as well so an on-the-go cable is different than a standard charging cable USB cable so tablets typically use that port for charging but they can also use it for accessories so it's typically either for accessory or for powering so you can't do both usually on a tablet what an on-the-go cable allows you to do is be able to charge your tablet but still be able to use USB accessories off of it so I would highly recommend one of those whether or not you need to use a 90 degree connection and/or either the the tablet will depend on and on a space that you have for your installation so for any of our kids we've recommended either a nine year is straight on on-the-go cable that allows you to be able to that connection next thing that you're going to need is you're going to need a standard 3.5 millimeter headphone jack to RCA this is going to run your sound from your tablet to your amplifier to be able to get that and running through your car so you can pick these guys up anywhere and then it gets into more kind of tools so my my amp had a speaker harness for being able to run speakers in and out some different amps just have posts to be able to run those in there and then you've got kind of your powering harness again some different amps does have posts to run your positive and negative to in the case of my little one it's got a specific little plug that goes into it and the key thing that you're going to want to do off of your power source and this is where you're going to run your USB power to charge and power your tablet so the cool thing about the tablet has a battery so it can say in sleep mode when your car's off and then the power settings that I posted earlier allows it to come right back to light when it sees power coming off an accessory source so the main thing that you need to do for powering in USB into your car is you need to do a stack down so USB is expecting a 5 volt connection and your card of the 12 volts so you need to step down now what we did here is we actually wired in a little step down transistor to be able to do this now there's a lot easier ways to do that I would recommend grabbing essentially there's a few different out there that's you they could do a search for a USB charger on motorcycle or I put some links to some other ones for our vehicles as well on the blog and what it does it just wires directly into your 12-volt power supply and gives you a couple USB connections to be able to then run your source so it's a lot simpler than this one so I want to show this as an example just as an explanation what's inside those things is just this little step down and then you've got your USB plug to be able to charge your device so that's essentially what you need for for your parts and wires again on the blog on a list everything and even on our product pages we list all the different things that you're going to need to be able to connect your device now the other thing that you might need and it's something that's optional I needed in my car was essentially a ground bicycle later for sound so what it does is it will actually plug in between your tablet and your amplifier so my car had a whole lot of ground ground weak noise and it was coming across my audio what it does is it plugs in line with your audio link to your tablet and then to the amplifier and it cleans up any noise that might be coming across your your car's system before it goes to the the amplifier I needed that in my car because it was really bad distortion that was coming across through that headphone jack so it's an optional thing that you might want to get for your car you're not really going to know if you need it until you plug in your audio and tried it out so that is in general that the parts that you need and then you're going to want simple things you know maybe some electrical tape you'll need something for cutting wires something for stripping wires and this one's got a crimp tool on it as well in this case what we're going to show you could solder all the wires in this case we're just going to use you know about drawing crimps to connect everything together it's just simple and easy and quick from the point of being able to show how to connect everything so we'll get started and and seeing how we get everything connected so in the case of my wiring harness here I already gone ahead and connected things on on my cable so for me I really wanted to again I was running my front and rear speakers the exact same I didn't need four channels design two channels so I paired together the plus and n minus positive negative terminals for each of those different speakers you're going to have some wires that you just not going to use because it might be accessory things that you're not going to use for your system so I just kind of connected those up with some electric tape on the end and then you've got your power and ground is what you want to run into your wiring harness alright so we can go ahead and link in our cables so we're gonna do our positive and negative terminals terminals with a left and a right so here we'll use our crimp tool and crimp that down to be able to connect the tube and we do the same thing for the other side so that has our audio connected in now I've got my right side positive and negative I've got my left side positive negative so that all matches out to my handy little sheets that I've got here so that's going all of my audio going now all I have is my positive and negative for the powerfulness system so this is now going to run over to any of the wires that I got going to my amplifier to turn it on and also powering my USB cable that's coming across here so if we take our positives we'll link these together in here and then do our round as well and that has your harness ready to go we've got our power onto our amplifier we've got our audio going to amplifier so I'm able to now stick those in to my amplifier so my speakers plug in I've got my powering harness that plugs in that's got me good to go with the actual amplifier I've got my power here for my USB so I can take my source that's now going to my tablet I'll get in put that into my tablet and then I'm going to take my audio it's going to come out of the headphone jack and it is now going to run to my RCA cables so that has everything all wired so I've got my amplifier which power and audio my tablet that's speeding that with the actual RCA jack I've got my USB charging that's coming here and then I've also got now got my plastic cable that's going to actually plug directly into my factory harness and that will get your entire system powered and ready to go the rest is really just putting it into the plastics snapping it into your dashboard and you now have a tablet powered in your dashboard and so I highly recommend taking a look at our power settings that we talked about for the tablet as well because it makes a really nice experience I've been using it in my vehicle for over a year now and the power settings work really well one thing that I would recommend is where you're connecting your power into where it's charging I typically try to put this someplace where I can actually pop it down underneath another piece of tram if I need to emergency charge my tablet I can pop it out of there and put on a charge pack onto it and give it a nice charge even if I haven't had my car on for a while so that's really if I've had my car shut off or you know a couple of weeks and my battery's all gone in my tablet I can kind of charge it back up again quickly overnight just plug in my charge pack and I don't have to worry about having that the car turned on so hopefully you found this video informative and will really show you exactly how to connect everything that you need into your your car whether the audio power it's really same process of actually putting in an aftermarket stereo not a lot of difference - the main difference is really the USB power that's going to come in to assistance so with that I can thank you for joining us for the video and we'll see you again next time [Music]
Channel: Workshop 12
Views: 80,655
Rating: 4.8440619 out of 5
Keywords: Brainiac, Tablet, carputer, wiring, dashboard
Id: t_Kz-jFc7g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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