Turn Any Photo into an SVG Cutting File | How to Make an SVG Cut File from a Picture using INKSCAPE?

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hello and welcome to a new tutorial this is daisy in today's tutorial i'm going to teach you how to turn a picture into an svg cutting file for this we're going to be using the free graphic design program inkscape let's start but before i would like to invite you to subscribe to my channel like my video and press the notification bell like i mentioned at the beginning we're going to be using the free graphic design program inkscape if you don't have it and would like to use it go to inkscape.org and download it the photos that i use to do this process need to have a transparent background in this way i will obtain a more defined svg first i'm going to show you how to remove the background for this i like to use a free online program this one is called remove bg go to remove.bg upload the picture that you need to use and as you can see the program will automatically remove the background of the photo when ready click on download and save it on a folder that is easy for you to access now go back to inkscape go to file click on open select the picture that you just cleaned and open it click ok here's the photo i'm gonna make it smaller now select the picture go to filters click on color and then click on grayscale here you're going to select light preview and this is how it's going to look black and white adjust the likeness to your liking i like to leave it a little dark so i can get a lot of details on the faces and then click on apply and close the window when finished with that process go to path click on trace with map and you're going to see this window here you're going to leave it on single scan and brightness cutoff next we're going to adjust the brightness every time we change those numbers we have to click on update the higher the number the more details we're going to get in the picture adjust to your liking click update and then apply and here is the first layer you can save it like that if you wish or you can add more details i'm going to add some details on the hair select the picture again and lower the numbers on the brightness remember to click on update every time you change those numbers when ready click on apply as you can see now the hair have more detail put it on top of the picture send it to the top using this icon up here and replace the color to white align this layer on top of the picture and ready here is the photo already converted into svg format the image is a little dark but like i mentioned before you may adjust the brightness to obtain the quality you are looking for i will make another one with less brightness so you can see you can make several pictures and at the end you can pick the one that you like the most the second one has less details on the face but still looks good and one more step this picture has two layers if you wish to work with two layers you may save it like this but if you wish to work with one layer only select both layers go to path and click on difference now is only one layer after saving this file you will be able to open it on any program that requires svg for example cricut design space silhouette studio and others here are the steps we took to make this photo into svg first we erase the background next we turn it to grade scale or black and white then into svg and layers or cutting file as you can see this process was very easy and the last step is to save this photo into svg format before saving it erase everything that you don't need leaving the picture that you're going to save only place the picture inside the square go to file click on save name it and on file type select plain svg and then click on save now the svg picture is ready to be opened in another program that requires svg format like for example crico design space silhouette studio and others i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and don't forget to subscribe to my channel like my video and press the notification bell thank you for your visit and i'll see you in my next tutorial you
Channel: Daisy Multifacetica
Views: 7,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design space, cricut design space, cricut maker, turn any image into svg, turn a picture into an svg, turning a photo into an svg, how to make an svg from a photo, how to make an svg cut file from a picture, inkscape svg tutorial, inkscape for crafters, como convertir foto a formato svg, como hacer svgs, inkscape, remove.bg, diy svg cut file, diy svg cutting file, vectorizing with inkscape
Id: 5gIJw5kTR2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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